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Is the violence in Orissa affecting India's image?

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Is the violence in Orissa affecting India's image?



Kandhmaltension.jpgNDTV Correspondent


Thursday, August 28, 2008:

At least 20 people have so far died in Kandhamal district of Orissa following the murder of senior Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Swami Lakhsmanada Saraswati and his four followers.

Kandhamal is a primarily tribal area, where Christians form almost 20 percent of the population.

According to reports, one cannot step out in Kandhamal. The atmosphere of fear is palpable and the slightest provocation can rekindle the communal fires as shoot at sight orders are in place.

And, making the matter worse is that fact that the incident is getting attention from world over. Today, Pope Benedict XVI condemned the violence, calling upon Indian religious and civil authorities "to work together to restore peaceful co-existence and harmony between the different religious communities".

In this backdrop, one is bound to think about the affects of incident on the global image of India. What’s your take?

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My take? India is the storehouse of the greatest spiritual wisdom and also home to greatest number of insane religious fanatics in the world.


I would say the greatest number of sweetest insane religious fanatics in the world...


No religion except Hinduism genuinely accepts and have tolerance for other religions.


And I know you wanted to mean that as well, Theist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only Lord Jagannath can save from terror strike

By Anurjay Dhal

Last updated: 09/15/2008 22:48:28



Bhubaneswar(Orissa): Only Lord Jagannath can save from the terror strike in any major locations of the eastern pars of Orissa. Thanks to the callous attitude of Police Headquarters in Cuttack and the Home Department in State Capital.


Besides Temple City, ITR Chandipur, Puri, one of the four Dhams in Hindu religion, makes for another one for the terror perpetrators. What steps the State taken to fight back?


In its e-mail, the Indian Mujahideen, an affiliated body of Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) made copious mention of 'anti-Christian' activities in Orissa's Kandhamal district. It had also talked about Hindu organisations targeting minorities including Muslims in Gujurat and elsewhere.


Shocking fact was that, the Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, who holds the Home Portfolio, is now a days busy in election campaign to retain his supremacy in the coming Civic polls but he has no time to convey a meeting to review the situation.


Union Home Ministry has already alerted all States following serial blasts in National Capital, but no sign of alert has been witnessed since past two days in any part of the State. Though security was tightened in communal violence hit Kandhamal but no special measures have been taken to prevent a terror attack in other parts of the State.


Home Secretary TK Mishra , DGP Gopal Chandra Nanda and Intelligence chief Manmohan Praharaj are busying in discussion but no steps have been taken to fight back terrorists. These three elite class IAS and IPS officers are more or less busy to satisfy MHA over Kandhamal crisis as 10 Janpath is closing monitoring the situation. Who cares for common people? Asked a resident.


Since last two days, there were no reports of massive checking at all major locations of the twin cities of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar. Only the police preferred to use sniffer dogs to detect explosive materials at Jagannath Temple in Puri while the same was not followed either at Biju Patnaik Air Port or at City Railway Station. "We have alerted all our forces," these are few traditional sound bites of Home Secretary and DGP but alert means nothing.


City DCP Himanshu K Lal was spotted on Saturday night at City Railway Station few minutes after the serial blasts rocked New Delhi but after that he preferred to monitor the business from his officer.


The so-called smart Commissioner of Police, Bijay Kumar Sharma also did nothing for the twin cities. Vital top cop posts like DCP (Crime) and DCP (Security) are lying vacant. Specialized units like Bomb Disposal Squad, Quick Reaction Team, Technical Interceptors and Cyber Forensics are not available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There has undoubtedly been a long period of religious insanity in India. Ironicallyt, it has not resulted from a lack of worshipping God. Rather it is a direct result of our failure to recognize that both historical religions - Islam and Christianity - does not deserve to exist in India. Not only that, these viruses had slipped into the mainstream of Indian society and fraudulently claimed to represent God even as they killed and maimed Hindus for centuries. Consequently, we are now in a position that the Chief priest Caiphas found himself when Jesus sought to deceive the Jewish nation that he was their rightful messiah. One need only recall that the Jewish people almost lost their place and nation at the time.

Now you may be wondering how all this has created religious insanity among Hindus? There are many answers. Religious insanity begins with our failure to recognize that we must not tolerate any lies and deception that is propagated by any religion be it Hinduism, Islam, Christianity etc. For instance, we know fully well that Christianity teaches cannibalism. After all, Christians do no hide the fact that they eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood (symbolically or not) in what they call the Eucharist. Indeed, if one were to follows the periods of the Crusades, Christians actually ate the flesh of Muslim women and Children. How then can we as Hindus have tolerated the spread of this diabolical religion in India.

