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kleem mantra questions

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hello i am new here! i got a lot of questions about kleem. i found out about it on youtube on accident with siva baba. i was getting frustrated with the law of attraction, so i was listening about kleem. it was a short video, but the results sound interesting. i know every culture has different ways of manifesting their desires and all.


what i want to know is what are the disadvantages and advantages of the kleem mantra? has anyone ever heard of someone using the kleem for bad things? no, i am not asking to use the kleem to do harm on someone. i'm just wondering if u do use it to do harm, what happens? im just asking about the history and the outcome of it.


with kleem, how would anyone get started on it? how can i find info on the kleem mantra as to how to start it? i was wondering why do u say kleem 108 times a day? when do u start seeing results? i know what id like to manifest and what i dont want to manifest. someone was telling me why dont u use ur own power to manifest ur desires? why rely on some "magic" to do the trick? i mean thats what some close minded jerk told me.


im just asking for background info about the kleem mantra and all. does anyone know of any good websites about the kleem mantra like how to's or books?

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Dear Sukra blossom,


Kleem is technically called Kamaraja ( desiore king) or kama beeja( desire seed). It is the mantra of Manmata, ( love god) as well as krishna, and Kali (in a specific form) too. This mantra is supposed to satisfy all the desires, generally, and kindle love of every one for the practitioner, specifically.


Vamakeswari tantra has a section on this mantra and its application. This being the mantra of Kameswari( goddess of love or desire) It is supposed to agitate ( kshoba) the minds of people in a powerful way making them to desire you and approach you. People in masses will be biwitched by its power and seek the practitioner of this mantra. For this you need to think of this mantra as a goddess with sugarcane bow and flower arrow, an elephant goad and a noose, red in colour like the rising sun more red like a vermilion or pomenagrade flower.


It is considered to be a mantra of love per excellence and hence a good mantra. As to its potential to harm, anything can be harmful relatively. If you become powerful over your folks and control their will that can be considered harming from the other's perspective. If you win a person's love by this mantra, which it is fully capable of achieving, you can be considered as harming that person - you deprive the other person's freedom.

And if you are using this mantra for gaining your desires, as it will fulfill all your desires, even the low ones, you are supposed to be harming yourself as you get imnmersed in materiality that makes your moksha ( spiritual liberation) difficult. In any case its hole harming capicity is confined to Love and Control. It will not do anything else.


If you use it rightly -if you donot seek anything materialistic, but win the favour of the Goddess - it can liberate you as it is a mantra of the Goddess Kameswari - a very high and estreemed deity. She is Siva's karuna( mercy) sakti.




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Respected Ravindran ji


what about kaamgayatri mantra???does it start with kleem, which is the bija mantra for kamadeva or does it start with Om???

What are its effects and what is the procedure to chant it???I have heard that gayatri mantras should not be chanted at night.Does this hold true for all types of gayatri mantras???

Is it true that women should not chant gayatri mantras???




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There are different alternate forms of kama gayatri . One form is :

Om Makaradhuajaaya Vidhmahe, Pushpabaanaaya dheemahi thano ananga prachodayaat.


Usually gayatri mantras do not start with or contain particulkar beejas of devatas.


All gayatries start with om.


The only purpose of kamagayatri is to gain infactuation power, generally, or to win the love of someone, specifically.


Vedic Surya Gayatry, which grands liberation, is supposed to be prohibited for women as women are considered to be unqualified for liberation. (But I personally dont believe this . Every soul is entitled for Moksha. ) This traditional ban is not applicable in the case of other gayatries of devatas -which give material benifits - like kamagayatri. A women can techenically chant this since it does not invole moksha.




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Respected Ravindran ji


what about kaamgayatri mantra???does it start with kleem, which is the bija mantra for kamadeva or does it start with Om???

What are its effects and what is the procedure to chant it???I have heard that gayatri mantras should not be chanted at night.Does this hold true for all types of gayatri mantras???

Is it true that women should not chant gayatri mantras???





With all respects to Ravindranji, The Kamagayatri Mantra starts with Kleem and not Aum.


"Kleem Kamadevaya Vidmahe Puspa-banaya Dhimahi Tan No Anangah Prachodayat"


Effect: A Gayatri to heal your Love life and Love related problems.

Procedure : The traditional Mala-jap can be done. As per me, no time constraints to please the almighty.

Man/Woman: If Love was only for a Man and not universal to Woman and other fellow beings, I agree to your concept. I again personally do not believe in blind and meaningless rules.


