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isn't Buddhism just a form Vedanta ?

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In Jayadeva's goswami's Dasavatara sastra it is stated that Buddha is an avatara of Lord Vishnu.

Actually he is a saktyavesa avatara and came to preach ahimsa so that the people would stop misinterpreting the vedas.


If the deal was to preach 'Ahimsa' than I think your ignorant of a man who was known as 'Vardhman Mahavir'. This guy redefined the word 'Ahimsa' & he could've been the frontrunner for the title of 'Avatar of Vishnu'. He was also born before Buddha (ofcourse not expecting the bigots to agree with me)


What's more, Mahavir also left his family & kingdom just like Buddha did, but only BEFORE Buddha. :rolleyes:


Ok, with so many 'befores', i'm not saying Buddha imitated Mahavir, mebbe he was just inspired by Mahavir. ;)

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Agreed APJ, I don't know when vegetarianism became equal to Buddhism, except the Buddhism (now extinct) of the Gangetic plains all Buddhist countries and sects eat meat in great quantities, only exception are Chinese Bhikshus.


Lord Mahavir Swami is totally underrated by anyone outside of India too.

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just as a side note, not all buddhist sects eat meat. most chinese mahayana practitioners do not. it is forbidden in the mahayana tripitaka. so those belonging to ching tu, tien tai, vinaya, chan, and huayen schools abstain from meat eating. (also the eating of pungent flavors like garlic and onion) if individual practitioners eat meat, that is their karma but it is not permitted in traditional mahayana. the exceptions are going to be the japanese buddhists (who have their own reading of texts) and those who do not practice straight up buddhism but mix it with taoism, confucianism, and shamanism.


as for what did buddhism present to india that was different from hinduism? well for one thing it abolished notions of caste and it gave women the opportunity to participate equally as ordained bhikshunis. (although it can be argued that neither issued forth from hinduism itself but were general cultural practices) in terms of philosophy i think it gets a bit more difficult to decipher because there seem to be so much over lapping of traditions. even when buddha teaches anatta there are plenty buddhists who believe in atman (tathagatagarbha) when he denies brahman then the teaching of dharmakaya is introduced (it's the same thing)



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as for what did buddhism present to india that was different from hinduism? well for one thing it abolished notions of caste and it gave women the opportunity to participate equally as ordained bhikshunis. (although it can be argued that neither issued forth from hinduism itself but were general cultural practices) in terms of philosophy i think it gets a bit more difficult to decipher because there seem to be so much over lapping of traditions. even when buddha teaches anatta...


Babuji :P


I know of an Upanishad that talks about 'Anatta', so once again it is not Buddha's invention, thank you. :smash:


& even before, during & after Buddha many Vedantas didn't find any need for varnas & yes since caste system is a cultural practise, all religions now have a caste (in India)


You think that the blacks after converting to buddhism or any religion won't be discriminated by the caucasians ?


Hey by the way, where do all the bhikshunies hide themselves ? I haven't seen many.

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with much respect, i didn't say necessarially that the buddha invented anatta. i was making a point that many of the things usually attributed to buddha (ie: anatta and sunyata) are not even widely believed by the larges branch of buddhism (mahayana) so i think we are in more agreesment than it may first appear.


as for bikshunis, the majority come from mahayana and vajrayana traditions as the lineage of full ordination has died out in theravada countries. even there tho there is still the mata dasi and mei ji ordinations for women. it is far more prevalant in mahayana. some famous ones (at least in america) are vens. yi fa, pema chodren, and tubten chodren. also the founders of Tzu Chi ( the world's large buddhist humanitarian organization) was founded by bhikshunis.



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Having read through this discussion, I am interested in the statement that 'anatta' appears in one of the Upanishads. I would welcome a reference for that if it is possible. I think anatta is the Pali version of the Sanskrit anatma, so if it appears in that form it must be from one of the later secondary Upanishads of the Atharva Veda.

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What is Krishna Consciousness?

Nothingness and Something-ness both existed together and sustained each other since time-immemorial, together this is called the material manifestation or the Cosmos.

Something-ness may be found either conscious or in-animated.

