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Mars and Venus mutual exchange.

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om gurubhyo namah




dear vidhya raman


the seventh and sixth lord exchange is not good for

spouse and business matters.


while saturn and mars are placed in 7th, the seventh

house is aspected by rahu too. the stress is coming

on the seventh house.


you were born on a ashtami thith, ruled by rahu.

deception on relationship is seen here.


since mars has gone to the 7th house, instead

of normal vimsottari, you may use dwisapataadi sama

dasa. as per this dasa , moon's major period is on.


rahu's antar started in april this year. this does not

appear to be good.


with these background , i do not see the exchange as good


pl correct me if i am wrong.


may mother bless all






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Vidhya Raman

Can you give your family background and dates of important events.In what area you want prediction of Saturn dasa.



parents were in private sector. have on eyoungerbrother who is married. I got married in May 2005. have two sons born one in april 1998 and sep 1999. spent fe years out of india. right now back in india. did BE froma reputed college in India. I have been on and off work. when i work i used to earn lot of money. lost mother on 26/4/2005. did kids upanayanam on 23/4/2006.

I ssaturn dasa good fo rhealth/family/finance and father

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well, I just want to know source of your birth time. Can it be 2-3 minutes earlier or just accurate? Did you get married between Oct 2004 to Sept 2005?

yes i got married in May 2005. will iw ork. will i earn so that we can clear debts. i want to know health- marital happiness and kids prospects

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I did chemical engg - but worked in telecom/IT sector 8 years of my workin glife.

yes, and that matches with the favorable professions suggested.


Right now - i am working with a freind with no money involved in helping his software /data analytics


It is not likely to be equally favorable as against the suggested professions; and that you can also feel.

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