As for Muslims, they have waged a permanent war on the Hindus for our so-called practice of idolatry. Yet the child molesting Arab prophet (Mohammed) not only worshipped the black stone in the Kaaba but also licked it to his hearts content. How then have we failed to remind Muslims of these fact? It it insanity of cowardice on our part that we choose to be silent?

What Christianity and Islam has done to Indians in particular and other nations in general rises to a point that is beyond unrighteousness. I need remind no Hindu that Krishna exhorted them to go into the battlefield and fight in the defense of righteousness. Truly, one might charactize Krishna's instruction as crucial to the cause of speeding up his or her spiritual development. After all, if Christians and Muslims are willing to fight over oil and religious superiority then should not Hindus set the spiritual standard by fighting for noble religious principles.

For this reason, Hindus should recognize that what is happening in India nowadays is tantamount to the injustice that Arjuna and his family suffered. Nay, what is happening now may actually be deemed far worse. The truth of the matter is that billions of US and petro-dollars are being used to divide India and prevent Hindus from having a stake in their own welfare. Should Hindus remain mere spectators and hide behind our tolerance or should we actively remove these threats from their otherwise cultured and decent society? To remain silent is to encourage the terrorist bombings as well as the difilement of our religion. Such a thing necessarily, means that we have chosen the insane path of handing over our country to the Christians and Muslims.

By actively choosing to confront the Christians and Muslims we Hindus

would have begun to heed the words of Lord Krishna. Clearly, the fighting in Orissa as unfortunate as it may seem is only the beginning of such a battle. More battles are needed until all the Muslims and Christians are driven out of India. We ought not to shrink from such a task. After all, what could have been worse that brothers fighting brothers and cousins, who loved each other, fighting cousins. Yet, Lord Krishna encouraged such a battle in the interest of Dharma.

Although, it is unfortunate we Hindus must embrace the fact that we would have to fight many such battles against Christians and Muslims. Clearly, we have to remedy our insane acts of the past which allowed fraudulent religions to set up their nefarious roots on our holy land. Still, this is no time for regrets or worring about what the Pope and his Western cronies may say. Other than being liars and deceivers who are these Westerners really. Did they not kill and steal from other lands to accumulate their wealth. We Hindus should be proud that we neither delighted in the possessions of other nations nor coveted their lands. So hold steady my Hindu brothers and take the battle to the Muslims and Christians until they see the wisdom of leaving India for good. They have Pakistan. Let them try their luck there.

Swami Thayalan


You may contack Swami Thayalan at: criticbooks@



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There has undoubtedly been a long period of religious insanity in India. Ironicallyt, it has not resulted from a lack of worshipping God.



Thanks Swami Thayalan, brilliant article, good points, just want to add one thing, the erstwhile ancient world, Babylonia, cradle of Islam/Christianity - Egypt, Syria, Lybia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Marocco, Ethiopia.


All these nations were once luscious, fertile vegetable gardens with lakes, fruit trees, waterfalls and honey bees. What happend now after cow killing became the center of their "religious sacrifice"?


The total ancient world became desert with no more rain and not one blade of gras growing - all the nations around the Mediterranian sea, biblical droughts since hundreds of years. Every single nation where Islam and Christianity was practiced for thousands of years became a baneful dessert, a valley of death.


So what happened all the people of these destroyed nations went to India, Northern Europe, US, Australia, South America and guess what, carry with them that very same energy of destruction.


Take California, Florida, the most beautiful countries of US where the elite is residing, no more rain since three years! Same in India, since the Muslim aggressively started to buy the cows from poverty stricken Hindu farmers, the climate plays havoc.


Rivers poluted, groundwater poluted.

Actually why the groundwater is polluted? Because the farmers were forced to give up their cowherds who prvided natural fertilizer they needed chemical fertilizer.


This fertilizer changes the soil so it doesnt store water anymore, the water runs like full spead through the soil so speak and the artificial fertilization has to be increased constantly. Therefore people can't drink groundwater anymore, they got poisoned by all these chemicals from foreign chemical industries.


In sum, if things are not changed back to vedic culture India will become like the cradle of Islam/Christianity, Egypt, Marocco, Lybia etc. - a lunar landscape without one drop of rain.

Already millions of Hindus are leaving the country for good...

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It already affected India's image and brought a disgrace to us.

On top of this idiots like swami Thayalan still trying to stir what is trying to settle finally.

These murderers shouldn't be called Hindus in first place - they're cheap animals, uneducated simply go and destroy madly other people after hearing to lunatics like swami Thaylan.

So funny to read his understanding of Hinduism and other religion, and others applause on this outrageous idiots writing.

I stand with other Hindus and declare that we don't support what's going on in Orrisa. Do Indians not have right to believe in what they believe is correct???

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