The Self: Each conscious Individual, within the cosmos, has as its own address a "Vector Point" [X-Y-Z Axis Intersection]—which is indivisible, individual, eternal, and conscious.

An animated conscious individual may occupy a body [encasement].

This encasement allows the pursuit of its own gratification by way of:

1 Eating,

2 Sleeping,

3 Mating,

4 Defense (Physical, mental, ego).

After the temporal stages of birth, growth, old age and death the vector point retains only the spirit of 'direction toward a **goal'.

Thus by dint of prior cultivated interests, inherits a new body/encasement which accommodates another lifetime for the pursuit of gratification(s) along the same lines of interests that where cultivated during its last life. When this is repeated since time immemorial the sages call this 'samsara' [the cycle of birth and death].

[**the goal is often without guidance thus the 4 pursuits become the ultimate means and end of life's journey to nowhere except repeated gratification. Proper guidance allows us to reconcile, "What in the hell are we doing here?" during a lifetime].

The setting of the above pastimes [of every animated or inanimated individual point] is a large empty space of Nothingness [the sages call this empty space: 'brahman'].

The in-animated elements within the cosmos are of two kinds:

1 gross matter [earth, water, fire, air, either], and,

2 subtle [mind, intelligence, ego].

The mystery of life is the attainment of transcendence.

Some say the attainment of nirvana, or merging with the primordial 'Nothingness' is the goal.

The chain of succession of knowledge that comes to us from Vyasadeva shows us [through dissatisfaction with our own pursuits —life time after life times of gratification in countless species of life— in varying births of different status] that the goal of life is to seek the 'Absolute Truth' not relative truths.

The conclusion of the Vedas and thus the conclusion of Vedanta is the 'Absolute Truth' known as the personage known as <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>.

We know this 'Absolute Truth' in the same way we know who are real father is: from our mother [except for those who cultivated future disadvatages]. The Vedas are like our mother telling us who are father is etc, etc.

Krishna Consciousness is the top most mystic yoga discipline:

Remembering the transcendental name, fame, form, personality, paraphernalia, entourage, and, pastimes of none other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead Bhagavan Sri Krishna,

son of Vasudeva,

brother of Balarama,

cousin of Arjuna,

source of Mahavisnu and Narayana,

the original-original eternal, all-cognizant, all-blissful form of God

(in his Transcendent Heaven where every soul pursues reciprocal pastimes with Him face to face.)

(Astanga-) Yoga is to re-link with this 'Absolute Truth', thus remembering <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>'s form assists the minute living entity [conscious Individual Vector Point] at death so as to acquire a next birth that further cultivates Krsna Conscousness till successful completion.

Remembering <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> in the material world is prescribed thus [it is also the easiest]:

Chant <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>'s names.

Chant the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra.

Read the Bhagavad-gita's Chapter 10 "The Opulence of the Absolute”

[to learn where to see God's opulence spread through-out the cosmos.]

.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....

The history of the Vedas, from the Sri Isopanisad Introduction:


About five thousand years ago Vyasadeva put the Vedas in writing for the people in this age, Kali-yuga.


He divided the Vedas into four: Rig, Sama, Atharva and Yajur. Then he gave the charge of these Vedas to his different disciples.


Then Vyasadeva summarized all Vedic knowledge for scholars and philosophers in what is called the Vedanta-sutra.

This is the last word of the Vedas.


Vyasadeva was not very satisfied even after compiling many Puranas and Upanisads, and even after writing the Vedanta-sutra.


Then his spiritual master, Narada, instructed him, “Explain the Vedanta-sutra.”

Vedanta means “ultimate knowledge,” and the ultimate knowledge is Krsna.

Krsna says that throughout all the Vedas one has to understand Him: vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham.

Krsna says, “I am the compiler of the Vedanta-sutra, and I am the knower of the Vedas.”

Therefore the ultimate objective is Krsna.

The Vedanta-sutra simply hints at what is Brahman, the Absolute Truth:

“The Absolute Truth is that from whom everything emanates.”

This is a summary, but it is explained in detail in Srimad-Bhagavatam.