This is believed to be chanted by Gaudiya Vaishnavas before the 'Hare Krishna' mahamantra became popular which helped them to divert all their Love towards Krishna/Vishnu.

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Srikant is right.

There is a mantra like that - with Kleem at the begining - for Kamadeva. He is also right regarding the effect of the mantra. It is more of self curative rather than manipulative of something external to us.( I have an direct experience on this).


In any case there is no contradiction between self healing and gaining an external objet. As per advaidic understanding there is no difference between our self and others - there is only one big mind or one big consciousness. Hence the mantra can act on other minds too as all minds /souls are just parts of one big Mind. This is the theoritical basis of the Science of Mantra.


Thanks, Srikant, for the correction.

And thanks for the interesting information that this was the previous mantra of Gaudiya Vaishnavas




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Dear Ravindranji and Srikanthji


Thank you so much for sharing the information.Just one more query,if both kleem bija recitation and kamagayatri mantra are for materialistic gains and love related problems, then what is the difference between the two??Why have our scriptures given 2 mantras for the same thing??? Is one of them better/more effective/ shows results faster than the other???





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Dear Jyotiss,


Not just two there are many mantras for the same purpose and each devada has many mantras. Kama deva himself has many mantras . So is the case with Krishna, whose mantra Kleem is and so is with Goddess.


The alternate forms of same devada are are not inferior superior. Any one of them will do. Different mantras come about, I guess , from different names and aspects of the same god. For example Manmada is called Manmada, Kamadeva, Manotbhava, Ananga, Kandarpa, Makaradwaja, Meenaketu, ect. One can use any one of them or a combination of them in a mantra.


Similarly the beejas themself are different for different aspects of Manmada. For example Appart from Kleem, Aim, Hreem, Sthreem bloom are all his beejas - represending five different aspects of him. Each has a technical name. One is called Manmada, another Makaradwaja, yet anothewr Manodbhava ect. (I dont remember now which name belong to which beeja).


Amoung the alternate forms one is not better , or effective or faster than others - that entirly depends on your sadana. They are different aspects of the same deity though.



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you dont need kamadeva mantra to attract a person

your ista deuta or devi has a mantra that can be used to attract a person wether is kali,shiva,hanuman,durga etc all have mantra to attract,protect,destroy enemies and more.


and it better to let your ista do it becuz you have power with them also you have a personal relationship with them as well.

they are lik your mother and father so they would help you faster.

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Sir,Our Griha Devta is Tirupati Venkataramana Swamy.What would the procedure be to gain the love and affection of the person one is about to wed? What mantra and how many times will give a good response to a girl whose marriage is stuck?

This is for my cousin who was married,got divorced unfortunately,has a child and second marriage proposal also fell through.

Complete procedure will help her a lot.






you dont need kamadeva mantra to attract a person

your ista deuta or devi has a mantra that can be used to attract a person wether is kali,shiva,hanuman,durga etc all have mantra to attract,protect,destroy enemies and more.


and it better to let your ista do it becuz you have power with them also you have a personal relationship with them as well.

they are lik your mother and father so they would help you faster.

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  • 2 years later...

Respected Ravindran ji,


I need your help and clarifications in these things:


(1) Can I chant shreem, Kleem or all possible beej mantras (Houm,Dam,Dhoom,Ham,Tam,etc.) all 108 times each a day? Is that harmful or beneficial? Or I must chant only one beej mantra?

(I desire to chant to chant hreem, shreem, kleem each 108 times a day, can I do it? what will be the effects?)


(2) I had epididymitis but it is just not curing completely by any medicine for a long time. Can you please provide a mantra or remedy for a complete cure to it please.


Please help me out with this. Thanking you.

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  • 1 year later...

I was taught the Kleem mantra by Swami Rama of the Himalayas in 1974 (I think). He told me that it means:


Peace, Power, Perfection

Love, Light, Life

Happiness, Healthiness, Holiness


I meditated with that mantra for many years and, although I no longer use it (for the last 12 years I have done a Buddhist practice called Falun Gong that uses no mantras), I can't imagine any evil coming from it if you use it correctly. I would say it is a misuse of any mantra to practice it trying to achieve some worldly goal. The purpose of meditating (with or without a mantra) is to free ourselves of attachments to worldly goals. One who meditates with an aim to achieving a worldly goal is engaging in an evil practice. Harm is likely to result - probably not to others but to oneself - but it is coming from the desires and pursuits of the practitioner - not the mantra.

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