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Help For This Worried Old Parents

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With an intention to help a couple, more than 70 years old parents, who have one eldest son followed by three daughters but none of whom is still blessed with a marriage prospect,despite their sincere attempts since last 8years, I give below the birth details of their son and the first daughter for gurujis to study their charts and give the considered views on the following.

(All their children are highly educated and professionally well placed)


1.When they are expected get married & the cause of delay

2.Will that be arraged one or otherwise

3.Will they stay in India or go abroad

3.Will they have a good & harmonius wedded life & Children


Their Son's birth details



080:14:48 E

013:04:00 N


Their Daughter's Birth details


DOB:19-12-1976 TIME:10-05 AM PLACE: CHENNAI


Submiting this on the old parents' request.Please gurugis kindly help




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Oh!Deepaji,Kindly excuse me.They gave me correctly but I ONLY DID A BLUNDER WHILE TYPING.I furnish below the corrected one for the boy and the girl's also but it is correct.Please excuse me for the mistake. I will correct in the first one also


Their Son's birth details



080:14:48 E

013:04:00 N


Their Daughter's Birth details


DOB:19-12-1976 TIME:10-05 AM PLACE: CHENNAI


Submiting this on the old parents' request.Please gurugis kindly help




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Deepa Ji,

The parents just called on me out curiosity to know whether I did as requested by them.I apologized to them for my mistake in DOB.I assured them astrology veterans,yourself,Sasisekaranji,USRji,Pabloji must be working on the charts to help us and requested to wait and not to worry.



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om gurubhyo namah




dear anusha


i am not a veteran. just a learner.


In the boy's case, afflictions to the seventh house and its lord are

reasons for delay. moon, is caught in between saturn and ketu

and aspected by mars. the bhadaka. the aspect occurring in the

sixth house is a negative one. the period running now is that of

mercury, the sixth lord.


the seventh house is tenated by ketu and aspected by saturn is

another blemish.


sun, the dara karaka is placed in sixth from seventh house which

is also bad.


naisargika kalatrakaraka venus is also the lord of upapada - house of

marriage. its placement in makara along with rahu is a bad one.


is he well employed ?


since atmakaraka is placed in bhadaka shetra along with sixth lord,

worship is called for. he may please worship sri vishnu on a regular

basis. he may please visit thirumala once after worshipping thaayar

who is at the foot of the hill. he may reach the top of the hill by

climbing through the steps while chanting " om vishnave namah ".

he must also chant "om vishnave namah" daily after lighting a lamp.

but i doubt if he chants mantras generally. you may please confirm.


for the spouse to come, he may observe fasting on fridays from sunrise

to sunset and donate the food packet to a needy.


the girl's chart:


the curses are worse here. jupiter, the atma karaka ( the chief planet - soul related )

is with nodes and aspected by saturn. she has to take part in rudrabhisheka to

lord shiva for ten consecutive mondays during rahu kala.


offer vilva leaves, lot of sacred ash ( vibuthi ), milk, honey, curd , sudha jala for abisheka. during the first monday alone she may donate one rudraksha maala ( any affordable ) to the lord. she may chant " om namashivaya " during the abishekam. it would be better if she arranges

some sastris to chant srirudram during the abisheka.

all these are to remove the curse by jupiter, which is severe.


she has to chant " om namo narayanaya " throughout her life.

she may also go around lakshmi narayana temple ( inner prahara ) twenty

times both in the morning and evening for about 25 days. ( in total she

has to complete 1008 times...25 X 2x 20 ). she may complete this in shorter time also. both these are required to remove the curse coming

from moon. moon is her seventh lord - associated with husb.


in cases where delays are seen, the curses must be first attended to.


may mother bless all





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i'm here just indicating the type of curse in their chart and the remedies to it

In analyzing son's chart he has curse of wife and from maternal uncle.

