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Beware of Kali Temples - blood,alcohol and cigarette offerings

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Beware of Kali Temples - blood,alcohol and cigarette offerings bring on generational curses



Jai Shree Krishna,

Please be aware of the so called Kali Temple that are being erected in many locations in Trinidad and around the world.

This gruesome and evil acts of pure evil are are done for materials gains,once sacrifices like the above are done a generation becomes cursed and suffer from horrible diseases,cancer,mental problems,alcoholism,temper tantrums and deformities("cokee eyes" and "brokoo feet" both being local terms we can relate too).

Devotees please be aware these evil forces are not Mother Kali or Kalbhiro,these are evil forces called Dankinis.


Dankinis delight in animal flesh,cigarettes and alcohol when they possess devotees they normally consume raw puncheon rum and smoke three cigarettes at a time.

The Kali Temples normally called these evil forces Mother and Masters.

The bad thing is when devotion is done to these forces you get everything you want, but payback is very tough,sometimes it involves the lives of your family and your mental state of mind.


These evil institution that defame and shame Mother Kali with their evil possessions are killing ( Sanatan Dharma ) Hinduism.

If you care for your family stay away from these places,it is the work of the devil,you can sense the darkness as soon as you enter into their temples.


Devotees of Lord Krishna,Vaisnavites


  • Offering of blood to God wrong..........God is love when we suffer innocent creature, the wrath and hurt of the Divine mother will destroy us.
  • Alcohol offering is wrong..............it a weapon that the devil uses to destroy lives, families and to perpetrate evil and immoral acts.
  • Mother Kali is Govinda - Anandini the bliss of Lord Krishna,she who is most kind and loving.......she does not delight in hurting creation....she is here to spread the love and message of Lord Krishna.
  • Mother Kali is not blood thirsty she is love thirsty,when she consumed the blood it was to rid the world of evil.When sacrifices are performed, every drop of blood that falls attracts and installs demons in the lives of the person performing the puja,their family and the village.

Devotees follow your hearts,this cannot be right.

If you are using alcohol and or blood sacrifices in your puja to Kalbhiro or Mother Kali stop now.......shanti this by performing a Geeta Path Puja,contact your Pundit immediately.If your pundit leads you on the evil path of blood,alcohol and cigarettes immediately seek another pundit.


Too many evil acts are coming from these institiutions,please save yourselves and your family.


Surrender to Lord Krishna,chant his name with love and he will deliver you.

He is the only hope when the evils of Kali Yuga is unbearable like the sad and horrible pictures above.


I feel the pain an disgust of beloved Mother Kali,Maa help them and show them the way.


All Glories to Shree Krishna

Govinda Anandini Radha Rani Ki Jai.


Yours in Shree Krishna's service,

Pundit Hemraj Donny Samlal Maharaj.

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The only thing you are sensing when you enter their temples is what your senses are telling you. And THATS the problem.


An impure mind cannot tell real from unreal. Ghosts are everywhere.


You cannot judge something spiritual with your eyes and ears. You must be able to see it with your heart, bypassing the mind altogther.


When you can do that, this temple is just another building with no value other than what YOU assign to it.


Close the outer eyes. Open the inner one. You can then walk through this temple like a sun god. No fear.





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Please be aware of the so called Kali Temple that are being erected in many locations in Trinidad and around the world.

This gruesome and evil acts of pure evil are are done for materials gains,once sacrifices like the above are done a generation becomes cursed and suffer from horrible diseases,cancer,mental problems,alcoholism,temper tantrums and deformities("cokee eyes" and "brokoo feet" both being local terms we can relate too).

Devotees please be aware these evil forces are not Mother Kali or Kalbhiro,these are evil forces called Dankinis.

You honestly believe people's children will suffer disease, and deformities for what their ancestors do?


Now, I'm not too keen on offering meat to Maa, but I hardly see the harm in offering alchohol if one doesn't become drunk off the stuff, and I've never heard of people offering cigarettes to Maa before (well not from actual Devi devotees).

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In the original post the temples locations are mentioned as Trinidad and other places. Possibly some of the origins are from African religion, Indigenous, and other sources. This is quiet common in Latin America. For example some indigenous forms of practice are covered with Catholic externals. Forms of shamanism and spiritism. They are not evil.


When words like 'pure evil' are used easily I am cautious. Are we just ignorant of the spiritual practices of these people. Words like 'pure evil' when they are used is what scares me most. It's a big wide world out there, and there is lots of misunderstanding and ignorance of other cultures.


