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oh, Bama

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My scenario is a bit different, with the same result, police state fascism (which Im already very much under its weight).


The election is fixed, the ballots are not being accurately tabulated. But Obama is not going to back off and go away like Kerry and Gore did, hes gonna push the envelope, and the masses will hit the streets, buoyed by a great collapse next month of all thing economic, as well as possible terror activity, contrived and well planned. The posse cometatus (Sp) laws have been ignored by the present regime, so all local police agencies are trumped by Homeland Security such as border patrol, Bureau of prisons, FEMA, even coast guard. All national guards are already out of individual state authority due to secret laws enacted by GWB over the course of post 911 BS.


So Obama wont go away, and the masses will hit the streets, and the martial law will take effect. The only good news is that neither Palin nor McCain will govern, but the bad news is that the election will be null and void, and no new term will begin in January. I see Obama taken prisoner, perhaps even injured, and put on trial as terrorist. I see massive civil unrest that may well become a civil war that has the hippies alligned with the neo-rednecks, blacks, etc.


But at least it aint boring. Alex's ally, the caretaker of Rev Malachi Martin, has even a direr scenario, with invasion by China from the North and Russia from the South. I believe her name is Katherine, a former Nun who labored for Pope JP II.


Clinton is the last elected president, Benedict, though the black pope, is the last of these, too, per Saint Malachis prophecy of 545 CE.


Hold on, this is why we were taught of other worlds to live in, because this is the planet of Death. Listen to "the end" by the doors, a good song for these daze.


And Haribol to all who will have ya, ys, mahaksadasa

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"Strange Days"

November may not be such a good month. Hold Tight to the Lotus of the Heart!



Hold on, this is why we were taught of other worlds to live in, because this is the planet of Death. by Mahak



When you've tried most everything and nothing's taking you higher

When you've come to realise, you've been playing with fire

Hear me when I say to you, it's really down to your heart


It's the beginning of a new love in sight

You've got the way to make it all happen

Set it spinning turning roundabout

Create a new dimension

When we are winning we can stop and shout

Making love towards perfection


I've been all around the world and seen so many faces

Young and old a story told, filling in my spaces

Now without a trace of doubt, I feel it every hour


It's the beginning of a new love inside

Could be an ever opening flower

No hesitation when we're all about

To build a shining tower

No explanations, need to work it out

You know we've got the power


Parallel our sights

And we will find, that we, we need, to be, where we, belong

Parallel our heights

Display our rights and wrongs, and always, keep it STRONG


It's the beginning of a new love in sight

Could be an ever opening flower

No explanations, need to work it out

You know we've got the power


It's the beginning of a new love inside

You've got the way to make it all happen

Set it spinning turning roundabout

Create a new dimension

When we are winning we can stop and shout

Making love towards perfection


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IT ALL BEGAN WHEN former State Department chief, Colin Powell, endorsed Barack Obama for president on Meet The Press, October 19 2008. Obama responded by saying, “Powell will have a role as one of my advisers.”Attached to his endorsement of Obama, Powell leaked an Obama-camp agenda about a coming crisis:

cptri1.jpg “There’s going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January which we don’t even know about right now!” View Entire Story Here.

On the very same day, (what a coincidence!), while at a Seattle fund raiser, Obama’s VP pick, Joe Biden, expanded on Powell’s prediction, by saying that the ‘crisis’ will be one of “international” proportions:

jbtrl.jpg “There are going to be a lot of tough decisions Barack’s gonna have to make, including foreign policy. Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

I guarantee you it’s gonna happen. And he’s gonna need you to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially that we’re right. So there’s gonna be some tough decisions. They may emanate from the Middle East. They may emanate from Russia’s newly-emboldened position because they’re floating in a sea of oil. View Entire Story Here.

Then Obama chimed in two days later on October 21 2008:

obtrl.jpg “The point that Joe made is very similar to the one that Homeland Secretary Chertoff made yesterday. This is that whoever is the next president is going to have to deal with a whole host of challenges internationally.” View Entire Story Here.

Trilaterist & former State Department chief, Madeline Albright, who supports Obama, agreed with the Obama camp, saying, “Obama will be tested.”

