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Plz advise - Change in career with MBA (3rd Masters)

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Respected gurujis




I am a regular reader of this forum, though it is my first query here.

I am currently working as software professional in USA. I have started preparation for MBA entrance exam this month, and plan to take the test around end of August.

I am curious to know more about switching career from computers to management.


I request you for your analysis of my natal chart. I have already done 2 masters in computers (with a break of 1.5 years in between). MBA will be my third masters degree.


DOB: 9th march 1980

Time: 4:30 am

Place: Delhi (Longitude: 77E13, Latitude: 28N40)


I am in the process of learning the basics of astrology - I have utmost faith in it. I am makara lagna and running ketu mahadasha. I am currently wearing blue sapphire (since 3.5 years) and also emerald (since 4.5 months).


Kindly analyse my chart, I will be very thankful for your readings and suggestions.




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Dear SOGO !!


You dont have the kind of skills and nature required to be at top management positions. You are excellent - maha excellent - in working under people - something like doing a part of the whole thing superbly. do you get what I am trying to say?


Leadership qualities and interpersonal skills are more important than just pulling down enemies. You have GREAT sales capabilities though - so exactly what sort of a management career are you aiming at? And also, what do you think should be done to strengthen your mind? You are intelligent - find out yourself.


Do not worry, post your reply, you need some remedy.


I wish you peace :)



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Hello Deepaji


Thank you much for your analysis! I am a little confused though, as my work life experience has been quite different:


I have switched jobs whenever I have been bound by the upper management, and not given enough freedom to try out new things or take calculated risks.

I have found myself quite an independent worker. I have stepped up in my role quite a few times (unofficially though) and been successful in leading large projects and in mentoring people.


Given the above, I decided to pursue mba to get more exposure in business administration and hone my management skills as well develop leadership qualities.

What remedy do you recommend wrt career?


I do agree that I do not have a strong mind when it comes to relationships, and am quite emotional in my personal life (may be thats why I am an unmarried female till date :))


What do you think could be leading to this difference - what I have gone through vs. what my chart shows?




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Dear Sogo,


Intelligence isnt altered with gender, though you see, many other things are considered differently in the modern context.


Your chart shows complete loss of inter-personal skills. It shows scant gains from family/relatives. A person not much liked especially through middle age. In fact with ketu conjunct sun in the second this shows real financial concerns. Mercury, as is clearly evident, is well placed causing some gains from education, foreign connections etc.Venus in 4th though might give you some luxury from mother, conveyances, a beautiful room etc. the 8th house re-affirms loss of reputation an offensive attitude but gains through the dead - like legacies and in terms of gifts. Moon is again afflicted causing even friends to become enemical out in the public.


This doesnt amount to leadership qualities.


I stick to my stand! You will always land up in big financial problems unless you do something about your interpersonal skills. I am sure you had a close superior when you did achieve success earlier. I will never suggest CEO jobs for you


Best Wishes

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Respected gurujis




I am a regular reader of this forum, though it is my first query here.

I am currently working as software professional in USA. I have started preparation for MBA entrance exam this month, and plan to take the test around end of August.

I am curious to know more about switching career from computers to management.


I request you for your analysis of my natal chart. I have already done 2 masters in computers (with a break of 1.5 years in between). MBA will be my third masters degree.


DOB: 9th march 1980

Time: 4:30 am

Place: Delhi (Longitude: 77E13, Latitude: 28N40)


I am in the process of learning the basics of astrology - I have utmost faith in it. I am makara lagna and running ketu mahadasha. I am currently wearing blue sapphire (since 3.5 years) and also emerald (since 4.5 months).


Kindly analyse my chart, I will be very thankful for your readings and suggestions.





The problem with mgmt psn for you is that the moon is under a lot of stress so you are not so patient with people. You don't always like the ebb and flow of personal contact. You want others to just do what you say.


But you definitely have leadership potential and you desire power.


Also yogakaraka Venus in 4th house helps balance what I said, but still you must cultivate lunar qualities like friendliness. A large pearl will help you alot, maybe even a large strand of pearls.


Upcoming Venus cycle will be excellent for you.


every one has a different opinion about gemstones. I'm not sure I see the need for Blue Sapphire in your chart although Lord of asc is usually auspicious.


Definately Pearl will help.


Good luck!

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Dear Deepa,


Since the native is still single, we can consider how nuptial relationship can benefit her life.


