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can a manglik wear red coral?

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iam a diagnosed manglik of 80%(this is the rate of manglikness i was diagnosed with), and recently i was advised to wear a red coral to restore a weak mars(but upon checking shad bala of mars ,it turned out mars is quite a high ranker), my question is, if iam manglik can i wear a red coral and what are the alternate methods to enhance mars without affecting manglikness if it is affected at all? iam also wearing a ruby.



my details


DOB:8th march 1981


TOB:14:40 hrs or 2:40 pm


thank you

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As per my little understanding of astrology, I think people with Tauras, Gemini, Virgo and Libra ascendants should avoid wearing a coral unless Mars is posited in its own signs i.e. any of the below houses from ascendants - 6th/11th (for Tau), 7th/12th (for Gem), 3rd/8th (for Vir) and 2nd/7th (for Lib) during the Mahadasha of Mars.


Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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@ ms.deepa



thanks for your observation,i have been wearing ruby for 6 months now and i have seen a drastic decline in my investments in the stock market ever since! it has happened to most indians past 6 months but iam not marking profits even as well as i was before wearing ruby in fact iam in capital loss! any connection? and someone had advised me to wear yellow sapphire which i wore between 2003 to 2006 during which i started getting muscle spasms,panic attacks,extreme anxiety,melancholia,and had to change from out of 3 undergraduate degrees after joining for few months! now i don't want to experiment any more with inappropriate gems and crap up everything, i really need to know that perfect strategic gem which will single handedly or in combination take care of everything positively!



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@ ms.deepa


ok all clear! but this seems to have lighted up the bulb in my mind as nobody seems to have observed this till date! in my horoscope jupiter is lord of 9th house and saturn is lord of 7th house and in conjunction/combination(in 3rd house)they give raja yoga as lords of kendra(7th house) and trine(9th house)!!! am i correct?! if so then what are the implications?!!!!



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Yes you have a great combination in the 3rd house (which is actually not a good house), but you have 2 major problems in your chart - a malefic rahu in lagna which makes you feel defeated and the Mer-Ketu conjunction in 7th house - mercury is again a malefic and aspecting your lagna.


There are multiple reasons why i vetoed suggestions of red coral in your case -


Mars is yogkaraka and combust

Its conjunct with sun and venus - both are maraka planets for you and good they are in 8th!

Mars is also your atmakaraka


So in the whole thing, Mars can give more good results than bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...



@ ms.deepa


mars being yogakaraka is placed in dusthana 8th house, i heard this gives rise to vipareeta raja yoga? but generally speaking mars is 5th lord and also 10th lord in dusthana giving rise to pamara yoga and dur yoga respectively, so which yoga actually activates? i also heard that the conjoined planets' roles are also stressed? please clarify?



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  • 4 weeks later...

I would appreciate some sagely advice. What would be the best gemstone for me?


My birth details are below:


June 10, 1968 9:45 pm (21:45)

34 South 53, 56 W 11


I'm feel a lot of frustration and anger often and sometimes problems with insomnia. Thx.

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This thread caught my attention. I have some very similar placements as dudeza. (cancer asc with rahu, same plcmt of saturn, jupt, merc and My mars is placed in 7th house. it is also the atmakaraka. can i wear a red coral ? Ms. Deepa could you please tell me? I have got some very conflicting views about my plcmt of mars. some say i am manglik, some say i am not.

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Dear ppena,

are you male or female? this chart is strong in some ways. You should go in for a diamonn set in gold - one that touches your skin -wear it on friday morning in your right hand middle finger.


Though, in your case, you need more peace from prayers for moon rather than a gemstone.


Best Wishes




Dear rohini_naks,


you may post a new thread with your birth details, dear


Best WIshes


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It's interesting, I was sort of thinking along the same lines! But I wasn't sure, what you said about the moon is so perfect! I do often suffer from mental unrest.


I recently purchased a very fine 71 pt (.71ct) Canadian Diamond. I purchased it when Venus was at Maximum degree of exaltation (not sure if that matters).


I could have it set soon, but when is an Auspicious time to put it on?


Much appreciation for your advice.


(By the way I am male).





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  • 5 months later...

Hello Deepa,,

I am in a relationship since past 9 years. I am manglik by chandra kundli and he is not manglik. Since past several months (roughly 4 months), we have noticed that whenever we met he suffered some loss (both heath and wealth wise). Every time something bad happened to him despite efforts from both the sides.

First time,his landlord asked him to vacate the house for no reason.

Second time,he lost his mobile.

Third time,some problem to his car.

Fourth time,he fell ill.

Was that because of bad effect of my stars on him? Secondly, if we marry, would it be bad for him? What are the chances that we will marry each other as his parents thinks that I am unlucky for him? If marrying each other is not our destiny, then when we both are likely to marry (not to each other!)?

An astrologer has suggested me to wear pukhraj (5.5 rattis) as it will help me overall. I have started wearing this stone from 1 Jan 09. Will it help me in this issue also?


Just for your information, I am the first and only girl in his life. He had no other relations in the past. Also, he is wearing 5.5 rattis pukhraj and 4.5 rattis panna since August 2007.

I'll be grateful to you if you could find some time to answer my questions. It will be of great help.



My name: Jyoti

Birth time: 10:12 AM


Place: New Delhi

His name: Sandeep

Birth time: 4:45 PM


Place: Devaria, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh

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