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Terror in Mumbai 80 dead, 900 injured JPM is ALRIGHT BUT ATTACK STILL GOING ON

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Sarva gattah

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Sydney Morning Herald




</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>'At least 80 dead, gunmen take hostages'

Melbourne Herald Sun - <NOBR>34 minutes ago</NOBR>

A GROUP of Australians are hiding in a restaurant in Mumbai in India after a series of gun and bomb attacks against Westerners killed as many as 80 people.

Terror attacks in Mumbai; 80 dead, over 900 injured <NOBR>Times of India</NOBR>

Gunmen kill at least 78 in 7 attacks in Mumbai <NOBR>The Associated Press</NOBR>

<NOBR>Sydney Morning Herald</NOBR> - <NOBR>AFP</NOBR> - <NOBR>New York Times</NOBR> - <NOBR>Radio Australia</NOBR>

<NOBR>all 810 news articles »</NOBR>



The situation at Jayapataka Maharaj's hospital APPEARS ALRIGHT HOWEVER HOSPITALS HAVE ALSO BEEN BOMBED AND THIS ATTACK IS STILL GOING ON, the muslim fundalmentalists are killing anyone with American or English passports



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How do you know they're muslim? Is Deccan Mujahideen muslim?


Forgive my ingorance please. I am genuinely curious.



Posted: November 27, 2008, 12:25 PM by Chris Boutet World



Late Wednesday evening, roughly two dozen militants armed with assault rifles and grenades and carrying backpacks full of ammunition came ashore in a rubber dinghy and immediately set about cutting a swath of destruction through the heart of Mumbai's financial and tourist districts.


They stole a vehicle and sprayed passerby with bullets en route to a series of coordinated attacks on as many as 10 strategic targets, including the city's largest train station, hospitals, a bustling tourist cafe and two of Mumbai's most popular luxury hotels.


Almost 24 hours laters, 125 people are dead and more than 300 injured, and the Indian army has engaged the militants in the Taj hotel and elsewhere in an attempt to save the untold numbers of people trapped or taken hostage inside.


As the carnage unfolded, a relatively unknown terrorist group calling themselves the "Deccan Mujahideen" claimed responsibility. "Muslims in India should not be persecuted.


We love this as our country but when our mothers and sisters were being killed, where was everybody?" a militant holed inside the Oberoi hotel told Indian television via telephone.


"Release all the mujahideens, and Muslims living in India should not be troubled."


So who are the the low fie barbaraian Muslim dogs known as 'Deccan Mujahideen?


Security analysts and intelligence experts worldwide have been scrambling in the wake of the Mumbai attacks to determine if the heretofore unknown group is affiliated with an existing group or if they are indeed new.


The group's Wikipedia page (yes, they already have a Wikipedia page; the Internet moves fast) lays out the etymology of their name as such:


Deccan refers to the Deccan Plateau in southern India which encompasses the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. The name is an anglicised form of the Prakrit word dakkhin, itself derived from the Sanskrit word dakṣiṇa-, meaning 'South' or 'The South'.



Mujahideen in Arabic literally means "strugglers". However, some terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaeda, carry out terrorist acts under the rubric of "Jihad," meaning "struggle."



But whether the group Deccan Mujahideen is local or foreign, a new group or operating under an assumed name,
the undeniable fact is that it is comprised of the Islamic men



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Sophistated Attacks But By Whom?



Alan Cowell, Souad Mekhennet – New York Times November 27, 2008



A day after the terror attacks in Mumbai that killed over 100 people, one question remained as impenetrable as the smoke that still billowed from two of the city’s landmark hotels: who carried out the attacks?


The Indian authorities say they captured some of the attackers, so some answers may emerge soon. But for now, their identities remain a mystery. Surviving witnesses recalled the gunmen as masked young men in unremarkable T-shirts and jeans, some heavily armed, wearing backpacks filled with weapons. The only claim of responsibility came from a group that may not even exist.


The assaults represented a marked departure in scope and ambition from other recent terrorist attacks in India, which have singled out local people rather than foreigners and hit single rather than multiple targets.


The Mumbai assault, by contrast, was seemed directed at foreigners, involved hostage taking and was aimed at multiple and highly symbolic targets.


Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India said the attacks probably had “external linkages,” reflecting calculations among Indian officials that the level of planning, preparation and coordination could not have been achieved without help from experienced terrorists. But some security experts insisted the style of the attacks and the targets in Mumbai suggested the militants were likely to be Indian Muslims, with a domestic agenda.


The e-mail message taking responsibility that was sent to Indian media outlets on Wednesday night said the attackers were from a group called Deccan Mujahedeen. Deccan is a neighborhood of the Indian city of Hyderabad. The word also describes the middle and south of India, which is dominated by the Deccan Plateau. Mujahedeen is the commonly used Arabic word for holy fighters.


But security experts drew a blank on any such organization. Sajjan Gohel, a security expert in London, called it a “front name” and said the group was “nonexistent.”


An Indian security official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to be identified said the name suggested ties to a group called Indian Mujahedeen, which has been implicated in a string of bombing attacks in India killing about 200 people this year alone.


On Sept. 15, an e-mail message published in Indian newspapers and said to have been sent by representatives of Indian Mujahedeen threatened potential “deadly attacks” in Mumbai. The message warned counterterrorism officials in the city that “you are already on our hit-list and this time very, very seriously.”


Several high-ranking law enforcement officials, including the chief of the antiterrorism squad and a commissioner of police, were, indeed, reported killed in the attacks in Mumbai.


With relations long strained between India and Pakistan, particularly over the disputed territory of Kashmir, suspicions turned toward Al Qauda, or Pakistani militant backing. The Indian security official said the attackers likely had ties to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a guerrilla group run by Pakistani intelligence in the conflict with India in the disputed territory of Kashmir. On Thursday, the group denied involved in the Mumbai attacks. India also blamed Lashkar-e-Taiba for a suicide assault on its Parliament by gunmen in December 2001 that led to a perilous military standoff with Pakistan.


The Indian official also suggested the foot-soldiers in the attack might have emerged from an outlawed militant group of Islamic students. Photographs from security cameras showed some youthful attackers carrying assault rifles and smiling as they began the operation.


Christine Fair, senior political scientist and a South Asia expert at the RAND Corporation, was careful to say that the identity of the terrorists could not yet be known. But she pointed to India’s domestic problems, and long tensions between Hindus, who make up about 80 percent of India’s population of 1.13 billion, and Muslims, who make up 13.4 percent.


“There are a lot of very, very angry Muslims in India,” Ms. Fair said. “The economic disparities are startling and India has been very slow to publicly embrace its rising Muslim problem. You cannot put lipstick on this pig. This is a major domestic political challenge for India.


“The public political face of India says, ‘Our Muslims have not been radicalized,’ she said. “But the Indian intelligence apparatus knows that’s not true. India’s Muslim communities are being sucked into the global landscape of Islamist jihad.”


“Indians will have a strong incentive to link this to Al Qaeda,” she said. “But this is a domestic issue. This is not India’s 9/11.”




Alan Cowell reported from Paris, and Souad Mekhennet from Frankfurt. Mark McDonald contributed reporting from Hong Kong, and Salman Masood from Islamabad, Pakistan.



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