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Guru antardasha in Rahu's Mahadasha, and its effects

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I have Jupiter in 4<SUP>th</SUP> House. My Jupiter antardasha (under Rahu’s mahadasha) started in July 2007. Since then I am experiencing various changes in myself and my work/ domestic life. I have grown fatter, my relationships with my superiors at work are not cordial which is very much unlikely of me and for reasons which are not in my hands, most of the times I feel insecure related to future and this has been cause of much worries and tensions lately. Though, on the positive side this has made me financially strong. Moreover, the pratyantar dasha of Saturn which started on 21<SUP>st</SUP> Oct made me travel abroad and had been a bad time related to my work condition. The travel existed till the whole pratyantar dasha of Saturn till May 2008 and I came back to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> on my own decision. I have started wearing a pukhraj recently.

Can someone please comment on my birth chart-

DOB: 20<SUP>th</SUP> Feb 1982

Time: 15:15

Place: <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Karnal</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

Thanks & Regards

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Your description of events match the planetary positions in your natal chart.

Placement of Moon the lagna lord with malefic Ketu in 6th and 2nd lord Sun in 8th in the house of a retro Saturn is the cause of your problems.

Propitiate Ravi and Chandra by Gayatri/Suryashtakam and Siva-Parvathi.

Wear a pearl in silver on your right little finger on Monday in the bright lunar half.

Chances are more to live in abroad with spouce.

Good Luck


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om gurubhyo namah




dear shri. bhasker,


saturn aspecting the twelfth house and placed twelfth to the

antar dasa lord jupiter , brought you back to the mother land.

the reason ofcourse being dukha shown by saturn. it could

be mercury prantyantar too !


jupiter is a planet that widens things. jupiter is your ninth lord too

in rasi and navamsa and hence the bhagya is good. since arudha

pada of the tenth house ( rajya pada ) is placed in the eigth house

placed along with sun ( your boss ), the tentions are seen in the

area of profession.


if saturn pratyantar started on oct 21(2007 ) , it will end by march 5

and certainly not in may 2008. pl check.


may mother bless all





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Dear USRji and Sasisekaranji,

Many thanks for taking the time out analyzing my chart.

I am already wearing a pearl, moonga and a pukhraj. I have been wearing this pearl since 5 years now though moonga and pukhraj are new. Someone has recently recommended Cat’s eye too for Ketu. Should I keep wearing the pukhraj and moonga?

Because, Guru’s antardasha has been relatively unpleasant for me, I started being a bit skeptical about its mahadasha that will start in 2022 after Rahu’s. Rahu’s mahadasha which started in Sep 2004 has given me mixed results till date. The earlier Mars mahadasha made me bend towards spirituality, art and religion and provided me an excellent education from a premier institute. With the start of Rahu’s mahadasha I started tilting towards materialistic gain, which was very unlikely of me and changed me completely. There has been a constant craving and desires for everything materialistic and though this period has given me in abundance a bit of everything (from all God’s grace), the craving has been a source of much pain and tensions.

Here’s a timeline of major events in my life –

Aug1999- May 2003 - Education

15 Dec 2003 – My first job (I was kind of jobless before that)

11 Apr 2005 – Second Job

15 may 2006 – Third Job

21<SUP>st</SUP> Oct 2007– 5<SUP>th</SUP> Apr 2008 – First abroad visit

When are the chances of my Marriage? How will the mahadasha of Jupiter from 2022 be for me? Also, is it possible to comment on my younger brother from my chart? He will be 25 years of age and has not been able to start his career yet. There is a strong worry in my family regarding his future and unfortunately we don’t have his time of birth with us.

Thanks a lot again.



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om gurubhyo namah




dear smt deepa bhandari


there is nothing wrong in giving readings for the needy people. i am not

a stalwart or a guru here. i am just a learner like you. points that are not

known to me or that i could have missed to mention can come from

anybody and it could be you. please never mind writing more to the needy.


may mother bless all





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Respected Sasisekaranji,


My obeissance. With full respects I do consider you as well as USRji far more experienced, far more learned. Its inspirational and highly motivating for me. I only meant to point this out to visitors who might not know the same and may be misunderstanding with the number of posts I have on this forum. However, with your directions, I shall do the needful.


