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Point to Ponder (Gemstones)

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Dear Sirs and Visitors,


My greetings. While googling upon the concern for whether to wear gomedh for rahu (in my case) I discovered a good quote that makes sense -


A birth chart is a map of the karmas that have to be experienced in this life. The account is kept by the Almighty and the apportionment from the accumulated (sanchit) karmas to be experienced in this life (prarabdha) is done by him. Are we so naive as to think that the karmas can be mitigated by stones? They can only be wiped clean or rendered faint by Him who has written them. This can be achieved through prayer, repentence and worshipping.


I concur with what this anonymous person says. With respects to whatever our great shastras tell us about using gems as remedies - we cannot expect them to work if our actions are not right. At the same time, whatever prayers, charity or repentance that we might do, I feel sure they would not harm at least.


I would like to give due credit to Sharma ji (astro_tech) whose remedies to strenghten my married life include touching my husband's feet daily after bath. I have felt the immediate good effects of the same in banishing negativities to a large extent.


Best regards to all,



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  • 4 months later...

Dear Mr Ramsay,


Though its none of my business, but I am tempted to ask wat good would a photo do if you feel so frustrated over the matter??? I believe that touching someone's feet is more a mark of respect rather than a mere ritual. I too touch my husband's feet on every karva chauth cause I truly believe that I need to do it not just because he is my husband but because of all the respect he's earned from me by being a wonderful caring husband. why not try being one and earn it for yourself :confused:


With kind regards and best wishes

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If a wife regards her husband worthy of touching his feet,such a jesture of reverence comes naturally,automatically and spontaniously with or without an advice.It is just like touching the feet of any revered person,even parents.If she feels otherwise,one can guess as to what she would do.It is a private affair between the two loved ones.

Deepaji has expressed her experince, while sharing her view on a good quote she discovered.Tasting it good or bad depends on how one takes it.

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