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Even a murderer can preach the glorious of Lord Caitanya!!

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<TABLE height=110 cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=5 width=480 align=center bgColor=#ffcc99 border=3><TBODY><TR align=middle><TD>gauranitaismall.jpg</TD><TD>Tirtha in Prison





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5 Books by Tirtha in Prison:













</CENTER><!--First version of homepage<font color="black"> <font size=5> <B>H<font size=3>are Krsna.


Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda appeared on this earth to deliver the fallen souls; even the most fallen souls like Jagai and Madhai, who were the greatest sinners of their time. Unfortunately I am also in that category, having committed heinous offenses against the Vaisnavas and non-Vaisnavas alike. However, despite my regrettable past, I continually beg the Lord to be merciful upon such a worthless soul as me.


Although I surely do not deserve it, Krsna has showered His blessings upon me. Accompanying me in my new life of solitude, Their Lordships Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai have become my constant companions. I am perhaps the only devotee who has the good fortune to have such Deities as my cell mates. It truly has proven to be a most profound experience.


I have discovered that writing about my experiences as a devotee-prisoner of the state has had a cathartic effect upon me; it helps me to see myself, the world about me, and the Vaisnavas in clearer vision. It helps me to understand my actual constitutional position as servant of the servant of the servant. It helps to purify my consciousness from lust, anger and greed. And it helps me to see that all conditioned souls are prisoners of material nature.


Some devotees have found some value in my writings for their own development in Krsna consciousness, and have kindly offered to share my insignificant realizations with others by creating this website. There is no doubt that my life is made of the mercy of the devotees. Because of their kindness and concern I have been able to continue on in Krsna consciousness. My debt to the Vaisnavas can never be repaid. I therefore offer my most humble obeisances (and my sincere apologies, because of my offenses) to all of the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord.


<table align=right><TR><TD> <font size=3><font color="black"><B>Your most worthless servant,


<I> Tirtha dasa </TD></TR></table>





--><!-- Second version of homepage, June 10, 2005 --><FONT color=black><FONT size=5>
earest Friends and Devotees,
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Hare Krsna.
When Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya appeared on this earth to deliver the fallen conditioned souls, it was thought Their mission would be judged a success if only They could deliver the miscreants Jagai and Madhai, the greatest sinners of their time. In a similar way, due to my previous offenses, I too, share a place with such nefarious company. Still, Jagai and Madhai, though once sinful, became great Vaisnavas due to the mercy of Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya. Therefore, with straw in teeth, I fall at the feet of all devotees, sincerely begging their forgiveness.


In a shower of unlimited causeless mercy, Krsna has bestowed His blessings upon me. Upon the recommendation of the devotees, Krsna now accompanies me in His Deity forms of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai.


In some small measure Krsna has provided me with some ability to write. Thus, I write for my own purification and to hopefully please Krsna and the devotees, my writing being my humble offering. I wish for nothing more than this in life. Begging to develop a measure of selfless, loving compassion for all living entities. Servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna. Servant ad infinitum. Hare Krsna.


Your servant,
irtha dasa



Eight Essays on Sri Sri Gurv-astaka


<FONT color=black><B><FONT color=black><B>
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Posted online: August 19, 2005


<!--<font color="black"> <font size=3><B>The 26 Qualities



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The Definitive Guide to Practicing Krsna Consciousness in Prison



Posted online: February 10, 2005

Posted online: January 21, 2005

Posted online: January 17, 2005

Posted online: January 15, 2005

Posted online: January 20, 2005
Ten Questions

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ISKCON Prison Ministries Freedom Newsletter


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654gfdled.jpgBy bhakta Jerry


I began asking questions of my dear mother. Momma, how come these people were so happy? Why were they singing and dancing? What were they singing, Momma? Why were they wearing those funny clothes? Momma, why did they have bald heads? Unfortunately, my precious mother could not answer any of my questions.



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Sure why not? I haven't murdered anyone in this life but I am sure I have in some of the past ones. Hell I may have been a serial killer or a mass murderer like Chairman Mao.


At the moment of death only the consciousness we possess in that moment means anything.


I don't know anything about this Tirtha das but the proof is in the pudding. We must also remember we are also in prision. Imprisoned by our misconceptions of identity and purpose. And we didn't get this way by acting like saints.

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The life of Tirtha Prabhu (or is it Maharaja?) show's how God - Krsna, works in mysterious ways. I met Tirtha in '79 in California and then again in '80 in New Vrndavana. At the time he was raising money for NV doing illicit activities. I wasn't very serious about strictly following at that time and some of my friends collaborated with him in such escapades. At that time he was a very scary guy. I couldn't really understand all the madness going around NV in those days until I went there, and yes, it was one scary place. Then of course a few years later came the Sulocana tragedy and when I heard that Tirtha was involved I wasn't surprised. Then somehow or other the wave of madness at NV passed and although I don't really trust GBC ISKCON, it is better than the previous NV regime, so some light came there. I even believe that Kirtanananda is in a better consciousness now days. And Tirtha seems to be doing really well in difficult circumstances. Despite whatever discrepancies its an overall inspiring ongoing story. I guess he had to be in such a restrictive environment to make advancement.

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Mount Olive prision devotees: (back row left to right) Bhakta Dave, Tirtha dasa, Bhakta Aaron & Bhakta John. (front row) Bhakta Fred

There maybe hope for Carl Williams yet<!--QuoteBegin-->




Looks like there're some trying to "reform" murderers to become our gurus?

