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Rahu and Ketu understanding

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Hi Everyone,

I m new to this forum though not so new to vedic astrology :-)


Just thought to start something which is old yet quite intriguing

and controversial.


So thought of starting from here..

I would like members to participate from their personal experience about Rahu and Ketu and their behaviour in chart....


1.Commonly belived rahu and ketu does not have their own property and behave in way condition of their dipositor in chart.though they acquire their personal properties...


2.Rahu and ketu does have own houses...aquarius andscorpio resp...

mooltrikona house..virgo and piseces resp..

exhaltation hosues Gem.. and Sagi...resp

and Debilation houses....sagi and Gem respc....

But what about rest of houses and how to understand their relationship with other house lords.....


I would senior member to share their personal expereince and explain little elaborately what they think and how to approach this....

Coz i dont wanna belive them as pure malefic and thats the only weay they can behave....somehow it is hard to believe though it is my personal opinion


Hope to get participation..



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Hi Everyone,

I m new to this forum though not so new to vedic astrology :-)


Just thought to start something which is old yet quite intriguing

and controversial.


So thought of starting from here..

I would like members to participate from their personal experience about Rahu and Ketu and their behaviour in chart....


1.Commonly belived rahu and ketu does not have their own property and behave in way condition of their dipositor in chart.though they acquire their personal properties...


2.Rahu and ketu does have own houses...aquarius andscorpio resp...

mooltrikona house..virgo and piseces resp..

exhaltation hosues Gem.. and Sagi...resp

and Debilation houses....sagi and Gem respc....

But what about rest of houses and how to understand their relationship with other house lords.....


I would senior member to share their personal expereince and explain little elaborately what they think and how to approach this....

Coz i dont wanna belive them as pure malefic and thats the only weay they can behave....somehow it is hard to believe though it is my personal opinion


Hope to get participation..




Namaskar Raman,


Here are some comments I'd like to make:


Rahu and Ketu are considered "scary" to some astrologers and lay people alike because they are "malefic" in their approach. But this does not mean that they are "malefic" in their personalities and overall. For example, a well place Rahu is great for politics, science and technology, communication, oncology, gamblers, unexpected gains, and speculation. I know people who had excellent Rahu Mahadasas for 18 years and then had very bad Jupiter Mahadasa. It is all relative and so as a rule of thumb it is not good to generalise how planets are "good" or "bad." Saturn is "malefic" in approach as well. When he gives results it can be seen as crude whether they are gains or losses. While Moon is "benefic" by giving "softly" whether it is gains or losses. But the bottom line is both can give gains and losses.


Just my 2 cents...



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Hi all!


My first inclination is to look at the houses they occupy. Rahu is considered good in 3rd, 6th, 11th and 12th, subject to other checks for 12th.


Then, one cannot sideline the aspects upon them and also the aspects they throw. Rahu and Ketu are supposed to reflect aspects upon them. So malefic aspects on Rahu will make it more evil.


Rahu as atmakaraka is seen in the charts of great saints. We know that Rahu becomes AK when it is at the lowest degree in a chart, and not the highest as accepted for otherr planets.


Then , of course, Rahu's conjunction with other planets is also equally important. Rahu intensifies the pwer of the planet it sits with. Ketu has a seperative nature. Rahu is as materialistic as Ketu is spiritual. It is said that Ketu must end what Rahu begins. Rahu behaves like Shani while Ketu behaves Mars.


Lastly, Rahu transiting in 3,6,11 from natal moon gives good results.




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Hi Everyone,

thank you for nice replies from all of you..



For example, a well place Rahu is great for politics, science and technology, communication, oncology, gamblers, unexpected gains, and speculation


This is what i am talking about..What you mean by WELL PLACED Rahu....lets leave the aspect thouwn on them for once and just consider them only....

I can understand what you are talking about basic malefic and benfic nature of planets... but i am geting on same thing how to judge about qulaity of result nodes are going to give in chart....





My first inclination is to look at the houses they occupy. Rahu is considered good in 3rd, 6th, 11th and 12th, subject to other checks for 12th.



Deepa ji well said that about occupying of house by nodes would you also like to discuss about their relationship with lords of signs....to further fine tune the prediction...And also what about their position in other houses.....

What about 12th house as u have mentioned subject to checks...


Which aspects of rahu (and ketu if you takes ketu's aspect) aspect you and other stake....


Once again thank you for sharing your knowledge..




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Dear ompuneet,


the vedic story behind the nodes is rather interesting. you can read it here -




Rahu and Ketu

by Raghu

The story of Rahu and Ketu is as follows:

Long ago there was a great war between the Asuras (demons) and Devatas (gods). The Devatas were routed in the war and they went to Lord Brahma to seek his help. Brahma told them to churn the ocean.

As a result they would be able to obtain Amrit (nectar) which would make them immortal and all powerful and after consuming it they would be able to defeat the Asuras. Churning the ocean was a very big job and so the Devatas sought the help of the Asuras. The king of the serpents Vasuki was to become the rope, while a hill named Mandrachal offered to become the pivot. Lord Vishnu, in the form of a tortoise, became the base and the churning process began.

The Devatas held the tail of Vasuki and the Asuras held the head. Various things came out, during this churning of the ocean. There was a pot of Vish (poison) which created havoc in all the three worlds. Lord Shiva drank the poison to save the world, but he did not let the poison go beyond his neck which became blue in color. That is why Lord Shiva is also called 'NeelKant' ("one with a blue neck").