If everything is emanating from the Absolute Truth, then what is the nature of the Absolute Truth?

That is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam.


The Absolute Truth must be consciousness.

He is self-effulgent (svarat).

We develop our consciousness and knowledge by receiving knowledge from others, but for Him it is said that He is self-effulgent.


The whole summary of Vedic knowledge is the Vedanta-sutra, and the Vedanta-sutra is explained by the writer himself in Srimad-Bhagavatam.


We finally request those who are actually after Vedic knowledge to try to understand the explanation of all Vedic knowledge from Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad-gita.


yours in <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>'s service,


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Having read through this discussion, I am interested in the statement that 'anatta' appears in one of the Upanishads. I would welcome a reference for that if it is possible. I think anatta is the Pali version of the Sanskrit anatma, so if it appears in that form it must be from one of the later secondary Upanishads of the Atharva Veda.


This sentence outlines anatta 'sa esa neti nety atma' - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...


when Vedanta means conclusion to Vedas, the interpretation of Vedas, on these lines I feel the buddhist philosophy is just a form of Vedanta.


Thank you. :)



Buddhism,I think does not believe in Atma

Also,it does not have a God


Vedas,I think,must be having a mention of Atma and God


thank you

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Buddhism, The fulfillment of Hinduism

By Swami Vivekananda

The first disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa

Talk delivered at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 26-09-1893 I am not a Buddhist, as you have heard, and yet I am. If China, or Japan, or Ceylon (Sri Lanka) follow the teachings of the Great Master, India worships him (Lord Buddha) as God incarnate on earth. You have just now heard that I am going to criticise Buddhism, but by that I wish you to understand only this. Far be it from me to criticise him whom I worship as God incarnate on earth. But our views about Buddha are that he was not understood properly by his disciples.

The relation between Hinduism (by Hinduism I mean the religion of the Vedas) and what is called Buddhism at the present day is nearly the same as between Judaism and Christianity. Jesus Christ was a Jew and Shaakya Muni was a Hindu. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, nay, crucified him, and the Hindus have accepted Shaakya Muni as God and worship him. But the real difference that we Hindus want to show between modern Buddhism and what we should understand as the teachings of Lord Buddha lies principally in this: Shaakya Muni came to preach nothing new. He also, like Jesus, came to fulfil and not to destroy. Only, in the case of Jews, it was the old people, the Jews, who did not understand him, while in the case of Buddha, it was his own followers who did not realise the import of his teachings. As the Jew did not understand the fulfillment of the Old Testament, so the Buddhist did not understand the fulfillment of the truths of the Hindu religion. Again, I repeat, Shaakya Muni came not to destroy, but he was the fulfillment, the logical conclusion, the logical development of the religion of the Hindus.

The religion of the Hindus is divided into two parts: the ceremonial and the spiritual. The spiritual portion is specially studied by the monks. In that there is no caste. A man from the highest caste and a man from the lowest may become a monk in India, and the two castes become equal. In religion, there is no caste; caste is simply a social institution. Shaakya Muni himself was a monk, and it was his glory that he had the large heartedness to bring out the truths from the hidden Vedas and throw them broadcast all over the world. He was the first being in the world that brought missionarising into practice- nay, he was the first to conceive the idea of proselytising.

The great glory of the Master lay in his wonderful sympathy for everybody, especially for the ignorant and the poor. Some of his disciples were Brahmins. When Buddha was teaching, Sanskrit was no more the spoken language in India. It was then only in the books of the learned. Some of Buddha’s Brahmin disciples wanted to translate his teachings into Sanskrit, but he distinctly told them, "I am for the poor, for the people; let me speak in the tongue of the people." And so to this day the great bulk of his teachings are in the vernacular of that day in India.

Whatever may be the position of philosophy, whatever may the position of metaphysics, so long as there is such a thing as death in the world, so long as there is such a thing as weakness in the human heart, so long there is a cry going out of the heart of man in his very weakness, there shall be a faith in God.

On the philosophic side the disciples of the great Master dashed themselves against the eternal rocks of the Vedas and could not crush them, and on the other side they took away from the nation that eternal God to which every one, man or woman, clings so fondly. And the result was that Buddhism had to die a natural death in India. At the present day there is not one who calls himself a Buddhist in India, the land of its birth.

