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Confused about debilitated moon - please help

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Namashkar gurujis


I have been told that my horoscope shows a complete lack of interpersonal skills. I am born in anuradha nakshatra, which I think is a good nakshtra for friendships. I am very keen to know which planet signifies my lack of interpersonal skills.


Also, moon in scorpio is considered debilitated, then howcome anuradha nakshatra is considered very good with respect to balance in relationships.


My moon is in anuradha nakshatra, in scorpio in 11th house. (Capricorn Ascendant)




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dear sgtalk,


i am not a guruji but just a novice and trying to learn.

just wanted to give some input.


Moon is debilitated in Scorpio upto to the 3rd degree and after that the debilitation effect is not there.

Did you check for the above.

And even if it is debilitated, that may not neccessarily be the reason for being weak in interpersonal skills. I think the whole chart must be considered and not just one planet.


By another rule if Mars is in 1, 4, 7 or 10th house from the Moon, again the debilitation effect is not there.

Hope this helps.


The above information i gave may need to be verified by the veterans here in order to help you.


Good Luck

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Namashkar gurujis


I have been told that my horoscope shows a complete lack of interpersonal skills. I am born in anuradha nakshatra, which I think is a good nakshtra for friendships. I am very keen to know which planet signifies my lack of interpersonal skills.


Also, moon in scorpio is considered debilitated, then howcome anuradha nakshatra is considered very good with respect to balance in relationships.


My moon is in anuradha nakshatra, in scorpio in 11th house. (Capricorn Ascendant)





If the moon is debilitated often there isn't much patience for relationships and the native can get irritated/offended easily. It makes one private and secretive.


I do not know where it is written that Anuradha is good for relationships.


Mars in 1,4,7,10 from moon may help a little but does not remove debilitation. If it is 7th from moon that is sure Kuja dosha. It strengthens moon a bit but causes much anger.


- pablo

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Thank you Pablo ji, Unanth ji. My mars is in 10th from the moon and the moon is at 12 degrees scorpio. Mars in fact has a 4th aspect on moon. So I undertsand from your above posts is that debilitation is reduced but is not cancelled.

The site where I read about anuradha nakshatra was: http://barbarapijan.com/bpa/Nakshatras/17anuradha.htm



What are the combinations for lack of people/interpersonal skills in a horoscope?





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Dear sgstalks


Please dont call me "ji" i am just a starter.

What Pabloji said about debilition was about Mars in houses 1,4,7,10, that is one point or view

The second is in which degree moon is in scorpio.

As u said that ur moon is in the 12th degree, then ur moon is not at all debilitated. The 1 4 7 10 does not come into picture then.


Also I am not much knowledgeable about combinations for lack of skills. But it might be related to Combust Mercury or Retrograde mercury in ones chart.




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dear sgstalks


As far as my limited knowledge and experience goes , Combust Mercury is the Havoc Player for supressed communication. Mercury is the planet for communication and Mercury becomes combust when it is within 17 degrees from Sun. The native will have problems in communication as in hesitation, thinking twice/thrice before expressing frank opinions. This goes for verbal communication. the native will be effective in written communication over verbal. Also feels misunderstood with people.

Also Retrograde Mercury has the same effects sometimes.

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Dear sgstalks


Please dont call me "ji" i am just a starter.

What Pabloji said about debilition was about Mars in houses 1,4,7,10, that is one point or view

The second is in which degree moon is in scorpio.

As u said that ur moon is in the 12th degree, then ur moon is not at all debilitated. The 1 4 7 10 does not come into picture then.


Also I am not much knowledgeable about combinations for lack of skills. But it might be related to Combust Mercury or Retrograde mercury in ones chart.





I am sorry this is incorrect. Moon is debilitated in ALL OF SCORPIO. This goes for anything else (Sun is exalted in ALL of ARIES, Mars is debilitated in ALL of Cancer).


It is worst at 3 degrees of scorpio but still even at 25 degrees of Scorpio moon is debilitated (not as badly but still debilitated).


I will take a closer look at the chart when my time frees up.


