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isopanishad's first sloka indicates advaita philosophy

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Q---do you or your maharaj believe that other faiths like islam , christianity etc are equal ways to god ??? YES OR NO ??




Sri gauranga Mahaprabhu was the ONLY ONE who reconciled the Koran teachings with those of Bhagavata dharma.

when will you develop the habit of providing proofs ????????


Sri Kripaluji Maharaj was conferred with the title of



by the Kashi Vidvat parishat.

what does it have to do with the present discussion ? as i said eralier im not goin to convert to his teachings.



He established the clarity of the hindu vedic dharma over all the world religions by first proving that all the world religions aim at only one objective

"To eliminate dukha/miseries/unhappiness."

i thought self realization is the primary goal and ananda , bliss or eradication of misery are its natural byproducts.


please get it verified from your guru.



By historical,theoretical and practical incidents it is clear that sanatan-hindu-vedic dharma provides the best bet towards achieving this goal.

true ..........nothing new or unheard ......



He was also titled,"Nikhildarshan-samanvayacharya" for he reconciled all the six darshan shastras as well as the four philosophies of the previous jagadgurus.

what am i to do with this ??? I DONT WISH TO CONVERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thus if anybody understands that each and every religion points towards one Supreme Truth,it has to be only the followers of either of these two.

which two ?? couldnt get you



There is absolutely no other person on earth who can quote profusely from all of the six darshan sastras and leave it in the infinite ocean of Sri-Krsna-Bhakti-tattva.

so youve met and discoursed with every spiritual figures on this planet ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and why do you go on mentioning his powers of qoutation ?? by this you are actually indirectly degrading your guru . even the age old orthodox , fallen brahmins of medieval bengal had this superhuman quotational powers . does qouting from scriptures suggest spiritual realization ??!!




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Q---do you or your maharaj believe that other faiths like islam , christianity etc are equal ways to god ??? YES OR NO ??


I don't think he is gonna answer your question.


As far as I see, his position on this is similar to the Prabhupada position. Muslims and Christians are also Krishna worshippers and so no complaints about them. Also no complaints about Bahai's, Chinese religions, native African religions, Inuit beliefs - no complaints about anything international. The problem is only with desi beliefs - specifically with Shaivas, Shaktas, Advaitins.


Once this level of difference is cleared, then there are the numerous differences between the various different branches of Gaudiya Vaishnavism - all of which have come to the limelight solely due to ISKCON's original popularity. That is the next step - to demonstrate how one's own camp is better than every other camp.



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I don't think he is gonna answer your question.


As far as I see, his position on this is similar to the Prabhupada position. Muslims and Christians are also Krishna worshippers and so no complaints about them. Also no complaints about Bahai's, Chinese religions, native African religions, Inuit beliefs - no complaints about anything international. The problem is only with desi beliefs - specifically with Shaivas, Shaktas, Advaitins.


Once this level of difference is cleared, then there are the numerous differences between the various different branches of Gaudiya Vaishnavism - all of which have come to the limelight solely due to ISKCON's original popularity. That is the next step - to demonstrate how one's own camp is better than every other camp.




well said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You are simply avoiding all my posts

(I'm not taking pride in it...I'm just stating the plain,cold fact.)


I don't give a fig to your petty "all religions are equal" sentiments.

First answer my posts,then we'll enter your abominable speculative dimension,where every single post is massacred with the intellectual capacity of an pico-meter.



Either anwser my posts or just say that you are not able to.


I won't give an ear to your pathetic tantrums.



who gave you the impression that i want to convert you?


My main goal is only to smash the delusion of self grandeur the advaitins hold,proclaiming that their philosophy is the only one which is corroborated in the vedas.

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Sri gauranga Mahaprabhu was the ONLY ONE who reconciled the Koran teachings with those of Bhagavata dharma.

Does any of you or your grandgurus(no offense) have that potential ?


Sri Kripaluji Maharaj was conferred with the title of



by the Kashi Vidvat parishat.