But at the same time, Brahminism lost something- that reforming zeal, that wonderful sympathy and charity for everybody, that wonderful leaven which Buddhism had brought to the masses and which had rendered Indian society so great that a Greek historian who wrote about India of that time was led to say that no Hindu was known to tell an untruth and no Hindu woman was known to be unchaste.

Hinduism cannot live without Buddhism, nor Buddhism without Hinduism. Then realise what the separation has shown to us, that the Buddhists cannot stand without the brain and philosophy of the Brahmins, nor the Brahmin without the heart of the Buddhist. This separation between the Buddhists and the Brahmins is the cause of the downfall of India. That is why India is populated by three hundred millions of beggars, and that is why India has been the slave of conquerors for the last thousand years. Let us then join the wonderful intellect of the Brahmins with the heart, the noble soul, and wonderful humanising power of the Great Master.

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I meant to say enforce Ahimsa, ARJji.

Thanks for your input however.

The only reason the Dalai Lama is eating meat is because all these religions have become corrupt due to politics and the influence of Kali yuga.


Hey Indulekha Ji! :)

I think that the reason why H.H. Dalai Lama eats meat is b/c it's hard to come by vegetables in the mountains where he lives. I know that he's encouraged ppl who live in places where vegetables grow in abundance throughout the year to be full-time vegetarians, and for ppl who only have a season or so of a fertile period to be vegetarians during that season.

But... you are very right... all religion has become corrupt during the Kali Yuga... we can even see it in our own blessed Sanatan Dharma. :(

Jai Sita-Ram!

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Hey by the way, where do all the bhikshunies hide themselves ? I haven't seen many.


In monasteries (called Sangha in Buddhism)... where all nuns live. There aren't many Bhikkunis (or even Bhikkus, for that matter) in India or in the West b/c there aren't as many Buddhists in these places, but there are many in East Asian countries. Some even live in joint-monasteries, where the monks and nuns live on the same grounds. ;)

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Hey Indulekha Ji! :)

I think that the reason why H.H. Dalai Lama eats meat is b/c it's hard to come by vegetables in the mountains where he lives. I know that he's encouraged ppl who live in places where vegetables grow in abundance throughout the year to be full-time vegetarians, and for ppl who only have a season or so of a fertile period to be vegetarians during that season.

But... you are very right... all religion has become corrupt during the Kali Yuga... we can even see it in our own blessed Sanatan Dharma. :(

Jai Sita-Ram!


I see...I didn't know that.

Everything is becoming corrupt! Now we can see that the dhamas of the Lord are slowly hiding themselves. We have to struggle to keep those dhamas, but there will be a time where those dhamas will vanish from our vision. How sad.:crying2:

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I see...I didn't know that.

Everything is becoming corrupt! Now we can see that the dhamas of the Lord are slowly hiding themselves. We have to struggle to keep those dhamas, but there will be a time where those dhamas will vanish from our vision. How sad.:crying2:


It's a great travesty to see all the suffering that is happening in this world because of a lack of love for man and for God. :(

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when Vedanta means conclusion to Vedas, the interpretation of Vedas, on these lines I feel the buddhist philosophy is just a form of Vedanta.


who misguided u by telling such a nonsense...


Vedanta is not an interpretation of the Vedas, it is the conclusion and the goal of the Vedic practice (Veda+anta). ShreeChaitanya Mahäprabhujee HIMSELF revealed that Shreemad Bhägavatam is the natural commentary on the Vedänta, Vedänta is otherwise pretty esoteric and enigmatically programmed. If not properly decoded it might lead to the present apathy of so many foolish advaita vedäntist, who are on thier way to self-annihilation!


And, the best commentary that one can get over something is through its Author. Now, ShreeVeda Vyäsajee (the compiler of the Vedas, and an avatär of its Author ShreeMahäVishnujee) Himself states in the Shreemad Bhägavatam that Shreemad Bhägavatam is the natural commentary on the Vedänta.