At last Dhanvantari came out with a pot of Amrit and immediately there was a mad scramble for it among the Devatas and Asuras. Seeing this, Lord Vishnu took the form of Mohini (a beautiful dancer) and offered her services in distributing the Amrit equally to both the Asuras and Devatas. She made both of them sit in two different rows but she gave the Amrit to the Devatas only. Towards the end, one of the Asuras saw through her trick. He went and sat among the Devatas and drank the Amrit. The moment Chandra (Moon) and Surya (Sun), who were sitting besides him, saw that he was a Asura, they informed Mohini. Lord Vishnu came in his real form and let out the Sudarshan Chakra (wheel) at the Asura. The Asura's neck was separated from the body, but he did not die as he had drunk the Amrit. His head was called 'Rahu' and his torso 'Ketu'. According to legend, Rahu and Ketu swallowed the moon and sun to have their revenge, causing an eclipse.

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Raman ji


yes i saw that too :)


We can discuss effects of rahu and ketu in different signs or houses. Then we can discuss conjunctions too. Regarding aspects, well i take the 5,7,9 aspects for both. But there are people who consider partial 12 house aspect as well. Personally, I feel the nodes affect the luminiaries whether aspected or not. SImply because the luminiaries sun and moon transit very frequently.


Some effect of moon antardasha within rahu causes agony/health issues to one's mother. Similarly sun antara to the father. Even if the chhaya grhas and the luminiaried are benefics, generally their naisargik factors show inauspicious results.



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Thanks to both Deepa ji and Raman Ji to clarifying my doubts.


Deepa Ji, it was interesting to know about Moon and Sun antardasha in Rahu Mahadasha as currently I am experiencing Sun antardasha in Rahu Mahadasha. And as a result I do see some relationship fluctuation with my father, also Rahu being in the house of Mercury may be helping me.


Any comments?




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Dear Raman,


Its good to see you here and you have already engaged Deepa ji in discussion good going pal. Well here's me with a an article by Das goravani.


Happy readings.















Rahu and Ketu have actually little to do with the other planets normal systems as they are outcases, rakshashas. They are one, but two parts on one being, an anti-godly power being, a power demon originally.



The presence of Rahu and his other half Ketu in the heavens comes only because an eventful moment in Rahu's life wherein just as he was getting what he sought, he was slain, and henceforth having gotten a taste of the eternalizing (within this realm) Soma Drink, is now living on like a God, but is not a God. Ketu is the dead half of his body. Rahu is the ever living head. One alive, one dead. One angry at the tattle tail Sun and Moon Gods, the other one dead but in the ecstasy of the touch of the deadly but liberating Sudarshan Chakra of Vishnu. So Ketu is more purified- as he has no choice- is more ultimate- Rahu is still toiling. The Rahu side of this axis represents toil, and the Ketu side detachment. Gain and Loss, in one sense, but Rahu's gain is not always material or external.



Rahu and Ketu come to us in the way that they were added to the heavens. Their presence in the heavens is ever antagonistic to the normal flow there, hence they are not welcome, nor wanted, especially by the luminaries. There is some connection with Venus due to the later being the Guru of Rahu, hence I buy the theory that Rahu is exalted in Taurus if anywhere as that is the safest house for him as it's Earth and Venus ruled, so the other Gods have less say there, Venus is at least compassionate for Rahu, and he's on the Earth there, not in the Sky chasing the luminaries.



If a soul takes to Jyotish during Rahu Maha Dasha, then most certainly they lived previously in a land or home where the authorities are anti-Veda, because then they are learning Veda during the anti Sun and Moon dasha. See? Someone said this. It's probably as I say. For them, that period was a tour away from their norm, and so their norm must have been non-Vedic. This is common these days in New Agers in the West. They will become hippy outcaste vegetarian love Jyotishi TM'er types and the like during Maha Rahu if placed just so in the chart, so as to oppose modern Western materialism. So Rahu these days in the West can often liberate a person, when properly placed, because "LIKE A DEMON AGAINST THE SUN" they pursue their cherished desire for Soma Rasa and often get it. Isn't that what we're after here? I am Ketu conjunct Moon myself. I am a nodal child born under a Rahu ruled Star and Ketu ruled lagna star, in Rahu mahadasha. Hmmm.



The effects of Rahu and Ketu depend most on what surrounds them in all respects like other planets. They are more reactive than anything though- they react and attack rather than build, unless what they are building is foreign to the place and times, new, different, a growth, a revolution, an alteration for either creative better, taking on new and better foreign ideas say, or for the worse, spraypaint and poison, revolution and killing. The house, sign and conjunctions are the greatest and main things to watch. Nodal conjunctions are important. The houses they reside in is the most key, then the sign, then the conjunctions, perhaps in that or other order. This is my understanding.



For example, Rahu in the sixth connects him with the persons and things the sixth rules. Ketu in the 10th connects Ketu with 10th house significations. The sign colors the behavior and conjuncted planets become affected. This is like other planets.



The primary mode of Rahu is to expand. He is a voracious grabber of good things in life, like Venus, but is expansive like Jupiter, and can generate sudden events like Mars, and powerful forces like Saturn. Rahu is very karmic. You will find politicians rising into power during Rahu Maha Dasha say placed in the 10th- we find it enhances the career overall, but is the way of that expansion good or bombastic in many respects?