- Pablo

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I am sorry this is incorrect. Moon is debilitated in ALL OF SCORPIO. This goes for anything else (Sun is exalted in ALL of ARIES, Mars is debilitated in ALL of Cancer).


It is worst at 3 degrees of scorpio but still even at 25 degrees of Scorpio moon is debilitated (not as badly but still debilitated).


I will take a closer look at the chart when my time frees up.


- Pablo


Whoops, I cannot look at the chart because the Native has not posted birth details.


Anuradha does indicate friendship but it is still ruled by Mars and moon there can indicate someone who wants friends badly and perhaps wants to be a friend badly. But they may be inappropriate about how they go about seeking/maintaining friendships. I cannot tell without a precise look at the chart.

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Thank you Pablo ji. My birth details are: 9th March 1980 4:30 am in New Delhi. You have seen my chart from a previous post before. I am female - given up that I would ever be married, so concentrating only on building a career.


Yes, I have seen your chart before posting for a woman wanting a Managerial position in business correct?


Are you wearing a pearl? Very important for you. It should be somewhere in the order of 5 to 8 carats if not larger, south sea pearls are best. Akoya pearl necklaces are also good.


Your chart has many planets in the 8th house. I feel you might get bored with the business world. This is a very good chart for an astrologer.


Your upcoming Venus cycle will be very prosperous.



- Pablo

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Yes Pabloji, I am the same girl, I had queried if I should switch my career from technical to non-technical mangent-related field.


I am wearing emerald, blue sapphire and jarkan. I can wear a pearl pendant. Please confirm if pearl is suitable with all the other gemstones I am currently wearing.


I am very interested in astrology, and have unshakeable faith in it. I am very thankful to look at my chart again. I request you to please elaborate on how you read the chart, it would help me learn a lot.


For example: what shows lack of people skills? what makes a chart good to read for an astrologer? what shows that i would get bored in the business world?


I have had particularly tough period since Nov 2007 (Ketu Md-Saturn bhukti). I am hoping mercury bhukti starting in aug will bring some relief. Next month I plan to take MBA entrance exam.


Thank you once again

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Namashkar gurujis


I have been told that my horoscope shows a complete lack of interpersonal skills. I am born in anuradha nakshatra, which I think is a good nakshtra for friendships. I am very keen to know which planet signifies my lack of interpersonal skills.


Also, moon in scorpio is considered debilitated, then howcome anuradha nakshatra is considered very good with respect to balance in relationships.


My moon is in anuradha nakshatra, in scorpio in 11th house. (Capricorn Ascendant)





I don't think anything is wrong with your interpersonal skills. ;)

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Yes Pabloji, I am the same girl, I had queried if I should switch my career from technical to non-technical mangent-related field.


I am wearing emerald, blue sapphire and jarkan. I can wear a pearl pendant. Please confirm if pearl is suitable with all the other gemstones I am currently wearing.


I am very interested in astrology, and have unshakeable faith in it. I am very thankful to look at my chart again. I request you to please elaborate on how you read the chart, it would help me learn a lot.


For example: what shows lack of people skills? what makes a chart good to read for an astrologer? what shows that i would get bored in the business world?


I have had particularly tough period since Nov 2007 (Ketu Md-Saturn bhukti). I am hoping mercury bhukti starting in aug will bring some relief. Next month I plan to take MBA entrance exam.


Thank you once again


Yes you can wear Pearl pendant. I'm not sure about the Blue Sapphire. You might want to experiment with taking it off for awhile. Saturn is not harmed in your chart and aspects the moon.


Some people might say you lack people skills because of weak moon in the chart giving lack of patience in dealing with people and ordinary stresses of personal contact. It also makes finding a marriage partner difficult.


Also Mars and Saturn are aspecting the moon which adds to that.


A good astrologer can be found when there is a strong 8th house (sometimes strong 12th house too)...it gives an abiding interest in astrology as does Moon in Scorpio.


Also when there are so many planets in 8th house the person is usually interestd in unusual things, mysterious things and often there is an interest in the occult, tantra, etc. It is not so favored for ordinary things of life like the business world which can get repetitive.


Again, this is just a general principle. Maybe you can find an interesting job.


I agree Mercury bhukti will probably offer some relief as well as some income.


