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My Small Kids DONT eat anything-- Serious Problem

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I need advice for some serious matter about the eating habit of my kids 5yr and 2 yr old girls.


My both kids dont like eat anything.....anything means anything !!! or eat very small portion of food......They both dont feel like eating anything.


We try and give them all possible kind of food which normal kids like eating but they dont like that also.


Me and my wife have taken them to various doctors. They prescriber medicine/tonic to improve the digestion system but no medicine work on them.


Both of them are medically fit but they dont eat. Their weight is also quite less as compare to other same age group children.


Please advice some alternate medicine which can improve their desire to eat proper food. We ahve tried regular medicine, ayurvedic,home based medicine but nothing worked.


As a parent we are under depression due to this problem.


Pls help us in this regard. Will Homeopathy work in this ?



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I need advice for some serious matter about the eating habit of my kids 5yr and 2 yr old girls.


My both kids dont like eat anything.....anything means anything !!! or eat very small portion of food......They both dont feel like eating anything.


We try and give them all possible kind of food which normal kids like eating but they dont like that also.


Me and my wife have taken them to various doctors. They prescriber medicine/tonic to improve the digestion system but no medicine work on them.


Both of them are medically fit but they dont eat. Their weight is also quite less as compare to other same age group children.


Please advice some alternate medicine which can improve their desire to eat proper food. We ahve tried regular medicine, ayurvedic,home based medicine but nothing worked.


As a parent we are under depression due to this problem.


Pls help us in this regard. Will Homeopathy work in this ?



Could be that they eat somewhere else? At their grandmother's home while you're at work?

My daughter also never ate very much but mysterously she has now normal weight. Sometimes adults consider that children should like to eat what adults like. This is mostly very wrong. Children don't like strongly spiced food, no tamasic food, pickled stuff, vinegar, cured or smoked food, deep-fried, etc etc.

Basically you don't have to worry, it is similar like with sleep, the body demands what it needs, at one point they figure what they like to eat and start eating. Or like my daughter only ate small amounts but never felt malnourished. It is also not good if you signal your children that there's something wrong with them. They won't understand but start feel very depressed in your presence, are getting afraid of seeing their father.

Learn to treat them positive, no disapproving glance but you're very happy to have them as your children. Usually only very old people have problems with digestion.

Do you know in which astrological sign Mars of your kids is?

Lets say Mars is in Taurus or Lion, they would be voracious eater Bhima.

For example if someone eats less but having Mars in fiery element, then there could be something wrong. Someone having Mars in Pisces will never eat big amount.

If there's additionally Ascendant in element water or air, like Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Twin, Aquarius, Libra don't worry if they eat almost nothing.

Take care that the small amount what they eat is first class and best quality food.

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Dear Alok ji

thanks for mentioning me regarding to problem of ur kids.. let me tell u one thing very clear please check ur kids eat soil or sand or any clay in home.. becuase some times in any clinical abbrevation or any clinical test small worms in body wont come in any xray or any exmaination,, other things it happens with childern some times they refuce to eat..

what medicine you have given to ur kids in Ayurveda?? also there is very nice effective medicine i m sure about ur kids relief.. so please reply me about my question..

i m telling you one very simple formulation about herbs u or your wife can prepare in home and try 15-20days i m sure they love to eat and having good digestion..

material required..

kala namak, saindha namak, kali mirch, ajwain, choti pipili, cheet ki jad, ajmoda, dhania, tentideek, sukha pudina, sudhha heenga, nausadar, peepara mool, all those herbs are not much percious easily some items are avialable in kitchen or rest u can buy from any shop easily avialable.. collect those herbs make powder in cloths make it filter. after making it filter ,, take pure lemmon juice and make it steamed in that powder,, make in for of small tablets.. give your elder son 2-2 tablets thrice a day.. and your small daughter 1-1-1 tablets thrice aday ..

please do it son and if u have any problem please mail me..

also mentioned me what u had given them before in Ayurveda . there is very high effective medicine but your child are very small in age and in ayurveda it mentioned unessary medicine are not good for child they effect on childer imunity,, vitality also..


adwait tripathi

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Dear Alok ji

thanks for mentioning me regarding to problem of ur kids.. let me tell u one thing very clear please check ur kids eat soil or sand or any clay in home.. becuase some times in any clinical abbrevation or any clinical test small worms in body wont come in any xray or any exmaination,, other things it happens with childern some times they refuce to eat..

what medicine you have given to ur kids in Ayurveda?? also there is very nice effective medicine i m sure about ur kids relief.. so please reply me about my question..

i m telling you one very simple formulation about herbs u or your wife can prepare in home and try 15-20days i m sure they love to eat and having good digestion..

material required..

kala namak, saindha namak, kali mirch, ajwain, choti pipili, cheet ki jad, ajmoda, dhania, tentideek, sukha pudina, sudhha heenga, nausadar, peepara mool, all those herbs are not much percious easily some items are avialable in kitchen or rest u can buy from any shop easily avialable.. collect those herbs make powder in cloths make it filter. after making it filter ,, take pure lemmon juice and make it steamed in that powder,, make in for of small tablets.. give your elder son 2-2 tablets thrice a day.. and your small daughter 1-1-1 tablets thrice aday ..

please do it son and if u have any problem please mail me..

also mentioned me what u had given them before in Ayurveda . there is very high effective medicine but your child are very small in age and in ayurveda it mentioned unessary medicine are not good for child they effect on childer imunity,, vitality also..


adwait tripathi

Thanks ayurveda4uall, good point, to give small children medicine so that they recover their appetite doesn't make lots of sense. Could be rather that the kids are afraid about all these worries of their parents. And to eat while being afraid and always watching their anxious parents is not the best appetizer.