I dont know about all this blood sacrifice and things. But tobacco is used by some of these cultures with the highest respect. Very sacred for them. It is used wisely in ritual. With these sincere practicioners you will not see rampant nicotine addiction, where the tobacco is abused for sense gratification. Maybe such use and respect for tobacco would be helpful for some of us in the west, where tobacco got out of hand.


I have a friend who practices a religion with similar origin. She is one of the simplest, intuitive, kindest people....definately not 'pure evil'.


To be honest I am weary and tired of fanaticism, a word like 'pure evil' is often the calling card.

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Hinduism is a vast ocean...


there is the bright surface which lives in the sunlight and there are dark chasms which run so deep and dark that even the most learned ones fear to tread that path...


There is the dark form of vamatantra where Kali is the presiding mother goddess... there are aghori sadhus who are into eating human flesh...


and the powers that can be generated by vamatantra are truly tremendous...


hinduism has stayed and flourished for only one reason and that is hinduism has a live and let live attitude... we dont try to enforce how a person should worship god... each is free to worship it in his way as per his individual merit... and each will get just deserts of that worship...



generation becomes cursed and suffer from horrible diseases,cancer,mental problems,alcoholism,temper tantrums and deformities("cokee eyes" and "brokoo feet" both being local terms we can relate too.




Tantra does have a way of getting even... and even tantra advices when and where tantra can and should be used. and the advice one would give is that common people should leave tantra alone... it is only for shakti upasaks... who seek nothing out of that shakti...

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Hinduism is a vast ocean...


there is the bright surface which lives in the sunlight and there are dark chasms which run so deep and dark that even the most learned ones fear to tread that path...


There is the dark form of vamatantra where Kali is the presiding mother goddess... there are aghori sadhus who are into eating human flesh...


and the powers that can be generated by vamatantra are truly tremendous...





This is why I have no interest in identifying myself as a Hindu.

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Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods; those in the mode of passion worship the demons; and those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits.



In this verse the Supreme Personality of Godhead describes different kinds of worshipers according to their external activities. According to scriptural injunction, only the Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshipable, but those who are not very conversant with, or faithful to, the scriptural injunctions worship different objects, according to their specific situations in the modes of material nature. Those who are situated in goodness generally worship the demigods. The demigods include Brahma, Siva and others such as Indra, Candra and the sun-god. There are various demigods. Those in goodness worship a particular demigod for a particular purpose. Similarly, those who are in the mode of passion worship the demons. We recall that during the Second World War a man in Calcutta worshiped Hitler because thanks to that war he had amassed a large amount of wealth by dealing in the black market. Similarly, those in the modes of passion and ignorance generally select a powerful man to be God. They think that anyone can be worshiped as God and that the same results will be obtained.

Now, it is clearly described here that those who are in the mode of passion worship and create such gods, and those who are in the mode of ignorance, in darkness, worship dead spirits. Sometimes people worship at the tomb of some dead man. Sexual service is also considered to be in the mode of darkness. Similarly, in remote villages in India there are worshipers of ghosts. We have seen that in India the lower-class people sometimes go to the forest, and if they have knowledge that a ghost lives in a tree, they worship that tree and offer sacrifices. These different kinds of worship are not actually God worship. God worship is for persons who are transcendentally situated in pure goodness. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (4.3.23) it is said, sattvam visuddham vasudeva-sabditam: "When a man is situated in pure goodness, he worships Vasudeva." The purport is that those who are completely purified of the material modes of nature and who are transcendentally situated can worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

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Not only in Hinduism, there are such things in every religion and every corner of world. It is you who determine which way you want to go. Let them do what they do.

And Hinduism one of the religion which faced repeat distraction from the external forces. from the magnolias, some mulim worriers, mugals, Portuguese. Dutch. British and still it is under attack from external and internal impact. But still it is there and we can feel that.

Proud to be a Hindu.

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Not only in Hinduism, there are such things in every religion and every corner of world. It is you who determine which way you want to go. Let them do what they do.

And Hinduism one of the religion which faced repeat distraction from the external forces. from the magnolias, some mulim worriers, mugals, Portuguese. Dutch. British and still it is under attack from external and internal impact. But still it is there and we can feel that.

Proud to be a Hindu.


This is precisely why I am a hindu and why despite all the odds and insult heaped on it, it survives

Hinduism does not define any one path to reach the supreme, because it recognizes that just as river finds its own path to the sea so does an individual soul by it own free will chooses to reach its desired goal.

