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Uner Mohan

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Can the learned ones advise when the Sade-sati started or will start in following two cases. As two different astrologers have given me different dates/months.


(i) POB: Delhi, TOB: 1.25 am; DOB: 21st October, 1952.

(ii) POB: Lucknow, TOB: 1.15 p.m.; DOB: 14th April, 1984


Thanks & Regards.........uner

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Dear Uner,


(i) POB: Delhi, TOB: 1.25 am; DOB: 21st October, 1952.

The native will be under 3rd Cycle of Sade Sati from 09-09-2009 to 26-10-2017.


(ii) POB: Lucknow, TOB: 1.15 p.m.; DOB: 14th April, 1984

The native is in 2nd cycle of Sade Sati running from 01-11-2006 to 02-11-2014.


Hope it helps.




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In second case where it has already started w.e.f 1-11-06, the native is doing fine since then. Rather getting better jobs/enjoying life/quality of life has improved/gone overseas/gone in to higher orbit of life. Can this be possible. His birth detail are correct.


In 1st case how his sade-sati will be. No astrologer has told any very adverse thing so far for future. Have they missed to notice this point while reviewing or it will not affect him adversaly.


Thanks & Regards...uner

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Dear Uner,


Effects of Sade Sati depends on the planet Saturn. I'm not such a learned astrologer to comment much on that, but with my basic understanding I can easily say that if Saturn is well placed, then the native never gets the effects of Sade Sati.


Like in my chart, I have an exalted Saturn in 2nd house, which shows that in the MD of Saturn I will be earning a lot of money. Further it is in association with 6th house. So for me Sade Sati is never a concern, as my saturn is well placed and a Benefic.


But at the same time, I have seen a native's chart with Retro Saturn being malefic exalted in 6th house. He has seen heavy financial losses during the phase of Sade Sati, but now his Sade Sati is over still he is into distress and his condition is getting worse, this is because Saturn MB is getting over.


I maybe wrong, but this is what I've learned. Please do correct me if I'm wrong.




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I am not the appropriate person to comment on your observations. Let the other learned ones come forward to throw light on this most dreaded subject taking above birth charts in to consideration to enlighten us with their views why the sade-sati is being very beneficial for the second case & how it will be in 1st case. If any further detail are needed I can provide for their reference.


Thanks & Regards......uner

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Dear Uner,


You might be disappointed to have a reply from another amateur but I believe that we must welcome the views of anyone and everyone who can tell us what we don't know, and then it shouldn't matter if the person must only be a "learned member" only!!!


Sade sati and for that matter saturn is always generally perceived to be very harsh. But in reality it isn't so. Saturn is a hard task master and a nyaypriya planet which sometimes makes it harsh on some people( like those with an illplaced saturn). On other hand, in the case of people where saturn is well placed, they do not face any such hardships.


In the second case here, the retro saturn(retro makes its effects stronger) as lord of 7th house becomes a functional benefic and gets placed in its exaltation sign in libra in 4th house making it extremely beneficial for the native. It improves the significations of the house it is placed in and also those it aspects.


the moon of the native is beneficially disposed in a friendly sign as well. hence, the results as mentioned by you. Also, important to note here is that the saturn here is aspected an exalted vargottam sun in the 10th house. Add to this, the dispositor of saturn, venus is exalted in 9th house of luck furthering the strength of saturn.


This is indeed quite an extraordinary horoscope with 5 planets exalted including rahu and ketu. with a 6th jupiter placed in its mooltrikona rashi.


I apologise if you are disappointed by my reply but I wanted to share my limited stock of knowledge on the matter. Kindly excuse!


I hope the learned members here would help correct me wherever appropriate.


Kind regards

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Thanks a lot. At the outset let me apologise, if I have conveyed that only the learned ones can reply. I did not mean it. It was only to give respect to the ones who spend their time in analysing & replying, I called such helpful the "Learned Ones". For an ignorent person like me, you (including Ayush who was the first one to reply) are also the learned ones. Your answer look OK to me. Rest only more learned ones can supplement/correct it. In second case besides 5 planets exalted including rahu & ketu with a 6th jupitar in mooltrikona (as mentioned by you), mars is in its own house (5th house).


I shall appreciate if you could throw light on 1st case also (For Ist case see my 1st post at the begining of this thread). Thanks once again.


Thanks & Regards.....uner

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Dear Uner,

Thank you very much for your reply and apologies for being harsh in my last post.


You are right about mars. This person indeed would do very good in life, job and career. However, Kindly excuse me for not interpreting the other person's horoscope as I some how find myself incapable of so and do not want to talk abstract. Kindly excuse.


Regards and best

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Dear Uner,

the second example is under sade sati right now in first phase. The best way to understand Sade satio is to realize that it is Sani who is making us to change. He-sani epresents vayu tatva and it is all about changing. If we are able to change, to take everything as it comes it is good for us. We are all seeking the change but when it comes many people doesnt really want that change and it hurst. This is more during sade sati. So go with a wind and it will be much easier. During sade sati many good things can happen as marriage, or traveling, stay to foreigh countries, but anyway it is a feeling as when u stay alone you feel emptiness - it is Chanda, manas it is transiting. Also it is said that during first sadhe sati our grandparents can leave (Sani is vayu, separation, pain and sorrow), during second cycle our parents etc.

We should also look at Sade sati in NAvamsa cart as it represents good or bad luck we brought from previous birth regarding some specific graha (we know that neecha graha in rasi gets neecha banga if it is ucha in navamsa). So that Sade sati can be even harder for a native.

If I am getting good cart there is Surya in first degree, hence Surja sankranti dosa is obvious. If it is not please infor me. How is partnership?

Best wishes, Bojan

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Dear Mylilangle, It is Ok. You were not harsh. Whatever you said was right & I agree with you.


Respected Astrologers,

May also kindly advise how the native in 2nd case will be affected during his forthcoming sade-sati period (please refer for his birth detail at begining of this thread).


I trust the Astrologers who are having passionate interest in Astrology would be kind enough to enlighten this soul.


Thanks & Best Regards...............uner

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  • 6 months later...



It depends on the strength of Saturn in your horoscope. Ohter planets also have a say. If the natal Saturn is too weak in the main birth chart and also in other D-charts such as Navamamsa etc, then you should be ready for a bumpy road ahead, otherwise a decently placed Saturn does not really trouble that much and sometimes absoultely nothing negative happens. One should analyse the Saturn's strength in the birth chart with some logic and reason to ascertain the exact effects. Good luck,



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I request the learneds to predict impact of on going shukra mahadasha & the forthcoming Sade-sati (w.e.f. September' 09) for the following naitive:


POB.......... Delhi; DOB.........21st October, 1952 & TOB.........1.25 am (after midnight of 20th Oct.).


Please do reply


Thanks & Best Regards...........uner

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I request the learneds to study this case & give their views on impact of the ongoing shukra mahadasha & the forthcoming Sade-sati (w.e.f. September' 09) for the following naitive:


POB.......... Delhi; DOB.........21st October, 1952 & TOB.........1.25 am (after midnight of 20th Oct.).


Please do spend some time & reply


Thanks & Best Regards...........uner

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