He established the clarity of the hindu vedic dharma over all the world religions by first proving that all the world religions aim at only one objective

"To eliminate dukha/miseries/unhappiness."

By historical,theoretical and practical incidents it is clear that sanatan-hindu-vedic dharma provides the best bet towards achieving this goal..


By this,i expected the fact that vedic dharma is above all religions,to be understood by you.

and yet you ask me to answer the qestion properly?

Actually,your not very intelligent.

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i thought self realization is the primary goal and ananda , bliss or eradication of misery are its natural byproducts.


Such imperfect conclusion.

If it were so,Karma kanda wouldn't have formed one of the three kandas of the veda.





so youve met and discoursed with every spiritual figures on this planet ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and why do you go on mentioning his powers of qoutation ?? by this you are actually indirectly degrading your guru . even the age old orthodox , fallen brahmins of medieval bengal had this superhuman quotational powers . does qouting from scriptures suggest spiritual realization ??!!??


Your so HUNG OVER tricksters and charlatans.You want to see mystics flying through air.

That is spiritual realisation according to you.


For you do not know that theoretical as well as practical realisation of the vedic revelation can alone disclose the Supreme truth to the enquirer.


Your magic tricks are of no use boss.Neither is plain talk.Guru's statements need to backed by shastra..


Veda says go to Kshotriya Brahm Nishta guru.


Pity your poor understanding of 'transcendental position'.





Your asking me if killing random pple for 'allah' (jehad)and then celebrating by throwing dead bodies off the roof of a 7-floor building,qualifies as equally true as the vedic teachings?



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Originally Posted by sambya (Post 147):


exactly !! i have no intention for debating !! neither do i post with the intention of debating , winning or loosing.


however it is very hard for any man of reasonable intellect( which , im sure you lack with your majority isconite brothers



Sambya evidently has no intention of debating , winning or loosing.

Sambya, "Be carefull what you ask for --you may receive it"

no win no lose--just whimisical grazing?

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My main goal is only to smash the delusion of self grandeur the advaitins hold,proclaiming that their philosophy is the only one which is corroborated in the vedas.

does any of my posts suggest that i proclaim such. which post are you reffering to ?

show me one advaitin in this forum who wants to exclusively glorify advaita .show me one advaitin who doesnt accept bhakti also.


and i can show you that all gaudiyas in this forum HATE advaita.




By this,i expected the fact that vedic dharma is above all religions,to be understood by you.

and yet you ask me to answer the qestion properly?

its something that is already known and accepted by me( maybe for you its something new) . for your knowledge swami vivekananda was its first proponent and i follow ramakrishna vivekananda thought.


theres no need for me to realize the position of kripalu maharaj in order to understand such a old basic fact.





I don't give a fig to your petty "all religions are equal" sentiments.

hey , i know that !!! the world knows that !!!!!!




who gave you the impression that i want to convert you?

what else could be the possible reason for continuous blasphemising of other deities and repeated glorification of kripalu maharaj ??? you say...



Such imperfect conclusion.

If it were so,Karma kanda wouldn't have formed one of the three kandas of the veda.

like to know whats the perfect one. also what are the three kandas of vedas according to you ??????



Your so HUNG OVER tricksters and charlatans.You want to see mystics flying through air.

That is spiritual realisation according to you.

ramakrishna never supported or accepted miracles. according to this thought ashta siddhis are the greatest obstacles to ones realizations.


so performing miraculous feats doesnt amount to spiritual realization . the same can be said of scriptural quotation.


bodily symptoms and behavioural patterns can be a true indicator of god realization , in case you dont know that.






