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Why Advait Is A Complete Hoax.

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No its not suprising a bit !! most fanatical vaishnavas are intellectually deprived and devoid of rationality , which naturally reflects in their posts.


I am certainly not going to disagree wih the above. But in all fairness I find that the same is true of fanatical Advaitins, of which there appear to many who frequent forums such as these.


I especially find entertaining the pronouncements of these secular armchair Advaitins who decry practices and beliefs of orthodox Vaishnavas as irrational even when these same practices are upheld by orthodox Advaitins.


Bottom line: there are way too many people on this forum who are just clueless about the religious traditions they claim to represent.

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I am certainly not going to disagree wih the above. But in all fairness I find that the same is true of fanatical Advaitins, of which there appear to many who frequent forums such as these.


very true . infact this is true for all fanatics. i dont support advaitins who derogate bhakti marg and its practices.




Bottom line: there are way too many people on this forum who are just clueless about the religious traditions they claim to represent.


well said !!!

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:deal: What I know about acintya-behda-bheda-tattva advocated by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is that Krsna is one with the individual soul and yet both are not same in terms of power, opulence and omnipotence.

A democrat-senator for example maybe one with the newly-elected US Pres. Obama and yet both are not on the same level of power and glory. The former is good only at legislating and approving a bill but it`s the latter who signs the bill into a law.


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I did not see see this post until just now.



I don't say Sri Shankaracharya Lied outright when he quoted Aham Brahmasmi from the vedas.I never said he made it up.No one says that.


Hmmm....No. That is precisely what you did - call Shankara a liar - when you opened a thread titled "Advaita is a complete hoax".


Now you can tap dance saying he did it because Krishna told him so, or Gauranga told him so or the British told him so, but whatever the reasons were, if the title of your thread is true, then it follows you are calling Shankara a liar. If you are changing your position now and saying Shankara was not a liar, then your whole thread right from the title, is meaningless.



The word of the mahatmas is accepted as a pramana.


Hardly. Definitely not when you are debating someone who is not of your own tradition.



And plz note that I,Myself,have ABSOLUTELY NO knowledge of sripture....I thought this fact was apparent throughout the deal......


It is.


In this case, common sense says, your time would be better spent on gaining knowledge for your own benefit first, before taking on the task of demolishing Advaita. You will find some idiots on this forum prodding you along, as they themselves cannot do it anymore, having been bruised badly for trying to take on Advaita with no knowledge of the subject. The choice is yours - you can play their game and continue to embarrass yourself or go do something more sensible.



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Originally Posted by ranjeetmore:

"The word of the mahatmas is accepted as a pramana."


kaisersose's response:

Definitely not when you are debating someone who is not of your own tradition.



Eureka, I think I may have found the origin of kaisersose's de'nile . . . upstream on the shores of Lake Victoria?


Concrete, electronics, Plumbing, automotives, love & marriage --all meet international [& and interplanetary] standards of acceptable specifications.


Evidently, kaisersose is of a different persuasion [not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just the pricinpal of the thang].


Or am I mixing apples and oranges.

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