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How do you recognize the inner voice?

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Well, for sure it does have more than 2.


of course since knowledge is like a child, it grows with time.


<?xml:namespace prefix = o />



The Gita can't be classified as a religion.


could be; the Gita is a book but the ISKCON folk who publish it, well i have done a little homework; even before this day.


have you ever read the had written items?


Perhaps you may wish to read their own 'incorporation' bylaws




for the Incorporation of the International

Society for <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>Krishna</st1:place> Consciousness (ISKCON)





d) to teach and encourage the Sankirtan

Movement, the congregational chanting of

the holy names of God as revealed in the

teachings of Lord Sri Chaitanya


or below that is succinct



g) to establish and maintain temples and

education and welfare institutions

dedicated to <st1:place>Krishna</st1:place> for the teaching and

practice of Vedic theology, deity worship,

Sanskrit, agriculture, cuisine, craftsman-

ship and other art forms;

(h) to publish and distribute spiritual,

educational and cultural media such as

books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters

and audio-visual materials;

(i) to engage in missionary work




Then again perhaps i am reading about a different Krishna movement....



but it seems pretty clear




official ISKCON member or concerned outsider such as yourself and your multitudinous readership at Sampradaya Sun, virtually all US ISKCON 501©3 are non-membership religious corporations. This means that the only members are the directors, and all others supported by the corporation have NO RIGHTS of any form of control. This is a hidden flaw of US Constitutional structure in relationship to the extreme degree of religious protection


ie... perhaps you may not wish to spread your opinion around too tough because if everyone believed as you do, they will lose their 501©3.....


be wary wary quite about that..........



P/s .... mention to the members, i have some material that can be published.... but me no chant nor kosher.... just a me




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Originally Posted by paarsurrey

The above is a quote from "The Philosophy of Teachings of Islam" by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.




Is it really from "The Philosophy of Teachings of Islam" by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad or from the 'Kitab al-Maknun' ? ;)


btw why do you have to tell each time, that your a 'Peaceful Muslim' :confused:




I would have given the link of the "The Philosophy of Teachings of Islam" but I am informed that I am not allowed to provide links unless I have written 15 posts here. Please wait till I comply the rule.


The alternative is to access wikipedia under the head Mirza Ghulam Ahmad; in the list of books written by him look for the title of the book. The quote given by me is under the answer to the fifth question; primarily the book is answer to five important spiritual questions put in an inter-religious conference.


I write a peaceful Muslim; and that I am




I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

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I write a peaceful Muslim; and that I am




I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim


Are you making sure that you are peaceful each time. Man, that can be made out through your words and framing of sentences. Nobody here is Anti-religion. But they can differ in opinion which is quite normal. If you still want to put it, put it as a base line like mine is 'Asatoma Satgamaya' and you may have seen the 'Hare Rama....',Haribol,Gaura Gaura,etc. Just add it there so that you need not type it again and again at the end. It appears automatically.

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And Lord does not to anything without a reason. What a normal human being percieves is only the immediate past, while the Lord can percieve all of the previous lives and the Karma of the Jeeva in all these lives, so does Lord decide on fruit based on deeds of lives over lives...And this is the reason why sometimes we find (or we percieve) so called stupid becoming great people..


True indeed...


The great Sage Narada said... someone gets the mercy not by any endeavour.. it's only when the Lord set His Lotus Eyes on that particular person...


The same thing was said by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in His "The story of my experiments with truth" , " WHO IS THE OBJECT OF CIRCUMSTANCE AND WHO HAS BEEN CHOSEN AS THE SEER OF LORD IS A MYSTERY AND AN ETERNAL MYSTERY KNOWN TO THE LORD ONLY."

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Originally Posted by paarsurrey

I write a peaceful Muslim; and that I am





imagine Mahatma Gandhi moving around with a tag around his neck saying "Hey everybody, I'm peaceful". ;)


Wel, I don't mind if Gandhi does that to express outwardly what he believed inwardly; if he had believed that.


By peaceful I mean that I have been convinced heart and soul by sound, rational and reasonable arguments; and that I have not closed the windows and doors of my heart and soul for still more to come from anywhere.


I think that should satisfy you.

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Wel, I don't mind if Gandhi does that to express outwardly what he believed inwardly; if he had believed that.


By peaceful I mean that I have been convinced heart and soul by sound, rational and reasonable arguments; and that I have not closed the windows and doors of my heart and soul for still more to come from anywhere.


I think that should satisfy you.


Gandhi is Mahatma Gandhi. And had he walked on the way you would have thought then India would have still been a slave and I would have called him Gandhi not Gandhiji.

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You are welcome. You know the same way I would know of you all through your posts as we have never met personally.


Thanks my friends/brothers in humanity.


Yes obviously... But sorry there is no tag to give you a hint in my case. I suppose, I'm making it a bit difficult for you.


Thanks to you also dear friend.

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