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Anyone know of Saraswari?

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Does anyone know anything about a Demigodess with the name Saraswari?

I'm not certain if she exists.. But I am looking..


I'd also like to ask for your prayers because I'm having a VERY difficult time right now. I dont know how to describe it I just know it's different for me.

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Does anyone know anything about a Demigodess with the name Saraswari?

I'm not certain if she exists.. But I am looking..


I'd also like to ask for your prayers because I'm having a VERY difficult time right now. I dont know how to describe it I just know it's different for me.


Your sig is your answer.:)

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Saraswati isn't a demigoddess. She's the goddess of the arts, the Vedas, and learning. She was originally a Vedic river goddess (much like Ganga), but later became equated with the goddess Vak (who is also mentioned in the Vedas). Students often worship Her.






Exposed as a nunzio to the Devas?


How unassuming and casual.



Sarasvati is the Wife of Brahmaji.


Could Sarasvari be a name for Brahma?

As in Controllre of Sara?

[sara-isvari? or similar to Sarasvati-Pati?]


Just When ya need a sanskrit scholar ya can't find one.




Below is a portion of the family tree of the personalities enumerated in the Bhagavata-Purana.

I zeros-in on Sri Sarasvati & her husband Sarasvati-pati, aka Lord Brahma.

Now that's High Society!



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Exposed as a nunzio to the Devas?


How unassuming and casual.



Sarasvati is the Wife of Brahmaji.


Could Sarasvari be a name for Brahma?

As in Controllre of Sara?

[sara-isvari? or similar to Sarasvati-Pati?]


Just When ya need a sanskrit scholar ya can't find one.




Below is a portion of the family tree of the personalities enumerated in the Bhagavata-Purana.

I zeros-in on Sri Sarasvati & her husband Sarasvati-pati, aka Lord Brahma.

Now that's High Society!



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Exposed as a nunzio to the Devas?


How unassuming and casual.



Sarasvati is the Wife of Brahmaji.


Could Sarasvari be a name for Brahma?

As in Controllre of Sara?

[sara-isvari? or similar to Sarasvati-Pati?]


Just When ya need a sanskrit scholar ya can't find one.




Below is a portion of the family tree of the personalities enumerated in the Bhagavata-Purana.

I zeros-in on Sri Sarasvati & her husband Sarasvati-pati, aka Lord Brahma.

Now that's High Society!

[it is at a 90 degree angle as shown below--that's why the pictures are rotated].



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Exposed as a nunzio to the Devas?

How did you 'bust' me or 'expose' me? It's not like I hide that I accept various paths in Hinduism. So what if I honor the Devas and Devis (which, the name translates as 'Shining One', not 'demigod' or 'demigoddess').

Oh, BTW, you misspelled 'nuncio'. ;)


How unassuming and casual.

What do you mean? You make it like I'm doing something horribly wrong for honoring the Devas and Devis.


Sarasvati is the Wife of Brahmaji.

Could Sarasvari be a name for Brahma?

As in Controllre of Sara?

[sara-isvari? or similar to Sarasvati-Pati?]

Just When ya need a sanskrit scholar ya can't find one.

Her name means She of the Pools, or, alternatively, She who Flows. She is a river goddess... duh.




Below is a portion of the family tree of the personalities enumerated in the Bhagavata-Purana.

I zeros-in on Sri Sarasvati & her husband Sarasvati-pati, aka Lord Brahma.

Now that's High Society!



Once again, your family tree proves nothing. Saraswati as goddess of learning is the incarnation of Maha Saraswati, who is the incarnation of the Maha Devi.

Lakshmi Devi, the Bride of Lord Vishnu Himself, emerged from the Ocean of Milk. Did She not exist in spirit before-hand? Radhika, Lord Krishna's Beloved and an aspect of Himself, was born from the corolla of a lotus flower and became Vrishabhanu's daughter. Is She not supreme and did She not exist prior to Her incarnation?