<center>facer.jpg</center><center>SANCTIONS AGAINST RUSSIA BEGIN </center>AS FIRST REVEALED by historian, political analyst, and Washington insider, Webster Tarpley of Rense.com - a new ruling elite is now in place in Washington. This power bloc is headed by the founders of the Trilateral Commission, David Rockefeller & Zbigniew Brzezinski. Obama is no more than a “blank slate” for this new ruling elite.

As the name “Trilateral” reflects, the mission of the Trilateral Commission is to divide the world into three regional super-governments, as an interim step toward world government. As the appellation “Commission” reflects, the instrumentality of a “shadow government” is implied. (More on this soon).

<center>eamap.jpg</center>Brzezinski is a known Russophobe, a maniacal adversary of Moscow. Brzezinski’s agenda is to take control of Eurasia, which Brzezinski looks upon as the “center for global power.” The contender for global power, Russia, (as Brzezinski views Russia), has made significant inroads in Eurasia since the Georgian conflict on 8-8-08.

<center>5points.jpg</center>Brzezinski is not unaware of the announcement by Russian President Dimitry Medvedev of his Five Points Of Russian Foreign Policy. Medvedev made the Five Points public following Russia’s trouncing of Georgia when Georgian troops invaded S.Ossetia:

medcup.jpg “A single-pole world is unacceptable. Domination is something we cannot allow. We cannot accept a world order in which one country makes all the decisions, even as influential a country as the United States of America.” View Entire Story Here.

<center>exportt.jpg</center>ON OCTOBER 24 2008, Washington, (translate Rockefeller-Brzezinski), initiated sanctionsagainst Russia’s state-controlled arms exporter, Rosoboron Export.

Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, responded by saying that “the sanctions imposed by the US on Russia’s state-run arms exporter contravene international law and will harm ties with Washington.” Lavrov concluded his remarks by saying that the US sanctions was “an unfriendly act.”

And so my friends — the ‘predicted’ world crisis, leaked by the Obama camp on October 19 2008 — has already begun…

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Obama: “Marxist” Front Man for the Banksters



Kurt Nimmo


October 26, 2008


Is Barack Obama a Marxist, will he redistribute the wealth to the middle class? This is the question a WFTV anchor posed to Joe Biden.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=439 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=16>onepixel.gif</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=16></TD><TD width=425><EMBED src="" width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" sQXcImQfubM&hl="en&fs=1&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6" v www.youtube.com http:></EMBED></TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=16></TD><TD class=photo-caption vAlign=top align=left width=425>Barbara West of WFTV employs the false right-left paradigm against Joe Biden. In response, the Obama campaign killed all interviews with the Florida TV station, thus demonstrating Ms. West cut too close to the bone. </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


It was of course an absurd question, considering Obama is the bankster candidate of choice. Banksters do not “redistribute” the wealth downward, they direct it upward into their own coffers. In fact, the word is not even accurate. It is not “redistribution,” it is theft. The banksters are grand theft larcenists on a monumental scale.


Karl Marx’s ideology was a historical ruse, a stratagem for the ruling elite. Marx was related to the Rothschild family. Nathan Mayer Rothschild married Hannah Barent-Cohen, daughter of Levi Barent-Cohen and wife Lydia Diamantschleifer and paternal granddaughter of Barent Cohen and wife, whose other son Salomon David Barent-Cohen married Sara Brandes, the great-grandparents of Karl Marx.


“Nathan Rothschild had given Marx two checks for several thousand pounds to finance the cause of Socialism. The checks were put on display in the British Museum, after Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a trustee, had willed his museum and library to them,” argues David Rivera in Final Warning: A History of the New World Order.


But even if Rothschild had nothing to do with his relative Karl Marx, the political philosophy of Marxism was custom-built for the banksters.


As Antony C. Sutton notes in Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, “both the extreme right and the extreme left of the conventional political spectrum are absolutely collectivist” and “both recommend totalitarian politico-economic systems based on naked, unfettered political power and individual coercion,” a system well-suited to the banksters, who are after all monopolists. “While monopoly control of industries was once the objective of J. P. Morgan and J. D. Rockefeller, by the late nineteenth century the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood that the most efficient way to gain an unchallenged monopoly was to ‘go political’ and make society go to work for the monopolists — under the name of the public good and the public interest.” It was, after all, John D. Rockefeller, Sr. who declared: “Competition is a sin.”