Jai Shree Krishna

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Deva’s worship.

SB 8.7.20: The devas observed Lord Siva sitting on the summit of kailasa Hill with his wife, Bhavani, for the auspicious development of the three worlds. He was being worshiped by great saintly persons desiring liberation. The devas offered him their obeisance’s and prayers with great respect.


SB 4.6/45 O most auspicious lord, you have ordained the heavenly planets, the spiritual Vaikuntha planets and the impersonal Brahman sphere as the respective destinations of the performers of auspicious activities. Similarly, for others, who are miscreants, you have destined different kinds of hells which are horrible and ghastly. Yet sometimes it is found that their destinations are just the opposite. It is very difficult to ascertain the cause of this.

Rig Veda 7.59.12

Maha Mrituyonjaya Mantra

We Worship Tryambaka, Who spreads Fragrance and Increases nourishment, May He release me, like the cucumber from its stem, from Mortal life, and give me Immorality.

Lord Shiva is very merciful he accepts all.

He definitely is not a half God, as if any such entity actually exist.

Jai Shree Krishna

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baobabtree - I've never heard of people offering cigarettes to Maa before (well not from actual Devi devotees).


in trinidad and some other places hinduism has been seemlessly merged with existing traditions of voodooism and shamanism


the "cokee eyes" and "brokoo feet" mentioned by the initiator of the thread is a part of voodooism.

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It is not only in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comaudarya<st1:place>Trinidad</st1:place> I have seen people are offering ganja and beedies (cigrates) to god or so called idols. I have seen such incidents among tribes or low casts. That is their tradition and they are following their tradition. In some of the north Indian states bang (a type of narcotic drug) is offered to loard shiva on shivrathri. Is this means all these people are wrong. No. Let them do what they want to do.

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I totally agree with you theist.


Thank you sreeram. I am not anti-hindu. I am anti-false designations.


Atrocities and atrocious things have been offered to God and gods all through history and in parts of the world and they should be seen with the light of reason and condemned soundly.


A case in point. We read in the Old Testament about the Jews offering animal sacifices to please God. They had rituals for sprinkling the blood around the altar and so many other nonsense rituals. As if the Lord of Divine Love could be pleased by such acts of cruelty.


And not just animals. Human sacrifice happened world wide. Women, men children have met this fate from Africa to Hawaii to South America and even India as we read in the SB about the sacrifice (appearantly vedic) of man/animals, whoever that refers to. Ghastly. Abominable. Not at all excusable by using the umbrella of 'Hinduism or Vedic' to excuse the crime.


This type of thing cannot be justified by claiming it is sanctioned by one's traditional spiritual books or tradition IMO. Cruelty and acts of senseless barbarity have no place in the worship of the Supreme Lord.

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I respect Hindus, but it's hard to identify oneself as Hindu for the following reasons:


#1 Accepting all paths as valid

#2 Tolerance taken to an extreme

#3 Ahimsa, renunciation taken to extreme

#4 Hinduism having become synonymous with Gandhianism

#5 The despicable behavior of most hindus

#6 Worship of just about 'anything' as divine, including movie stars, leaders etc.

#7 Emphasis on monism being the 'essense' of Hinduism


...And much, much more. For these reasons, it's impossible to call oneself hindu, because it includes and admits people from totally and diametrically opposing views. It's too confusing a classification. Vaishnava would be a better label, at least it keeps things simple....

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I respect Hindus, but it's hard to identify oneself as Hindu for the following reasons:


#1 Accepting all paths as valid

#2 Tolerance taken to an extreme

#3 Ahimsa, renunciation taken to extreme

#4 Hinduism having become synonymous with Gandhianism

#5 The despicable behavior of most hindus

#6 Worship of just about 'anything' as divine, including movie stars, leaders etc.

#7 Emphasis on monism being the 'essense' of Hinduism


...And much, much more. For these reasons, it's impossible to call oneself hindu, because it includes and admits people from totally and diametrically opposing views. It's too confusing a classification. Vaishnava would be a better label, at least it keeps things simple....


Yeah, if you're incapable of nuanced thinking and like simplistic, black-and-white depictions of reality, then exclusive Vaishnavism is the path for you. I abhor the horrors that some people commit in their so-called worship of the universal Mother Goddess (in fact, these morons are insulting the Divine Mother more than anything else by offering her meat and other impure items), but as usual, I see that Theist (is he capable of anything else?) and a few others sorely lacking in self-control couldn't resist joining the fray in order to sling some mud at non-Vaishnava followers of Indic methodologies, unsuccessfully of course, because they are the only ones who take themselves seriously. Some ignoramuses not having a clue as to how to invoke the Devi cannot become a valid reason for rejecting Maa-upasana, anymore than the existence of paedophilic ISKCON gurus render Gaudiya Vaishnavism useless. Of course, with those who reckon that the inaccurate term "demigod" is a proper translation of the Sanskrit word Deva, little reasoned argumentation is feasible, thus they can indulge themselves all they want.