<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> Originally Posted by sambya


</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Your asking me if killing random pple for 'allah' (jehad)and then celebrating by throwing dead bodies off the roof of a 7-floor building,qualifies as equally true as the vedic teachings?




all i can say reading this is shame on you .


it prooves islam to you is only about terrorism and jihad and such violence. evry religion and belief has its pros and cons.


crhistianity doesnt mean corrupted popes, conversion and burning at stakes only.


hinduism doesnt mean sati , idolatry or untouchability only .


these are vices that eventually creeps in in any religion over time. same is with islam . the innumerable problems that we see with this faith doesnt mean the faith itself is bad. generalisation is not a very intelligent practice.







im still waiting for the answers :



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all gaudiyas in this forum FEAR advaita.


Of course "FEAR" only as far as an intellectual conclusion to defeat Theism.


Vedanta is conposed of metaphysical analysis that SHOULD CONCLUDE with the Mono-Theistic conclusion that is supported by its Author Srila Vyasadeva.


Stop being a real-life Grandpa Munster --lovable but none-the-less a resurrected Vampire with strange recipes and a hidden dungeon under the floor boards.


Grandpa Munster:


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Btw, who gave you the impression that i want to convert you?


You did.


As you have effectively (with no evidence, whatsoever) proven to everyone that Advaita is a grand hoax, this leaves the Advaitins with no religious beliefs. Since you are responsible for them to give up their beliefs, it follows they will adopt yours.In effect, you converted Shankara's followers to His Highness, Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj's followers.



My main goal is only to smash the delusion of self grandeur the advaitins hold,proclaiming that their philosophy is the only one which is corroborated in the vedas.


A noble intention ideed, but why are you not doing this on the Advaita forum? There, you will be able to interact with Advaitins, and debates there follow a logical approach - that is a critic should provide valid quotes from valid sources to be taken seriously. "Advaitins say you are me and I am you" kind of nonsense conjured up by theist and co., will not fly (It does not fly here either). There are hardly any Advaitins on this forum to benefit by your magnanimity - or in other words, you are wasting your time here.


The world is waiting for you to finally get rid of Advaita - something that Ramanuja, Madhva and a dozen other failed to do - in spite of their best efforts. It is your time, dude...go forth and conquer! Go sign up on the Advaita forum and start posting your wisdom.



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Originally Posted by Kaisersose:

"If you can produce quotes from one of these texts to support your position, then you will be having a strong case. "


A) Isopanisad is an imporatant Vaishnava text because, as one of the Upanisad, it is one that explicitly exponds upon the nature of a Singular Personality of Godhead --SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THIS TOPIC WITH YOU POSTS?


B) The starter of this thread similarly sought to reduce Godhead & the scriptural truths substantiating Godheads' attributes [albeit in the Upanishads, which, as a group, are famously considered to be "expositions on the impersonal aspect of Godhead"]


maybe there are rogue (or novice) Vaishnavas who would be enamoured with you thorough erudition of your favorite selection of books that are counted among the Voluminous Vedic-Literatures.


A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami's translations arrived just in time for me and others to 'pick-up our own copies'.


A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami's translations are the OED of Vedic Literatures meant for advanced study . . .



There is so much convoluted circular non-logic, done with such posh, that I think the poster is using algorithms and a data-base to acheive such a high level of misanthropic discourse --that it can not be spontaneous, but, fully contrived.


Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm the only one who has been 'Card Counting."

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Shiva Manasa Puja


Rathnai Kalpitham asanam, Himajalai snanam cha divyambaram,

Naana rathna vibhooshitham mruga madha modhanvitham Chandanam,

Jathi champaka bilwa pathra rachitham, pushpam cha deepam Thada,

Deepam deva dayanithe pasupathe, hrud kalpyatham gruhyatham.


I offer you an imaginary throne made of precious jewels,

I offer you bath in the water of melted snow from the Himalayas,

I offer you holy silken cloth to wear,

I adorn you with very many precious jewels,

I offer you musk and sandal,

I offer you Bilwa and Champaka flowers,

And I offer you the holy lamp,

But all these I offer in the portal of my mind,

Please God who is merciful and who is the Lord of all beings,

Accept my offerings and bless me.