As H.G. Wells wrote in his 1939 book, The New World Order, this bankster imposed “revolution” is nothing if not “outright world-socialism, scientifically planned and directed.” According to one of Wells’ contemporaries, Aldous Huxley, this contrived “utopia” will not come naturally or even without strife — a form of “supra-national totalitarianism” will be “called into existence by … social chaos,” a chaos that draws closer every day as the international bankers sabotage the global economy in an effort to impose a new serfdom on the world as a whole.


As CFR historian Carroll Quigley explained in Tragedy and Hope, the banksters went political not only to make society at large work for them, but to destroy civilization as we know it and impose a feudalism on a global scale. “For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century,” writes Quigley.


It is a system “to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences,” Quigley explains. It is not merely a financial system, but a political and cultural one as well. It is a scientific dictatorship of the sort Quigley did not imagine when he wrote his book in 1975.


Dennis L. Cuddy explains:


Economically, there was no middle class in feudal times, and that’s exactly why there is an assault upon the middle class today. The tax burden today is largely borne by the middle class, which pays a higher percentage of its income in taxes than the serfs of feudal days paid from what they produced. Small businessmen (regulated by bureaucrats) today have become like feudal vassals on fiefs. You and I are like the peasants of feudal times. We’re called “human capital” or “human resources,” and are to be “managed” like feudal “human chattel.”



In the video above, long time insider Joe Biden once again states that “we will be tested,” primarily because our “economy is in free fall right now,” a downfall engineered by the banksters that control minion Biden and Barack Obama, the “savior” without accomplishment or credentials. Biden is simply providing us, the commoners detested by the elite, with a glimpse of things to come after the agent of “change” is installed in the White House. Indeed, there will be change, but not the kind sold by snake oil salesmen of Biden’s ilk.


No wealth will be spread to the beleaguered middle class, as advertised. No tax cuts will be forthcoming. After Obama is anointed, the engineered economic crisis will intensify and Obama the sock puppet for the banksters and Wall Street will demand wholesale sacrifice on the part of the plebs. His CFR connected wife said as much earlier in the year. Obama, the foundation financed wunderkind shepherded by the advocate of globalist primacy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, indeed has nothing but contempt for the American people and that is why he was groomed to lead, or rather take orders.

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I am a bit suspect of some of the links in some of the posts in this thread. Who is writing them (the linked articles) and why etc. Pays to read with discretion I guess...


Anyhow, here is something of interest:


Obama’s Hidden Hypnosis Techniques



THE EVIDENCE IS HERE: This document contains over 60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of “hack” hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know.

Barack Obama’s speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes.

Obama’s speeches intentionally contain:

  • Trance Inductions

  • Hypnotic Anchoring

  • Pacing and Leading

  • Pacing, Distraction and Utilization

  • Critical Factor Bypass

  • Stacking Language Patterns

  • Preprogrammed Response Adaptation

  • Linking Statements/ Causality Bridges

  • Secondary Hidden Meanings/Imbedded Suggestions

  • Emotion Transfer

  • Non-Dominant Hemisphere Programming

Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches - click here



You decide!


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I am a bit suspect of some of the links in some of the posts in this thread. Who is writing them and why etc.


Anyhow, here is something of interest:


Obama’s Hidden Hypnosis Techniques






THE EVIDENCE IS HERE: This document contains over 60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of “hack” hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know.


Barack Obama’s speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes.


Obama’s speeches intentionally contain:




  • Trance Inductions
  • Hypnotic Anchoring
  • Pacing and Leading
  • Pacing, Distraction and Utilization
  • Critical Factor Bypass
  • Stacking Language Patterns
  • Preprogrammed Response Adaptation
  • Linking Statements/ Causality Bridges
  • Secondary Hidden Meanings/Imbedded Suggestions
  • Emotion Transfer
  • Non-Dominant Hemisphere Programming

Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches - click here





You decide!




That is one of the articles on infowars. Not a very good article as pretty much all politicians use these kinds of techniques so to single out Obama on that front is stupid. I just post the ones that I view as intelligently written. My theory is that Obama is a puppet of the NWO and until proven otherwise I am not ashamed to say that at all. Obama was for the wall street bailout, if he was really this grass roots politician of the people and change I would think he would have voted against it. It makes the Obama personality cultists mad but I believe in free speech.