The 7th house lord Moon is in 11th house. Does it mean the native will acquire much wealth/materials through marriage?

Also Moon in 11th house scorpio is the one which makes the native intense in whatever she does, whether its intense dislike, disgust, or intense love affair.


So overall how shall marriage and placing of moon should be considered for the native.




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Dear Sogo,


Intelligence isnt altered with gender, though you see, many other things are considered differently in the modern context.


Your chart shows complete loss of inter-personal skills. It shows scant gains from family/relatives. A person not much liked especially through middle age. In fact with ketu conjunct sun in the second this shows real financial concerns. Mercury, as is clearly evident, is well placed causing some gains from education, foreign connections etc.Venus in 4th though might give you some luxury from mother, conveyances, a beautiful room etc. the 8th house re-affirms loss of reputation an offensive attitude but gains through the dead - like legacies and in terms of gifts. Moon is again afflicted causing even friends to become enemical out in the public.


This doesnt amount to leadership qualities.


I stick to my stand! You will always land up in big financial problems unless you do something about your interpersonal skills. I am sure you had a close superior when you did achieve success earlier. I will never suggest CEO jobs for you


Best Wishes


I usually agree with most everything Deepa says in his posts and I agree with much of what he says here too. But I must say it's a bit heavy handed. Yes, she will have interpersonal problems for sure, enemies and such, no doubt. But with so many planets in Leo and most planets above the horizon I do see leadership potential. It won't be smooth! that's for sure and there will be power conflicts and such.


I would say in India it would be next to impossible, but American culture is different. I think in America she could definitely do well in mgmt. Just my opinion :)


- Pablo

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Deepa Bhandari is a female astrologer.


In American management Culture one needs to be way to better than the usual Indian Management graduate. Most importantly, its very important to have good interpersonal skills in no matter work you take. A leader leads a mass, and conveys his ideas and thoughts to them. A leader who cannot communicate properly to his mass or is rude or bitter is called dictator. Even Germans don't follow such culture after Nazis.


I think the native needs to work hard on her interpersonal skills and try to keep her calm which in turn will make her a good person in herself and finally lead her to a wonderful life.




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Dear Deepa,


Since the native is still single, we can consider how nuptial relationship can benefit her life.


The 7th house lord Moon is in 11th house. Does it mean the native will acquire much wealth/materials through marriage?

Also Moon in 11th house scorpio is the one which makes the native intense in whatever she does, whether its intense dislike, disgust, or intense love affair.


So overall how shall marriage and placing of moon should be considered for the native.





I do see her marrying someone wealthy if she can find the right one! (Many planets in 2nd from 7th).


Remember such an afflicted 7th lord would make marriage difficult.


But almost certainly she will meet someone during her Venus Dasha.

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Hi All!


Hi Pablo, Ayush! Thanks for clarifying I am female :)


Ayush, I do not think the native is an extremist - though it seems she knows exactly whats her worth and doesnt compromise. Moon isnt auspicious for her, it causes loss and defamation and in the 11th it causes problems as all of us agree, upon people skills.


Moon is under stress as Pablo accurately mentions.


That guru+mangal yog with both these planets also retrograde largely place her at a superb sales person - therefore I wanted clarification regarding exactly what type of management is she looking at - I see her gel better in a one-man-show type work. She must go in for sales.


Best Wishes


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Thank you Deepa ji, Pablo ji and Aysuh ji.


I cannot say that this analysis has been highly encouraging for me, but I'd prefer to get the truth as is. I know now where my weakness lies, and I will try to work hard on that.


I understand 3 things from your interpretation:


I lack interpersonal skills.

I will have enemies.

I will quite often run into financial troubles.


My questions:


1. What does - Venus being a yogakaraka, and situated in 4th house and aspecting 10th house - signify wrt career?

If I survive the ongoing ketu dasha, should the next venus dasha be good for career?


2. Mercury and Saturn enter into a parivarthan yog (2nd and 9th house) - does this not help in business management career?

I will be currently entering merucry antardasha, I think it is a good time for taking mba exam. Am I wrong?


3. Moon is debilitated in 11th house but has 6 points in ashtakvarga. Mars (lord of 11th house) aspects moon. Does this lower the effects of debilitation?


4. Jupiter is the lord of 3rd and 12th, and is situated in 8th house, causing VRY. Jupiter also aspects the 12th house. Jupiter, all over being a benefic planet, should this not help in career?