Curse of wife: Venus is afflicted by rahu and ketu, 7th house is afflicted by ketu and 7th lord is afflicted by Mars, we can conclude that the curse is due to somewhat angry and shock of him. Rahu and ketu has Ghora as Amsa ruler, Mars has Kula-naasa as his amsa ruler

Curse of maternal uncle:

Mercury is afflicted by Saturn, 6th house is afflicted by mars, 6th lord is afflicted by Saturn. Saturn has seetala as his amsa ruler

Current Moola dasa for her is Mars 2006 - 2012 -> which gives the result of the curse of spouse and maternal uncle


In analyzing daughter's chart:

Curse of Spouse:

Venus is afflicted by Saturn, 7th house is afflicted by Saturn, 7th lord moon is afflicted by Mars and Rahu. Here rahu has kaala, ketu has kaala,Saturn has Kaala and Mars has Bhrashta.

Curse of mother:

Moon is afflicted by Mars and Rahu, 4th house is afflicted by ketu, rahu and Saturn, 4th lord is afflicted by Rahu.

Current Moola dasa for her is Saturn 2001 - 2013 -> which gives the result of the curse of spouse and mother

The remedies for the curses according to and as in Parasara are :

Curse of maternal uncle:

1. Establish an idol of Vishnu.

2. Bathe at Setubandha and dig wells etc.

Curse of Spouse:

1. Give away a girl in marriage.

2. Donate a bejeweled and adorned idol of Lakshmi Narayana, 10 cows, beds and clothes. This has to be done both the husband and the wife.

Curse of mother:

1. Bathe at Setubandha and chant the Gayatri one lakh times.

2. Do grahadänam and feed milk to Brahmins from a silver bowl.

P.S : Curses are to be seen only at worst time and Moola dasa will help us to identify the timing of the curses in our life

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Sasisekaran ji & Surenthrp ji,Thank you.

Sasi Ji,

You are right. As I have already mentioned initially,both the boy and girl are well educated engineers and well employed in top notch companies.Well behaved children.

One astrologer,it seems,told the parents the boy can marry only a divorcee and the girl also a divorcee or a widower as per their

charts. Sir,You will be able to confirm whether such an indication is there in the charts. They will ask the children to strictly follow the remedies suggested for curses. Can approximate time of marriage be predited?

Thank you,

Deep regards,


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Dear Anusha,


In the boy's chart, lagna is very weak. Yogkaraka venus is in exchange with lagna lord. This is an exchange between 2 benefics between 2 very auspicious houses the first and the fifth. Its a good exchange. This might have given the boy a good personality, good education and I dont think employment could be a problem. Sun, the lord of 8th in 12th is well placed. It might actually help him settle abroad.


The problem is with 7th lord moon in 6th house and also Ketu occupying the 7th lord. Ketu is of a seperative nature. Its occupying moon's house. Ketu and moon are strong enemies. In transits Ketu is currently exactly on the boy's house of marriage. The marriage house lord moon is also not strong at all. As sasisekaran ji has mentioned, 6th house as well as moon is under great stress. 7th house naisargik ruler venus in lagna is a great position, but Ketu occupying this house and aspecting venus is again troublesome.


Remedies for ketu, venus and moon have to be done. While we need to pacifiy Ketu, we need to really strengthen venus and also moon which is causing a lot of depression/ tension to the boy.


For ketu, he may worship ganesh ji regularly. He could also wear a 9-mukhi rudraksha once he gets an abhishek done in shiva temple.


For moon, he must must must wear a pearl in silver in her right hand little finger.


For Venus, he should wear a diamond in his right hand middle finger. Alternately, he could do kanyadaan of a poor girl.


I think with this, there is a strong possibility that he will get married in mid 2009.


Its very nice of you to help out old people and give them hopes and prayers to do.


Best Wishes


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Thank you very much.The moment I see all the highly esteemed views of Gurujis I convey to them every word of the message so that they can plan to carry out the remedies,recommended.Do you also have your view on the part of the girl? SasisekaranJi & SurenJi reports -I got them printed and gave them & I am giving them yours also similarly so that they can read and understand as to what to do.

Deepaji,the following I posted in my response to SasiJi's report.Will you also please see this aspect?

