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Time of birth:3:21 am

Place of birth;Gudivada, A.P.


Would like to know about Elinati Sani or Shani sade-sath. Any predictions regarding Kids and effects of Sani graha on my birth chart, will be a great help.:confused:

I don't want to give out my name, i'm sure, my name will not alter my birth details and facts. I hope, I can maintain privacy of my identity in this fourm.Hope this information will be enough to give some predictions.

Thanks a ton in advance.

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Hello, I need some predictions regarding kids and my general well being. Special focus on Sani graha, will be a great help. I heard that I'm going through Elinati Sani, or Sani Sadhe sath. What's its effect, which phase am I going through. I feel everything in my life is at a STOP sign. Pl. help me.:confused:


I was born on July 13th, 1980, Time of birth is 3:21 am, Place of birth is Gudivada, Andhra Pradesh.

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Your Sani Sade-sath is from 7/2002 to 9/2009.You are in the third part of it.Most of the tension period is over and another one year four months has to pass by.Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th houses is in 4th with Jupitor lord of 8th and 11th.Jupitor is karaka for husband for a female.Jupitor is vargottam. The overall effect you might have faced is wrt to your father's health and your brothers and sisters facing some problems.The present period of Mercury-Rahu may cause anxiety about your mother.

Regarding children pl give their gender with DOBs.

At present do puja to Sani on every saturday in any temple till 9/2009.Since your nakshtra lord is Sani he will not do harm to you.Also your lagna lord is Venus is in lagna ,you are well protected from all evils and get the best in life.


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dear pushyami


dont worry. sep 2009 onwards , everything will become ok.


meanwhile start observing vrata on tuesdays coinciding

with saptami and pournami.


....this year.........


1. tuesday and saptami.. on june 10.


2.tuesday and poornima... on oct 14.


apart from the above,

observe ekadasi vrata occuring in any vara also.


fast from sunrise to sunset. dont take anything !. donate food

to a needy person on that day. take food only after sunset.



may mother bless all





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I would like to know when will I have kids according to my chart.


My astrologers at my place indicated the same, saying that everything will be fine from 2009. Nothing major, is there anything to be concerned about. Pl. let me know if there is any obstacles or problems indicated in my life.


My husband was born on 30th september, 1973, in Rajhamundry, Andhra Pradesh, Time of birth is 4:30 am. Pl. let me know what phase is he going through, his health, and also looking at both of our charts, when will we have kids.


Thanks a lot for all your valuable advises and predictions.


Om sai Ram:pray:

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dear smt.pushyami


your husband does not have kalasarpa yoga. all planets

should be within the area between rahu and ketu, either

clockwise or anticlockwise.


your husband's chart has jupiter and mars on one side

while the other planets are on the other side.



fifth lord jupiter is neecha.


fifth place is tenated by rahu and aspected by the sixth lord saturn.


the sixth lord saturn is putra karaka.


in saptamsa, a varga meant for children , venus the fifth lord has gone to the fourth.


the fifth house falls in a sarpa dosha. fifth house is aspected by a natural malefic saturn.



venus being the atma karaka , its placement in 8th

in navamsa is not good. such a venus has become

the fifth lord in saptamsa.


these are some negatives.


pl ask him to pray lord shiva intensely. sun shows the lord who can guide his soul.


may mother bless all





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Sasiekaran garu, Namaste


Thanks for your suggestions. I will ask him to follow.


So based on both of our horoscopes, are childern indicated, if so when. We have been married for a long time now, did many rites and rituals, we even did Naga Prathista. Pl. give some predicitions based on our charts.

Would be a great help.


I would be delighted if Mr. Sanjeev Rao garu, and Deepa ji throw some light on our charts. Your suggestions and thoughts are great. I respect your knowledge.


Om Sai Ram

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Dearest Pushyami,


Om Sai Ram (thats why you are dearest :) )


First of all my dear, I get aslesa nakshatra lorded by mercury and not saturn as USR ji has mentioned...


