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How does one know if they are enlightened?

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I've found that all my studies and practices have brought me to a place that I have never experienced before. My Schizophrenia has allowed me to bring a new light to my mind and I can see things much more clearly now.. It feels like a great awakening for me.. I can speak to all the Deities within Sanatana Dharma that I personaly know and have them all working together. I'm not sure how to define Enlightenment in Hinduism..

Anyone have any thoughts?

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I've found that all my studies and practices have brought me to a place that I have never experienced before. My Schizophrenia has allowed me to bring a new light to my mind and I can see things much more clearly now.. It feels like a great awakening for me.. I can speak to all the Deities within Sanatana Dharma that I personaly know and have them all working together. I'm not sure how to define Enlightenment in Hinduism..

Anyone have any thoughts?


There is no such thing as "enlightenment in Hinduism". There are several branches in Hinduism and according to most of them, there is no such thing as enlightenment.


Some branches have their version of enlightenment - all different from one another. Pick your choice.



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I've found that all my studies and practices have brought me to a place that I have never experienced before. My Schizophrenia has allowed me to bring a new light to my mind and I can see things much more clearly now.. It feels like a great awakening for me.. I can speak to all the Deities within Sanatana Dharma that I personaly know and have them all working together. I'm not sure how to define Enlightenment in Hinduism..

Anyone have any thoughts?




Come to The Light of the Sun(KRSNA)



(...lyrics taken from a popular song)


I can see clearly now the rain (maya) has gone

I can see all obstacles (anarthas) in my way

Gone are the dark clouds (illusions) that had me blind

It's going to be a bright, bright sunshiny(KRSNA Conscious) day

I think I can make it now the pain (Material existence) has gone

And all of the bad feelings (lust, anger, greed,etc...)have disappeared


Here is the rainbow (KRSNA's sign)I've been praying for :pray: (Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna,...)

It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day :)

Look all around there's nothing but blue skies

Look straight ahead nothing but blue skies

(Only KRSNA, the Blue Boy Playing the Flute)

I think I can make it now the pain has gone

And all of the bad feelings have disappeared

I can see clearly now the rain has gone

It's gonna be a bright, bright

Sunshiny day

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I've found that all my studies and practices have brought me to a place that I have never experienced before. My Schizophrenia has allowed me to bring a new light to my mind and I can see things much more clearly now.. It feels like a great awakening for me.. I can speak to all the Deities within Sanatana Dharma that I personaly know and have them all working together. I'm not sure how to define Enlightenment in Hinduism..

Anyone have any thoughts?

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...I like one of George Harrisons lyrics for its simplicity:


'the further one travels...the less one really knows'


this tune seems to ring true on the journey...


...at some stage maybe we realize our insignificance and the significance of Sri Krsna...



Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindu


(52nd anga of bhakti) full self surrender

6th symptom of surrender: Karpanya - humility is expressed as follows, 'I am very fallen and insignificant.'

I like one of Vidyapati's phrases too, about the wonderful attractive charm of Sri Krsna:



'oh Dark One, who are you? who are you really?'
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I've found that all my studies and practices have brought me to a place that I have never experienced before. My Schizophrenia has allowed me to bring a new light to my mind and I can see things much more clearly now.. It feels like a great awakening for me.. I can speak to all the Deities within Sanatana Dharma that I personaly know and have them all working together. I'm not sure how to define Enlightenment in Hinduism..

Anyone have any thoughts?


try the idea of a Al...


""A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

- Albert Einstein



True 'enlightenment' is to understand existence. Meaning to comprehend, things in definable knowledge.


The collective conscious is when the masses are equal in knowledge.


simply to 'know' how to tie your shoe; you are an enlightened shoe tyerrrr.

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I guess nothing can really define enlightenment except for the personal experience.
Usually words define each experience.



I think everyone is enlightened, yet, not everyone reflects that light.
Nice thought as not everyone has the words to describe.



Some will experience it, others will reincarnate until they do.
Reincarnate? Like from here to a dog, with memories and learning how to clean themselves.


To represent a fib, then you reincarnate into that tree. Represent true and live forever in that contribution; the lie dies eventually



Yet.... Why ask this question?
Is like asking why breath.


each are to pursue knowledge, learn and convey; otherwise why exist?


To chant? To paint unnatural colors upon the face so men can like you?


To simply take up oxygen so the next child has less?


Each ask of the questions to comprehend. Love the seeker and give of your choice to nuture the true lover of existence; the crishna conscious by choice seeks to understand thereby to convey for the morrow's comprehension.

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I think I may have become enlightened.. I'm really beggining to understand spiritual truth alot better I think the little bit of Krishna practice I have done has awakened me and my Schizophrenia is almost under perfect control now.. I can actualy control my illusions and I make sure that they do not get too real... Not that they ever really do.. It's actually Kind of cool..

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Another thing I found VERY interesting.. Was I was talking to Brahma for help and He said he created a Green Luminous Woman Deity Who used flower tipped arrows to help people like me and he said her name was Saraswari.. I was looking in a Kundalini book and found Sahasrara the seventh chakra with this quote "Subject, Object and God. The Inspirer of the Both. All three are (formed in) Brahma. And nothing but Brahma. And nothing but Brahma. Knowing this one should try to realize HIM in one's own Being. Nothing remains to be known after this."

