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oh, Bama

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No, not the crimson tide. The other one.


Hes a heck of a talker, very inspirational, JFK and Malcolm X rolled into one.


But we gotta follow the money. Hillary is bought by the same customers of the present regieme. Bill and daddy bush are best of buds. Obama is bought and paid for, too. He has a strong money backer. One could have billions of grass roots contributions of $1.00 apiece, but the promo to get these folks to send it in, there is another story altogether. I never bought "grass roots", because the roots of grass never got me high.


Ron Paul was and is my candidate. He wants the constitution back. Hillary and Obama are licking their chops hoping for the office with all the stuff GWB added or subtracted for power. I dont want change, I want purity, I want it back. I want my farm to be protected from school board invasion or FBI goon squads acting on rumors rather than the standard "probable cause".


McCain is okay. I liked the personal answer he sent when I wrote all the elected feds about devotee persecution in Russia, the form letter that was generated by our late godbrother, Tusta Krsna das. Of the 500 = addresses that letter went to, only two responded, Sen. John McCain and former first lady Hillary Clinton, who wrote a similar good response.


Hillary can take no for an answer, and will probably cheat even more than our rancher Prez who is moving to Paraguay or our VP who has his retirement home in Abu Dhabi. The clintons will retire soon as well, Key Biscayne is awaiting them.


I liked that song from the floyds last album before they broke up, "The Final Cut", about the retirement homes of all the king Venas.


Obama and Clinton are good senators, so is Kennedy, so is McCain. Maybe Nadir should get the nod, hes the only one out of work since Ford quit making Pintos and GM got rid of the corvairs.


We dont need affordable health care, we need affordable milk and affordable bread. Affordable peanut butter and lemonaide. Give me a candidate who will not put me in a camp and let me eat wheat berry bread with crunchy peanut butter with a tall glass of lemonaide on a hot summer day watchin the sun go down over a hollow tube, they got my vote.


Aloha Pumehana and haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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We dont need affordable health care, we need affordable milk and affordable bread. Affordable peanut butter and lemonaide. Give me a candidate who will not put me in a camp and let me eat wheat berry bread with crunchy peanut butter with a tall glass of lemonaide on a hot summer day watchin the sun go down over a hollow tube, they got my vote.


Aloha Pumehana and haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

Interesting points by David Rothkopf on


The Superclass


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The one I hear, more credible IMHO, is similar to the one Nixon had set up for '72, when the republican convention was slated for San Diego. In that scenario, if mondale and eagleton had been a force, there was to be a massive demonstration in San Diego where provocateurs were to set off massive riots in order to declare martial law. Of course, the dems defeated themselves by nominating eagleton for VP when he was certified nervous breakdown material. So, the republicans even moved their convention from San Diego at the last minute to cancel the plan.


This years scenario is a brokered dem convention in Denver, where neither clinton nor obama concede, and one or the other is handed the nod. Clinton will be the candidate, setting off demonstrations that are supposed to pressure hillary to select obama as VP, but she declines, in favor of one of her extremely conservative friends who is fully supported by the corporation. Then the provocateurs start the race war, and Bush already has in place all he nneeds to decalre a state of emergency. And there is another internal attack to put icing on the cake, and the public will eat it up, wanting security over freedom, thereby losing both.


Im not a conspiracy theorist, but after witnessing the way of this horrorible world over the last three decades of unrighteous leadership crushing the average joe, it is plausable that either conspiracy may well take place.


My prediction, denver in august or seattle earlier in the summer. 2008 actually mirrors 1968 in a lot of ways, 1928 as well, a 40 year cycle, oh the life span of jesus was 40 years, too. Even without conspiracy, Iraq is just beginning. To take out sadr city, the rivers will turn red.


Duck, and say your prayers. Eat right, worship the Supreme Lord, and treat others well, make all you meet feel good about themselves, and watch out for the religionists who may be the greatest threat known to mankind.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Duck, and say your prayers. Eat right, worship the Supreme Lord, and treat others well, make all you meet feel good about themselves, and watch out for the religionists who may be the greatest threat known to mankind.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

You know me, baba, I ain't worried about the bullet with my name on it, I worry about the one that says "To Whom It May Concern!" ;)


I'm in a pretty safe place here in the Inland Northwest. The only thing that will trouble me is not being able to travel to India twice a year..... :(

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The one I hear, more credible IMHO, is similar to the one Nixon had set up for '72, when the republican convention was slated for San Diego. In that scenario, if mondale and eagleton had been a force, there was to be a massive demonstration in San Diego where provocateurs were to set off massive riots in order to declare martial law. Of course, the dems defeated themselves by nominating eagleton for VP when he was certified nervous breakdown material. So, the republicans even moved their convention from San Diego at the last minute to cancel the plan.