Lagna lord is in own house in 8th. This is a tricky judgement .. can we call this bad placement, bad for health especially, or vipreet raj yoga! I am not confused at all, because I would like you to go in for a thorough check up of yourself, get treated because some minor problems could be there. I am saying minor because since 8th lord is in own house, the result will always be in your favour. Also, this problem has nothing to do with blood tests. I suggest a complete ultrasound even intravaginal.


Venus is now eighth in transit from your lagna and therefore the effects of 8th house will be felt. You are running Venus-Jupiter. Jupiter is a malefic for you and it is in a nakshatra lorded and sub-lorded by Venus! Also Moon conjunct Rahu always affects the native suddenly and grips the mind. Dont let this make you unhappy - overall the chart promises hope.


You only have to wait for 2009 to begin...


Your mantra - nothing as potent as "Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai" - shradha and saboori.




Best wishes


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Deepa Ji, thanks a lot for your Dearest Quote. Yeah, I believe in Sai Baba a lot. I understand that Patience is required and which i'm really trying to have.


What is Aslesha, you mean my birth star is Aslesha...According to my parents and other astrologers, my birth star is Pushyami, with Venus in own house. Also Sanjeev rao ji hasn't said anything about my chart till now. Guess, there is some confusion.


So, with all this planets and their positions in my chart and my husband's chart, are Children indicated. WIll I have kids.


Thanks again.

Om Sai Ram

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Dearest Pushyami,


You are right. there is confusion. I am actually not at home and presently using another software online - this shows moon in aslesa and not pushyam. Some problem... Yes Venus is in own house in this chart too - you see, venus is lord of 2 houses - taurus and Libra - in yr case, i get libra lagna and venus in taurus in 8th house..


I'll go back home and recheck but this cannot be done before monday evening. Good you postd this reply, i was awake to check your husband's chart.


Take care, i'll get back


Best Wishes


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wow......thats such a quick response!!!!


I was wondering as how come you are still awake and responding. Are you living in India, it must be so late for you. SOrry for the bother.


Take your time to respond, there is no hurry.


Just for your quick reference, below are mine and my husband's details


My details:

Date of Birth: 13TH July 1980

Time of birth:3:21 am

Place of Birth: Gudivada, Andhrapradesh


My husband's details

Date of Birth: 30th September, 1973

Time of birth:4:30 am ( he gets confused about it, between 4:30-4:45 am)

Place of Birth: Rajahmundry, Andhrapradesh

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Hello Sasiekiran garu, Pl. help me in understanding your words, I'm a lay man, don't know what these mean.:confused:


dear smt.pushyami


your husband does not have kalasarpa yoga. all planets

should be within the area between rahu and ketu, either

clockwise or anticlockwise.


your husband's chart has jupiter and mars on one side

while the other planets are on the other side.



fifth lord jupiter is neecha.

fifth place is tenated by rahu and aspected by the sixth lord saturn.

the sixth lord saturn is putra karaka.

in saptamsa, a varga meant for children , venus the fifth lord has gone to the fourth.

the fifth house falls in a sarpa dosha. fifth house is aspected by a natural malefic saturn.


venus being the atma karaka , its placement in 8th

in navamsa is not good. such a venus has become

the fifth lord in saptamsa.

these are some negatives .


What do all these placement of planets mean, are kids indicated in both of our charts, if so when is the favourable period. How is his health.




Om Sai Ram

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Please do not worry much, kids are not denied even in your husband's chart. your worry is natural, but i assure you, let actions and prayer e without expectations and result. I have seen many IVF cases giving result only when treatment was given up!


If you are subjected to most charts here, you will know what level of problems people are in. THRE IS NO DENYING OF ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE.


Shraddha and Sabra...


Om Sai Ram



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Thanks for your encouraging words. I'm very depressed and anxious about having kids. Me and husband are aging, and slowly, my anixety is increasing day by day. So, you mean, medical intervention is indicated in our charts, to have kids. If so, I will think on those terms too.


I have faith in my Lord, so, I consider all these messages as Baba's messages. Thanks a lot, You are doing a great help in this forum. I wish Sanjeev Rao ji also takes some time to look into our charts and give his thoughts.


God Bless you....


Jai Sai Ram!

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