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Can Astro experts help this man

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Dear Astro experts,:pray:


1. A well educated & married gentleman of 43 years old was holding a very responsible position in an organisation of high repute till a few years back and then started changing the job frequently for being not satisfied with the jobs offered for some reason or the other,despite the high salary.

For the past two/three months he is without job and says not getting any one of his liking.

2. Also now in a financial crisis & hence his family is highly worried


I wish to help this man & his family with your astrologically well considered view. I furnish below HIS & HIS better half birth details


The gentle man : DOB: 05-05-1965 /TIME:18-05 hrs / MUMBAI

Wife: BOB: 07-06-1970 /TIME: 15-20 hrs / CHENNAI


Date of marriage: 18-02-1993 - Muhurta: 9-00 to 10-30 AM at Chennai



I seek your help please.:pray:




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Ask him to perform the following remedy and there are some good chances of getting a job between 24 Oct 2008 to 19 Feb 2009:


Light a lamp of Sesame Oil at the Southern Side of his home continuously for 8 days starting from Tuesday or Thursday.

Donate Raw Banana (6 numbers) at some religious place/Temple for 6 days starting from Wednesday.

If he is wearing Yellow Sapphire and/or Ruby, it should be removed for next couple of months.

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Astro_tech Ji,

Thank you.





basant_c Ji,


I am not able to understand what exactly is your message.Is your message from an astro consultant?I am sure you are not,as your thread is no way helpful to any person in distress. Better learn to respond in a way that does not hurt others but only helps.You may check how politely,helpfully & informatively the great astrologers like Rajshekhar ji,USRJi,SasisekaranJi,Deepaji,M.R.Moorthiji,Bhaas kharan ji and such others respond to the quiries. I have already said that I am helping a person in distress with astrological guidance through the experts such as above on the forum.If you know his mistakes(really astrologically) and want him to know about it,why don't you put it across the forum so that we can also know the extent of your astrological knowledge for any further expert consultations? PLEASE DO IT,Sir.That will be conveyed to the person concerned so that he corrects it in accordance with how you suggest.



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Dear Sasisekharan ji,USRji,Deepa ji,rnramachandranji and others


Can I have your well considered astrological explanation for the the sudden unpleasant events for the native of the chart?.


It seems he is now running Mercury main,Mercury Bhukti,Jupiter Antar dasa.

Even his wife seems to run the same dasa now.

His wife's chart appears to support him well in my opinion but I am not sure.



Will Ketu bhukti give him a breathing space with gains in Job and finance or even sometime before?


Please excuse me for the trouble.




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Dear Sasisekharan ji,USRji,Deepa ji,rnramachandranji and others:pray:


Can I have your well considered astrological explanation for the the sudden unpleasant events for the native of the chart?.


It seems he is now running Mercury main,Mercury Bhukti,Jupiter Antar dasa.

Even his wife seems to run the same dasa now.

His wife's chart appears to support him well in my opinion but I am not sure.



Will Ketu bhukti give him a breathing space with gains in Job and finance or even sometime before?


Please excuse me for the trouble.






Can I repeat the request for details,gurujis,:pray:

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Dear Anusha ji,


Thanks for your response. My sincere apologies to you on the sufferings you had after reading my response.


Devi, I don't believe in that I am an expert. And, I don't think, there's any expert than godess maa bhagwati on this.


I can understand suffering of the person you are referring to. Please, my objective was to help him, not to hurt anybody's feelings. Once again regret for that.


As per my understanding about his kundali, his problem started with the chidam dasha (last quarter onwards of 2006). During this one need to refrain himself from agression, granting and taking loans. One also need to give due respect and room to lakshmi. Specifically, I mean here his mother, sister and wife. This will certainly help those people in getting blessings of maa bhagwati, which will finally pacify them with all peace,stability and happiness.


I beleive in karmas rather than temporary solutions. Reason, all planetory positions are based on our past life deeds. We get birth and location of those planets,beneficiary yogs based on our good deeds. I have got good examples, wherein because of their own deeds people flourished. They not only made their planets strong, but also attained more than they destined to.


Hence, under such circumstances, best remedy is to :

1) Worship maa bhagwati and try to obtain blessings. It's good to visit maa durga/lakshmi/sarswati temple regularly. Maa Shakti is lord of Mercury too, whose mahadasha and anter dasha is running now.Ask for help from maa bhagwati.

2) If possible do fasting on krishna paksha ashtami and pledge to do kanya pooja after getting settled. Visting to maa bhagwati shrine like Vaishno devi with spouse will certainly give lots of peace and positive energy.

3) Respect elders and wife/mother/sister. (Lakshmi resides there only).

4) Do daily deep daan twice (morning and evening). It will certainly remove all darkness of life. At evening time, spouse can do that.

5) If you have tulsi, offer daily water after worship and light lamp (deepak) in eveing .


I am sure with above small remedies all problems will go away. I have seen the magical effect for many. One need to trust on whatever they are doing. Hence, with above remedies certainly, mercury/budh will start giving positive result.


In case of any personal query, one may write me on basant.chaturvedi@gmail.com


May maa bhagwati bless all of you.


Pranam and once again sorry for inconvenience.

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om gurubhyo namah




dear smt.anusha


pl let him do the remedies recommended by shri.basant.


mercury dasa started in jan 2007. the slide in the professional front could

have started from here. pl confirm with exact periods of job changes.


mercury is neecha and placed in ghandanta position in rasi. in navamsa is

with moon , in the fully tamasic sign of kumbha. Moon causes grahana to mercury.


mercury is placed in the eight house in dasamsa. ( i have taken birth time to

be 18:01:10 ).


mercury is in vahni (forest fire) shastiamsa. mercury is with mars and

aspected by rahu in shastiamsa.


hence mercury has got all the potency to degrade his professional front.

mercury is chara amatyakaraka ! that talks about profession.


to remove affliction to mercury ask him to do the following.


1. donate two silver lamps to sri lakshmi narayana temple on a wednesday.

2. observe budha ashtami vrata.

3. on the budha ashtamai day during rahu kala he may go to krishna

temple or vishnu temple and distribute sweet (sugar) to the public.

4. chant " om brihaspatayai namah " 324 times daily

5. chant " om vigna rajayai namah " 324 times daily.



may mother bless all






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Dear sasisekharan Ji,

I have already communicated to the person the remedies suggested by astro_tech ji and basant_c ji. I have just informed the one suggested by you also.I have advised him to carryout the remedies as much as possible,as he has to do so much.


He was doing very well professionally,financially and all till the Saturn dasa and trouble started only from the Buda dasa beginning.

Anyway he will be doing the pariharas and hope he will surely be relieved of his problems.

Could Ketu bhukthi give him some good relief?




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