Rahu in the first generates lots of worry in the head. Rahu in the first makes the person a wanderer, a foreignor, standing out, appearing a little agressive at times. Rahu means "the unexpected, uninvited guest from another land, hear to steal something, not wanted". This can never be all good.



It can however turn into: "Your Rahu is giving you the power to go into an established order or place or industry or endevour, and somehow or another usurp a position there, and reap the richest rewards". Yes, Rahu sometimes gets turned positive and agressive, allowing the native to capture something spectacular. Rahu often creates spectacular and stellar "grabbing" achievements in the house it tenets. The results of that house may really stand out after being discovered, just as Rahu was discovered. But the reaction may be also rejection by the common, but love and acceptance from an opulant minority, such as us here. We are an opulent minority in the world (Rich in knowledge) seen often as DEMONS in our countries, depending on the place. So these days in the West Rahu rules over astrology very much so. The fact that I have Rahu in the 5th and the 5th lord in the second directly connects foreign ideas and creativity that is unusual in my head (Rahu in the 5th) with my mouth (the 2nd) and hence it is supportive of preaching hinduism in America and Astrology etc.



The house where Rahu tenets becomes foreign and suffers the stigma of being unwelcome in it's environment very often. So Rahu in the first is hard on the person themselves, making them seem odd, outcaste, a little too unique, etc. However, they can therefore be the source of something new and original. They are often leaders of innovation in some way.



Look to where the Lord of the house of Rahu has gone to understand how he is reacting to Rahu, or where the lords personal interests lie, and it might give a clue as to why Rahu has attacked that particular house.



Ketu is a killer, and strips the house where it tenets of life in a way, but can promote it in another way. The way it does both is through it's strong empty feeling. By promoting an emptiness in that house, the person often struggles to refill it. This can result in accumulation and abundance for that house, hence Ketu in the 11th increases riches, by creating a feeling of constant poverty or drainage of the 11th.



Ketu in the 7th causes a feeling of loss of connections with others, a natural result of Rahu in the first, which makes one often rejected and abandoned for being outcaste. This happens subtly throughtout life for those bearing the mark of Rahu in the first.



Rahu always causes Ketu straight across. Thus, the nodes affect an axis always. On one side there is concern and expansion (Rahu) and on the other side there is detachment and loss (Ketu). They are head and tail of karmic reality- too much abundance and involvement for the mouth of Rahu caused him to lose his body but he became eternal in a sense.



So, you will over endevour and toil where Rahu is, because you are driven too by past karmic material attachments like Rahu. You will achieve much there, because of demonlike endevours. You will get rewards, but you will suffer for your sins of theft, and all along you will ignore the other side in some senses, and your detachment for the Ketu side will grow, or your feeling of loss there, depending on Ketu's particular color in the chart, and thus this is one way that various imbalances and karmic reactions will manifest- the Rahu Ketu axis is always key in discovering where some of our main problems in life will be- losses, deaths, diseases, weird and dangerous events. These two certainly carry these things.



On the other hand, they carry such drive and passion that they drive much of what goes on here. Without our Rahu and Ketu sides, we would not be struggling so as we do. We would not be learning as much. So, they are where the lesson stick will fall in this life, as well as SOMETIMES where serious fruits will be handed back to you from successful past lessons.



They are never considered really benefic in the sense of "all good", as they must always carry some of the heavy karma their birth is associated with, but they can be truly honorable in the right chart. They can be the source of things such as valour, endevour, bravery, in ways, and certainly things like fleeing a hostile environment, being revolutionary, fighting bad governments, being the underdog, being a yogi or spiritualist of many good types, focusing on things such as mysticism, death, the afterlife, God's valour, God's ultimate law (Ketu especially is aware of this as he's dead because of it!).



Ketu is the highest planet in Jyotish spiritually, because he rules the ultimate truth for us here. Jupiter can teach us all about Dharma, but Ketu really drives it home. Ketu and Saturn help us to realize the teachings of Jupiter and they alone teach us that we must be humble. Jupiter is too soft as is Venus. The malefics teach the hard side of our lessons and hence in a way, are more brave, more caring, in a way, than the benefics, who would spoil us rotten if left alone to do that.



Peace for all sentient beings,



Das Goravani




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<TABLE id=ignore height=1 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR id=ignore><TD class=kpCap id=ignore width=650 height=1>Rahu and Ketu </TD><TR><TD class=kp1td id=ignore align=middle width=650 height=1>Rahu and Ketu will


represent the Sign / House occupied by them in your Chart, provided they are not associated with any other planets. They have the right and the power to modify the outcome.


Whenever their main or sub-periods are active in the Vimshottari Dasha, look for the adjacent period lords and check if they have any association with these lords due to the House / Sign / Star or Sub.


Try and imagine that the star portion in a Sign is a container by itself and if Rahu and another planet occupy or are contained in this star, then Rahu can and will preside over the other planets functionality in total and whenever such associated planet comes as an adjacent period lord Rahu will provide the functionality instead of the said planet.


If the houses owned by the adjacent planet are favourable then it will act in a manner of enhancing or blowing out of proportion the effect of such houses. Rahu being a deceptive entity it cannot grant satisfaction and hence you will be left with a feeling of dis-satisfaction as Rahu multiplies, enhances or blows out of proportion all the effects. It is a force multiplier which leaves one tired and frustrated to some extent.