5. Also, Mercury (lord of 6th house) is conjunct with Sun (lord of 8th house) - both of them together in 2nd. I think it is said that the 2 functional malefics cancel the effects of each other, and hence cause a form of VRY. Is that correct? Should this help me avoid financial troubles?


I am new to astrology, I believe in it. My questions above may be weird due to my lack of knowledge, but still I would appreciate if you could clarify my doubts.


Deepa ji, Pablo ji, Ayush ji... please feel free to comment..


Editing the post:

While I was typing these questions, more posts came in, so I did get some insight into ques 1 on venus. Thank you. Please help me clarify the others.

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Venus MD will be terrific, no doubt. Your navamsa chart has an exalted Jupiter in 4th, a swagrahi Saturn in tenth. Future is good wealthwise. Moon will cause harm. Focus upon remedies for moon. Dont oversee Rahu - Ketu axis at all. These are of course planets at birth time, you have good mercury + gaja+kesari which should enable you to mature with time, do a SWOT analyses and apply corrections. Yet, I will insist, go in for sales.


Best Wishes


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Deepa Bhandari is a female astrologer.


In American management Culture one needs to be way to better than the usual Indian Management graduate. Most importantly, its very important to have good interpersonal skills in no matter work you take. A leader leads a mass, and conveys his ideas and thoughts to them. A leader who cannot communicate properly to his mass or is rude or bitter is called dictator. Even Germans don't follow such culture after Nazis.


I think the native needs to work hard on her interpersonal skills and try to keep her calm which in turn will make her a good person in herself and finally lead her to a wonderful life.





My apologies to Deepa! Sai Baba icon threw me off! I have worked with managers for American companies going on 15 years now. I worked for ING, J.P. Morgan, CitiBank, Providian Bank, American Honda and am currently working for Chevron in California. Trust me, I know about managing business in America!


when I was in New York my boss used to break a phone every week! It was part of the budget, lol. He would shout obscenities all day long! even at his wife, an employee! And this is at one of the most prestigious brokerage houses in the country!


Now, I don't want to give the impression that everyone is like that here, after all it was New York! But tact and sensitivity isn't as important as results and drive.


I think she will do fine. Her Venus MD will be exceptional.


- Pablo

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Thank you again for clarifications...!


Pablo ji - Thank you for the remedy of wearing pearl, I will follow it.

I agree with you that I am not patient with people as much as I would like to be. I will try to cultivate that.


Deepa ji - I do not know how to apply corrections. What is the significance of rahu-ketu axis as you mentioned in the post? I will start gathering more information on a career opportunity in sales, as you advised.


My whole focus has been career, but given that the marriage topic was raised, is a love marriage suggested at all for me, will I find someone on my own :)?




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Dear Pablo


I think your last reply was meant for Ayush, i dont know much about USjob conditions!


Dear SOGO,


I have mentioned in my last reply that venus MD will be terrific, and financial worries should ease.


You could scientifically go about learning people skills. Thats what I meant when I aked you to apply corrections. Since sun is afflicted on rahu-ketu axis in navamsa as well, you are likely to suffer from controversies from sub-ordinates as well as seniors.


Pablo may have correctly assesed that in US you have a better chance of making it. :)


Best Wishes


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I have worked with managers for American companies going on 15 years now. I worked for ING, J.P. Morgan, CitiBank, Providian Bank, American Honda and am currently working for Chevron in California. Trust me, I know about managing business in America!


when I was in New York my boss used to break a phone every week! It was part of the budget, lol. He would shout obscenities all day long! even at his wife, an employee! And this is at one of the most prestigious brokerage houses in the country!


Now, I don't want to give the impression that everyone is like that here, after all it was New York! But tact and sensitivity isn't as important as results and drive.


I think she will do fine. Her Venus MD will be exceptional.


- Pablo



Dear Pablo

My apologies for sounding such a saphead about American Management Jobs. What I looked upon was the way Indian MBA Degrees are treated compared to US MBAs. Its like over here they do it for the sake of getting a job, and other there its taken up only to gain knowledge and to some extent better job prospects.


With that running list of work experience and a major energy giant to count on, I feel foolish to made such comments on your remarks. Forgive me for my imbecility.


I wish I had those better suited prospects and some good foreign settlement yogas in my chart, lol.


@ sgtalks80

I'm sure you will do great if you check on your ailments. I hope with pearl things would improve significantly and you may also find a good partner.




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