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Yeah, if you're incapable of nuanced thinking and like simplistic, black-and-white depictions of reality, then exclusive Vaishnavism is the path for you. I abhor the horrors that some people commit in their so-called worship of the universal Mother Goddess (in fact, these morons are insulting the Divine Mother more than anything else by offering her meat and other impure items), but as usual, I see that Theist (is he capable of anything else?) and a few others sorely lacking in self-control couldn't resist joining the fray in order to sling some mud at non-Vaishnava followers of Indic methodologies, unsuccessfully of course, because they are the only ones who take themselves seriously. Some ignoramuses not having a clue as to how to invoke the Devi cannot become a valid reason for rejecting Maa-upasana, anymore than the existence of paedophilic ISKCON gurus render Gaudiya Vaishnavism useless. Of course, with those who reckon that the inaccurate term "demigod" is a proper translation of the Sanskrit word Deva, little reasoned argumentation is feasible, thus they can indulge themselves all they want.


Vaishnavas worship the Divine Mother. They invoke Her mercy by calling Hare or Hara.


They seem to appreciate that simplicity rather what you call the "nuanced" way of offering her blood products, alcohol and cigarettes.


I like their approach.

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Pranam LoveroftheBhagavata ji



Yeah, if you're incapable of nuanced thinking and like simplistic, black-and-white depictions of reality, then exclusive Vaishnavism is the path for you. I abhor the horrors that some people commit in their so-called worship of the universal Mother Goddess (in fact, these morons are insulting the Divine Mother more than anything else by offering her meat and other impure items), but as usual, I see that Theist (is he capable of anything else?) and a few others sorely lacking in self-control couldn't resist joining the fray in order to sling some mud at non-Vaishnava followers of Indic methodologies, unsuccessfully of course, because they are the only ones who take themselves seriously. Some ignoramuses not having a clue as to how to invoke the Devi cannot become a valid reason for rejecting Maa-upasana, anymore than the existence of paedophilic ISKCON gurus render Gaudiya Vaishnavism useless. Of course, with those who reckon that the inaccurate term "demigod" is a proper translation of the Sanskrit word Deva, little reasoned argumentation is feasible, thus they can indulge themselves all they want.



Like you, I also abhor such practice (makes a field day for Hindu bashers) which does not represent the core of Hindu Dharma.

Dharma enjoy us to do Tyag and Tapsya based on truthfulness, purity of mind Ahimsa to name a few virtues.

Bhakti marg, Karma marg, Jnana yogi, dhyan yogi, Shakta to name few that are valid Vedic tradition that has been followed since time in memorial to say mine is the only way is not a Vedic tradition. Lord Krishna in Gita says of various ways people approach him. There are some who can not see this coming from outside the tradition and just denigrate Hindus at every opportunity.

Jai Shree Krishna

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Devi worship always seems to bring a bad stigma. Why so?


Haven't numerous films and stories been written about supposed Devi rituals and "cults"? Especially for worshippers of Kali Maa.


The thing is that these rituals are deemed necessary by the people practising them. If outsiders are not willing to educate and/or help these people, I see no room for judgment. Just pray to Devi to help guide her followers out of their darkness.


Even in parts of India animals are still offered to placate the Goddess. The blood is thought necessary to keep the ground fertile and keep evils at bay. Even the vegetarians support this as they fear what will happen if such rituals aren't performed.

We see that these rituals are often done in fear and often by those who are limited in education.

Only by love, support and prayers can we change such things...not simply turning our heads in disgust.

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Thank you sreeram. I am not anti-hindu. I am anti-false designations.


Atrocities and atrocious things have been offered to God and gods all through history and in parts of the world and they should be seen with the light of reason and condemned soundly.


A case in point. We read in the Old Testament about the Jews offering animal sacifices to please God. They had rituals for sprinkling the blood around the altar and so many other nonsense rituals. As if the Lord of Divine Love could be pleased by such acts of cruelty.


Again, one has to understand in context. It has been thought by some that the "God" as listed in the old testament is not the same one as listed in the new. This is just a theory.

