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Sade Sati

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<TABLE class=MsoNormalTable style="WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; mso-yfti-tbllook: 1184; mso-padding-alt: 3.75pt 3.75pt 3.75pt 3.75pt" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 0; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; PADDING-RIGHT: 3.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 3.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; PADDING-TOP: 3.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">My Moon Sign:

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; PADDING-RIGHT: 3.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 3.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; PADDING-TOP: 3.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Cancer

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; PADDING-RIGHT: 3.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 3.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; PADDING-TOP: 3.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Birth Star(Nakshatra):

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; PADDING-RIGHT: 3.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 3.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; PADDING-TOP: 3.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Aashlesha



Can anyone advice me when will sade sati end for me.


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a person who says "aham bhramasmi" should not care for these matters...

In reality(of the concerned person) the person is Shani dev himself...So ....enjoy.


Yes dear. Agreed. But I do not need your endorsement to care or not care. I know. I say. You know, so you do. If you think I am Shani Dev himself, thanks. You have alliviated me to the highest position. You are my next victim of Saadey Saathi. I will follow wherever you go.

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Goodone Shrikanth,I can't stop laughing.


Yes dear. Agreed. But I do not need your endorsement to care or not care. I know. I say. You know, so you do. If you think I am Shani Dev himself, thanks. You have alliviated me to the highest position. You are my next victim of Saadey Saathi. I will follow wherever you go.


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Yes dear. Agreed. But I do not need your endorsement to care or not care. I know. I say. You know, so you do. If you think I am Shani Dev himself, thanks. You have alliviated me to the highest position. You are my next victim of Saadey Saathi. I will follow wherever you go.


This doesnt belong here..


Wow srikanth, ranjeet didnt reply to u.Why so much of anger????.

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Srikant....Shani dev pervades his body and you pervade the third class body of a human(don't take offense.I consider any human body including mine as dirty.)

So tell me,how come you,who pervades a body here and shani,who pervades a body billions of kilometers away be the same and yet have different experiences at the same time?

I'm led to believe Bhramn is indivisible...It cannot be broken or torn or divided.Forget Bhramn...Any ordinary scholar knows that Aatma itself is indivisble.

A person only experiences events related to his body.Wereas another person experiences another set of experiences in some heavenly planet.Collective consciousness loses ground as soon as we consider these facts...Even a donkey can understand it's a farce.

And yet you believe that You and Shani dev are one and the same?

A certain living entity did a set of sacrifices and then he died.He got shani dev's body.

But for that,the living entity has to travel first to the MOON(ut-kraanti),

then his type of body is decided(gati) and after the span of 1 millenia or whatever,the living entity has to LEAVE that body and return to the earth planet(Aa-gati).

An all pervading entity never undergoes these stages of 'ut-kraanti'/'gati' and 'aa-gati'.

Now tell me...Which sane person will say that this living entity is non-different from all there is??

I'll answer that for you: NONE.

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Consciousness and consciousness alone implies that the entity is living.

You are on this earthly planet for you have a consciousness steeped in tamas/rajas gunas whereas Shani dev is the heavenly planet for his consciousness is steeped in rajas/sattva gunas.

If you are one and the same why this massive difference in consciousness?

If you still believe other wise,please go and slap your teacher who taught you this.Explanation: Teacher,you are bhramn.I'm Brahmn.Hand is Bramn and Your cheek is Bhramn.No problem.Enjoy.

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Srikant....Shani dev pervades his body and you pervade the third class body of a human(don't take offense.I consider any human body including mine as dirty.)

So tell me,how come you,who pervades a body here and shani,who pervades a body billions of kilometers away be the same and yet have different experiences at the same time?


Ranjeet, now that you have an authentic question, If I or you pervade only our body, we wouldnt know anything outside the body. So, we are also pervading outside it. Outside it means, the entire Universe is pervaded and pervasive. If you can tune your senses properly through proper meditation you can also know the pervasiveness and your unlimited power.



I'm led to believe Bhramn is indivisible...It cannot be broken or torn or divided.Forget Bhramn...Any ordinary scholar knows that Aatma itself is indivisble.


Purnamadah.....Purnameva Vasishyate which says, the Truth is considered as one, if you suppose to take anything away from the one, it is nothing but the truth itself. It is Indivisible. The same truth in different forms. Ajayamaano Bahudaa Vijayate.



A person only experiences events related to his body.Wereas another person experiences another set of experiences in some heavenly planet.Collective consciousness loses ground as soon as we consider these facts...Even a donkey can understand it's a farce.


For your astonishment, I can go to the extent to say, that even a stone is conscious. It is expressing itself as a stone. The donkey cannot think due to lack of intellect. It has only reflex actions. Understanding is where intellect works. That is the reason Man is considered the most sacred creation. So, the end result is that until man expresses himself as the body, he cannot know himself. When man learns from the stone and tries to express his true nature, he can immediately know how the formation of the whole universe has happened.



And yet you believe that You and Shani dev are one and the same?