Good luck on your MBA!

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Thank you Pabloji!


I completely agree with your readings about my deep interest in astrology and other mysterious things in life. I get bored easily with my job, and even if I am performing well, I'd switch to a different company. So now I understand this is all because of my 8th house! :)


Does debilitated moon gives mental agony even if it has 6 bindus in ashtakavarga? Does it completely spoil the gajkesari yoga?


In fact, for a person with debilitated moon, we will never see his or her rashi (moon) chart..is that correct? We should then always read a chart from the lagna and never from the moon, as ascendant would always be stronger than the moon sign.


Reading from saravali confuses me all the more:

51. Should the Moon be in Scorpio at birth, one will be a miser, will have round (well grown) thighs, coarse physique and nose, will be cruel in acts, be a thief, be sick in childhood, will have spoiled chin and nails, but beautiful eyes, will be plentiful, industrious, skillful, fond of others' housewives, devoid of relatives, insane (or infatuated with passion), valorous, will lose wealth due to royal wrath and will have a big abdomen and a big head.


Should Mars aspect the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have incomparable courage, be equal to a king, be endowed with wealth, be valorous, unconquerable in battle and be a voracious eater.

If Saturn aspects the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have base sons, be a talebearer, be sick, poor and untruthful.

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Thanks Again Pablo ji. Pardon me for my short sightedness. I was not aware that debilitaion was for whole sign. I was taught may be in a wrong way.


Also Dear sgstalks, excuse me for the same. I am learning as i said still.


Please take my posts as inputs and not conclusions...




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om gurubhyo namah




dear sgtalks80


i vaguely remember that arudha pada of the eleventh house or its

lord associating with ketu gives interest in astrology. i will confirm later.


eigth house shows occult as cited earlier by other fellow members.

jupiter placed in the sun sign adds strength to it. but the placement

of mars ( too much logic) and rahu ( too much of anti jupiter ) can

take away all the juice of jupiter as sometimes they will over power it.

mars , in your case is bhadaka too.


arudha pada of the eleventh also shows the satsangha. mars placed

in seventh to it can block the flowering of A11(arudha pada of eleventh)


deblitated moon in the bhadaka shetra makes it bad and that too aspected

by bhadaka mars and malefic saturn ( though lagna lord ). moon is cursing

in your chart. you are supposed to chant " om namo narayanaya " eight

lakh times and you are supposed to chant " om mirtaya namah " to make

your moon comfortable. Mitra is the deity ruling anuradha nakshtra.



Shri. chandrasekara saraswathi, the kanchi seer's janma nakshtra too is anuradha!

but his moon was a fully blown one, sun being placed seventh to

it along with jupiter and mercury. in his case saturn too aspects moon from

the same place !


in your case lagna is not strong since kendras to it has only venus while

that of moon has a whooping six planets ( not including moon).


may mother bless all






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Thank you Sasisekaran ji. Your explanation and guidance is extremely helpful for me to understand more about the chart. I will do the mantras as you suggested.


I am still learning the concept of arudhas.


I am surprised to know that even if the moon is debilitated, the chart can be assessed from chandra lagna.

I am unable to fully comprehend though if it is good to have those 6 planets in 2 kendras - because it involves the rahu-ketu axis. (you said whooping - which i assume u meant as good)


Does the debilitated moon affect for lifetime, or is it based on dashas?

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Thanks Again Pablo ji. Pardon me for my short sightedness. I was not aware that debilitaion was for whole sign. I was taught may be in a wrong way.


Also Dear sgstalks, excuse me for the same. I am learning as i said still.


Please take my posts as inputs and not conclusions...





No problem we are all here to learn. I think one of the best books on astrology is "Astrology of the Seers" by David Frawley. It presents Jyotish in a methodic & clear way without sacrificing depth or complexity. Dr. Frawley is truly a scholar's scholar.


Best wishes,



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  • 5 years later...


Can some one please let me know , I have the moon in Scorpio @ 28 degrees.I  am feeling always emotionally exhausted .Is it due to week moon or is it due to any other placement , My  Birth details are 19-03-1990 @  choolaimedu . chennai -TN

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