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please please help me out !! will be obliged

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.. amit gandhi d.o.b : 23 august 1986 time: 12:08 pm place-gurgaon,haryana,india


querry-- i went through a terrible phase in 2008 when i came to know that the girl whom i cared so much for .. was actually a flirt n she was just using me..:eek2::eek3::eek: i am an emotional person and this has left me wounded.. now its difficult for me to trust anyone..specially girls.. and therefore i am literally scared of a typical arranged marriage..it gives me jitters .. please some1 here please please guide me that whether i will have an arranged or a love marriage..if not love ..atleast will it be in a known circle of mine or to a complete stranger.. also when will it take place and how will my married life be..


do i have a post graduation.. from a reputed college?? i am right now in final semester of my software engineering.. it ends in aug 2009.. if there is a pg..is it in technical side or mba.. n when??

note.. i am wearing an lapiz lazuli gemstone on left had middle finger and white zircon on right hand middle finger as gemstones.. please please help me out.. i will be obliged .. thanks a lottss

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.. amit gandhi d.o.b : 23 august 1986 time: 12:08 pm place-gurgaon,haryana,india


querry-- i went through a terrible phase in 2008 when i came to know that the girl whom i cared so much for .. was actually a flirt n she was just using me..:eek2::eek3::eek: i am an emotional person and this has left me wounded.. now its difficult for me to trust anyone..specially girls.. and therefore i am literally scared of a typical arranged marriage..it gives me jitters .. please some1 here please please guide me that whether i will have an arranged or a love marriage..if not love ..atleast will it be in a known circle of mine or to a complete stranger.. also when will it take place and how will my married life be..


do i have a post graduation.. from a reputed college?? i am right now in final semester of my software engineering.. it ends in aug 2009.. if there is a pg..is it in technical side or mba.. n when??

note.. i am wearing an lapiz lazuli gemstone on left had middle finger and white zircon on right hand middle finger as gemstones.. please please help me out.. i will be obliged .. thanks a lottss




Before I talk to you about your qns, I have seen something in your chart that I would like to mention to you first. Your lagnesh (also 8th lord, death and destruction) is in 12th is thus weak. It is also blemished by Kethu. Lagna is aspected by 6th (disease, enemies etc) is highly malefic. This is making your lagna further weak. Furthermore, the moon who in general indicates mind and thinking is lord of 10th ( profession) is in association with Rahu in the 6th (disease and enemies etc) gives you confussion and foggy mind. Besides this you are having Venus Dasa for 20 yrs that has recently started and thus will give you mixed results.


I would suggest not to wear Zircon or Lapiz Lazuli. Rather I would suggest to do reciting of mantra that will make Sukra dev happy. No diamond please. If you want to wear gem, then your choice would be the finest Kashmiri blue sapphire, this will make easier for you to complete post graduation. For marriage you might like to get your chart matched properly. May be that particular girl friend was not a good match for you, and think other way that you found out soon about her rather than after marriage (Mars is the lord of 7th the marriage, relationship etc).


After August 2009 you will be having period of Venus major period with sub period of Sun and during that time MBA studies is favourable.



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thanks a lot webyogi ji for taking out time and repling to my querry..

year u were absolutely correct about me having a foggy state of mind and being confused.. what should i do for that !!


i will definitely follow your advice of reciting mantras for shukra.. but i dont know what is the mantra..please tell me what i have to recite .. and on what day/time and how many times.. anything you would like to tell based on your expertise to fine-tune for my 20 year shukra-dasha ..


webyogi ji is it not possible to know anything about my married life by looking at just my chart.. i.e when will be it and will it be to a complete stranger !!!! ????

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Hi there,


I wrote a reply to you yesterday but unfortunately lost it due to login problems. But I am very happy to see Shri Webyogi's reply who surely is much more knowledgeable than me.


For Venus, You should pray goddess Durga Maa( read Durga chalisa) on friday, keep fast too if possible. I find Maa Vaibhav Laxmi vratas very effective if done with a pure heart. submit yourself to her and she'd take care of you.

For moon, you should pray Lord Shiva on mondays and do OM NAMAH SHIVAYA japas on monday.You can do them anytime while walking, bathing, before sleeping. I personally believe its more about faith and concentration of mind towards the GOD we are praying. Also try any meditation exercise if possible.


About your marriage, I believe it should be a happy one as your 7th house and lord are completely unafflicted. Though the karaka Venus is afflicted and can create some difficult times but the above remedies should help towards that too. However, more important than that I would like to ask you to realize that this time is more important for your studies and career and other things can be taken care of later.