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.....After Obama is anointed, the engineered economic crisis will intensify and Obama the sock puppet for the banksters and Wall Street will demand wholesale sacrifice on the part of the plebs. posted by ancient

Gee that's full on. If its true people may be blissfully ignorant presently...walking into a world which is soon to change. Spending, consuming, family and social affairs...thinking life is just all these things. Forgetting how cruel the bind of material energy can be. Affluent society seems to have blinded many away from higher subject matter.

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Gee that's full on. If its true people may be blissfully ignorant presently...walking into a world which is soon to change. Spending, consuming, family and social affairs...thinking life is just all these things. Forgetting how cruel the bind of material energy can be. Affluent society seems to have blinded many away from higher subject matter.



Yep, same phenomena happened with the Bush administration. The Christian right got excited about Bush because they thought he was going to clean up the corruption from the Clinton years and all they got was more and more corruption and war out of Bush even though Bush claimed to be a Christian. Its a sad state of affairs but the propaganda from the corporate media is thick so I can't even blame the people for falling for this stuff. Hopefully I am wrong about Obama and he ends up being like Kennedy and challenging the NWO.

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Obama's birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor

Says Democratic senator must make request to obtain original document

October 26, 2008

HONOLULU, Hawaii – Although the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama's birth certificate has become a focus of intense speculation – and even several lawsuits – WND has learned that Hawaii's Gov. Linda Lingle has placed the candidate's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state's Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.

The governor's office officially declined a request made in writing by WND in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:State w:st=<st1:place w:st=" /><st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Hawaii</st1:place></st1:State> to obtain a copy of the hospital-generated original birth certificate of Barack Obama.

"It does not appear that Dr. Corsi is within any of these categories of persons with a direct and tangible interest in the birth certificate he seeks," wrote Roz Makuala, manager of constituent services in the governor's office, in an e-mailed response to a WND request seeking the information.


Those listed as entitled to obtain a copy of an original birth certificate include the person born, or "registrant" according to the legal description from the governor's office, the spouse or parent of the registrant, a descendant of the registrant, a person having a common ancestor with the registrant, a legal guardian of the registrant, or a person or agency acting on behalf of the registrant.

WND was told the official reason for denial of access to Obama's birth certificate would be authority granted pursuant to Section 338-18 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, a provision the anonymous source claimed was designed to prevent identity theft.

Still, the source told WND confidentially the motivation for withholding the original birth certificate was political, although the source refused to disclose whether there was any information on the original birth certificate that would prove politically embarrassing to Obama.


The source also refused to answer WND's question whether the original document on file with the Department of Health was a hospital-generated birth certificate or a registration of birth that may have been filed subsequent to the birth.

The anonymous source made clear the Hawaii Department of Health would immediately release Obama's original birth certificate, provided Obama requested the document be released, but the Department of Heath has received no such request from the senator or from anyone acting officially on his behalf.

WND also found on microfilm in the Honolulu downtown public library a notice published under the "Births, Marriages, Deaths" section of the Honolulu Sunday Advertiser for August 13, 1961, on page B-6, noting: "Mr. and Mrs. Barack II Obama. 6085 Kalanianaole-Hwy, son, Aug. 4."

In searching through the birth notices of the Honolulu Advertiser for 1961, WND found many birth notices were published between one and two weeks after the date of birth listed.

The notice in the Honolulu Advertiser does not list the hospital where the Obama son was born or the doctor who delivered the baby.

In a startling development, Obama's Kenyan grandmother has reportedly alleged she witnessed Obama's birth at the <ST1:PCoast </ST1:PProvincial </ST1:PHospital in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Mombasa</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Kenya</st1:country-region></st1:place>.

Friday, U.S. Federal judge Richard Barclay Surrick, a Clinton appointee, dismissed a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania attorney Phillip J. Berg who alleged Obama was not a U.S. "natural born" citizen and therefore ineligible for the presidency under the specifications of the U.S. Constitution, under Article II, Section 1.

Berg told WND last week he does not have a copy of a Kenyan birth certificate for Obama that he alleges exists.

In <st1:country-region w:st="on">Kenya</st1:country-region>, WND was told by government authorities that all documents concerning Obama were under seal until after the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">U.S.</st1:place></st1:country-region> presidential election on November 4.