Rahu & Ketu are the two imaginary points of intersection formed when the Plane of Moon's Orbit intersects the plane of the Sun's Orbit. The point of intersection in the North is called as Moon's North Node and the point in the South is called as the Moon's South Node. Moon's North Node is called as Rahu or Ascending Node and Moon's South Node is called as Ketu or Descending Node


Since Rahu & Ketu are the resultants of the computed elements based on Sun & Moon. The Sun which represents the Spirit whereas Moon represents the Mind. The active or over-active part is Rahu whereas Ketu is the inactive or the passive element. The proximity or association of other planets with them represents the overall attitude in the chart.


In the chart, analyse their positions first, then check whether Rahu's Dasha is in the active age of the chart owner and if Rahu is associated with planets owning favourable houses or are occupying such houses in the chart then such a persons life will undergo struggle or a fight. In other words such a chart owner will be active and dynamic in nature and actions.


If Ketu's dasha is in the latter part of life and if Ketu is associated with planets owning favourable houses or placed favourably then that part of life could be passive or inactive.







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Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets


Why do Hindus believe that the mythological demons Rahu and Ketu cause solar eclipses?

In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story that describes how the gods and the demons once formed an alliance to produce a nectar that could give them immortality. This is the story of the churning of the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord Visnu as the Kurma avatara, the divine tortoise. When the nectar that was churned from this ocean was being served to the gods, a demon, disguised as a god, sat between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to procure the nectar. When he was detected by the Sun and the Moon, Lord Visnu immediately severed his head from his body. Unfortunately, it was not fast enough, for the demon had already tasted a small quantity of the nectar and had become immortal. Ever since, this demon is said to wreak vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever they come near. The head of this great demon is known as Rahu and his tail is known as Ketu.

In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible planets. They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at certain times of the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow the Sun or the Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. In Sanskrit this is known as grahanam or seizing.


What perhaps sounds like a childish story is a powerful metaphor for what actually happens when an eclipse takes place. Rahu and Ketu are the astronomical points in the sky respectively called the north and south lunar nodes.


To the observer on earth, the paths of the sun and the moon appear to be two great circles projected on the celestial sphere (see the diagram). The sun’s path, the solar ecliptic, makes a complete revolution in one year. At the same time, the moon’s circular path is completed in about one month. Every month the moon will overtake the sun which moves more slowly. This is called new moon or in Sanskrit, amavasya. Usually the moon’s path passes above or below the sun’s path and no eclipse occurs. But, periodically the moon overtakes the sun at the place where their paths intersect. This causes the sun or the moon to be hidden from the earth’s view and is thus called a solar or lunar eclipse. These places of intersection are the north and south lunar nodes, or as they are referred to in Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, in the symbolic language of mythology, Rahu and Ketu are said to “swallow up” the Sun and the Moon. The ancient Hindu observers of the sky were aware of the cause of the solar and lunar eclipses and so described the process in the language of metaphor.


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<CENTER>Rahu Ketu Transit 2008

</CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=46></TD><TD>Jupiter is in a good position like exalted or in its own house, then the native will be an influential person,will enjoy all benefits and happiness.If Jupiter aspects 2nd,5th,7th,9th and 11th house, the native is said to have Guru bala.During the period auspicious ceremonies are expected to take place in the native's life.

The signs (rasi) which gets benefit due to this rahu & ketu transit are Mithuna (Gemini),Vrichaga (Scorpio) and Thulam(Libra). life.

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Mesha Rasi

</TD><TD width=635>


Aswini 1,2,3,4 padam,Barani 1,2,3,4 padam and Kirthika 1 padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 10th house while ketu transit to your 4th house.You should spend time to update yourself to see success.Though you might see improvement in your undertaking, you should work hard to stablise your position. You should not get involve in any unwanted arguements.Change of job or place will be seen.You will also travel a lot during the period which might give you fruitful results. You should find ways to improve your monetary condition.You will spend more time towards arts & entertainment.



Pariharam - Worship Lord Balaji on saturday & Lord Dhakshanamurthy on Thursday.

</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=149>z02.jpg

Vrishaba Rasi



Kirthika 2,3,4 padam ,Rohini 1,2,3,4 padam and Mrigasira 1,2 padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit your 9th house while ketu transit to your 3rd house.Planning and executing are the key things to get success during the period.You will get right kind of support from your blood relations. You will spend more time towards social activities.You will see progress in your business and will also try to expand your business.You should take care of your health.Misunderstanding among couples are seen.Problems between father and son may also arise.


Pariharam - Worship Lord Hanuman & Lord Shiva on Saturday.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=150>z03.jpg

Mithuna Rasi



Mrigashira 3,4 padam,Thiruvadarai 1,2,3,4 padam and Punarpoosa 1,2,3 padam:


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 8th house and Ketu to your 2nd house. You might see fluctuations in your monetary conditions.Change of place or job is seen during the period.You should concentrate on your work to see progress.You will gain from friends.Those who are in partnership business should take utmost care.You should analyse the situation and then take decisions.You should control your expenses and make way for savings.


Pariharam - Worship Goddess Durga and chant Gayathri mantra.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=111>z04.jpg

Kataka Rasi



Poonarpoosa 4 padam, poosam 1,2,3,4 padam,Aailyam 1,2,3,4 padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 7th house while ketu to your janma rasi. Your success depends upon how well you speak and prove your talent.Analysing the situation, taking suggestion from your well wishers will make you more success. Monetary dealings with friends and family will land up in trouble.You should follow strict diet to keep you healthy.Delay in marriage will be seen during the period.Less profit or loss in business is seen.Parents should concentrate on their child's future.Unhappiness in family and misunderstanding among couples are also seen.