Your family tree proves nothing other than that the Devas and Devis have taken form.

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the three posts was an accident!

I acidently reposted twice but now I see it was three.


By my use of the word "Busted" --I fained to say that you are among those Devatas; and thus, you are being incognito "and un-assuming". But alas, while saying one thing all meaning is mis-construed.


Once again the family tree proves the adage that, "you can bring a horse to water but you can't make them drink".


The family tree above has small numbers next to them.

Those numbers are the Shloka Chapter & verse as found in the Bhagavata-purana.


The Family tree has 3,500 names up to the 11th Century.


I cut and pasted just the Chapter & verses shown to show you what the Vedas say in black and white replete with 'pictures'--I know a good thing when I see it --I can see the relationships and where each of the puranas are placed on this tree -- maybe I can see it because I have been practicing for so long.


There is a purpose to the inclusion of 563 shlokas [at my count] enumerating 'Who's who' in the family that started with Brahma, in this material cosmos.


Did She not exist in spirit before-hand? --no one existed as spirit before-hand: All are etenal persons or plenary expansions of persons--albeit Transcendental persons replete with Transcendental personalty.


And there is no difference between a Devi, a demigod/demigoddess, and a goddess. Apsaras, Kinaras, Gardharvas are not Deva(i)s.


Devi, a demigod/demigoddess, and a goddess are by birth or specially "commisioned" by higher authority, namely Brahma & his mantris.

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the three posts was an accident!

I acidently reposted twice but now I see it was three.

By my use of the word "Busted" --I fained to say that you are among those Devatas; and thus, you are being incognito "and un-assuming". But alas, while saying one thing all meaning is mis-construed.

I wish you made as much sense to the rest of the world as you do to yourself L


Once again the family tree proves the adage that, "you can bring a horse to water but you can't make them drink".

It doesn’t prove that they didn’t exist spiritually before-hand.

The family tree above has small numbers next to them.

Those numbers are the Shloka Chapter & verse as found in the Bhagavata-purana. The Family tree has 3,500 names up to the 11th Century.

I cut and pasted just the Chapter & verses shown to show you what the Vedas say in black and white replete with 'pictures'--I know a good thing when I see it --I can see the relationships and where each of the puranas are placed on this tree -- maybe I can see it because I have been practicing for so long.

There is a purpose to the inclusion of 563 shlokas [at my count] enumerating 'Who's who' in the family that started with Brahma, in this material cosmos.

I tried to look at the ones for Saraswati, but I couldn’t seem to find one reference to Her in the verses that appeared to be cited. Can you name the verses that mention Her?


Did She not exist in spirit before-hand? --no one existed as spirit before-hand: All are etenal persons or plenary expansions of persons--albeit Transcendental persons replete with Transcendental personalty.

So, you don’t think we existed before our bodies came into existence? Glad you claim to follow the Gita, LOL :D

"As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death."

--Bhagavad Gita 2.13

"For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain."

--Bhagavad Gita 2.20

"As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones."

--Bhagavad Gita 2.22


And there is no difference between a Devi, a demigod/demigoddess, and a goddess. Apsaras, Kinaras, Gardharvas are not Deva(i)s.

Devi, a demigod/demigoddess, and a goddess are by birth or specially "commisioned" by higher authority, namely Brahma & his mantris.

So, Lakshmi Devi is now under the authority of Brahma?

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Regarding our statement(s):

I miss-spoke yet I was correct ["Did She not exist in spirit before-hand? --no one existed as spirit before-hand: All are etenal persons or plenary expansions of persons--albeit Transcendental persons replete with Transcendental personalty."]


You spoke correctly yet you miss-spoke. ["So, you don’t think we existed before our bodies came into existence?"]

1) The souls of the Devas (ie: Shiva) are born from Lord Brahma & merged into the waters of devastation during the night of Brahma!


