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Are There Any Bonafide Guru's in this Kali-Yuga Age? The Likes of Srila Prabhupada?

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I am feeling great separation to Krishna because I know Srila Prabhupada's not here to answer my questions and further me on my spiritual path. We do have his books, but when dealing with a complex topic such as the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, one has tailor made questions.

Hare Krishna

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I would advice you for Jagadguru Kripaluji maharaj.He is very well versed in all the scriptures.I hope all your queries would get solved.Listen to his lectures in the evening at 7.30 on Sanskar TV.Make up your mind as to whether he will be able to solve your queries & then approach.



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I am feeling great separation to Krishna because I know Srila Prabhupada's not here to answer my questions and further me on my spiritual path. We do have his books, but when dealing with a complex topic such as the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, one has tailor made questions.

Hare Krishna


What question do you have about Krsna that you cqannot find in Prabhupada's books?


I find reading Prabhupada's books answers more questions then I even knew to ask. Enough to keep me busy for many lifetimes.

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Great answer theist! I feel the same way. Also, I don't have questions really but must simply apply to my own life what I have been so expertly taught. Eventually, even questions unasked will be answered by the Lord of the Heart. I only need to learn how to really hear. And really listen.

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What question do you have about Krsna that you cqannot find in Prabhupada's books?


I find reading Prabhupada's books answers more questions then I even knew to ask. Enough to keep me busy for many lifetimes.


True Indeed, Srila Prabhupada's books answer more questions than one would ask in such depth, However I have Tailor Made Questions for Prabhupada. They consist of questions based on his teachings. An example of one of my questions I'd ask Srila Prabhupada is "You have taught that one must take instruction of a Bonafide Guru and must choose him wisely. Who do you find to be the most Bonafide Guru alive today? [Now that You're Not Present On This Material World Of Course]."


Why do people look down on Rivtik people? I hear Rivtik's believe they should submit to Srila Prabhupada as Guru directly. What would Prabhupada say about this?


My questions are very specific and may be offensive so I'm apologizing in advance.

Your Servant,


Hare Krishna

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A real Vaisnava does not even look down upon an ant, what to speak of those embodied as humans with whom they might have philosophical disagreements. True Divine inspiration cannot be checked by considerations of time and space. As we know from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Vaishnavas like Srila Prabhupada are forever manifest in the sound vibration containing the gist of their ideas and are not limited by apparent physical constraints in coming to assist sincere seekers in their contemporary search for true understanding. It all depends upon the intensity of the eagerness of sincere inquiry and also their subsequent actual inner receptivity. You are a jiva with a built in permanent connection to Supersoul of Whom Srila Prabhupada is directly representative. Why don't you ask Srila Prabhupada yourself?




Jagabandhu dasa

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A real Vaisnava does not even look down upon an ant, what to speak of those embodied as humans with whom they might have philosophical disagreements. True Divine inspiration cannot be checked by considerations of time and space. As we know from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Vaishnavas like Srila Prabhupada are forever manifest in the sound vibration containing the gist of their ideas and are not limited by apparent physical constraints in coming to assist sincere seekers in their contemporary search for true understanding. It all depends upon the intensity of the eagerness of sincere inquiry and also their subsequent actual inner receptivity. You are a jiva with a built in permanent connection to Supersoul of Whom Srila Prabhupada is directly representative. Why don't you ask Srila Prabhupada yourself?




Jagabandhu dasa


Thank You Prabhuji, this was of Great Use.


Hari Bol!

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My questions are very specific and may be offensive so I'm apologizing in advance.


Your question is not unique. It is one everyone must ask. The answer is clearly is Srila Pabhupada's books. There is no mystery to the guru question and the continuation of the parampara. basicallyt an example of how transcendental knowledge is passed on is on every page of his books. The problem is people don't recognize it due to mundane factors. Just as krsna Himself is right before our face right now but we can't see Him because we don't want to.


Other than that I have nothng to say that Pretender hasn't covered.

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Joking apart ... I personally feel Prabhu Srila Prabhupada's writings and krishna's name are enough for a person searching his way out of the darkness of worldly maya... so frankly where is the need for a guru...


There is no shortage of Guru. Personal sincerity is all we lack. When that is gained the Kingdom of God will appear like the risen sun in the form of Prabhupada vani.

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I am feeling great separation to Krishna because I know Srila Prabhupada's not here to answer my questions and further me on my spiritual path. We do have his books, but when dealing with a complex topic such as the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, one has tailor made questions.

Hare Krishna


you inquiry seems to be "how to find a guru?" our soul has to be ready for the knowledge and our pores filled with the thirst for Krishna...the guru comes automatically because Krishna says it is time to enlighten. remember the Guru removes ignorance, not only imparts knowledge. one of our visible gurus in this kaliyug is the sun...the sun shines light to all without judging religion or color. was that not a lesson to learn.


If Srila Prabhupada has impacted your life such, then you must be make yourself ready so he can send a true guru to you.


jai shri krishna

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