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Must Read Article

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I read this wonderful article and would like to share with all viewers-


Seek astrological guidance, but don't be totally dependent on it. The astrologer has many limitations. No astrologer has the final say in any matter. Plan intelligently, remembering the astrologer's advice. Any pariharas (remedies) suggested by the astrologer can be adopted as long as they are spiritually oriented and do not involve unnecessary expenditure. Such remedies (as per Parasara the father of Indian astrology) are prayers and chanting of Mantras. Other remedies, which involve huge costs are not reliable and are mostly suggested by dishonest astrologers. Accept your Prarabdha and do your duties cheerfully. Know that you cannot escape your Prarabdha. Even Yogic can help you only to postpone it, not avert it! But there is one area where you have total freedom. That is your current karma (Kriyaman).

You can determine the course of action. You can bring in an anti-current of thoughts, a current of noble, spiritual thoughts, thoughts guided by Dharma. It is never too late to change the course of action. In the Kriyaman area, do good deeds. Let Dharma guide you. Some times there may be a conflict between free will (Kriyaman) and destiny (Prarabdha). However powerful Prarabdha is, DO NOT DESPAIR. Do your duties cheerfully without being excessively attached to the fruits of your actions. Surrender yourself to God and do your duties with a Nimitta Bhava. Great Yogic like Bhisma and Vasishta have placed Purushartha or exertion (free will) above destiny. Do not underestimate the role of Kriyaman Karma, your Free Will to change the course of action.

Advanced people do not need astrology. They accept Prarabdha as God's will while the ignorant person develops pathological dependence on astrology, starts despairing, lapses into inaction or makes half-hearted attempts. It is perhaps for this reason that reformist thinkers like Swami Vivekananda and Swami Dayananda Saraswati were opposed to astrology. But saints like Sri Ramakrishna who was Swami Vivekananda's guru, spoke positively about astrology, because they had the attitude of a bhakta (devotee) and see all this as a 'play of the divine'. It all depends on how we take it. The devotee (bhakta) sees only Prarabdha. The vedantin (gnani) sees only Purushartha. Both are correct, because these are two sides of the same coin. The bhaktha (devotee) feels it is all Prarabdha only. Yet there is no fatalism in this. Prarabdha is only Purushartha (efforts born of free will) of previous births. Purushartha combined with Prarabdha brings effects. A man who is sick has to take the medicine (Purushartha) and leave the result to Prarabdha. Through Purushartha, Markandeya conquered death. Vasishta advocates Purushartha to Sri Rama throughout the Yoga Vasishta. We are neither totally bound by destiny nor are we totally free. We have limited freedom like a cow that has been tied to a post in a field with a rope. It can move freely, but only within the limits of the field. We have limited freedom depending upon how much we can stretch our Karma.

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om gurubhyo namah




dear smt. deepa,bhandari


nice article.


follow of dharma has been emphasised. free will has been talked about.

views of reformists have been told.


if you look at the above astrologically, dharma is seen from the ninth

house and navamsa.


free will is seen from upachaya sthanas.

third house shows efforts. sixth shows our shadripus (weaknesses)

tenth house shows the karmas we do in this janma

eleventh house shows the satsangha.


all these are at our disposal.


Exactly here, the duty of the jothisha is called for to explain to the society

at large.



jothish is the fifth anga, after the first four of vedas.


jothish cannot be just brushed away. it is feared because of the

few who commercialise it.


may mother bless all






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Respected Sasisekaran ji,


What an insight and what a perspective! Can you pls suggest some books to read?


Allow me to go on a tangent from a part of what you said. What is the duty of a jyotisha? Is remedy a blessing for mankind or are we meaning to interfere with divine order? At a juncture of knowledge and confusion, and intentions pure, I need your valuable guidance.




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i do not know anything about astrology but i believe in it.

it is also true that we have to make efforts for fructification of prediction. just because the horoscope says that i have rajayoga i cannot sit at home and expect to become president!!

but sometimes you feel that truth honesty friendlisness love of god etc does not add upto the actual result.(may be i am in trouble and that is why i am bit confused)


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om gurubhyo namah




dear smt. deepa,bhandari






time is at our disposal. one has to give time as dhana to the lord.


all other materials that you give to HIM are given by HIM.

that is why 'dhana' of food, etc are recommended.


in essence, possession of materials clouds our budhi making

us forger HIM. chanting of mantras brings forth the gyna that

HE and HE alone is supreme.



may mother bless all





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om gurubhyo namah




dear sri.umbaba


truth, honesty are relative terms if we start measuring ourselves.


if some one signs a document just based on faith or frienliness is

a clear cut case of failure of 'his' duty.


we think that our 'prayers' to the lord have been sufficient if not

more. but are we justified in doing that ?



may mother bless all





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dear sir,

i understand. but being fair to all in my entire career it hurts when disaster strikes. but as you said god (till now) has given me enormous will power to sustain such pressures. but how long will it hold?(million dollor ?)



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Deepa Ji,

Dwaita says atma(self) and paramatma(god) are seperate entities.Adwaita says both are same and inseperable.Astrology or Jyotish guides a person to understand and be on the right path.It is a vedanga.It is practical.

Philosophy and Jyotish are on different levels of human knowledge.

Your artcle is good.


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Kind sir,


Yes I do know what you are saying .. kind of a beginning paragraph of the very first book I read on vedic astrology. Sometimes, its good to reorient to basics.


Also, its not my article. I read it somewhere on the net but I really wanted to share with viewers here. This thing always haunts me - the way in which a native responds to a prediction...




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Dear All,

Nice article there by Deepaji.


As it has been discussed here, one should take astrology as a science which can guide us, and not which can do everything and anything for us.


Like umbaba said, one cannot sit back at home and sleep thinking I have rajyoga so I'll be getting everything by itself. One need to work to get the results. Astrology can either give very auspecious results or some results which are not good. But what matters the most is a genuine effort.




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