Tell me one thing. Where can you feel Shani dev/Surya Dev/Shukra Dev/Guru Dev/ etc Dev? All effects are felt within you. So, if there is no You, there is nothing else. You means, not your form now. You were there, are there and will be there in one or the other form. Thats the main reason to tell 'shift focus onto yourself'. Hope you got the point.



A certain living entity did a set of sacrifices and then he died.He got shani dev's body.

But for that,the living entity has to travel first to the MOON(ut-kraanti),

then his type of body is decided(gati) and after the span of 1 millenia or whatever,the living entity has to LEAVE that body and return to the earth planet(Aa-gati).

An all pervading entity never undergoes these stages of 'ut-kraanti'/'gati' and 'aa-gati'.

Now tell me...Which sane person will say that this living entity is non-different from all there is??

I'll answer that for you: NONE.


By the general definition of Sanity, it is indeed NONE. The general definition is limited to the Adi-Bhautik truth only. The Adi-Daivik and Adhyatmic truth is quite different. That is why people like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Sringeri Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati and many more are considered insane. If Sukamuni came to this world now, you will be the first to tell he is insane coz of his looks. That proves spiritual sanity is different from worldly sanity.

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Consciousness and consciousness alone implies that the entity is living.


Who taught you this?



You are on this earthly planet for you have a consciousness steeped in tamas/rajas gunas whereas Shani dev is the heavenly planet for his consciousness is steeped in rajas/sattva gunas.

If you are one and the same why this massive difference in consciousness?


Lets make it simple. You ask that if everything is same, why can i think like you and you cant think like me. Why not? We havent tried. If you raise your level of conscience to that extent, you can do anything, become anything, see the future, past and present.



If you still believe other wise,please go and slap your teacher who taught you this.Explanation: Teacher,you are bhramn.I'm Brahmn.Hand is Bramn and Your cheek is Bhramn.No problem.Enjoy.


Any teacher of Advaita concept would have no attachment to his body. There is something called Karma if you know. You write your own destiny. By saying so, you have indirectly slapped yourself. Think again.

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Ranjeet, now that you have an authentic question, If I or you pervade only our body, we wouldnt know anything outside the body. So, we are also pervading outside it. Outside it means, the entire Universe is pervaded and pervasive. If you can tune your senses properly through proper meditation you can also know the pervasiveness and your unlimited power..


That should mean you know what lies beyond your line of sight.Okay,


ranjit:how many craters are there on the moon?

Srikant: can't tell.

ranjit:Can't tell?Why?

srikant:Becoz i can't see it from here.


the jeevatma(prakash-ak) provides the power (prakash) to the senses(prakash-ika).This is the reason why you know whatever you know.That's becoz you take in everything through your senses.


Ranjit:how do we tune our senses to the entire world?

Srikant: ...Woh aisa hai ki...woh waisa hai ki....It's like that...it's like this.

Ranjit(in his mind): your a rascal.


There is no such thing as tuning the senses to anything.Nor was there ever such a thing in history...Nor will there ever be.




Purnamadah.....Purnameva Vasishyate which says, the Truth is considered as one, if you suppose to take anything away from the one, it is nothing but the truth itself. It is Indivisible. The same truth in different forms. Ajayamaano Bahudaa Vijayate..


What rascal explanation.

There have been at most two incidents in history where expansions of one body have occurred.

Since Bramn is itself everything,There'll be no place left to take anything from Bhramn,and nothing or no one can take away anything since they itself should be Bhramn...So your appeal that we should view it as an indication of Bhramn,is totally false.

This verse refers to the PERSONALITY of Godhead who can expand is trillions of forms and still remain one.


Sri Krsna: Bhramn/paramatma/and the non-intellectual's bhagavan: Expanded in 16,016 forms to display a particular leela.If veda vyasa,Parashara,shukadeva,Shankaracharya are right then this particular Person,krsna remained as He is after this expansion.His each and every expansion was Sri Krsna Himself.Such expansions were unprecedented from the point of view of even Narada,who travels the entire cosmic manifestation and knows everything,For each expansion is Sri krsna Himself.That means,His body,Himself and His personality is SAME.i.e. Each of these 16016 Sri Krsnas were Godhead,yet they were one and the same,displying His inconcievable energies.

Further,If real mahatmas are to be believed,This same Sri Krsna expands into millions of incarnations every other second and enters every single atom in His paramatma/saguna/saakar feature,thus pervading entire cosmic manifestation.But even after all this show off,He remains as He is,enjoying His favourite pastimes in the spiritual variegated world.

but generally these mahatmas say anything insane.


Saubhari Muni:

Expanded into a staggering 50 bodies with his yogic(mayic) power to enact an apparently mundane pastime of marrying 50 girls at once.Has a material body that comes with by products like urine,gases,bad odor and faeces.

None of his 49 bodies/expansions enshrined the jeevatma that inhabited the original saubhari muni's body.


So decide who here is the Supreme truth.

You take out Rama,Nrsimha,Varaha,Balarama,Vishnu,Mahavishnu from Krsna,He still remains Krsna,Whereas Rama,Varaha,Balrama,Mahavishnu also boast of their complete Godhood.Since they are all from Krsna,they are automatically as powerful and as opulent as Him.Still,some clever people call Krsna as the master of all these Forms of Godhead,coz they know....Well forget it...your going to speculate on this anyways...Why should i give you food to commit Namapradha?