The Obama campaign website entitled "Fight the Smears" posts a state of Hawaii "Certificate of Live Birth" which is obviously not the original birth certificate generated by the hospital where Obama reportedly was born.


"Fight the Smears" declares, "The truth is, Barack Obama was born in the state of <st1:State w:st="on">Hawaii</st1:State> in 1961, a native citizen of the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">United States of America</st1:place></st1:country-region>."


Although the Obama campaign could immediately put an end to all the challenges by simply producing the candidate's original birth certificate, it has not done so. And the "Fight the Smears" website offers no explanation as to why Obama has refused to request, and make public, an original hospital-generated birth certificate which the Hawaii Department of Health may possess.

Get the book that started it all, Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation".

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My scenario is a bit different, with the same result, police state fascism (which Im already very much under its weight).


The election is fixed, the ballots are not being accurately tabulated. But Obama is not going to back off and go away like Kerry and Gore did, hes gonna push the envelope, and the masses will hit the streets, buoyed by a great collapse next month of all thing economic, as well as possible terror activity, contrived and well planned. The posse cometatus (Sp) laws have been ignored by the present regime, so all local police agencies are trumped by Homeland Security such as border patrol, Bureau of prisons, FEMA, even coast guard. All national guards are already out of individual state authority due to secret laws enacted by GWB over the course of post 911 BS.


So Obama wont go away, and the masses will hit the streets, and the martial law will take effect. The only good news is that neither Palin nor McCain will govern, but the bad news is that the election will be null and void, and no new term will begin in January. I see Obama taken prisoner, perhaps even injured, and put on trial as terrorist. I see massive civil unrest that may well become a civil war that has the hippies alligned with the neo-rednecks, blacks, etc.


But at least it aint boring. Alex's ally, the caretaker of Rev Malachi Martin, has even a direr scenario, with invasion by China from the North and Russia from the South. I believe her name is Katherine, a former Nun who labored for Pope JP II.


Clinton is the last elected president, Benedict, though the black pope, is the last of these, too, per Saint Malachis prophecy of 545 CE.


Hold on, this is why we were taught of other worlds to live in, because this is the planet of Death. Listen to "the end" by the doors, a good song for these daze.


And Haribol to all who will have ya, ys, mahaksadasa



I agree that most of the scenarios you listed are possible. I was listening to Alex Jones Show today and Webster Tarpley was on who wrote a book called Obama: The Postmodern Coup - Making of a Manchurian Candidate. He thinks Obama will escalate the fascism imposing carbon taxes and Hitler like youth brigades etc. He said that the NWO has complete control over Obama and if Obama does go rogue from their agenda they have so much stuff on him from his association with Rezko that they will have him thrown in jail. He said that the Cia induced false flag Iraq operation and war on terrorism is over and that Obama is going to shift the false flag operation to a focus on war with Russia and Pakistan all with the goal of more and more centralization of power and wealth into the hands of the NWO ruling elite.


Anyway, who knows for sure. Things are gonna get interesting no doubt about it. I bought some seeds today so I can plant a garden next year just in case. Beautiful song The End. Gotta love Jim Morrison. He kind of reminds me of Nietzsche. He was closer to God than he realized but still kind of lost in the darkness of impersonalism but still ultimately a noble soul.


Anyway, best of luck to you. Sorry I don't share your enthusiasm for Obama but I have always respected your intellectual honesty so I will try to keep my hopes up that Obama ends up being a transcendental figure like Kennedy.

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<TABLE style="WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE class=post-table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>Obama's Tangled List of Leftist Links


</TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>9/20/2008 5:44:42 AM</TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>This is a list of links concerning Barack Obama and his extreme "leftist" links. It is a tangled web of people including: William Ayers,Bernadette Douhrin, Saul Alinsky, Chesa Boudin, Tony Rezko and distant links to Hugo Chavez. It is a very hefty list and Obama's background is so tangled with extreme leftists there are even more. Obama has to count on the fact that people will not be able to connect the dots. I am presenting the dots. You try to connect them if you will. I see the writing on the wall, I just can't decipher it. Go at it !