Buddhism is not Vedänta. after Bhagavän returned to HIS Divine abode, the kaliyuga started showing up and due to that the people in general started becoming corrupt and dualistic, coining out their own interpretations of the Prestine and Divine Vedas, and started killing animals in the name of a yagna. Actually, animal killing is there in the yägnic performance but the animal that is sacrificed is not be eaten up but it is to be sacrificed so that it gets a higher mode of life in its next body. But the corrupt and socalled brahmnas, out of their whim and for animal eating, started vehemently carrying out fake yagnas. Lord Buddha, appeared to stop these swindling brahmanas, and said that Ahimsä Paramo dharmah, i.e. the biggest duty of the mankind is to be nonviolent. But the current fake buddhists misinterpreted His teachings and coined out their own interpretations and made a big mistake of neglecting the Vedas. And as we can see, they're so very hell bent upon killing their own mind and intellegence, only to merge into the zero!


jainism, on the other hand, is altogether a different perversion. its not an offshoot of Vedic Religion, its an out and out concocted theory or rather one that is anti-Vedas. jains are averse to the Supreme Näräyan! this is not my vehement belief, this is what so called jain sadhus suffer from and often even try to accuse ShreeKRSHNA of having waged a war against the kauravas. they dont believe in däna, shräddha, yagna, varnäshrama and other many Vedic Injunctions!


In the Padma Puräna there is a reference to this jainism.

A good and pious king, Vena was carrying out his duty properly and trying to maintain a good scene in its state, until, a jain vegabond, came to him and taught him the athiestic theory, asking him not to do däna, yagna, and shrädhha and other so many rituals enshrined in the Vedas. being stupified by that monks false theory, the king gave up its duties and acted like selfish athiest, the Saptarishis then told them that such religions would pop up only in the kaliyuga and that king Vena should not be mislead by such bogus vegabonds!


jains assert that the size of the soul keeps changing according to its body, so suppose a jeeva is in an elephant's body and if in its next it gets an ant's body, the souls will undergo a change in its size to fit that body. this concocted so called religion suffers from a plethora of other misconception, so its not fair to consider it an offshoot of Hinduism.


Vedänta logically proves that the Para Tattva is a Person, HE is ShreeKrshna and the souls are eternal servants of that Supreme Person.



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Hey Indulekha Ji! :)

I think that the reason why H.H. Dalai Lama eats meat is b/c it's hard to come by vegetables in the mountains where he lives...


If this is the reason than don’t you think that P.P.H.H.Dalai Lama or his ancestors should have relocated themselves, to keep them from deviating from the path of Dharma ? As far as ‘public figures’ are concerned I don’t think someone like Swami Ramdev would start eating meat just cause there is dearth of vegetarian food. Also by relocating themselves, the ancestors of P.P.H.H.Dalia Lama would have saved the Chinese government a lot of trouble. ;)

The Buddhists eat meat for the same reason Catholics & Muslims do. This is the reason why all these religions & the present day Hinduism needs something like the 'Varna Vyavastha' of the Vedic era. :rolleyes:

The history is evident that proponents of Buddhism like Emperor Ashoka quashed Hinduism & Jainism with his might (do some research regarding this if your not aware of it)

As for the bhikshunies, was there a female Dalai Lama ? I don’t know if there was any. Or mebbe they don’t have a female Dalai Lama for the same reasons there is no black U.S. president. ;)



But the corrupt and socalled brahmnas, out of their whim and for animal eating, started vehemently carrying out fake yagnas. Lord Buddha, appeared to stop these swindling brahmanas, and said that Ahimsä Paramo dharmah, i.e. the biggest duty of the mankind is to be nonviolent...


Your saying as if killing of animals for Yagna was a widespread practise & so there was a need for Buddha to teach them that Ahimsa is Paramo Dharma, don’t talk rubbish. Get your facts corrected before blindly bashing anyone. :smash:


anyway we are not discussing Jainism here & I personally don’t require any lecture from you on what true Jainism is. :)

There are many Hindus who don’t believe in Shri Krishna either. If one doesn’t believe in supremacy of Narayan, it doesn’t make him/her anti Vedic. There is need for ignorant fools like you to rise above such stereotyping. Narayan is just a name given to the truth. There are many ways in which this truth is outlined in the form of Shiva or Ganesha or Durga. By this our sages made an attempt to make it easier for spiritually uneducated people like us to REALISE what the truth is. Do you think it is easy to realise this truth, even Buddha failed at this. This is the reason why questions keep popping up in our head & there are forums like this in place.

