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My Miserable situation.Interesting study for amatuer astrologers too.please help..

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Am here first like many others who seek help.. pls patiently read my following account and suggest precise remedies/reasons. I do not mean to debase anyone out if there is an expert here please help. I have reached the fag end of misery in life not only on below account but overall..please read on.. I am on verge of begging..

" I resigned my job in July 2006 due to psychological instability and depression. I applied for UK work Visa same time. I was rejected in Feb 2007. I appealed against the visa officer's decision and waited. I applied for US H1 at the same time then. USA visa application was approved in the lottery in June ending. Same time UK people replied and said i wil be given visa. I took UK visa and went to UK in SEPTEMBER 2007. There worst things happened , things didnt work out and i returned in JUST 3 weeks instead of settling there happily. One 1/2 lakh rupees went into drain. Then i failed in keeping my relationship with my Love and she got married to someone and carrying on. I Came out of that depression just in April end 2008. As my USA visa application is still valid, I decided to attend for interview. From May till last week my US employer didnt send my documents and was not responding to my emails etc. only last week they sent. Now when everytihng is thought fine, my current so called employer is teasing me by not giving me certificates etc. He is indifferent to me. acts very rude. He said i can go to interview now. Now i booked my date on 17th this month july 2008. i made all arrangements for travel etc. Suddenly today he sent email that i have to go on 1st week of august. One more hopeless miracle happened just now. I booked trained ticket on this 12th to mumbai through internet. i am sure i booked on 12th. Now i received email from railways that "Thanks for using services. My ticket is cancelled and amount is refunded to my credit card and the travel date mentioned is 4th july and not 12th. 4th was the date i booked. All these omens/things are so weird. Now USA visa holds a stake of 1.5 lacs ruppes of hard earned money. It will take a book to express my miseries but i wil end this for now.. this visa is a life and death last chance for me to go abroad.. Please help..


My details--

DOB 5th July 1977

Place - Hyderabad- AP , 17° 20' N, 78° 30' E

Time - 3.50 a.m.

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Don't worry BUT

Why can't you get job here,my first query to you.

About your problem,I advise you to wear Rudraksha,simple 5 mukhi will do.Do this only if you have trust in Rudraksha else don't wear them atall.

If you are ready I shall advise further on this matter,good luck.

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i believe in all concepts of hinduism.. i only believe in them.. thanks for your advice. everywhere there is adulteration so i am not sure where i will find panchi mukhi rudhraksha even if 5 mukhi is common. i am not already wearing one..

also about my job here.. its not just about abroad. its about my general instability and also this rare abroad oppurtunity


thanks again ..

please advice

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Why must you go abroad? 12th lord mars is aspected by Saturn which is the cycle you are currently running. Not good for living in other countries. Plus the omens seem to suggest the same.


Are you a performer? Singer? Actor? Perhaps your problems are happening because you are not really focused on what you should be doing.


Just a thought.



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i would be grateful if an expert can give ASTROLOGICAL REASONS/REMEDIES etc etc. i asked many people in many forums but evryone keeps telling me about will power and believing in myself and personality development related stuff.

perhaps my chart is too complicated.

one more time my humble request is that i dont need counselling...


Thanks Much

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Dear unanth,


I'm not a professional astrologer neither do I ever comment on a chart in forums as it takes more than 4yrs of deep study to many any kind of predictions. Since you mentioned amateur I thought I should write something.


You are under Saturn / Saturn currently. No doubt the period will be a bit difficult for you. Since Saturn is in third house it indicates, you are thinking a lot about unnecessary things and worrying to a major extent about them. It also indicates professionally you will have problems concentrating with your job. As you mentioned you left your job in July 2006, this is exactly the period when Saturn's dasa started in your chart.


In my opinion you should rethink about whatever you do and consult other people's help. Its a possibility that your decisions may turn out to be wrong ones. I think you have a love marriage in your chart, I wonder why things didn't work out. Mars in 12th house aeries doesn't look promising although I won't comment much on that.


Finally, I would say only if you can take chances in your life take it. If you cannot you should not be taking risk. Remedies are only to ease your mind and make you do what you are supposed to do, which most of us don't. Believe in yourself, your hard times and work will pay off.



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Dear Ayush,


Thanks much for your valuable adive..

Also its interesting to know and hear that love marriage is indicated for me.. although it can haooen no more..

they say astrology has a curse from Goddess from Goddess Parvathi that only 50 percent will be true..

Also i am very much interested and shocked to hear first time that it takes 4 years to make predictions.. can u pleas tell me more about it?? this questions the dependability of astrology..

i myself am trying to learn astrology...



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Dear Ananth,


If you read BV Raman's Astrology for beginners, it will give you enough idea how Vedic Astrology works. Next you pick another book on bhavas and there would be several combinations, like if Sun is in 1st house then this will happen. In this way you can do predictions.


But a prediction like that is not an indepth one. Astrologers here like USR Ji, Deepa Ji, sasisekaran and a few others have practised t his science for a long time now. When they look at Sun in 1st house they see its malefic or benefic, they see type of house its airy or earth or water sign, then they look for strength, and many more. This is just the beginning of the analysis. Later dasas are checked which shows what happend and will happen at what time. What are the chances of an incident happening, ect ect.


So reaching that level takes time and regular practise. I started studying astrology on one summer vacation in 2001, and till now I don't even know how to use Navamsa while analysing a chart. This is beacuse I was never consistent. Although now a days I've been learning a few more things than ever specially from this forum.


Finally I would advise you, don't get into predictions unless you have learnt the science of astrology widely. A Little Knowledge is always a Dangerous Thing.



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i would be grateful if an expert can give ASTROLOGICAL REASONS/REMEDIES etc etc. i asked many people in many forums but evryone keeps telling me about will power and believing in myself and personality development related stuff.

perhaps my chart is too complicated.

one more time my humble request is that i dont need counselling...


Thanks Much


You are currently going thru Saturn MD. The first phase is often the most difficult. You can wear Blue Sapphire for Saturn.


But if you insist on arrogant posts about what you think you do or don't need it will not serve you.


There is more to astrological science than just wearing a gemstone or going to a river or feeding crows. Astrology is, ultimately, a science of self-understanding.


To just demand things from astrologers to whom you are paying nothing and refusing to even consider introspection or self-study is to take a very dull, tamasic approach towards astrology.


- Pablo

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