  1. Obama minimizes connection to William Ayers
  2. Resource list of Obama connections<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P></O:P>
  3. Ayers and the Weathermen<O:P></O:P>
  4. Background of the Weathermen
  5. FBI Report on the Weathermen <O:P></O:P>
  6. William Ayers tried to kill my family
  7. Ayers has "no regrets" over his Weather Underground association
  8. Obama says he hasn't been associated with Ayers
  9. Again Obama says he hasn't been associated with Ayers
  10. Ayers indoctrinating public school educators
  11. Bill Ayers speaking at the World Education Forum in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela
  12. Saul Alinsky, Ayers and Obama
  13. The Woods Fund, Ayers, Obama's chairmanship, wasted funds and education reform
  14. Bill Ayers and Hugo Chavez and distant Obama connections
  15. Chesa Boudin, son of jailed "Weather Underground members and Ayers adoption of him
  16. Chesa Boudin, Rhodes Scholar radical
  17. Chesa Boudin and Hugo Chavez
  18. Obama and Tony Rezko article links


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What are the Obama supporters taking in good faith? Major one-Obama wouldn' lie. He is only thinking of the American Citizens. Change is always good. Obama cares about me! He never knew Bill Ayers. He was never part of ACORN...What is ACORN by the way? If he did know about ACORN they are just registering legal voters. He was born in Hawaii. He didn't get a sweetheart deal on his house from Rezko. He didn't insult Joe the plumber. I didn't lie about our soldiers bombing innocent villages. Iran is a small unimportant country. McCain is running a rascist campaign.On the other side why are non-supporters so skepitical? What are they reading about and contemplating on that causes them to be skeptical?

Examine these links: Don't groan. Be skeptical. Take a look.

Obama's Birth Certificate

Obama and ACORN

Obama and Ayers

Ayers and His Education Reform

Just the tip of the ice berg...there are too many to list...do a google search yourself...don't listen to me!

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<TABLE style="WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE class=post-table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>Barack Obama and "57 (Islamic) States"



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>http://www.180people.com/2008/September/Barack-Obama-and-57-Islamic-States.htm</TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>

Barack Obama has made the "gaffe" of saying he has visited 57 states.

There are 57 states in the Islamic Union of States. You figure it out.



</TD></TR><TR><TD align=left><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=digg style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" align=middle></TD><TD class=digg style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" align=middle><!-- ADDTHIS BUTTON BEGIN --><!-- ADDTHIS BUTTON END --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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US Senator Joe Biden's [Obama's VP running mate] verbal Gaffs:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In addition to his uncontrollable verbosity, Biden is a gaffe machine. He ran for president 20 years ago but had to abandon his campaign when it was discovered that he had plagiarized speeches from a British politician, substituting in key details to make the story his own.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

On the day of his announcement, he mused about Illinois Sen. Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last summer Biden attempted to endear himself to an Indian American supporter by telling him that in Delaware, “you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Not only was this an offensive line, it didn’t even make any sense: The observation, familiar to anybody who watched a comedian on cable television 15 years ago, is that Indian Americans are the only ones who work in convenience stores, not that they’re the only ones who shop there. The man can’t even keep his condescending cliches straight.

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In <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=<st1:State w:st=" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Columbia</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">Missouri</st1:State></st1:place> at a rally, JOE BIDEN urged a PARAPLEGIC state official to stand up to be recognized.


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The Delaware Senator took issue with an attack ad from his own side in an interview with CBS, telling Katie Couric that the Obama hit on McCain’s ignorance of computers and technology was “terrible.”

The ad paints McCain as out of touch — and all but calls him ancient — but doesn’t mention that the Arizona Senator’s war injuries actually prevent him from using computers for an extended period.

Asked whether he’s disappointed with the tone of the campaign, including the ad that Couric characterized as “making fun of John McCain’s inability to use a computer,” Biden said “I thought that was terrible by the way.

“I didn’t know we did it and if I had anything to do with it, we would have never done it”

But Biden said he didn’t think there was anything intentionally personal in the ad — and argued that it doesn’t sink to the level the McCain ad accusing Obama of voting to teach kindergarteners about sex. The Obama campaign says the bill would help children avoid predators. “Very different in degree,” Biden said.

Still, the McCain campaign pounced on the VP nominee’s comments.