So this built my faith up in this respect.. Anyone have any theories or knowledge about this? Because I'm pretty much at a loss.. Like Why green? Why is her name so similar to Sahasrara and Brahma is associated with her?

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Another thing I found VERY interesting.. Was I was talking to Brahma for help and He said
WHo spoke? "and he said'???/


Why not ask him 'how can I assist in contributing to world Peace?'



little bit of Krishna practice I have done has awakened me and my Schizophrenia



religious beliefs will do it every time!


It's a common pychosis; that a person must lie to themselves to retain faith!


Kind of sad!:crazy2:

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Umm... I have asked that question and the answer is a secret =o)


Perhaps that 'he' must not trust you to be pure with the knowledge.


Maybe ask if the truth behind all comprehension is based on 'light?'


Is there anything at all you can do for the next generations that will offer Peace and pure Understanding for the next child?


and be sure not to ask for a thing; but as thanks for being alive....


submit to do in the stead of take

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Well.. I havent told the Whole story thats why.. I said Brahma created me this demigoddess.. but it wasnt really him that told me about peace.. It was more of a collaboration of mainly Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and Krishna as well.. I know I shouldnt be speaking about this.. Because I was told not to tell too much.. So I'll try to keep the answers as simple as possible..


The BEST answer I can really give right now is to surround yourself with positive forces! Find out what positive colors are in your beliefs.. Find positive pictures.. Try Feng Shui.. Make your living area a shrine to what is known as the Holy spirit.. BE KIND! Don't just have a small altar!.. Dont worship the deities.. Respect them.. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are Deities as well and not Gods! Remember the Krishna and his supreme personality!

I'll try to help as best as I can.. I still have my own life to deal with.. and I'm trying to follow this example as well.. Be strong in faith of compassion! If Demons come be peacefull with them.. SHOW them LOVE thru perfect example say that you wish to teach them truth.. If they flee.. so what! Dont try to destroy them because thats stooping to their own tactics.

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Well I didnt say the whole story!.. It wasnt just Bramha that told me this secret! I was told by Bramha, Vishnu, and Shiva.. and Krishna.. One thing they told me is to not worship the deities as Gods or Goddeses.. This includes Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva.. You must respect them and still petition for their help! Worship of them actualy cause quarrels, Arguments, Discord, Hatred, Fear.. Remember that Krishna is the supreme personality!



The best answer I can give is to surround yourself with positive forces!.. Bless things.. Like your dishes and silver ware.. Find some at a yard sale that you find beautiful and bless them and say these are Holy.. Do this as much as you can.. If you enough money buy them at a store.. For instance I have dragon staues that I sat and contemplated with.. I name them.. for instance I have one by this computer.. She is very wise and uses magic to protect me.. I draw pictures and hang them on my walls.. I actualy made up my own holy language and write prayers with them.. Look into Feng Shui.. Get the idea? Make your living area a Shrine! Be Kind! Be strong in faith in Compassion! Remember the Krishna and the universal form!!

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Well.. I havent told the Whole story thats why.. I said Brahma created me this demigoddess.. but it wasnt really him that told me about peace.. It was more of a collaboration of mainly Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and Krishna as well.. I know I shouldnt be speaking about this.. Because I was told not to tell too much.. So I'll try to keep the answers as simple as possible..
That was not simple to digest as it seems some of the terms (descriptions) do not match with the teachings of the faiths that use (defined) them.




The BEST answer I can really give right now is to surround yourself with positive forces! Find out what positive colors are in your beliefs.. Find positive pictures.. Try Feng Shui.. Make your living area a shrine to what is known as the Holy spirit.. BE KIND! Don't just have a small altar!.. Dont worship the deities.. Respect them.. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are Deities as well and not Gods! Remember the Krishna and his supreme personality!

I'll try to help as best as I can.. I still have my own life to deal with.. and I'm trying to follow this example as well.. Be strong in faith of compassion! If Demons come be peacefull with them.. SHOW them LOVE thru perfect example say that you wish to teach them truth.. If they flee.. so what! Dont try to destroy them because thats stooping to their own tactics.

OK... not much anyone could say as the 'try feng shui' being conveyed in a dream is different but I'll read anyway.
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Well I didnt say the whole story!..
apparently not



The best answer I can give is to surround yourself with positive forces!.. Bless things.. Like your dishes and silver ware..

Bless the dishes....... check



Find some at a yard sale that you find beautiful and bless them and say these are Holy..
Nope! No need for them nor going to fib.



Do this as much as you can..



If you enough money buy them at a store..
What need of a possession?



For instance I have dragon staues that I sat and contemplated with.. I name them..
People hungry all over the world, you buy a dragon, name it and then probably telling people it is 'holy.' :eek2:



for instance I have one by this computer.. She is very wise and uses magic to protect me..
you're scaring the children now!



I draw pictures and hang them on my walls.. I actualy made up my own holy language and write prayers with them..



Look into Feng Shui.. Get the idea?
OK I'll read.



Make your living area a Shrine!
Eye's open; living in a shrine.



Be Kind! Be strong in faith in Compassion! Remember the Krishna and the universal form!!


What form? Forms have definitions; what's yours?

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