Pariharam - Worship Lord Dhakshanamurthy & Lord Sani.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=142>z05.jpg

Simha Rasi



Makam 1,2,3,4 padam; Pooram 1,2,3,4 padam ; Uttiram 1 padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 6th house and ketu to your 12th house.You will prove your talent and will see improvements in your job.You will come out of your problems and overcome all obstacles.Happiness among couples will be seen.You will understand each other will work for the upliftment of the family.You will make ways for your future investments.


Pariharam - Worship Lord Balaji & Goddess Durga during rahu kalam and chant Gayathri mantra.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=108>z06.jpg

Kanya Rasi



Uttiram 2,3,4 padam;Hastam 1,2,3,4 padam; Chittarai 1,2 padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 5th house and ketu to your 11th house.Avoid unwanted arguements.Legal decisions may not be in your favour.Though you take some bold decisions, you will be always under scrutiny. Misunderstandings among family members especially among brother are seen.You should take care in adding new friends. Delay in financial loans will be seen and it will be diffcult to expand your business.You will enjoy limited comforts and see substantial profits in business.


Pariharam - Worship Lord Dhakshanamurthy & Lord Dhanvantri.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=116>z07.jpg

Thula Rasi



Chittarai 3,4 padam; Swathi 1,2,3,4 padam and Visakam 1,2,3 padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 4th house and Ketu transit to your 10th house.You should be more dedicated in your work to see progress in your career. Sometimes you may not get the real credit for your work and may feel the pressure in your workplace. Financial loans may delay and you might see fluctuations in monetary conditions.Avoid unwanted arguements and you should seek suggestions from your well wishers, guide to have a good future.


Pariharam - Worship Lord Goddess Durga and Lord Hanuman.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=125>z08.jpg

Virchaga Rasi



Visakakam 4padam;Anusham 1,2,3,4 padam;Ketai 1,2,3,4 padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 3rd house while ketu to your 9th house.This transit brings you happiness in may ways.You will get a platform to prove your talent and will achieve great success.Improvements in your undertakings are seen. Financial gains are seen.Business people will expand their business.Happiness in the family is seen.Investing in real estate, shares will give you good returns.


Pariharam - Worship Lord Dhakshana murthy on Thursday, Goddess Durga on Tuesday and Lord Sani on Saturday.

</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=124>z09.jpg

Dhanusu Rasi



Moolam 1,2,3,4 padam;Pooradam 1,2,3,4 padam;Uttiradam 1padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 2nd house while ketu transit to your 8th house.You should take care in your business and profession.Analyse a situation and then should take appropriate decisions.You should take care while travelling and should be careful with your pet animals.Misunderstanding among family members are seen.If possible avoid travelling long distance.


Pariharam - Worship Goddess Durga on Tuesday and Lord Ganesha.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=125>z10.jpg

Makara Rasi



Uttiradam 2,3,4 padam; Thiruvonam 1,2,3,4 padam; Avitam 1,2 padam :


Transit Prediction :-Rahu transit to your janma rasi and ketu to your 7th house.This transit is not so good and will bring more confusions and problems during the period.You should work very hard to see improvements in your work place.Many people will try to pull you down and will work against you.Misunderstanding among family members are seen.You should postpone investing in real estate and shares.


Pariharam -Worship Lord Shiva & Goddess Durga.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle height=119>z11.jpg

Kumba Rasi



Avitam 3,4 padam;Sadhayam 1,2,3,4 padam;Pooratathi 1,2,3 padam :


Transit Prediction :-Rahu transit to your 12th house while ketu to your 6th house.You will see improvements in your undertakings. Abroad travel regarding work related assignments are seen.You should take care while travelling abroad otherwise loss of baggage or things will take palce. Happiness among couples and family are seen.You will add new friends and relationships.Financial improvements will be seen during the period.You will complete your financial loans and can invest in new mediums.


Pariharam - Worship Goddess Durga and Lord Sani.

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Meena Rasi



Pooratathi 4 padam;Uttiratathi 1,2,3,4 padam; Revathi 1,2,3,4 padam :


Transit Prediction :- Rahu transit to your 11th house and Ketu to your 5th house.This transit brings you lot of good news and improvements in your life.You will see success in your undertakings.Financial gains through investments, business are also seen.You will plan a trip with your family.Gains from family members especially brothers are seen. Happiness among couples are also seen.


Pariharam - Worship Swami Ayyappa.

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Remedies can be performed by participating in the homa and by wearing rudraksha to reduce the malefic effects of Rahu & Ketu.



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Here are some parts from an e-book I have on jyotish lessons-




Rahu and Ketu in Rashis




The Rashis show the emotional and psychological forces that compel us to act. The Rashi placement of Rahu will show the psychological temperament we are developing in this lifetime. It shows emotional energy that creates stress in our life. The Rashi of Ketu shows the temperament we have recently developed and where we have skill. It shows where we are critical of others and ourselves.

Rahu in Aries / Ketu in Libra - Ketu in Libra shows they have developed a measured and thoughtful approach to decision making, one which carefully considers all consequences and the price to pay. Skill and diplomacy with others is also highly developed. Rahu in Aries shows the native must develop the ability to act on impulse and follow their instincts. This will make them act first and think later as well as be more self interested or self inspired.