Souvarne nava rathna Ganda Rachithe, pathre Grutham Payasam,

Bakshyam pancha vidam Payo dadhiyutham, rambha phalam panakam,

Saaka namayutham jalam ruchikaram, karpoora gandojwalam,

Thamboolam manasa maya virachitham Bhakthyo prabho sweekuru


Sweet rice in a golden bowl inlaid with the nine jewels, the five kinds of food made from milk and curd, bananas, vegetables, sweet water scented with camphor, and betel leaves - I have prepared all these in my mind with devotion. O lord, please accept them.



I offer you Ghee and the sweet payasam in golden vessel ,

Decorated with nine type of precious gems,

I offer you five different dishes made of curd and milk,

I offer you panakam made of sweet fruits,

I offer you tasty sweet scented water to drink,

I offer you the lamp made of camphor along with tinkling bells,

And I offer you betel leaf and nut,

But these are offered by my mind with utter devotion to you,

So Lord Kindly accept and bless.



Chathram Chamarayoryugam vyajanagam, chaa darshakam nirmalam,

Veena bheri mrudanga kahala kala geetha nruthyam thada,

Sasthangam pranthi sthuthir bahu vidha, hyethat samastham maya,

Sankalpena samapitham thava vibho , poojam gruhana prabho.


I offer you a pretty stage,

I offer you couple of decorative fans,

I also offer you shining mirror,

I offer you Veena, kettledrums, Mrudanga and a very big drum,

I offer you song and dance,

I offer you full prostration,

I offer you several types of prayers,

But all these I offer you my Lord, in my mind

So Lord kindly accept this my worship.


Aathma thwam Girija Mathi sahacharaa, prana sarreram gruham,

Pooja theey vishayopa bhoga rachana, nidhra samadhi sthithi,

Sanchara padayo pradakshina vidhi, , sthothrani sarva giraa,

Yadyath karma karomi thathad akhilam, shambho thavaradhanam.


My soul is your temple my lord,

My activities are thine attendants,

My body is thine home,

My acts to please my senses are thine worship,

My act of sleep is the deep meditation on thee,

All my walks with my feet are thine perambulations,

What ever falls from my mouth are thine prayers,

Oh Lord, everything I say and do are thine forms of worship.


Kara charana krutham vaak kayajam karmajam vaa,

Sravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa aparadham,

Vihithamavihitham vaa sarva methath Kshamaswa,

Jaya Jaya katunabdhe sri Mahadeva Shambho.


Please pardon Oh lord

All those acts committed by me,

By hands, by action, by body or

By hearing, by my sight, or by my mind,

Whether they are proper or improper..

Victory oh victory, Oh, ocean of mercy,

Oh, The greatest of Gods and Oh benevolent one.


Matha cha Parvathy Devi,

Pitha devo Maheswara,

Bandhava Shiva Bakthamscha,

Swadeso Bhuvana thray.


My mother is the goddess Parvathy,

My father is the Lord Shiva,

My friends are the devotees of Shiva

And my native place is all the three worlds.


Gauri Dashaka


Leela labdha stapita luptakila lokaam,

Lokaa teetair yogibir antashira mrugyam,

Balaaditya sreni samaana dyuti punchaam,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 1


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who playfully creates and destroys the worlds,

Who is sought after by the mind of yogis, who are beyond this world,

And who is like a collection of light of several suns at dawn.


Pratyahara dhyana Samadhi stiti bhaajaam,

Nityam chite nirvruti kashtaam kalayantim,

Satya janananda mayeem taam tanu madhyam,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 2


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who can be seen by sages in the state of meditation and deep trance,

Who resides within our mind inciting it and giving it pure bliss,

Who is filled with pure bliss of wisdom and who has a slender waist.


Chandra peedaa nandita manda smita vaktraam,

Chandra peedalankruta neela alaka bhaaraam,

Indropendra archita padambuja yugmam,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 3


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who has a smiling face due to happiness created by Shiva wearing the moon,

Who has long dense blue tresses which shines by the moon she wears,

And whose lotus like feet is worshipped by Indra and Upendra.