"One astrologer,it seems,told the parents the boy can marry only a divorcee and the girl also a divorcee or a widower as per their

charts. Sir,You will be able to confirm whether such an indication is there in the charts."

Best regards,


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Here the astrologer had used the thumb rule, the thumb rule states that, 'If Saturn be in the 7th house, and the sun in trine or sextile to it, the native marries a widower; and if, at the same time, Mars be in aspect to Saturn, she will marry a widower with a family'.


In her chart as you see saturn is in 7th house and it is 120 deg seperated from sun


In his chart Saturn is in trikona and and the angle difference between Saturn and sun is 141 (only 21 deg greater than 120), so it can be partial


P.S: in my concern thumb rules won't work at all time, it will work only in some places and in any worst case it can be looked but also we can't be cent percent sure on it.

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i'll get back on the girl's chart. i do not consider the aspect of getting married to a widow or to a lady who has been wedded before. In modern day context, this becomes irrelevant because you find immature teenagers falling in love. Lets not get into that really. One of the most important aspect of astrology is to bring it to the present day context.


Best Wishes


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Dear anusha,


I have taken a very long time with the girl's chart. I have come to the conclusion that this girl could be non-assertive. Yet, she actually has a very good chart! Makara Lagna - Dhanishta nakshatra (of lagna not moon) - yogakaraka venus is beautifully placed in the lagna which assures lot of wealth, lot of support and gain from mother, ample romance and luxuries, great education. With sun + mercury together she is intelligent. Lagna lord saturn is in 7th aspecting the lagna. This chart has very good placements.


The problems are -


1. marriage house lord moon is in debilitation - but it is also conjunct Mars in own sign. This does conventionally indicate an unhappy marriage to widow, it could also hint at 2 marriages - may be with some relative in the family as well.


2. Jup+Ketu combination in 4th house of home, mother's health, etc. This ruins happiness from home front


3. Saturn in transit is on the 8th house from lagna - this is inauspicious for her and causes all sorts of delays. Again, ketu is on 7th house of marriage.


Its clearly indicated in both charts, especially the girl's that they will settle abroad, go in for a love marriage. They are more attached to or get more from mother. Alternately, either father's is unable to support, or they are distant from him. From 18th august 2008 till 23 dec 2008, the girl has ketu dasha - sun antardasha - she seems destined for sudden changes in life. she is in a problematic dasha of ketu currently. ketu would seperate her from house, sun being darakaraka could mean that she finds a suitable partner through foreign connections or settled abroad. It indicates she might go away from father.


While this could be a great time for marriage to happen, kindly ensure potent remedies for her so that she is able to control some frustrating times ahead.


The 20 years of venus dasha which will only begin in 2014 will see her in the lap of excessive luxury!


Best Wishes


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Dear Anusha,

Once Jupiter transits Capricorn around December 2008, do increase in searching partners for "son". With God’s blessing, before end of next year, "son" can get married. Between January and February/2009, high chance is seen for your son in getting proposals.

Please do not trouble your delicate mind with “Curse” stigma. In Vedic astrology it is always very easy to justify a chart being having curses or bad lucks and so on. After all there are more so called malefic Graha than benefic Graha.

Natural malefic, functional malefic, maraka lord , badhaka lord, weak moon, afflicted mercury, Kendra-athipati Dosha lords, Jupiter afflicted with Ketu or Rahu, 6<SUP>th</SUP> lord, 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord, 12<SUP>th</SUP> lord, houses and planets aspected by these planets and so on are examples of “Villains” in Vedic astrology. Do you think, you can escape so called these “Villains”? Even foremost spiritual souls too having the same type of villains in their charts, so how we are going to delineate those charts. Are we having preoccupied ideas before forecasting, just like pundits forecasting for politicians based on opinion polls and not on astrological principles.


There are always “X-Factors”, which goes beyond our ancient Vedic astrology. We humble souls should not try to fully equate our predetermined destiny with Vedic Astrology.

Anyhow, to go further, it is good if "son "can wear “Diamond” to activate yoga karaka Venus, which is residing in the first house as well. This is good for marriage, career, children and health as well.