“While the New York Times and other media outlets were silent in the face of Barack Obama’s shameless and dishonorable attack on John Mccain, even Obama’s own running mate has now condemned the ad as terrible,” said spokesman Brian Rogers in a statement. “Barack Obama has brought the sleazy gutter politics of <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Chicago</st1:place></st1:City> to our national stage, exposing his call for a ‘new politics’ as a lie and embarrassing even his own running mate with the low road campaign he’s running.”

But as the moment went viral, hitting the internet traffic engine the Drudge Report, Biden revised and extended his remarks in a statement — saying he hadn’t even seen it when he condemned it.

“Having now reviewed the ad, it is even more clear to me that given the disgraceful tenor of Sen McCain’s ads and their persistent falsehoods, his campaign is in no position to criticize,” he said, “especially when they continue to distort Barack’s votes on an issue as personal as keeping kids safe from sexual predators.”

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MSNBC quote regarding Biden AIG gaff

Lauer pointed out, scarcely three minutes after McCain said he opposed the AIG bailout last week, "in an interview with Meredith Vieira, Joe Biden, your running mate was asked the exact same question, 'should the federal government bailout AIG?' And he said, 'No, the federal government should not bailout AIG.'" (As we noted at the time.) "And I think that in that situation," Obama said, "I think Joe should have waited as well."

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from Joe Biden's recent Ohio swing, where he was asked by an anti-pollution campaigner about clean coal -- a controversial approach in Democratic circles for which Obama has voiced support, particularly during the Kentucky primary.

Biden's apparent answer: He supports clean coal for <st1:country-region w:st="on">China</st1:country-region>, but not for the <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">United States</st1:country-region></st1:place>.

"No coal plants here in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">America</st1:country-region></st1:place>," he said. "Build them, if they're going to build them, over there. Make them clean."

"We’re not supporting clean coal," he said of himself and Obama. They do, on paper, support clean coal.

The answer seems to play into John McCain's case that Obama has been saying "no" to new sources of energy.

In the primary, Biden opposed Obama's push for clean coal, which is seen as a way of maintaining or expanding <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">America</st1:place></st1:country-region>'s coal-burning power plants -- many of which are in rust belt swing states.

"I don't think there's much of a role for clean coal in energy independence, but I do think there's a significant role for clean coal in the bigger picture of climate change," he told Grist last year.

"Clean-coal technology is not the route to go in the <st1:country-region w:st="on">United States</st1:country-region>, because we have other, cleaner alternatives," he said, but added that <st1:country-region w:st="on">America</st1:country-region> should push for a "fundamental change in technology" to clean up <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">China</st1:place></st1:country-region>'s plants.

Biden also was not shy on his own clean energy credentials.

"The first guy to introduce a global warming bill was me 22 years ago. The first guy to support solar energy was me 20 years ago," he said, apparently referring to the 1986 Global Climate Protection.

Think Progress has some more context, and Jake Tapper reports that Obama this morning rebuked Biden on a separate issue, his quick opposition to a federal bailout.

Today, Senator John McCain pounced on Biden's remarks.

"I am going to put in place the priorities and policies that will create jobs in <st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Ohio</st1:place></st1:State>. One important way that we are going to create jobs here is with the development of additional nuclear plants and through investments in clean coal technology," he said. "[Obama's] running mate here in <st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Ohio</st1:place></st1:State> recently said that they weren’t supporting clean coal."

Biden spokesman David Wade responded by calling McCain's statement "yet another false attack from a dishonorable campaign."

He continued: "Senator McCain knows that Senator Obama and Senator Biden support clean coal technology. Senator Biden’s point is that <st1:country-region w:st="on">China</st1:country-region> is building coal plants with outdated technology every day, and the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">United States</st1:place></st1:country-region> needs to lead by developing clean coal technologies."

But the error here does seem to be Biden's, and his remarks, and his apparent return to his primary position Tuesday, were striking because just three days ago, he praised the possibilities of coal to a crowd at the United Mine Workers of America annual fish fry in Castlewood, Va.

“You know we have enough coal in the United States of America to meet out needs domestically for the better part of the next hundred to 200 years,” Biden said before launching into a critique of McCain’s energy priorities, slamming his support for billions in tax breaks for oil companies as the industry rakes in record profits.