2) [via other verses not include herein] The souls of the Devas (ie: Shiva) may be liberated personalities re-incarnating [within the Material world] to serve as Mahajans, Devas, etc, pursuant to assisting in the supervision of the material machinery of the universe and/or to engage in the entourage of Vishnu's avataras—when they at long last show up.

NOTE: Both the above items are addressed in the explaination below by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.


Iso 14 P:

. . . The duration of life varies according to species. Lord Brahmä, the chief living being within this material universe, lives for millions and millions of years, while a minute germ lives for some hours only.

But no one in the material world can survive eternally. Things are born or created under certain conditions, they stay for some time, and, if they continue to live, they grow, procreate, gradually dwindle and finally vanish.

According to these laws, even the Brahmäs, of which there are millions in different universes, are all liable to death either today or tomorrow. Therefore the entire material universe is called Martyaloka, the place of death.

. . . Those living beings who reside on higher planets like the sun and the moon, as well as those on Martyaloka, this earth planet, and also those who live on lower planets—all are merged into the waters of devastation during the night of Brahmä.

During this time no living beings or species remain manifest, although spiritually they continue to exist. This unmanifested stage is called avyakta.

Again, when the entire universe is vanquished at the end of Brahmä’s lifetime, there is another avyakta state. But beyond these two unmanifested states is another unmanifested state, the spiritual atmosphere, or nature.

There are a great number of spiritual planets in this atmosphere, and these planets exist eternally, even when all the planets within this material universe are vanquished at the end of Brahmä’s life.

. . . On the material planets, everyone from Brahmä down to the ant is trying to lord it over material nature, and this is the material disease. As long as this material disease continues, the living entity has to undergo the process of bodily change.

Whether he takes the form of a man, demigod or animal, he ultimately has to endure an unmanifested condition during the two devastations—the devastation during the night of Brahmä and the devastation at the end of Brahmä’s life. . . .





1—I have found the sources of Radha birth —and I will post it on the other thread.

2—RE: Sarasvati-devi's [bharati, Wife of Lord Brahma] mentioned in the Bhagavatam [i had a miss-print] see: (SB 4.15.16, 3.12.27, 3.12.49, 3.12.52, 3.12.57, & 6.18.30)

3—I still have to find the root source of the word "Bhakti/Bhakta"

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SB 4.15.16

brahmä brahmamayaà varma

bhäraté häram uttamam

hariù sudarçanaà cakraà

tat-patny avyähatäà çriyam





Lord Brahmä presented King Påthu with a protective garment made of spiritual knowledge. Bhäraté [sarasvaté], the wife of Brahmä, gave him a transcendental necklace. Lord Viñëu presented him with a Sudarçana disc, and Lord Viñëu’s wife, the goddess of fortune, gave him imperishable opulences.





SB 3.12.57


The history of the creation of the population of the universe is given herewith.


Brahmä is the original living creature in the universe, from whom were generated the Manu Sväyambhuva and his wife Çatarüpä.


From Manu, two sons and three daughters were born, and from them all the population in different planets has sprung up until now.


Therefore, Brahmä is known as the grandfather of everyone, and the Personality of Godhead, being the father of Brahmä, is known as the great-grandfather of all living beings.

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Well, you pasted it on this thread, too. Here, I'll paste my refutation of your shastric 'proof' of Saraswati being a demigoddess here as well:


How does this:

Lord Brahma presented King Prithu with a protective garment made of spiritual knowledge. Bharati, the wife of Brahma, gave him a transcendental necklace. Lord Vishnu presented him with a Sudarshan chakra, and Lord Vishnu's wife, the goddess of fortune, gave him imperishable opulences.

--Bhagavata Purana 4.15.16


So, does this include Radha and Krishna?:

Sage Kardama, husband of the great Devahuti, was manifested from the shadow of Brahma. Thus all became manifested from either the body or the mind of Brahma.

--Bhagavata Purana 3.12.27

If not, then how can you prove it is also not talking about Saraswati?