Just coz we fail to realise anything doesn’t make it void.


God can never be explained, the truth can only be experienced - Hinduism



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. . . Your saying as if killing of animals for Yagna was a widespread practise & so there was a need for Buddha to teach them that Ahimsa is Paramo Dharma, don’t talk rubbish. Get your facts corrected before blindly bashing anyone. . . .


ARJ you are wrong! --unless you are 2000 yrs old, your postulations must be based on data collated from among the historic record.


Where are your citations?


Yajnas where wide spread, but under a different name and done by different cultures in the back-woods, back-hills & jungle depths and in the mid-east and eastern europe through-out the world at the time of buddha. The function of temples at that time was to solicit favors from pagan gods by way of animal offerings.


This is so common-place knowledge to us that I shudder at why you would post your postulations --(without offering literary resources that you MUST cite if you expect to be taken seriously by any real academian).

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If this is the reason than don’t you think that P.P.H.H.Dalai Lama or his ancestors should have relocated themselves, to keep them from deviating from the path of Dharma ? As far as ‘public figures’ are concerned I don’t think someone like Swami Ramdev would start eating meat just cause there is dearth of vegetarian food. Also by relocating themselves, the ancestors of P.P.H.H.Dalia Lama would have saved the Chinese government a lot of trouble. ;)

The Buddhists eat meat for the same reason Catholics & Muslims do. This is the reason why all these religions & the present day Hinduism needs something like the 'Varna Vyavastha' of the Vedic era. :rolleyes:

The history is evident that proponents of Buddhism like Emperor Ashoka quashed Hinduism & Jainism with his might (do some research regarding this if your not aware of it)

As for the bhikshunies, was there a female Dalai Lama ? I don’t know if there was any. Or mebbe they don’t have a female Dalai Lama for the same reasons there is no black U.S. president. ;)




Your saying as if killing of animals for Yagna was a widespread practise & so there was a need for Buddha to teach them that Ahimsa is Paramo Dharma, don’t talk rubbish. Get your facts corrected before blindly bashing anyone. :smash:


anyway we are not discussing Jainism here & I personally don’t require any lecture from you on what true Jainism is. :)

There are many Hindus who don’t believe in Shri Krishna either. If one doesn’t believe in supremacy of Narayan, it doesn’t make him/her anti Vedic. There is need for ignorant fools like you to rise above such stereotyping. Narayan is just a name given to the truth. There are many ways in which this truth is outlined in the form of Shiva or Ganesha or Durga. By this our sages made an attempt to make it easier for spiritually uneducated people like us to REALISE what the truth is. Do you think it is easy to realise this truth, even Buddha failed at this. This is the reason why questions keep popping up in our head & there are forums like this in place.

Just coz we fail to realise anything doesn’t make it void.


God can never be explained, the truth can only be experienced - Hinduism



Well... I really don't think it's any of my business if someone doesn't feel like making a location change. I was just saying the reason why he, personally, eats meat during some seasons of the year.

I know about Emperor Ashoka. But, in all due fairness, many Hindus discriminated against Buddhists, Jains, etc... for many years. Some do to this day. And, I'm sure that Emperor Ashoka's actions aren't accepted by the majority of Buddhists, and I'm sure that many of them would never do such a thing.

There's no female Dalai Lama for a simple reason: he's considered the reincarnation of a male spirit (the Bodhisattva Avalokita). There is the Kumari, though. She's considered to be an incarnation of Goddess Durga (to the Hindus) and of Vajra-Yogini (to the Buddhists).

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who misguided u by telling such a nonsense...