Rahu in Taurus / Ketu in Scorpio - Ketu in Scorpio shows a native who has experienced the intense, probing nature of the mind, one which is painfully aware of death / rebirth, life�s ups and downs and endings. They have established a certain amount of Peace with that difficult side of life. Rahu in Taurus shows they are learning to develop more consistent emotional patterns, rather than the emotions being pulled to their most turbulent extreme. These increased stability allows for deeper, more long lasting and valuable emotional connections. Given the turmoil possible with the Nodes, they are exalted when in this placement.

Rahu in Gemini / Ketu in Sagittarius - Ketu in Sagittarius shows a native who has established a hopeful, idealistic and innately spiritual mindset in their recent lives. Faith in God and a higher purpose are areas of life, which they are well acquainted. Rahu in Gemini will bring forth a curious, multifarious approach that compels the native to test their beliefs not just accept them blindly. This placement will make one Spiritual in a cosmic sense, not just religious in an orthodox sense. The Nodes are also very well placed in this position, as Rahu is able to develop through the psychological quality of Gemini.

Rahu in Cancer / Ketu in Capricorn - Ketu in Capricorn will show a native who is skilled in controlling the many external factors in life. Psychological strength was buttressed by a powerful career, bank account, worldly achievement, etc. Rahu in Cancer shows inner emotional strength is being developed in this lifetime. Learning to understand and develop control over our emotional turmoil is the lesson here. This is one the most difficult placements for the Nodes as we feel the need to developed the very area of life where we are the most insecure.





Rahu and Ketu in Bhavas




The Bhava where Rahu and Ketu resides show external areas of life that we are trying to develop or that we have recently developed. Rahu shows the areas of life that we want to experience, want to achieve. It shows our material attachments. Ketu shows where we would like to withdrawal, what we have already experienced and thus tend to neglect and where we will have detachment. Rahu feels


Rahu in the 1st house / Ketu in the 7th house - Ketu in the 7th shows that in recent past lives there was an over reliance on partners and others in general, when defining the sense of Self. This will make for a native who is very critical of partners and partnerships. In this life the Self as and individual is being developed. Thus the native with Rahu in the 1st will see all of life�s situations as opportunities to grow. When un-evolved this will make for high levels of egocentricity, when evolved high levels of Spirituality. These people may have their individuality suppressed early in life in order to find it later.

Rahu in the 2nd Ketu in the 8th house - Ketu in the 8th house shows a native who in recent past lives benefited greatly from others resources and other people�s money, thus their inherent sense of value came from others. This will make a person who is very reluctant to rely on others to help them. Rahu in the 2nd house makes for a person who will work hard to develop their own resources, thus allowing them to feel worthy and of value based on their own efforts, not the help of others. These people may have been devalued in some way to force them to find it for themselves.

Rahu in the 3rd house/ Ketu in the 9th house - Ketu in the 9th house shows a person who was guided by gurus or teachers or relied on powerful teachers to uplift them and define their belief system, thus they may be very skeptical of teachers and Spiritual teaching in particular. Rahu in the 3rd house will show a native developing the courage to challenge and test their teachings and teachers and to explore their own paradigms of understanding aside from what they are told by others. This will give the native confidence in their own ability to make the right decisions regarding their own fate. These natives may have had an upbringing where an oppressive religious environment led to rebellion.

Rahu in the 4th house / Ketu in the 10th house - Ketu in the 10th house shows a native who relied on their worldly status and external power of achievement in order to feel secure. This lead to a person who felt too attached to their actions and ultimately defined by them. They will be skeptical of worldly achievement and all that it brings. Rahu in the 4th house shows a native developing a secure domestic life and the nurturing quality that accompanies it. Escaping from the world into ourselves, and feeling at peace in our own private world is key here. These native may have lacked proper nurturing when young, which compels them to find peace of their own accord.

Rahu in the 5th house / Ketu in the 11th house - Ketu in the 11th house show a native who relied on their external ambitions and the admiration of their peers in order to feel important. They willingly subjugated their personal, internal inspirations for the aspiration of others. The native will tend to shun those who wish to be aligned with them through a shared vision. Rahu in the 5th shows the need to develop that which they are the most inspired towards, not that which will make them popular or successful. An individual creative life is the most important to these native. Expressing their unique vision is key. They will likely be tempted to do what the masses deem as popular in order to refine their unique expression.





Rahu, Ketu and the Grahas




When Rahu joins or aspects a Graha it distorts that planet�s expression in a way similar to the effects described above. The aspect / conjunction not only affects the planet on a soul level, it affect the planets as a house lord, as a planet�s primary worldly influence is as a house lord. Rahu will explode the outer form of the Graha as a house lord and Ketu will cause the energy to be withdrawn and criticized. A planetary conjunction is more powerful than an aspect as the conjunction joins the energy of the Node with the energy of the planet.

Rahu conjunctions with a Graha show psychological influences that are becoming developed. Planets conjoined Rahu will likely be expressed with immaturity, as is the nature of Rahu. Ketu conjunctions show energies that are already developed and where we have much skill, yet we are trying to finish. Planets conjoined Ketu will likely have maturity and refinement to their expression, yet the native will not feel satisfied with their level of development.