For your astonishment, I can go to the extent to say, that even a stone is conscious. It is expressing itself as a stone. The donkey cannot think due to lack of intellect. It has only reflex actions. Understanding is where intellect works. That is the reason Man is considered the most sacred creation. So, the end result is that until man expresses himself as the body, he cannot know himself. When man learns from the stone and tries to express his true nature, he can immediately know how the formation of the whole universe has happened..


Stone is conscious?? Wow....You really must start another religion.



Tell me one thing. Where can you feel Shani dev/Surya Dev/Shukra Dev/Guru Dev/ etc Dev? All effects are felt within you. So, if there is no You, there is nothing else. You means, not your form now. You were there, are there and will be there in one or the other form. Thats the main reason to tell 'shift focus onto yourself'. Hope you got the point..


What effects are felt? I feel no effects at all.

You must be on too high a level so you must be feeling these efects...

but what do you mean by effects of shani dev are felt?

Your addressing his body and then saying that his effects are felt within ME(not my body.)

That means shani dev's qualities are felt within jeevatma? Wow.That sounds new and honestly is not in my intellectual capacity to grasp.



By the general definition of Sanity, it is indeed NONE. The general definition is limited to the Adi-Bhautik truth only. The Adi-Daivik and Adhyatmic truth is quite different. That is why people like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Sringeri Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati and many more are considered insane. If Sukamuni came to this world now, you will be the first to tell he is insane coz of his looks. That proves spiritual sanity is different from worldly sanity.

Why are you giving defintitions for sanity.

My question was regarding ut-kraanti,gati and aa-gati.Answer that.

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Lets make it simple. You ask that if everything is same, why can i think like you and you cant think like me. Why not? We havent tried. If you raise your level of conscience to that extent, you can do anything, become anything, see the future, past and present..


Ranjit:Conscience can be raised?

Srikant: Yes!

RANJIT:Wow i din't know that.Now consciousness is already infinite,right.?Srikant: yes...

Ranjit:Okay,I'll double my conscience and then can i pervade/control inhabit two bodies at once??

Srikant: errr....i don-t...I-i-i-i'm nnnot ssso sure of THAT.

Ranjit: Why? It's only logical...If my conscience is going to increase...,my potential in going to increase...i should be able to inhabit two bodies at once...control them at once...This will make me firmly believe that i'm slowly uncovering my 'SELF'.


NOW do you know why you can't speculate.You speculate,I'll speculate too.It'll only show our imagination.

Real knowledge comes only from following and accepting a realised person's words.



Any teacher of Advaita concept would have no attachment to his body. There is something called Karma if you know. You write your own destiny. By saying so, you have indirectly slapped yourself. Think again.


No...but i'm just suggesting...Believe me,I've no desire to slap your teacher...It's just that i was so lost into thinking that I was Bhramn,My hand was Bhramn,Your teacher was Bhramn,his cheek was Bhramn,and then a thought came in my mind that i could slap him..I was tuned to the universal consciousness....It only told me that to remove the delusion that i and your teacher are different,the bodies being just mithya,i needed to slap him.....You only said,if you conduct yourself as SELF,there is no karma..and now your saying this????

Contradiction or plain ignorance of real knowledge?



I have taken support of your teachings alone and presented you these questions.Be kind as to answer them.

This too you decide.

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Ranjit:Conscience can be raised?

Srikant: Yes!



RANJIT:Wow i din't know that.Now consciousness is already infinite,right.?

Srikant: yes...unless you stop thinking from the mind.



Ranjit:Okay,I'll double my conscience and then can i pervade/control inhabit two bodies at once??

Srikant: Absolutely yes. Believe it or not. Have you read 'Autobiography of a Yogi'? If you havent, read. You will get an example from it.


Ranjit: Why? It's only logical...If my conscience is going to increase...,my potential in going to increase...i should be able to inhabit two bodies at once...control them at once...This will make me firmly believe that i'm slowly uncovering my 'SELF'.


NOW do you know why you can't speculate.You speculate,I'll speculate too.It'll only show our imagination.

Your imagination.



Real knowledge comes only from following and accepting a realised person's words.


Who decides the realized person? Again, YOU.



No...but i'm just suggesting...Believe me,I've no desire to slap your teacher...It's just that i was so lost into thinking that I was Bhramn,My hand was Bhramn,Your teacher was Bhramn,his cheek was Bhramn,and then a thought came in my mind that i could slap him..I was tuned to the universal consciousness....It only told me that to remove the delusion that i and your teacher are different,the bodies being just mithya,i needed to slap him.....You only said,if you conduct yourself as SELF,there is no karma..and now your saying this????


You dont know what you are speaking. Conduct yourself as SELF, yes, there is no Karma. But is this the conduct thought to you and consider it as the Conduction of the SELF?



Contradiction or plain ignorance of real knowledge?

I have taken support of your teachings alone and presented you these questions.Be kind as to answer them.

This too you decide.

Its upto you now to decide where is real knowledge and where is ignorance. Hope I have answered all your questions.

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