Thinking that personalities like Jesus or servants of Srimati Radharani need to sit in a corner with a dunce hat on and have their hands slapped when they grab for their bottle of Vodka, bottle of percodan and other anarthas?

Could be that meanwhile people change camp and put their trust somewhere else.

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Looks like there're some trying to "reform" murderers to become our gurus?


Just humble devotee's of Krishna will do, servant of the servant of Krishna


The Apostle Paul, the greatest Christian and follower of Christ described himself as “chief of sinners,” because he tortured, murdered and killed Christians before becoming one himself. It is said he murdered hundreds of followers of Jesus including children and women.


To him, he saw himself the lowest of human beings, he truly believed that he IS the most fallen and did not just say he is the most fallen as many pioneering immature Krishna devotees imitate today.


To actually be a murderer and abuser of God’s people then end up being a great preacher is revealing the true power of God's (Krishna's) MERCY and ability to heal and purify.


Paul is such a wonderful example in Christianity who reveals how merciful the Lord is, for if a man like him can be saved, anyone can be. Isn't this also the teachings and message of Lord Caitanya (patita pavana)


The present pioneering leadership of ISKCON, along with the many followers who are emotionally lead with sentiment and mundane influences like hating the sinner instead of the sin, often become self righteous, duplicid and hypocritical, causing them to live by double standards (meaning accepting the fall downs of so many from the Sannyas order, and at the same time banning and condemning others who have also struggled) deny ISKCON from truly representing the teachings of Lord Caitanya who has come to save those MOST fallen

Many still have a long way to go until they are as advanced in their humility as the Apostle Paul was. We see many today sentimentally say they are the most fallen however, the Apostle Paul really believed he WAS the most fallen. Many ISKCON followers, leaders, sannyasis and Guru’s are not the most of anything!! Those who truly believe they are the MOST fallen, will preach to ANYONE be them murders, child abusers and killers, rapists, thieves etc.


One should never ever claim to be the most fallen unless you truly believe you are more fallen than these exploiters who cut short the lives of others by taking pleasure in killing, abusing and exploiting them. Actually to truly understand how one IS the most fallen, requires that one have the realization that they have had unlimited births in this world and have performed both sinful and pious acts of all kinds over millions of births - we have all been just about everything you can be!.


Most ISKCON and Gaudiya math followers today do not understand they are not their many body, even though every day they hear it in class. Instead many are materially motivated in keeping up with the Jones by having a nice car, of course the Jones is now replaced by keeping up with the Grhastra family down the hill on the farm.


Even one Sanyasi GBC judges you, not by your devotion or sincere attempt to be be Krishna Conscious, but by the wealth you have accumulated, and how late the model car is, you drive, as well as if you have the lastest cell phone. To be in this club your cell phone must be a 'toy' worth more than $1500


Most of us have a long, long way to go to be totally selfless, PRIDELESS and HUMBLY Krsna Conscious like the Six Goswamis.

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Therein lies an interesting story, should anyone care to know








Ex-Swami Malati Dasi




Malati Dasi - "The person who was charged with and admitted to the murders of Steve Bryant and St. Denis is Thomas Drescher, aka Tirtha das, who is in prison for life.





Therein lies an interesting story, should anyone care to know. But, to make a long story short, this person has undergone a deeply profound recitification and transformation.





So much so that the chief prosecutor against him, Michael Stein from the District Attorney's office, feels that he is worthy of a pardon.





He contacted me recently and in that conversation stated that he has rarely, almost never, witnessed a change in the character of a convicted felon, but he has seen this in the case of Thomas Drescher, who he refers to by his initiated name, Tirtha das.





On his end, Mr. Drescher has become a sober humble person, accepting the results of his awful deeds (double life sentence w/o possible parole) as a befitting indication of Krishna's mercy on him." -- Malati Dasi, letter to Giri-nayaka Das, December 26 2006





Interesting story I just hope she is kind and merciful like this to everyone.


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Therein lies an interesting story, should anyone care to know













Ex-Swami Malati Dasi




Malati Dasi - "The person who was charged with and admitted to the murders of Steve Bryant and St. Denis is Thomas Drescher, aka Tirtha das, who is in prison for life.





Therein lies an interesting story, should anyone care to know. But, to make a long story short, this person has undergone a deeply profound recitification and transformation.





So much so that the chief prosecutor against him, Michael Stein from the District Attorney's office, feels that he is worthy of a pardon.





He contacted me recently and in that conversation stated that he has rarely, almost never, witnessed a change in the character of a convicted felon, but he has seen this in the case of Thomas Drescher, who he refers to by his initiated name, Tirtha das.





On his end, Mr. Drescher has become a sober humble person, accepting the results of his awful deeds (double life sentence w/o possible parole) as a befitting indication of Krishna's mercy on him." -- Malati Dasi, letter to Giri-nayaka Das, December 26 2006






Interesting story I just hope she is kind and merciful like this to everyone.




To actually be a murderer and abuser of God’s people then end up being a great preacher is revealing the true power of God's (Lord KrishnaCaitanya Maha Prabhu) MERCY and ability to heal and purify.


Isn't this the wonderful causeless mercy of Lord Caitanya that He exhibits in a very rare Kali-yuga like the one we are all now in?

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