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Thanks for advice Tripathiji & Suchandra.


Tripathi Sir,

Thanks for advicing homemade medicine.We will try to use it.


We are moderate kindof parents and give liberty to our child to eat whatever and whenever they want to eat. We dont force them to eat as per our wish but we keep check on what, How much and When they eat. We watch and we observe !!!


No oil, spicy, pickle or junk food is allowed in/out home. We dont even consume cold drinks, packed juices in /out home.

We as a responsible parents dont use such harmful things at home/out. So quality of food is not the issue I believe. Only concern is very very less quantity of food and inconsistency.


We live in flat so availability of sand is ruled out here.


---If we talk about ayurvedic medicine used so far, is - Livomyn by Charak. It had made some effect but that was short lived.


We are more concerned about my 2yrs small daughter who is just 9kg in weight and Doctor has declared her underweight child. They are not able to diagnose the real matter and just prescribe different type of tonic and we are get tired of giving tonic to my daughter. We feel like she has more tonic quantity than the actual food she should intake.


Suchandra ji-


I may like to give u astroligcal data if you can help us out in query. Pls suggest.


Nandika :

Female, born on Tuesday, 2006-10-24 19:20:00 at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Ghaziabad</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

Latitude: 028:40:N / Longitude: 077:26:E

1-Lagna ,







Devika :


Female, born on Tuesday, 2003-12-02 09:25:00 at <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Mohali</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

Latitude: 021:17:N / Longitude: 080:15:E,









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Alok I request you to perform this medical test for safety.

Get their blood sugar done when they get up,this is call fasting sugar with empty stomach and post readings here.

I have seen many such cases in society so please check asap.

I wish I go absolutely WRONG in above advise.

Children below an age of 14 sometimes found diabitic which known as Juvenile Diabetes.

Also for safety(even after you get fasting sugar normal)go to pathological lab and get a test for Hb1Ac.

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Thanks for advice Tripathiji & Suchandra.


Tripathi Sir,

Thanks for advicing homemade medicine.We will try to use it.


We are moderate kindof parents and give liberty to our child to eat whatever and whenever they want to eat. We dont force them to eat as per our wish but we keep check on what, How much and When they eat. We watch and we observe !!!


No oil, spicy, pickle or junk food is allowed in/out home. We dont even consume cold drinks, packed juices in /out home.

We as a responsible parents dont use such harmful things at home/out. So quality of food is not the issue I believe. Only concern is very very less quantity of food and inconsistency.


We live in flat so availability of sand is ruled out here.


---If we talk about ayurvedic medicine used so far, is - Livomyn by Charak. It had made some effect but that was short lived.


We are more concerned about my 2yrs small daughter who is just 9kg in weight and Doctor has declared her underweight child. They are not able to diagnose the real matter and just prescribe different type of tonic and we are get tired of giving tonic to my daughter. We feel like she has more tonic quantity than the actual food she should intake.


Suchandra ji-


I may like to give u astroligcal data if you can help us out in query. Pls suggest.


Nandika :

Female, born on Tuesday, 2006-10-24 19:20:00 at ffice:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Ghaziabad</st1:city>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

Latitude: 028:40:N / Longitude: 077:26:E

1-Lagna ,







Devika :


Female, born on Tuesday, 2003-12-02 09:25:00 at <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Mohali</st1:city>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

Latitude: 021:17:N / Longitude: 080:15:E,












I wouldn't worry at all. Just see Nandika has almost all personal planets in Scorpio.

Scorpio is the sign where huge amounts of energy are assimilated from the past to accomplish a transformatory process in this life. There's even a saying that Scorpio is the energy of the atom smashing. Additionally Nandika has Sun, Venus and Mars conjunction what is a very powerful convergence of energy.

Didnt't have <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Mohali, India in database, is there another town nearby?



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Suchandra ji,

Thanks so much for putting so much time on my request.


You can take Chandigarh as main town.


Please predict some thing more in general life and career indication about both of my kids.


Thanks Alok Bhardwaj, yes this is a great dilemma that although the Vaishnava institutions consider that everything has to be engaged in the service of the Lord they reject to examine an individual's birth chart, and to make a person feel that one understands his/her situation in detail.


Therefore we find so many people complaining that nobody understands their specific situation, feel to be left out in the rain and "struggling alone in the wilderness".


Especially when studying a birth chart we actually come to understand about the true meaning how everyone is an individual.


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja also had this realization but somehow in the Holy Dhama this science quickly degenerated into a carnival farce to make a fast buck. This seems to go on even in the present day.


Nandika has Mercury ruling her chart what says she will be interested in studies, language, communication, to complete a degree, everythig assigned to Mercury. Since she has Neptune in the House of profession (10), she requires to become spiritually educated. The responsibility of the parents is to act as guardians and find out the talents and interests and to cultivate these ambitions the best way possible.




Devika has Venus conjunction with Ascendant, what makes her a liked person, Ascendant Capricorn, expert to deal with all kind of people. Sun in House 11, Sagittarius, Mercury Sagittarius, socially engaged and enjoying public confidence, a team player who knows how to make the best possible contribution to the workings of the group.




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