Aadhikshantha makshara moortya vilasanteem,

Bhoote bhoote bhootha kadamba prasavitreem,

Sabdha brahma mayeem taam tatidhabhaam,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 4


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who shines as the indestructible primary being,

Who is the originator of all living and non living things,

Who is the primeval sound and who shines like lightning.


Moolaadharadutita reetya vidhirandram,

Souram chandram vyapya vihara jwalithaangim,

Yeyam sookshmaath sookshmatanustam sukha roopam,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 5


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who as the power, which rises from mooladhara,

Attains the effulgent form similar to sun and moon and shines like a flame.

And who is subtler than the subtlest and is personification of pleasure.


Nithya Shudho nishkala eko jagadheesa,

Saakshi yasya sarga vidhou samharane cha,

Viswatrana kreedana lolaam shiva patnim,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 6


I salute my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who as the one eternal, pure, stainless goddess of universe,

Witnesses its creation destruction and also upkeep,

And who is the consort of Lord Shiva


Yasya kukshou leela magandam jagadandam,

Bhooyo bhooya pradhura bhoodutitameva,

Patya saardham rajata shaile viharantim,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 7


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

In whose womb exists, the playful limitless universes like an egg,

And Within whom also exists plentiful visible and invisible forms,

And who occupies half her husband’s body and wanders in his silver mountain.


Yasyamotaam protamasesham mani mala,

Suthre yadwath kwapi charam chapya charam cha,

Taam adyatma jnana vadavya gamaneeyam,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 8


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who is a garland in which the mobile and immobile things,

Are sewn and woven on a thread similar to beads and flowers,

And who can be attained only through the path of spiritual knowledge.


Naanakaarai shakti kadambhair bhuvanaani,

Vyapya swairam kreedathi yeyam swayameka,

Kalyanim taam kalpalataanath bhojam,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 9


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who in varying forms of collection of powers,

Occupies the world and plays with it in her own accord,

Who is auspicious and who is the wish giving plant to those who bow to her.


Asaapasa klesa vinasam vidhadhaanaam,

Padham bhoja dhyana paraanaam purushaanaam,

Esaam easaardhangaharaam taam abhiraamam,

Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 10


I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,

Who destroys the troubles due to desire and affection,

Of those men who meditate on her lotus like feet,

And who has captured half the body of Shiva and who is ever pleasing.


Prata kale Bhava vishudhim vidha dhano,

Bhaktya nityam jalpati Gowri dasakam ya,

Vachaam sidhim sampadamuchai shiva bhakthim,

Tasya vasyam parvata putri vidha dati. 11


With a pure mind, right conduct and devotion, in the mornings,

If any one at least murmurs these ten verses on Gowri,

He would be blessed with words which become true,

Would have great devotion to lord Shiva and

And he daughter of the mountain would as a rule act as per his wishes.

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What the hell? What does that even mean? So many of your posts make no sense whatsoever.


If I may, here is a suggestion.


Audarya Fellowship <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: navbar_link -->> User Control Panel <!-- END TEMPLATE: navbar_link -->> <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: navbar_link -->Buddy / Ignore Lists <!-- END TEMPLATE: navbar_link -->


Initially, my thoughts were this is a childish/immature thing to do. But now I see its merits. It feels wonderful to be able to filter out trashy posts.



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You have not yet answered my question :




all of us are eagerly waiting ....................

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Your just embarrasing yourself.

Please leave the forum or give me the cue,i'll do so.


I'm not here to go on answering some questions just becoz the person who's asking them thinks they are very important.


You explain to me,the reason for the massively glaring irregularities of shankar bhashya on brahm sutra,or simply walk away.

Trust me,it won't be humiliating.

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That advaita is an impersonalistic philosophy and yet it`s not. When one( who thinks himself to be a self-realized soul) starts accepting that he`s really not God but His servant/associate only. Lord Chaitanya was even acknowledged by the mayavadis as Krsna himself and yet the Lord refused to hear them say it. Why?