I am not an expert in the subject, not even close but just tried to give my best. Hope it helps.


All the very best.


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Hi there,


I wrote a reply to you yesterday but unfortunately lost it due to login problems. But I am very happy to see Shri Webyogi's reply who surely is much more knowledgeable than me.


For Venus, You should pray goddess Durga Maa( read Durga chalisa) on friday, keep fast too if possible. I find Maa Vaibhav Laxmi vratas very effective if done with a pure heart. submit yourself to her and she'd take care of you.

For moon, you should pray Lord Shiva on mondays and do OM NAMAH SHIVAYA japas on monday.You can do them anytime while walking, bathing, before sleeping. I personally believe its more about faith and concentration of mind towards the GOD we are praying. Also try any meditation exercise if possible.


About your marriage, I believe it should be a happy one as your 7th house and lord are completely unafflicted. Though the karaka Venus is afflicted and can create some difficult times but the above remedies should help towards that too. However, more important than that I would like to ask you to realize that this time is more important for your studies and career and other things can be taken care of later.


I am not an expert in the subject, not even close but just tried to give my best. Hope it helps.


All the very best.



Yes, I agree with mylilangel's well-written comments. Additionally, I would like to say that if you are vegetarian that is more than great and if not this is a good time to become one. Being vegetarian helps on more levels than anyone can realize. From a karmic standpoint and many, many other standpoints it is the way to go.



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Before I talk to you about your qns, I have seen something in your chart that I would like to mention to you first. Your lagnesh (also 8th lord, death and destruction) is in 12th is thus weak. It is also blemished by Kethu. Lagna is aspected by 6th (disease, enemies etc) is highly malefic. This is making your lagna further weak. Furthermore, the moon who in general indicates mind and thinking is lord of 10th ( profession) is in association with Rahu in the 6th (disease and enemies etc) gives you confussion and foggy mind. Besides this you are having Venus Dasa for 20 yrs that has recently started and thus will give you mixed results.


I would suggest not to wear Zircon or Lapiz Lazuli. Rather I would suggest to do reciting of mantra that will make Sukra dev happy. No diamond please. If you want to wear gem, then your choice would be the finest Kashmiri blue sapphire, this will make easier for you to complete post graduation. For marriage you might like to get your chart matched properly. May be that particular girl friend was not a good match for you, and think other way that you found out soon about her rather than after marriage (Mars is the lord of 7th the marriage, relationship etc).


After August 2009 you will be having period of Venus major period with sub period of Sun and during that time MBA studies is favourable.




I agree with much of what WebYogi wrote. Venus is weak and needs strength. Lakshmi mantras are best. They should be done with devotion. However I would recommend diamond. But not substitute stones. If its too expensive focus on just the mantras. That is what's really important anyhow.


- Pablo

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MANY THANKS to every one here for taking out time to reply ..

specially webyogi ji , ppena, mylilangel ..

thanks a lot !!


@ webyogi ji : yes sir .. i am a vegetarian .. :)


ill now start to work on the remedies given by the experts here

do i have to chant the mantras for shukra and godess lakshmi 108 times ??

and is it to be done in early morning??

or can it be done in any time on friday

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I don't know about the mantras for shukra. About the other remedies:

1) You can read Durga Chalisa on fridays. don't forget to read durga shloka first, then the chalisa and then durga maa aarti.

2) get a vaibhav laxmi vrata book from the market. Keep fast if possible. If not, you can read the shloka, then the vrata story and then aarti.

though pujas are always best done in morning but my mom has taught us that its always more important to be physically clean and mentally devoted when you do pujas and then any time of the day is the best time.

3) you can chant Jai Maa Laxmi any number of times throughout on fridays whenever you remember or get time.


Hope it helps. best wishes

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MANY THANKS to every one here for taking out time to reply ..

specially webyogi ji , ppena, mylilangel ..

thanks a lot !!


@ webyogi ji : yes sir .. i am a vegetarian .. :)


ill now start to work on the remedies given by the experts here

do i have to chant the mantras for shukra and godess lakshmi 108 times ??

and is it to be done in early morning??

or can it be done in any time on friday


108 is a 'magic' and cosmic number. You should chant the mantras as often and as much as you can. 108 is fine, and if you have more time, you can do more if you desire. Yes a good time for mantras is sunrise or sunset after taking a bath.



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