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What’s the way to get into heaven?

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One man spoke in a meeting. He spoke 14 languages so fluently, no one can identify his mother tongue, and he spoke so fantastically

One man in the crowd asked him,” Sir, what is your mother tongue?” for that the speaker said,” All are my language”. But the man who asked was furious to know the mother tongue of the speaker. After some time the meeting was over, all gone to take rest.

Speaker was in deep asleep. The man who asked him came there and gave a big blow on speaker back. The speaker shouted in pain (in mother tongue). The man who asked about his mother tongue said,” Sir! Thank you! Now I came to know your mother tongue, and sorry for the thing that I did!”

In dangerous situation the great stage speaker used only his mother tongue. Any thing which is more loved by us will automatically show up without our knowledge.

At death time, ones mind will be in deep sorrow, on that time one will not remember God’s name, he will cry of fear. But the truth is that we should chant Shri RAMA’s name. To do that we have to practice from our young age itself, one can’t chant God’s name at his death time without any practice.

‘Ayyappa ditshathar’ says,” Lord! At the time of my death I may not remember your name or due to illness I may not be in a position to tell your name. So, I shall chant your name now itself, please accept this and give me moktsha”.

Bhagavat Gita tells one story; once upon a time a man named ‘Ajamilan’ did only good things in his lifetime. He frequently chanted Lord’s name. Even though he chanted Lord’s name due to karma he did bad things and got bad name. He lay in bed due to illness. After he finished passing all his karma results, his mind got clear and he realized the bad thing that he done due to karma. He thought Lord and he worried about the thing that he has done. At his death time he chanted Shri RAMA’s name and Shri RAMA took him to heaven. He practiced Lord Shri RAMA’s name at his young age itself, so it is possible for him to call Shri RAMA’s name at his time of death.

But one should remember Lord’s name and his blessing; he is the foremost important to everyone. If only the word ‘Narayana’ is enough without thinking him means, the one who goes first to heaven, is CD players and tape recorders

So, one should keep in mind that only God’s name is not enough, we should think of God at each and every time. God says,” If you start to withdraw all the evil things and chant my name, I will take you to heaven”.

So, please tell Lord Shri RAMA’s name, sure there’s heaven waiting for you.


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I am not sure if it's simila r to Christian idea, because that usually concerns confessions. In Vaishnava religiom, I think it's all about chanting and remembering. Correct me, if I am wrong.


My simplistic understanding:


Christianity: The Original Sin of Adam and Eve caused sin to infect the human species, with the subsequent utter depravity and worthlessness of mankind in general, and the individual in particular.


This state is correctable only through the individual's acceptance of the atoning death of Jesus Christ, which absolves the believer of sin and renders the soul fit to enter God's presence.


Only sincerity and confession of belief are required for salvation. "Eastern-style" spiritual practices, i.e. chanting, meditation, and so on, are considered more-or-less valueless, and generally frowned upon.


Vaisnavism: The soul is eternal, pure, unborn, undying, and individual, with free will.


An aeons-past desire to separate from God and enjoy/experience the universe independently got us into the predicament we each now face: repeated birth and death in a world of suffering, with total forgetfulness of the eternal, fully God-knowledgeable, and fully blissful state of the soul.


In Vaisnavism, spiritual practices are essential in rediscovering the soul, but work in tandem with the mercy of God...sincere spiritual practices indicate our desire to reconnect, and draw God to us.


Really, in essence, Christianity and Vaisnavism are very similar because the sincerity of the individual and God's mercy are the greatest components of both. You can't do it on your own, as the impersonalists think.


Srila Prabhupada stated that an insincere person can "chant vociferously" for millions of years, and Krishna will not reveal himself...and Jesus Christ stated that at the last judgment he will tell many "believers": I knew ye not.

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What’s the way to get into heaven? It all depends on what kind of heaven are you trying to get into. There are various material heavens as well as various spiritual heavens.


For example: those seeking Vaikuntha must cultivate Vishnu-bhakti, those seeking Goloka must become Vrajabasis. Even Shiva-bhaktas have their own heaven.

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My simplistic understanding:


Christianity: The Original Sin of Adam and Eve caused sin to infect the human species, with the subsequent utter depravity and worthlessness of mankind in general, and the individual in particular.


This state is correctable only through the individual's acceptance of the atoning death of Jesus Christ, which absolves the believer of sin and renders the soul fit to enter God's presence.


Only sincerity and confession of belief are required for salvation. "Eastern-style" spiritual practices, i.e. chanting, meditation, and so on, are considered more-or-less valueless, and generally frowned upon.


Vaisnavism: The soul is eternal, pure, unborn, undying, and individual, with free will.


An aeons-past desire to separate from God and enjoy/experience the universe independently got us into the predicament we each now face: repeated birth and death in a world of suffering, with total forgetfulness of the eternal, fully God-knowledgeable, and fully blissful state of the soul.


In Vaisnavism, spiritual practices are essential in rediscovering the soul, but work in tandem with the mercy of God...sincere spiritual practices indicate our desire to reconnect, and draw God to us.


Really, in essence, Christianity and Vaisnavism are very similar because the sincerity of the individual and God's mercy are the greatest components of both. You can't do it on your own, as the impersonalists think.


Srila Prabhupada stated that an insincere person can "chant vociferously" for millions of years, and Krishna will not reveal himself...and Jesus Christ stated that at the last judgment he will tell many "believers": I knew ye not.



Well said, that is a nice summary of things.

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  • 2 months later...

by sanatan



In Vaisnavism, spiritual practices are essential in rediscovering the soul, but work in tandem with the mercy of God...sincere spiritual practices indicate our desire to reconnect, and draw God to us.


Really, in essence, Christianity and Vaisnavism are very similar because the sincerity of the individual and God's mercy are the greatest components of both. You can't do it on your own, as the impersonalists think.



I'm sorry ... where did you say that Christianity and Vaishnavism seems to be similar?


Christianity stated that those who does not believe in Jesus going to go to hell - that includes Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and everyone else except Christians themselves will be going to hell. Does anything similar occurs in Vaishnavism?


Jesus is not a god ... nor he is a son of a god. Jews themselves have rejected Jesus as any of the above, so why is it that you here promoting Jesus as a god?

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A distinction needs to be made between heven and Mukti. Hevens are places like earth only with more pleasure and joy. Mukti is a state of complete freedom coming out of union with god. Heven is temporary and lasts finate time -though a very long astronomical time. At the end of it souls return back to earth. Mukyti is permanant - the sole attained mukti never returens back.


Heven can be reached by meritorious deads, leading a good life and Performing fire sacrifices (Yagas). That is the way to go to heaven.It is a path of karma - accumulating good karma.


Mukti can only be attained by freeing from karma - good or bad. It is obtainable by burning accumulated karmas and by not accumulating new ones. Yoga is the path ( Including bakti yoga).



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