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The fact that Sri Maharaj ji's name keeps coming up reflects your pathetic level of intelligence.


The level of the followers NEVER decides the level of realisation or position of the guru.


And when have i Ever shown the other gods down ??


Sri Maharaj ji calls Sri Vishnu also as the servant of Sri Krsna.

But can you understand the complexities behind such a statement ?


Do you have enough knowledge as to the nature of relationships and sentimental exchange between Svayam Bhagavan and all of His expansions?



When i call Durga a maidservant,you get angry as if you know Durga devi like you know your mother.


When Sri Brahmadeva accepts Durgadevi as that,it is to be understood as a fact.


Even Sri Laxmana serves Sri Rama.

That means you'll say it is offensive towards sri Laxmana?


Sri Shankaracharya is declaring that Rudra and Brahma serve Sri Ramacandra,putting Their heads at His feet.


Do you even know the position of Brahma and Shiva?


These two are the controllers of Svarupa shakti.They are to be recognised as indifferent from sri Vishnu.

But just as Srila Vyasadeva practises Bhakti towards His own origin,He is said to be a vaishnava.


Sri Shankaracharya said that Mahalaxmi is the origin of Sri Parvati.

Mahalaxmi Herself serves Sri Mahavishnu.

So what offense is there in saying Parvati/Durga is His maidservant ?


incessant use of material logic in speculations on vedic mantras has perhaps made mayavadis impotent on exercising the same in obvious matters.

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Sri Shankaracharya wrote Bhagavan Manasa puja addressing Bhagavn sri Krsna.


Shankar bhasya on Gita accepts Sri Krsna as Shad-aishvarya(full with six opulences) as Bhagavan.


The general definition of Sri Bhagavan is One who has all the six opulences in limitless quantities.


BHAGAVAN manasa puja is the manasa Puja of that Svayam Bhagavan Sri Krsna.


Shiva manasa puja is beautiful,no doubt.

But does it echo any incredulous statements of the shiva purana. ?


Does Sri Gauri's stuti support the statment found in the shakta puranas that She creates Vishnu and Shiva as if in a play ?

The verse glorifying Her as the womb of the entire material manifestation only stresses the description in the Brahma Samhita that Sri Shambhu impregnates Prakriti,who gives rise to material elements.


Ramabhujanga stotra?

Well,He is identified as the Master of Sri Rudra and Sri Brahma.He is identifies as the 'Supreme Bliss',whose name is given by Lord Shiva in the ear of dying devotees.


In the praise of Mahalaxmi,he identifies Her as the origin of Parvati/uma/Gauri/Durga and also of Laxmi and Of sri Sarasvati even.



These are facts and not childish statements meant to taunt Shiva Bhaktas/Shaktas,etc.


There is absolutely no need to bring bitterness in the mind about Sri Rama or Mahalaxmi.

These are Shankaracharya's statements.

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Let`s give due respects to the mayavadis. They, too, are self-realized souls who acknowledge that Krsna is Bhagavan. Yet they have to step down on a lower level to attract souls whose lives are situated at the margins.

Christians for example are a good example of souls who live lives in a marginal way. And it is just a matter of time when they get to hear a bonafide spiritual master like Srila PRabhupada that they prepare and start going home, Back to Godhead.



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HA HA HA................


the fact remains that you couldnt answer any of the questions.


because whatever you suggested was a result of your fertile mental imaginative power. and you have understood that you've been cornered !!!!!!


you are constantly by passing the staightforward questions.



I'm not here to go on answering some questions just becoz the person who's asking them thinks they are very important.

it is indeed an important matter in this discussion. why dont you answer directly .


its barely three simple questions and you have wasted over three posts without answering.


ill tell you a story?? once a old man was dying and he was being repeatedly asked by his well wishers to utter lords name at the time of the death . the old man replied after much requests ," i am not in a condition to utter lords name ". ha ha ...............instead of uttering a single word he spoke out a whole sentence........................youre doing that exactly.


by saying " i wont answer " etc you are behaving like manini radhe. psycology says that if you would have had the answers you would have instantly answered them instead of avoiding them. get it verified from a psycologist if you doubt me.