This years scenario is a brokered dem convention in Denver, where neither clinton nor obama concede, and one or the other is handed the nod. Clinton will be the candidate, setting off demonstrations that are supposed to pressure hillary to select obama as VP, but she declines, in favor of one of her extremely conservative friends who is fully supported by the corporation. Then the provocateurs start the race war, and Bush already has in place all he nneeds to decalre a state of emergency. And there is another internal attack to put icing on the cake, and the public will eat it up, wanting security over freedom, thereby losing both.


Im not a conspiracy theorist, but after witnessing the way of this horrorible world over the last three decades of unrighteous leadership crushing the average joe, it is plausable that either conspiracy may well take place.


My prediction, denver in august or seattle earlier in the summer. 2008 actually mirrors 1968 in a lot of ways, 1928 as well, a 40 year cycle, oh the life span of jesus was 40 years, too. Even without conspiracy, Iraq is just beginning. To take out sadr city, the rivers will turn red.


Duck, and say your prayers. Eat right, worship the Supreme Lord, and treat others well, make all you meet feel good about themselves, and watch out for the religionists who may be the greatest threat known to mankind.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

And watch out for computers....


"Just like I gave you one example: the computer machine. It can work for thousands of men. So thousands of men means the thousands of men must be unemployed. And especially in your country, they are taking advantage of this machine because the salary is If you want to pay to the worker, a big, big salary. So they want to save. They are taking machine, and they think they will save money, so many workers. But the workers are becoming unemployed. The government has to give them welfare. The government will tax. That’s all. Government will not give money, welfare, from government’s pocket. The government will increase your taxation. So you are…, you stop payment by importing some machine, now you have to pay that money to the government. This is called entanglement. This is a crude example. I don’t say that you stop all this business, but the material world is like that. You want to solve something; instead of solving, you’ll create so many problems. This is material life. Because our life is not meant for solving problems and creating problems. Our life is meant for understanding God. Then everything is all right. But that you have given up."


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.5.22-34

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Los Angeles, May 27, 1972,

Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva’s Appearance Day

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is it possible that California could go for a Republican for the first time since 1988? One of the cable news networks reported last night that McCain had come within a few percentage points of B. Hussein Obama in CA.



What could make this happen?



#1. The referendum on the ballot that would reverse the State Supreme Court Ruling on same-sex marriage. This will bring Conservatives out in droves. (Hopefully out of their hatred for McCain they won’t vote for B. Hussein Obama.)



#2. The craziness that keeps going on in B. Hussein's church. I've got to believe that the majority of Californians are not crazy enough to align their politicl ideology with those nuts; the latest being Fr. Pfleger. Like most other Americans, the majority of Californians have got to realize that B. Hussein is the product of 20 years of indoctrination by preachers who hate White people.



#3. The fact that many Californians who would vote Democratic believe that B. Hussein is a closet Muslim who would be sympathetic to Islamo-Fascists; his autobiography indicates as much.




SIDE BAR: If, God forbid, there is another Terrorist Attack on our soil before November 4, Cindy McCain can start measuring for drapes in the White House.



#4. The large Hispanic vote in CA. There is a wide gulf between the Mexicans and the Blacks in America. They just don’t like or trust each other. The only thing that might offset this would be if Bill Richardson is on the ticket in the VEEP spot. And...



#5. There's a lot of ticked-off, Hillary-supporting, women out there who, if they just stay home, along with many men who feel that Hillary has been dissed by the media and the Obama Campaign, can give McCain a 5% point gain.



Hey, it could happen! :):):)

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I don't like any of them from either party but McCain could easily take the whole show if he is smart enough to put Mitt Romney on the ticket. That would probably give the Republicans 12 more years in office. Four for McCain and eight for Romney.


Bush has been a collossol disappointment for me. The Republican senate in 2001 immediately traded away the school voucher idea to the democrats in exchange for cooperation on other things. That was a big issue to me. The war on terror has been a fiasco. Iraq war was the most stupid blunder and handled wrong from the outset. The US can't bomb Iranian nuclear installations because it would leave our troops in Iraq sitting ducks for retaliation. Bin laden and Al Queda have not been stamped out. What a mess. I can't stand Bush although from a different perspective then the liberals. Still Gore or Kerry would have been worse.


We have no leaders now and none on the horizen that I can see.:mad:

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Im not an obama person, but as said above, Im somewhat moved by his speeches. As far as muslim goes, if he was like muhammed ali or kareem abdul jabbar or even Malcolm X, this would be a very good trait, as these folks did not embarass themselves with their religiosity.