Behaviorally Rahu will be over expressive and magnify or exaggerate the qualities of the planets he is associating with, especially through conjunction. This quality of exaggeration is how Rahu brings their forces into our lives. They may be exaggerated externally or internally as psychological forces, or both. All of this is dependant on the houses involved and conditions. Ketu will withdraw and collapse around the planets he is associating with, especially through conjunction. He will tend to hide those things from our view and the view of others as he focuses on them internally. Ketu will try to extract the purest essence from these planets. As such, we will only notice what is missing where Ketu is concerned. In can be stated that the stage of Rahu with a Graha is where the native is in the developmental stage of its energy, and Ketu is where this energy is being completed.








Rahu / Sun - The Rahu / Sun association will show a native who projects the power of the Sun and thus may appear very confident and charismatic, yet there is usually stress and fear beneath the surface revolving around a lack of confidence. Much of their bravado and dramatic expression is an over compensation for this fear. The true nature of Self is being developed in this native, thus a large ego can be seen in less evolved types as well as a personality, which over estimates in own importance to others. Over time, a person with this placement becomes more realistic about their own importance and greater understanding of themselves beyond the level of personality.

Ketu / Sun - The Ketu / Sun association shows very high levels of self-doubt and shows a native who is not likely to feel content with their worldly actions, they are be a perfectionist. No matter what they do in the world they will feel a sense of lack. The native is being freed from the ego and a need to feel confident and powerful as the skilled eye of Ketu watches every ego game and false expression of Self with disdain. The quality of surrendering their smaller Self to the highest Self is being developed. Many times this will show a Spiritual native. Usually this native has had a childhood where they felt isolated and were made to doubt themselves on a deep, core level.








Rahu / Moon - The Rahu / Moon native will have a sense mind and emotional core that are not fully anchored in the heart. Thus there will be an ungrounded quality and stress revolving around their basic feeling nature and expression as an embodied creature in a physical world. It is through the Moon that we take in our environment and either experience ourselves in a joyful or a stressful way. High levels of self-consciousness and feelings of separateness are seen here as the mind looks outside for what it inherently lacks within. Thus painful relationships of all sorts can result. Over time, and as external factors fail to bring peace, the native learns to trust their inner voice and high levels of intuition and even psychic ability can be seen.

Ketu / Moon - The Ketu / Moon association shows a native who experiences deep levels of doubt and criticism of their own mind and mental outlook. This is one of the most difficult placements as it can make for a deeply discontented mind and extreme moodiness. Typical worldly experiences and pleasurable emotions can lead to painful episodes under Ketu�s probing and watchful eye. Many of the moods are from past life events that overtake the native, and then pass. Smaller disturbances trigger mental episodes that neither the native, nor anyone else can control. Yet generally they are good at controlling the emotions as this placement shows, yet control is not the same as having the detachment to enjoy without longing or regret. .








Rahu / Mars - The Rahu / Mars association leaves the native feeling stress revolving around the use of personal will and strength. This native will be engaged in power struggles of all sorts. Arguments, impulsiveness and a hostile nature will be likely. Through the dissatisfaction experienced in these arguments and confrontations, they are developing courage to look within for truth and the discipline to take positive, focused action in order to grow toward a true and lasting power. That power cannot be eclipsed by the opinions of another or their perceived superior strength.

Ketu / Mars - The Ketu / Mars association shows a native who is skilled in the use of where to exert their personal, will yet they will experience some frustration with how to express this more humbled approach. This native may find himself in situations where they are tempted to fight or do battle on principle. The scrutiny of Ketu / Mars will likely see the futility in such a battle, yet later they will doubt if that was the right thing to do. This behavior may lead to occasional explosiveness and destruction as the Ketu / Mars energy is also finishing the tendency to destroy and break things in frustration.








Rahu / Mercury - The Rahu / Mercury association shows an understanding of skills and information are being developed. This native will feel convinced that if they study, get as many facts as possible and develop their skills accordingly, there will be an ultimate answer. This leads to more and more frustration. as there is always another fact or skill to learn. What is being developed is the realization that the best use for our mind is as a tool that doubts all mental concepts as being ultimate. Rahu�s exhaustion of skills and information leads the mind to Jnana Yoga, recognizing each incorrect attachment to the thinking process. This allows us to separate truth from fiction.

Ketu / Mercury - The Ketu / Mercury association is showing the mind at the point where all mental concepts are in doubt and the highest levels of discrimination are being developed. A very skilled person and one with a probing intellect will be observed. Yet Ketu�s presence will be keenly aware of the pieces of information they do not have, rather than the ones they do. This can create much worry and mental vacillation as they keep searching for more information to doubt. They are learning to act more on intuition and to use the mind for its highest purpose, to see through the mental traps that give us the illusion of understanding and give the false paradigm of security we base our lives on.



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Dear Sandhu ji,

Thank you for encouraging and putting your view...

You know i took print out of Dasa Goravani's

article Rahu/Ketu yesterday but could not read it and when cam online today saw it posted it by you....)

He does make sense but still need to read it further...


But thanks anyway for further points... :-)




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Here are some parts from an e-book I have on jyotish lessons


Dear Deepa ji,

Thank you for your reply.... and can you share which book this is on jyorish you are talking about......


Just a thing.. i think you forgot to copy points of 6th and 12th house....it is missing in the post.....


Moreover i got a request for you and Other members also..It would be nice

if you can put points related to your personal approach while looking at chart from nodes point of view...

