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Why wash Gurudeva feet, and drink water?

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ayi nanda-tanuja kinkaram

patitam mam visame bhavambudhau

krpaya tava pada-pankaja-

sthita-dhuli-sadrsam vicintaya


........to become fixed as an atom at Krishna Lotus Feet.

"Please pick me up and fix me as one of the atoms of Your lotus feet."

Sri Siksastakam 5






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In Tantric forms of dharma the deity is installed by means of mantra within either a sacred image or a living person. The mantra is within the guru and the mantra is identical with the Deity. Therefore the guru is the living embodiment of the Deity and can be worshipped in the same manner as one performs murti puja. This is the guru puja ceremony. And because the mantra is fully installed within the guru he can initiate disciples by transferring the empowered mantra to them.

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People may say or think they are humble but unless there is a practical way of showing humility all such notions of our humility are mere theory. If we can be humble before God's representative, we can certainly be humble before God.


Krsna comes to us through other people. How we treat these people is our measure of devotion to God. If we do not have love for other people we should not think we will somehow develop love for God.


Guru is God's representative here on earth.

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It is believed by some that the guru sheds holy particles.


By washing the guru's feet, which are seen by many as highly charged spiritually, you get a concentration of these particles in the water,and by drinking it absorb they qualities they carry.


It is also symbolic. To wash the feet of anyone is long held to be a sign of great respect and love. This goes back to ancient times. It can also be regarded as symbolic of surrender. Either to a spiritual master or the leader of an advancing army.




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Do you guys really drink the water from the foot bath of your guru? That would be too much for me. I understand the concept of giving proper respect to higher personalities but if they require you to drink their foot residue that is just gross from my perspective.


from a certain perspective honey is nothing more then a bee vomit

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from a certain perspective honey is nothing more then a bee vomit



True, many of the foods we eat are kind of gross when you think about it but there is something about feet that really grosses me out and the thought of drinking the water that someone has bathed their feet in just isn't my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat. I guess I can overlook the gross origons of honey because it tastes sweet. I can't imagine soapy dirty foot water tasting very good?

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I can't imagine soapy dirty foot water tasting very good?


:) nobody uses soap in these ceremonies... If you like, think of it like the "brew" fraternity pledges must drink at their initiation.


and when you swim in a public pool, that water washes a lot more then just dirty feet! think about THAT for a moment... :cool:

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:) nobody uses soap in these ceremonies... If you like, think of it like the "brew" fraternity pledges must drink at their initiation.


and when you swim in a public pool, that water washes a lot more then just dirty feet! think about THAT for a moment... :cool:



Lol I suppose the chlorine in the water would disguise even the nastier taste, and not just the body dirt.

Jai Shree Krishna

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The washing of the feet and honouring the charnAmrit is an age old tradition and it not just confined to honour once guru but even the guest are offered this if I am not mistaken.

Father of daughter would also wash the feet of the son in law at the time of marriage.


Lord Krishna washed Sudama’s feet when he came to Dwarka.


But I heard some one say that they washed their gurus socks and honour the water. I don’t know about this.


Jai Shree Krishna

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