Too many remedies might make "son" a little bit erratic, so let start simple and gain confidence first.

Just ignore what I have written if you are not able to digest those issues I raised. I have highlighted these staff just for intellectual argument and not to belittle the divine science itself or those who put a lot of their energy in providing free online consultations.

With this, I offer my prayer for the well being of you and all your friend's family members.

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Dear anusha,


I have taken a very long time with the girl's chart. I have come to the conclusion that this girl could be non-assertive. Yet, she actually has a very good chart! Makara Lagna - Dhanishta nakshatra (of lagna not moon) - yogakaraka venus is beautifully placed in the lagna which assures lot of wealth, lot of support and gain from mother, ample romance and luxuries, great education. With sun + mercury together she is intelligent. Lagna lord saturn is in 7th aspecting the lagna. This chart has very good placements.


The problems are -


1. marriage house lord moon is in debilitation - but it is also conjunct Mars in own sign. This does conventionally indicate an unhappy marriage to widow, it could also hint at 2 marriages - may be with some relative in the family as well.


2. Jup+Ketu combination in 4th house of home, mother's health, etc. This ruins happiness from home front


3. Saturn in transit is on the 8th house from lagna - this is inauspicious for her and causes all sorts of delays. Again, ketu is on 7th house of marriage.


Its clearly indicated in both charts, especially the girl's that they will settle abroad, go in for a love marriage. They are more attached to or get more from mother. Alternately, either father's is unable to support, or they are distant from him. From 18th august 2008 till 23 dec 2008, the girl has ketu dasha - sun antardasha - she seems destined for sudden changes in life. she is in a problematic dasha of ketu currently. ketu would seperate her from house, sun being darakaraka could mean that she finds a suitable partner through foreign connections or settled abroad. It indicates she might go away from father.


While this could be a great time for marriage to happen, kindly ensure potent remedies for her so that she is able to control some frustrating times ahead.


The 20 years of venus dasha which will only begin in 2014 will see her in the lap of excessive luxury!


Best Wishes




Deepa Ji,

Too many thanks for your deep analysis and advice.I will convey all the messages to the parents to choose the remedies.

Best regards,


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Dear Anusha,

Once Jupiter transits Capricorn around December 2008, do increase in searching partners for "son". With God’s blessing, before end of next year, "son" can get married. Between January and February/2009, high chance is seen for your son in getting proposals.

Please do not trouble your delicate mind with “Curse” stigma. In Vedic astrology it is always very easy to justify a chart being having curses or bad lucks and so on. After all there are more so called malefic Graha than benefic Graha.

Natural malefic, functional malefic, maraka lord , badhaka lord, weak moon, afflicted mercury, Kendra-athipati Dosha lords, Jupiter afflicted with Ketu or Rahu, 6<SUP>th</SUP> lord, 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord, 12<SUP>th</SUP> lord, houses and planets aspected by these planets and so on are examples of “Villains” in Vedic astrology. Do you think, you can escape so called these “Villains”? Even foremost spiritual souls too having the same type of villains in their charts, so how we are going to delineate those charts. Are we having preoccupied ideas before forecasting, just like pundits forecasting for politicians based on opinion polls and not on astrological principles.


There are always “X-Factors”, which goes beyond our ancient Vedic astrology. We humble souls should not try to fully equate our predetermined destiny with Vedic Astrology.

Anyhow, to go further, it is good if "son "can wear “Diamond” to activate yoga karaka Venus, which is residing in the first house as well. This is good for marriage, career, children and health as well.

Too many remedies might make "son" a little bit erratic, so let start simple and gain confidence first.

Just ignore what I have written if you are not able to digest those issues I raised. I have highlighted these staff just for intellectual argument and not to belittle the divine science itself or those who put a lot of their energy in providing free online consultations.

With this, I offer my prayer for the well being of you and all your friend's family members.



Bhaskaran Ji,

My sincere thanks.

The charts belong to son & daughter of old parents whom I am just helping through this forum.I will convey your kind message and leave the choice to them.



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