“Imagine ... what Barack and I can do taking that $4 billion … and investing it in coal gasification, finding out what we can do with carbon sequestration, finding out how we can burn the coal that you dig that can free us from being dependent on foreign oil countries and at the same time not ruin the environment. That’s within our capacity to do it, if you give me $4 billion I promise you, I promise you we will find the answer,” Biden said.

He linked the ticket’s support for coal with their call to have <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">U.S.</st1:place></st1:country-region> automakers produce plug-in electric cars. “Where’s that [electricity] come from? That comes from a utility. What do utilities burn? They burn coal mostly.”

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Being interviewed by Katie Couric on the “CBS Evening News,” Biden said: “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’”

For those of you who aren’t hard-core history buffs, Biden not only named the wrong president during the 1929 stock market crash, he also claimed a president who wasn’t president during the stock market crash went on TV before Americans had TVs.

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Here is Couric’s full response to Biden’s bizarre outburst about FDR (a) being president and (b) going on TV in 1929: “Relating to the fears of the average American is one of Biden’s strong suits.”

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In the audio, Obama argues against calling for a 2nd physician if the 1st physician - the abortionist - has decided the baby s/he has just aborted alive is non-viable….

Most would recognize the potential for subjective opinion in this case. The abortionist has been paid to kill the baby, and a live birth would indicate s/he botched.

In addition, these babies are often being aborted because the abortionist has stated they are handicapped. A living baby could be evidence the abortionist made a wrong diagnosis.

Barack Obama, a self-professed champion of the little guy and opponent of bullies, in this case argued in favor of trusting the abortionist. The reasons for Obama’s trust in the abortion industry are obvious. It gives him $$ and gets him votes. For instance, the abortion lobby, in 2008, promised to spend $30 MILLION for their candidates.

In this audio, Obama utters these infamous words, among many:

“… if that fetus or child - however way you want to describe it - is now outside the mother’s womb….”


“… but there’s, let’s say, movement or some indication that, in fact, they’re not just coming out limp and dead….”

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"Judgment to lead? It's not leadership for Barack Obama to promise to be straight with Americans, only to dismiss serious statements and concern from his own running mate as simple 'rhetorical flourishes.' Joe Biden guaranteed a generated international crisis if Barack Obama is elected, and a smile-for-the-cameras press conference isn't going to mitigate the risk of an Obama presidency." ---Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008


"Every American should listen carefully to what Barack Obama is saying, because it reveals an extremely liberal agenda. Obama believes that raising taxes to 'spread the wealth' will create 'opportunity.' If Obama does not prescribe to socialism, then what economic theory does he follow? Obama apparently believes government creates jobs, which is why he wants to raise taxes on hard-working Joes. But raising taxes does not create new opportunities; to the contrary, high taxes make it harder to achieve the American dream." - Alex Conant, RNC Spokesman

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Obama today on what he told Joe the Plumber about 'spread the wealth':

Barack Obama: "In that sense, that does involve us spreading around opportunity."

OBAMA: "The simple point I was making was that even assuming he's at a point

that he wants to buy a business that he hopes will generate more than $250,000,

the point I was making was that ten years ago or five years ago or even a year ago

when he was making a lot less than that, he was having a tough time. ...


We don't mind people getting enormously wealthy because of their skills

and their talents and their drive. But we always want to make sure

that the playing field is such where everybody who's got a good idea

has a chance to succeed. Everybody's got a chance to get financing.

Everybody who works hard is able to raise their family.

Everybody has an opportunity if they act responsibly to send their

kids to college and retire with dignity and respect.

And in that sense, that does involve us spreading around opportunity.

(Barack Obama Press Conference, 10/22/08)


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What Biden said: "And here's the point I want to make. Mark my words. Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year old senator president of the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">United States of America</st1:place></st1:country-region>. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough - I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's gonna happen. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate."

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Biden at a rally in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Nashua</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">N.H.</st1:State></st1:place>, Sept 2008:

"Make no mistake about this, Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">United States of America</st1:place></st1:country-region>. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to be president of the <st1:country-region w:st="on">United States of America</st1:country-region>, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">United States of America</st1:place></st1:country-region>, and quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me. But she’s first rate, I mean that sincerely, she’s first rate, so let’s get that straight."

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Biden to Obama supporters :

He's gonna need you -- not financially to help him -- we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right.

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