Vedanta is not an interpretation of the Vedas, it is the conclusion and the goal of the Vedic practice (Veda+anta). ShreeChaitanya Mahäprabhujee HIMSELF revealed that Shreemad Bhägavatam is the natural commentary on the Vedänta, Vedänta is otherwise pretty esoteric and enigmatically programmed. If not properly decoded it might lead to the present apathy of so many foolish advaita vedäntist, who are on thier way to self-annihilation!


And, the best commentary that one can get over something is through its Author. Now, ShreeVeda Vyäsajee (the compiler of the Vedas, and an avatär of its Author ShreeMahäVishnujee) Himself states in the Shreemad Bhägavatam that Shreemad Bhägavatam is the natural commentary on the Vedänta.


Buddhism is not Vedänta. after Bhagavän returned to HIS Divine abode, the kaliyuga started showing up and due to that the people in general started becoming corrupt and dualistic, coining out their own interpretations of the Prestine and Divine Vedas, and started killing animals in the name of a yagna. Actually, animal killing is there in the yägnic performance but the animal that is sacrificed is not be eaten up but it is to be sacrificed so that it gets a higher mode of life in its next body. But the corrupt and socalled brahmnas, out of their whim and for animal eating, started vehemently carrying out fake yagnas. Lord Buddha, appeared to stop these swindling brahmanas, and said that Ahimsä Paramo dharmah, i.e. the biggest duty of the mankind is to be nonviolent. But the current fake buddhists misinterpreted His teachings and coined out their own interpretations and made a big mistake of neglecting the Vedas. And as we can see, they're so very hell bent upon killing their own mind and intellegence, only to merge into the zero!


jainism, on the other hand, is altogether a different perversion. its not an offshoot of Vedic Religion, its an out and out concocted theory or rather one that is anti-Vedas. jains are averse to the Supreme Näräyan! this is not my vehement belief, this is what so called jain sadhus suffer from and often even try to accuse ShreeKRSHNA of having waged a war against the kauravas. they dont believe in däna, shräddha, yagna, varnäshrama and other many Vedic Injunctions!


In the Padma Puräna there is a reference to this jainism.

A good and pious king, Vena was carrying out his duty properly and trying to maintain a good scene in its state, until, a jain vegabond, came to him and taught him the athiestic theory, asking him not to do däna, yagna, and shrädhha and other so many rituals enshrined in the Vedas. being stupified by that monks false theory, the king gave up its duties and acted like selfish athiest, the Saptarishis then told them that such religions would pop up only in the kaliyuga and that king Vena should not be mislead by such bogus vegabonds!


jains assert that the size of the soul keeps changing according to its body, so suppose a jeeva is in an elephant's body and if in its next it gets an ant's body, the souls will undergo a change in its size to fit that body. this concocted so called religion suffers from a plethora of other misconception, so its not fair to consider it an offshoot of Hinduism.


Vedänta logically proves that the Para Tattva is a Person, HE is ShreeKrshna and the souls are eternal servants of that Supreme Person.





Buddhaji came to start a great plan for devotional service. He Himself was Krishna. Krishna understands the potency of devotional service so He as Lord Buddha came to pave the way. Due to His teachings of ahimsa, the so-called brahmanas of Kali yuga, gave up their bad habits and became true brahmanas. It was essential to create some first class brahmanas so that pure devotion could be spread through the whole world.

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ARJ you are wrong! --unless you are 2000 yrs old, your postulations must be based on data collated from among the historic record.


Where are your citations?


Yajnas where wide spread, but under a different name and done by different cultures in the back-woods, back-hills & jungle depths and in the mid-east and eastern europe through-out the world at the time of buddha. The function of temples at that time was to solicit favors from pagan gods by way of animal offerings.


This is so common-place knowledge to us that I shudder at why you would post your postulations --(without offering literary resources that you MUST cite if you expect to be taken seriously by any real academian).