Again, how is this proving that Saraswati Ma is a demigoddess?:

Thereafter Brahma accepted another body, in which sex life was not forbidden, and thus he engaged himself in the matter of further creation.

--Bhagavata Purana 3.12.49


And, how exactly does this prove that Saraswati is a demigoddess?:

While he was thus absorbed in contemplation and was observing the supernatural power, two other forms were generated from his body. They are still celebrated as the body of Brahma.

--Bhagavata Purana 3.12.52

Prabhupada, who is your teacher, just says they are the bodies of the first man and first woman... he doesn't even name them, and neither does the scripture.


Where does this verse even mention Saraswati?:

The father, Manu, handed over his first daughter, Akuti, to the sage Ruci, the middle daughter, Devahuti, to the sage Kardama, and the youngest, Prashuti, to Daksha. From them, all the world filled with population.

--Bhagavata Purana 3.12.57

Saraswati doesn't even live on earth. She lives in Brahma-Loka.


Once again, no mention of Saraswati/Bharati:

In the beginning of creation, Lord Brahma, the father of the living entities of the universe, saw that all the living entities were unattached. To increase population, he then created woman from the better half of man's body, for woman's behavior carries away a man's mind.

--Bhagavata Purana 6.18.30

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1-- You asked for Sarasvati mention in sastra. I gave it to you.


2--My Point is in posting these ancillary verses is to support the understanding that: All Devas are Born and Die, thus they are not 'Gods':

The history of the creation of the population of the universe is given herewith.


Brahma is the original living creature in the universe, from whom were generated the Manu Svayambhuva and his wife Satarupa.


From Manu, two sons and three daughters were born, and from them all the population in different planets has sprung up until now.


Therefore, Brahma is known as the grandfather of everyone, and the Personality of Godhead, being the father of Brahma, is known as the great-grandfather of all living beings.


3--YOU ASKED, "you don’t think we existed before our bodies came into existence?" --I corrected myself by quoting 'who stays above the annihilations' and who doesn't.


4--I acknowledged that some devatas are Eternal servants of God in positions of the day-to-day Supervision of the Universe's management.


5--I repeat: 'there is no difference between a Devi, a demigod/demigoddess, and a goddess'.


6--Are you saying 'there is a difference between a Devi, a demigod/demigoddess, and a goddess'?

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1- Thx, I was more asking for a verse pertaining to Her birth, though. Which, that wouldn't prove anything anyways, since Krishna has incarnated multiple times... including in His own original form... and appeared to be 'born' and 'die', but that doesn't prove that Krishna is a demigod. Similarly, Saraswati could have incarnated in a body like Her spiritual from.


2-Where do the verses say that Saraswati will die? It doesn't even mention Her birth, let alone Her death.




4-So, do you think Saraswati is one of these eternal 'servants'? And, if so, then how do you know that She's a demigoddess based on Her (supposed) 'servitude'? Lakshmi serves Vishnu, does that make Her a demigoddess?


5-There is no difference between a Goddess and a Devi (since Devi is just the Sanskrit word for Goddess), but there is certainly a difference between a demi-goddess and a goddess: a demi-goddess (e.g.- Urvashi, Menaka, etc...) isn't purely divine and is susceptible tp Karma, while a goddess (e.g.- Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati) is entirely divine and isn't susceptible to Karma because all of Her activities are in play, or Lila.


6-Uh, I'm pretty sure that's what I just said.

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There is no difference between a Goddess and a Devi (since Devi is just the Sanskrit word for Goddess), but there is certainly a difference between a demi-goddess and a goddess: a demi-goddess (e.g.- Urvashi, Menaka, etc...) isn't purely divine and is susceptible tp Karma, while a goddess (e.g.- Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati) is entirely divine and isn't susceptible to Karma because all of Her activities are in play, or Lila


I agree. [if I stated any different, I mis-spoke. This is my own opinion also.]


I have a source where I will look into Sarasvati's Birth.--TBA.

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