The God of the old testament was certainly thought of as being angry with His people. There are scriptures that talk of God bathing the mountain sides with the blood of His followers.

When you realize this, and see the absolute fear of the Jews (at the time) to their God, you can understand why they would give blood sacrifices to try and please his supposed insatiable appetite.


I'm not supporting this in any way. But often when you look a bit deeper, you begin to understand why these people are lead into these paths of thoughts and desperate actions.

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Again, one has to understand in context. It has been thought by some that the "God" as listed in the old testament is not the same one as listed in the new. This is just a theory.

The God of the old testament was certainly thought of as being angry with His people. There are scriptures that talk of God bathing the mountain sides with the blood of His followers.

When you realize this, and see the absolute fear of the Jews (at the time) to their God, you can understand why they would give blood sacrifices to try and please his supposed insatiable appetite.


I'm not supporting this in any way. But often when you look a bit deeper, you begin to understand why these people are lead into these paths of thoughts and desperate actions.


Sure that's why they did it. Every crazy fellow has a reason for doing what he does that seems to make sense to him. Their scriptures are written by the same people who held this fear for the most part, not all but most.


So the point is all such acts are conducted in the mode of ignorance despite what culture or traditon engages in them.


Jesus came to save these particular people from such ignorance and was crucified by them for His efforts. He went to their temple where such sacrifices were conducted and animals were being sold to be killed and offered and He overturned all their tables and drove them out of the temple with a whip.


God consciousness means to sacrifice oneself to God and not some helpless little creature.


I cut animal sacrificers NO SLACK including the vedic animal killers.


In Krsna Book we read how Krsna and cowherd boys became hungry while playing in the forest and approached the brahmanas house for food. The brahmanas were too busy sacrificing animals to be concerned but their wives fell in love with Krsna and fed Him and His friends.


Lots of lessons in that story. People will choose to do what they do and that is between them and God. The main point here for me is that all such practices, rather 'vedic' or nor not, are not Krsna bhakti, nor are they on par with Krsna bhakti, nor is there any reason we should pretend that they are.

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People will choose to do what they do and that is between them and God. The main point here for me is that all such practices, rather 'vedic' or nor not, are not Krsna bhakti, nor are they on par with Krsna bhakti, nor is there any reason we should pretend that they are.


Very true. A true bhakta sees Lord Krishna in every being & everything in Lord Krishna, then where is the point of killing?



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Vaishnavas worship the Divine Mother. They invoke Her mercy by calling Hare or Hara.


They seem to appreciate that simplicity rather what you call the "nuanced" way of offering her blood products, alcohol and cigarettes.


I like their approach.






It appears that you did not get my drift. I was calling those who offer meat and other similar filth to the Divine Mother ignoramuses. In case you did not know, shuddha worshippers of Shakti Devi are as vegetarian as you and I, and would not dream of presenting any impure dreck to Her. So let me be more explicit: just as the malpractices of paedophiles in ISKCON or Prakrita Sahajiyas in Bengal do not make Gaudiya Vaishnavism worthless, similarly a few brainless pillocks offering blood or cigarettes to Kali Maa does not nullify the greatness and value of Her worship.

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Sure that's why they did it. Every crazy fellow has a reason for doing what he does that seems to make sense to him. Their scriptures are written by the same people who held this fear for the most part, not all but most.


So the point is all such acts are conducted in the mode of ignorance despite what culture or traditon engages in them.


Jesus came to save these particular people from such ignorance and was crucified by them for His efforts. He went to their temple where such sacrifices were conducted and animals were being sold to be killed and offered and He overturned all their tables and drove them out of the temple with a whip.


God consciousness means to sacrifice oneself to God and not some helpless little creature.


I cut animal sacrificers NO SLACK including the vedic animal killers.


In Krsna Book we read how Krsna and cowherd boys became hungry while playing in the forest and approached the brahmanas house for food. The brahmanas were too busy sacrificing animals to be concerned but their wives fell in love with Krsna and fed Him and His friends.


Lots of lessons in that story. People will choose to do what they do and that is between them and God. The main point here for me is that all such practices, rather 'vedic' or nor not, are not Krsna bhakti, nor are they on par with Krsna bhakti, nor is there any reason we should pretend that they are.


Again, Theist, I utterly condemn these barbaric practices in the same vein that you do, but since I am well aware that this does not represent the real way of approaching the Goddess, my criticism is directed at the lowly sinners who resort to such horrendous crimes, and not Devi worship per se.

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