How you USUALLY try to judge them......Like personally i generally start with sign they r placed in them and then go by its condition and GENERALYL dont try to judge them by their palcement in sign as EXHA OR DEB or MOOLT....... and then get on aspects (that also rare coz i am little from KN Rao ji 's school of thought :- and Sandhu ji is quite aware of this ;-) )

but still i use it some times coz i find it quite helpful...


Please share how you appraoch....



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Dear Raman ji,


I have mentioned partly earlier. My method has the following priority-

house placement, conjunction, sign, placement and strength of dispositor, nakshatra, natural relationship with lagna nakshatra lord, relation with dasha lord, aspects, etc.


Even so, the priority varies with some lagnas because rahu acts like shani and for lets say a cancer ascendant, even rahu in good bhava will not give auspicious results.

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Dear Deepa ji,

Thank you for your reply..

what would you think about rahu's placement if it is not in 3,6 and 11 house..

Also when you talk about NATURAL RELATIONSHIP of rahu do you take that from saturn's point of view coz rahu and saturn are samdharmi and ketu and mangal are samdharmi...

or you got some other relationship while considering rahu's relationship with other planets...if later is the case then can you share about natural relationship of rahu with othe planets....


I hope you wont mind giving replies to my questions coz actually thre r so many approach towards rahu-ketu thing and i wanna know about as many as posible so that i can understand more about them...

Though it is true that everyeon has got their own way but i am sure everye way got their own quality and i dont wanna miss on anyone of them :-) .....


Just wanna to mention it is quite bold of you to come online with your way of working coz generally i find people to be scared of it and are afraid of others neagting their point thus they dont mention....Thank you for sharing.. :-)




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Expert: Ashutosh Agnihotri - 12/23/2007



QUESTION: Date of Birth: 24-09-1954

Time of Birth: 00 : 08

Place of Birth: Mumbai

Country: India

Latitude: 18° 58' N

Longitude: 72° 50' E




Planet Positions



Asc Gemini 9° 29' Ardra

Sun Virgo 6° 58' Dir U Phalguni

Mer Virgo 29° 50' Dir Chitra

Ven Libra 21° 41' Dir Vishakha

Mar Sagittarius 20° 8' Dir P Ashadha

Jup Cancer 2° 18' Dir Punarvasu

Sat Libra 14° 1' Dir Swati

Mon Cancer 29° 37' Dir Ashlesha

Rah Sagittarius 17° 26' Ret P Ashadha

Ket Gemini 17° 26' Ret Ardra





Nakshatra is: Ashlesha



Rashi is : Cancer



1) There is a lot of controversy as to the exaltations of Rahu and Ketu. Thru trial and error do you feel that Rahu gets exalted in Taurus/Sagittarius/scorpio?

Then there is controversy what effects he gives...some say he gives the effects of the lord of the house, and others say that Rahu gives the same results as Sani! (Sanivad Rahu)...yet others say he gives the results of the house he occupies...by this token in the above chart, the lord of his house is in deep vargottama exaltation direct; and even sani is exalted and in moolatrikona navmansh with sasa yoga. Independently he is ordinary by sign, but conjoined with doubly malefic Mars, EXCEPT that mars is lord of 5 & 10 from Moon....How would u reconcile these variations, and how do they augur for his dasa?


ANSWER: To date, never mind the dignities of rh and kt, but the manner of their fundamental expression in the chart itself has not reached universal acceptance.


A for what is being said about how they function, eastern scholars have written much on them, but contemporary and modern literature both eastern and western is becoming more voluminous in the evolving enquiry of the astrological firmament.


The rigmaroles of the analysis can be windng and definitely perplexing; especially if you try to find an absolute, final, pin-pointing 'prediction' for a singular graha. In (1), you trailed around the horoscope technically, but without making a single interpretation of the contributing variables you cite. It is important that you know each contributing variable offers its own effect that fluctuates the 'nuance' of the whole.


Stop the run around for the sake of better learning. This is what you want to do:


Go back to basics... always. You may have advanced knowledge of advanced techniques, but if your fundamentals are not solid, then your advanced 'techniques' can never produce 'advanced' RESULTS in your prediction-making. Make sure your indivisible fundamentals are solid and not shaky.


In your search for the greater truth for these chahya grahas, ask yourself: where is my rh? In which house? Fine. Now that house affects my experience in a certain area of life. And in that area of life, how is my actual experience? List this down, contemplate on this. If astrology is worth what its cracked up to be, your experience in that area will reveal a rh contribution. This argument is undeniable.


Here is my recommendation: use 'foreign element' for rh, and 'destructive fire' for kt for now. Please don't forget that there is no such thing as a 'good' or 'bad' planet. Where rh is in your chart, in that area of life you will find a strong dominance of foreign elements. Where kt is in your chart, in that area of life you will find a strong dominance of 'strong attraction for' but can be a major problem for you because you take things for granted in that area.


Don't worry about its dignities by house or sign position. The avasthas is a problem in good prediction-making. Weak or strong, every planet offers something in the prediction of single or whole issues.


As for (2), trying my recommendation above circumvents this problem. Read the fundamental statement you must make astrologically, and see if it relates to realworld events. Don't worry if it should, just do the reading and record it for yourself. Then, do the same type of 'reading' for every other horoscope. Let your own experience and observation be your platform for the truth to reveal itself or not. If no author can gratify your search, then do the research with your own experience.

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