In my opinion, Jupiter is highly benefic for this chart. The reason why the native feels "fat" during Jupiter AD is a very common consequence. Prior to

Rahu MD, he has gone through surya, chandra and mangal dashas - Rahu had to usher in new beginnings because even yogakaraka mars wouldnt have given ample. Rahu is in 12th in jup nakshatra, in navamsa, rahu is in jupiter's sign. Lagna nakshatra being jupiter ruled too - Rahu MD had to be good.


The reason why his jup AD hasnt given results is due to the natural animosity between jupiter and rahu (we all know guru-chandala). Also, Jupiter would have slowed down the material gain aspect conferred by Rahu.


Importantly, during transits, Rahu is in 8th from its birth position + moon in 6th (in any case afflicted) conjunct ketu (further afflicted) which is also currently passing through lagna - these transits could never have been good. Mars+shani are in 12th from birth position. Post november, when jupiter will debilitate in transits, the condition will further dip.


Jupiter MD will be great.


Best Regards


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  • 1 month later...

to avoid malefic affects of rahu one must wear rahu in little finger with gold. This will give you clarity and boast your progress.


or wear guru in 1st finger and chandra in ring finger. Do not wear chandra and rahu togather.


Pray to Hanumana for Rahu and Ganesha for Ketu.


Good Luck.

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Hi Bhasker

I would suggest you try wearing Rahu which is in the 12th house. When Rahu is malefic one does not have clarity of mind and gives indecessiveness and unnecessary anxiety.

By wearing rahu in the the little finger of right hand in gold you might be able to overcome your problems. Also Rahu's mahadasha is going on so it will be very beneficial for you as it is looking at your second and 3rd house. I recommend that if pearl has suited you than do not remove pearl, in that case wear rahu in gold on second finger (not the ring finger). If you do not have anger related issues you can remove chandra pearl.



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  • 2 months later...

<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Rashi</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="25%">Degree</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="35%">Nakshatra</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Lagna</td> <td class="contentMailer">Cancer</td> <td class="contentMailer">00:19:50</td> <td class="contentMailer">Punarvasu-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aquarius</td> <td class="contentMailer">07:49:21</td> <td class="contentMailer">Satbhisha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Sagittarius</td> <td class="contentMailer">27:29:33</td> <td class="contentMailer">Uttarashadha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">Virgo</td> <td class="contentMailer">25:34:34</td> <td class="contentMailer">Chitra-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">Capricorn</td> <td class="contentMailer">11:54:14</td> <td class="contentMailer">Shravan-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">Libra</td> <td class="contentMailer">16:41:59</td> <td class="contentMailer">Swati-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Capricorn</td> <td class="contentMailer">01:29:06</td> <td class="contentMailer">Uttarashadha-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">Virgo</td> <td class="contentMailer">28:16:47</td> <td class="contentMailer">Chitra-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Gemini</td> <td class="contentMailer">26:54:21</td> <td class="contentMailer">Punarvasu-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Sagittarius</td> <td class="contentMailer">26:54:21</td> <td class="contentMailer">Uttarashadha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Harshal</td> <td class="contentMailer">Scorpio</td> <td class="contentMailer">10:53:00</td> <td class="contentMailer">Anuradha-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Neptune</td> <td class="contentMailer">Sagittarius</td> <td class="contentMailer">03:03:24</td> <td class="contentMailer">Mool-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Pluto</td> <td class="contentMailer">Libra</td> <td class="contentMailer">03:11:10</td> <td class="contentMailer">Chitra-3</td></tr></tbody></table>


This is your horoscope. Give me some time to get back to you. Thanks. I am also a student of astrology not an expert. Please do not take me seriously.



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You went abroad when the dasha cycle was Rahu-Jupiter-Saturn.

So these 3 planets were involved when you went abroad. Rahu is in the star (nakshtra) of Jupiter (9th lord for foreign travels), Jupiter is in the star of Rahu (in the 12th house, house of settlement abroad) and Saturn is in the star of Mars (5th and 10th lord in the 3rd house, house of short journeys). This is really wonderful to see.


When going abroad for work generally 1oth & 6th house is seen + 3rd house (for short journeys) + 9th house (for not that short journeys) +12th house (only if immigrating for good).


Your example has given me a good understanding of how the KP system which I know very little about works, whereby planets give the results of their star lords.


Deepaji has made good comments. But how come that she is talking about the natural animosity between Rahu and Jupiter as the reason for the Jupiter antar not being so good. I request her to shed some light. Thanks a lot....