Common sense is a form of evidence that is based on conventional wisdom. ;)


When people say “Actually, animal killing is there in the yägnic performance” this shows how much they know about Vedas, ignorant nerds like them would be astonished to know that there are not less than half a dozen verses in Vedas that strictly prohibits killing of not only cows but any living being and non-vegetarianism (someone well versed in Vedas should concur with me on this). From the oldest Vedas to later additions vegetarianism & non killing of animals is strictly endorsed. So the thought that vegetarianism or nonkilling is an outside influence or animals were sacrificed for yajnas can be safely ruled out. :)

Dear Bhaktajan, now if you want to know what exactly those verses say, you’ll have to do some hard work, you do need some ‘conventional wisdom’, find a good teacher & learn Vedas from him/her. Perhaps only then whatever I’m saying would make sense to you. Even you should research the precise meaning of the word ‘Yajna’ :)

If I were to believe in every thing Godseed has said than majority of the Brahmans became anti Vedic, how could this be possible ? How can you expect people who lived by the Vedas to turn against them ? these are nothing but lies spread by Buddhist missionaries & western historians & by people with malicious intentions. A group of such people also believes that what is now Tirupati balaji temple was once a Buddhist shrine… lol :P


Maa Himsayat Sarva-Bhutaani - Rig Veda :)



There's no female Dalai Lama for a simple reason: he's considered the reincarnation of a male spirit (the Bodhisattva Avalokita).


Yes in every male dominated society everything has to be by the males, of the males & for the males. I didn’t know in Buddhism spirits have GENDER, but isn’t it a violation of the laws of ‘ANATTA'. :)




Buddhaji came to start a great plan for devotional service. He Himself was Krishna. Krishna understands the potency of devotional service so He as Lord Buddha came to pave the way. Due to His teachings of ahimsa, the so-called brahmanas of Kali yuga, gave up their bad habits and became true brahmanas. It was essential to create some first class brahmanas so that pure devotion could be spread through the whole world.


wonder why people don't say the same for poor Vardhaman Mahavir. :(


anyway a good bunch of first class meat eating, gender-biased brahmans have been created in Tibet ;)

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Common sense is a form of evidence that is based on conventional wisdom. ;)


When people say “Actually, animal killing is there in the yägnic performance” this shows how much they know about Vedas, ignorant nerds like them would be astonished to know that there are not less than half a dozen verses in Vedas that strictly prohibits killing of not only cows . . .


Dear Bhaktajan, now if you want to know what exactly those verses say, you’ll have to do some hard work, you do need some ‘conventional wisdom’, find a good teacher & learn Vedas from him/her.


Perhaps only then whatever I’m saying would make sense to you. Even you should research the precise meaning of the word ‘Yajna’ :)



I agree with your statements.

You have mis-understood to whom I was refering to as 'wide spread animal sacrifices':

1) Was refering to Yavanas & those in the middle east and the animistics tribel peoples outside vedic influences. Thus, the idolotry of the pagan western ancient world.

2) When Lord Krishna ended his pastimes 5,000 years ago among the Bharata-Dynasty, Krishna's departure caused all the brahmana classes to follow Krishna's coat tails via determined tapasyas --that is when the Ksatriyas alone could not be expected to enforce proper yajnas, thus, the migration of the concept of "sacrificial offering for reward" proliferated un-checked through-out non-vedic lands.

3) Ergo, yet again another appeal by Sri Bhumi to maha-pita-ma Brahmaji to arrange a solution: Buddha, the principle of 'ahimsa', and the nullifing of the authority of the vedas, and, the nullifing of idea of the existance of the Devas [the personification(s) of different material cosmic departments of the managment.]


So, Buddhist metaphysics is indeed the same study of the impersonal 24 agrregate material elements of the material energy --as does Vedanta metaphysics.


The Buddhist and the mayavada schools of thought both uphold "Nirvana" & "Brahman Realization" as 'Enlightenment'.

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Yes in every male dominated society everything has to be by the males, of the males & for the males. I didn’t know in Buddhism spirits have GENDER, but isn’t it a violation of the laws of ‘ANATTA'. :)


I notice you completely ignored the whole Kumari-thing. Whatever...

I don't know if the spirit itself is regarded as having a gender, but they say that Avalokita only incarnates in a male body. The bodhisattva Tara only incarnates in a female body. It's what they think. It's not just a 'male-only' thing.

The Mahayana Buddhists believe in the Atman. Tibetan Buddhism is a sub-group of this school.

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