As far as his radical ministers go, could you imagine what would happen to me if I ran, and they aired some of siddhaswarupananda paramahamsas articles, especially the early ones when I associated with him? Or even a humble Prabhupada follower? What would a NASA worker think? Obama is not discriminated against by me because of these sound bite non-issues that stupid people gobble up because they are too damn lazy to research who they select to lead them. In fact, Obamas preachers are actually quite tame in comparison to the rhetoric spewed by those who have come out for McCain, and how McCain has thanked them profusely. Do a little research, find out about these queers in ministers frocks have embarassed themselves and are fully rejected by Lord Jesus Christ himself.


McCain is ceriifiqable idiot, but he may just win because the rest of these losers who claim to be american yet know nothing about liberty and the ideology of liberal democracy (NOTE fo the FOX hounds out there, liberal democracy has nothing to do with the usage of liberal in the present debate, the phrase describes the PEOPLE who are governed have a direct say as to who is their leader). Like the lose4rs who think thaqt hillary is such a champion for freedom while she has been a party of a great genocide that includes the millions allowed to die in afrika, the atrocity of WACO and janet reno, the genocide called NAFTA, and her utter subserviance to GWB's war plans and her approval without even reading the full intelligence reports (only 8 US senators bothered to read the classified version). McCain will lose California if those east of US101 dont vote. BBs got it right, the s will vote for him if carl rove gets on the fag bandwagon and makes fags an issue of the election (see other topical topic). Carl Rove is a full genius, I tip my hat to him like the pandavas appreciate the skill of Karna. In fact, it is my contention that Mr. Rove is fully behind the book by the former press secretary.


On a positive note, the Seattle Times reported today that Mr. Ron Paul is quite stubborn in this state, and that Washington has the intelligence to not accept the pablum of McCain, that the whole state will reject McCain in favor of Paul.


Me, Ill vote for Obama unless he succumbs to the pressure to have putana as his running mate. This will be an utter disaster, especially if they win.


But dont worry about elections, there will be other stuff to do on that day, like finding food. Your car wont be an issue anymore, as $6 a gallon will just make those who can afford it run you over.


BTW, has anyone noticed how many pigs are out there. My town is a strip mall and a touristy seven block waterfront, yet no one is left alone. The ten miles between work and my very rural home has at least seven pull overs morning, noon and night, even sunday AMs at 6AM, the place is crawlin with pigs on the wing. Maybe its time to move back to the inner city where there are no rich and paranoid folk who have their own private police to keep all the animals (US) at bay. Maybe ya cant waqlk around without getting getting assaulted, but here you cant waqlk around without getting busted. At least the assaulters have to face the reprisal of my own self defense, the pigs dont let you grab your right to survival. Gimme a CRIP over LAPD anyday of the week.

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i also agree with BB that obama cannot lose if he takes richardson. The dude is quite awesome, and is neither liberal nor conservative, per se. I also like the former SECNAV under Reagan who is now a democratic senator, webb. His kid is REALLY serving in the gulf, which makes him about the only fed elected official with real family members in harms way.


Oh, BTW, we carry in our heart the true country, that which cannot be broken



lub yall, BTW, gotta say it before it gets too late, mahak


PS we neede gHaris views of US elections. canadians know.

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i also agree with BB that obama cannot lose if he takes richardson. The dude is quite awesome, and is neither liberal nor conservative, per se. I also like the former SECNAV under Reagan who is now a democratic senator, webb. His kid is REALLY serving in the gulf, which makes him about the only fed elected official with real family members in harms way.


You have mistaken Theist's words for mine. :deal:


Richardson is a POS, IMNSHO.:smash:


Webb is another POS.:smash:


But as far as American politics go, I am not so passionate about it anymore. The writing is on the wall, and I am purchasing land in Orissa...:P

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On a positive note, the Seattle Times reported today that Mr. Ron Paul is quite stubborn in this state, and that Washington has the intelligence to not accept the pablum of McCain, that the whole state will reject McCain in favor of Paul.


The state Republican Convention is in town here in Spokompton this weekend. So for a few laughs I headed downtown where the Ronpauliacs are out in full force. What a bunch of nerdy losers!!! I thought I was at a McGovern convention for a moment. :eek2:


Thank God the adults are in charge, and the liberation of Iraq will continue.:P:P:P

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You are right, I was the one that mentioned Richardson. I think I am getting Alzheimer's.......:crazy2::crazy2::crazy2:

I can dig it. Me too. Having problems remembering names lately. When being introduced to a new person yesterday I stuck out my hand and said, "Hi,pleased to meet you. What's my name again."

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