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Rahu is in 12th in jup nakshatra, in navamsa, rahu is in jupiter's sign. Lagna nakshatra being jupiter ruled too - Rahu MD had to be good.


The reason why his jup AD hasnt given results is due to the natural animosity between jupiter and rahu (we all know guru-chandala). Also, Jupiter would have slowed down the material gain aspect conferred by Rahu.

Jupiter MD will be great.

Namaskar Deepaji,


Please explain to me why the natural animosity between Jupiter and Rahu comes into play? If this is the case then during Jupiter MD, Rahu AD will also be not that good. Am I right?


During Jupiter MD there will be problems during different AD such as Rahu, Ketu, Mercury, Venus as they are also naturally enemies of Jupiter. But I need your help with this.


I have also started Jupiter AD under Rahu MD just a couple of days ago so this case matters a lot to me. I have been abroad during Mars-Saturn-Saturn as well in 2001.


I seek your knowledge, thanks and regards, please do reply ASAP,



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  • 5 years later...

Hello , I m born on 19.02.83 , in Gwalior, madhyapradesh, times : 21.12 pm . Please help me as I feel I am not growing professionally. I wanted to change job but I feel I'm still stuck.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hello , I m born on 19.02.83 , in Gwalior, madhyapradesh, times : 21.12 pm . Please help me as I feel I am not growing professionally. I wanted to change job but I feel I'm still stuck.


Hello , I m born on 19.02.83 , in Gwalior, madhyapradesh, times : 21.12 pm . Please help me as I feel I am not growing professionally. I wanted to change job but I feel I'm still stuck.

at the moment I have lost my job. Please help me
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First of all I'm not an astrologer, but I'm interested in astrology, just trying to learn. Your Jupiter is in 4th house in the nakshatra of Swathi, Lord is Rahu and sub lord is Venus. It is a functional benefic for you, so the Maha dasa  will be good for you, you will earn money and fame in that dasa, but still you can expect some quarrels, nothing serious. You will be blessed with influential children.


Rahu is 12 th house, its not a good position for Rahu, it may give you ups and downs. I would suggest you pray to varaham, if possible learn Varaha  Kavacham, if you are Hindu, to reduce the bad effects of Rahu, and also say rahu manta at leat 18 times, if possible 108 times.


Hope this helps, god bless you 




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Hello Bhaskar,


First of all I'm not an astrologer, but I'm interested in astrology, just trying to learn. Your Jupiter is in 4th house in the nakshatra of Swathi, Lord is Rahu and sub lord is Venus. It is a functional benefic for you, so the Maha dasa  will be good for you, you will earn money and fame in that dasa, but still you can expect some quarrels, nothing serious. You will be blessed with influential children.


Rahu is 12 th house, its not a good position for Rahu, it may give you ups and downs. I would suggest you pray to varaham, if possible learn Varaha  Kavacham, if you are Hindu, to reduce the bad effects of Rahu, and also say rahu manta at leat 18 times, if possible 108 times.


Hope this helps, god bless you 




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at the moment I have lost my job. Please help me

Hi Kg,


First of all, I'm not an astrologer, I'm learning. So I'm not sure I'm accurate.


Both venus and jupiter are exalted in your chart. Rahu maha dasa is running right now, its jupiter antar dasa, Jupiter antar dasha will be till 06/02/16.Rahu is Ardra nakshtra , Jupiter is sub lord,there will be a short period of difficulties, but you will get another job soon, no worries. You will be fine. Pray to varaham, if possible recite varaha kavacham and recite rahu mantra. you have a good horoscope with Jupiter and Venus in exalted position




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First of all I'm not an astrologer, but I'm interested in astrology, just trying to learn. Your Jupiter is in 4th house in the nakshatra of Swathi, Lord is Rahu and sub lord is Venus. It is a functional benefic for you, so the Maha dasa  will be good for you, you will earn money and fame in that dasa, but still you can expect some quarrels, nothing serious. You will be blessed with influential children.


Rahu is 12 th house, its not a good position for Rahu, it may give you ups and downs. I would suggest you pray to varaham, if possible learn Varaha  Kavacham, if you are Hindu, to reduce the bad effects of Rahu, and also say rahu manta at leat 18 times, if possible 108 times.


Hope this helps, god bless you 




This is for Bhaskar

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