Ramanuja,Madhva failed to defeat advaita?

Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu failed to defeat advaita ?


Plz get your historical accounts straight.

youre bad at english . its not about defeating . its about eradicating , if youve failed to understand kaisersose's posts.



The fact that Sri Maharaj ji's name keeps coming up reflects your pathetic level of intelligence.

hey i didnt abuse him. why gettin upset ??? i curious to know whats his stand on the issues....




When i call Durga a maidservant,you get angry as if you know Durga devi like you know your mother.


I BELIEVE HER TO BE MY MOTHER . whether i know or not is of secondary importance . first comes belief and faith. i worship her as mother. and you are hurting sentiments of people like me on this forum.


just like you'ld be shocked if I mention the ill rumours about kripalu maharaj prevailing in mayapur dham........................in any case i dont want to do that..................................derogation is a monopoly practice of gaudiya vaishnavas.



Even Sri Laxmana serves Sri Rama.

That means you'll say it is offensive towards sri Laxmana?

if laxmana serves rama thats out of his love and wish . no one gives you the right to proclaim laxman as servant of ram. you are situated on a inferior level compared with laxman and have no authority to say who is servant of whom. leave that to one who is serving and one who is being served....................



Sri Shankaracharya said that Mahalaxmi is the origin of Sri Parvati.

Mahalaxmi Herself serves Sri Mahavishnu.

So what offense is there in saying Parvati/Durga is His maidservant ?




THE OFFENSE IS THAT YOU ARE DELIBERATELY HURTING THE SENTIMENTS OF PEOPLE WHO LKES TO ACCEPT DURGA AS SUPREME. for the time being forget religious things. even from moral standpoint you are offending others. let them be happy in their beliefs and you in yours....................



and dont go on quoting shakaracharya idiotically.he has written many stotras and stava each glorifying a particular diety .



incessant use of material logic in speculations on vedic mantras has perhaps made mayavadis impotent on exercising the same in obvious matters.

do you mean to suggest no material logic should be applied ever on spiritual things ?? what kind of spirituality is that which ignores material facts of life?








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Mayavadis are not self-realized because If they were, they would have not called themselves God-like?


And I suppose you have evidence to support your allegation that Advaitins claim to be god-like?


If not, kindly refrain from posting nonsense. Your Hare Krishna colleagues have already put their feet into their mouths several times over by posting ridiculous assertions about Advaita with no evidence, on this forum.


You do not want to be part of that group.



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Ramanuja,Madhva failed to defeat advaita?

Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu failed to defeat advaita ?


Plz get your historical accounts straight.


I have my history right, thank you. You clearly need a little lesson in basics of the history of Indian religion, what constitutes a debate, defeat and replacement of an existing belief.


Advaita is alive and well and the biggest tradition of all of these today and it has been so, since its inception. It ousted the prevalent Vedic tradition of its times - Purva Mimamsa - to obscurity and became the ubiquitous Vedic tradition pretty much all over the country. Shankara's success has been unmatched till date and that is the way to measure success or failure. On the other hand, Gauranga's tradition was limited to the Bengal region, practically died out in the 19th century and had to be revived. If it were not for Prabhupada's success, we would not even be here having this discussion. In short, the gap between impact and reach of Advaita and Gauranga's doctrines is so wide, that any comparison would be unfair to Gauranga.


And as you have been seeing on this forum, your own fellow Gauranga followers are reluctant to accept anything that comes out of the Kripalu camp. You have failed to impress your own ilk and yet now you are out to show the world that you know more about Advaita than Advaitins? Other than Bhaktajan and Theist and co, who do you think will take you seriously?



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