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Bangladesh scientists invent herbal tea to reduce insulin intake for diabetics

Xinhua News Agency


DHAKA, Mar 6, 2008 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Bangladeshi scientists recently invented an herbal tea that would help insulin-dependent diabetic patients reduce their insulin intake, leading English newspaper the Daily Star reported Thursday.

A group of scientists of Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) invented the herbal tea from leaf extracts of local tree named Jarul. The research was conducted at BCSIR research institute in Bangladesh's southeastern city Chittagong.

Azad Khan, president of Diabetic Association was quoted by the newspaper as saying *that since the tea is extracted from nature, it has no side effect and it might be helpful for diabetic patients.

He said, "Diabetes has spread in the world like an epidemic and developing countries are the worst victims of this disease. An estimated 6 million people in Bangladesh now have diabetes."

Diabetic patients' body produces insufficient insulin that controls the level of sugar in their blood.

The diabetic patients who are dependent on insulin injections might benefit from the herbal tea as the recommended use of the tea could lower sugar level in their blood through insulin secretion from their pancreas and thus lower their insulin intake requirement, said experts.

The herbal tea might also help reduce obesity, the experts added.

Prof. Dr. Choudhury Mahmood Hasan, chairman of BCSIR, said herbal drug is safe and effective and it has gained approval across the globe, securing a market share of 62 billion U.S. dollars.

Fame Pharmaceuticals company will market the herbal tea under the brand name of DiabeNo.




*This is a very naive claim and sounds more like the words of a marketier than a medical professional. Strycnine grows naturally and that could hardly be said to be without side effects.


Anyone know anything about Jarul leaves as an herb?

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The herbal tea might also help reduce obesity, the experts added.


Anyone know anything about Jarul leaves as an herb?

Till a medicine is approved and can be called a medicine so many test for at least 10 years have to be made. Pharmaceutical law immediately prohibits anyone to call something a medicine without having undergone all the tests which are so expensive that usually only huge pharamceutical groups can finance a new medicine development.


Prabhupāda: "No, no, not the Bengalis. Anyone who cannot physically work. They eat sitting, and it is not digested, and therefore the diabetes. Diabetes is caused by eating more which is not digested. They say it is medically proven, and that’s a fact."


Room Conversation

with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

July 19, 1977, Vṛndāvana



Prabhupāda: Kalajam, yes.… is good medicine for diabetes...

Voracious eating is the cause of diabetes, and undernourishment is the cause of tuberculosis. This is the medical science. So we should not take under, neither more.


Morning Walk Conversation

with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

June 16, 1975, Honolulu




Prabhupāda: You can have some jackfruit tree.

Devotee (1): On the land, on the property. Okay.

Prabhupāda: Yes, yes …nutritive and very sweet.

Devotee (1): Very sweet.

Prabhupāda: Ah, yes. When it is ripe, it is very sweet. And when it is not ripe, it is called “vegetable meat.”

Devotee: “Tree goat.”

Prabhupāda: Yes.…prepare, it is better than meat.

Devotee (1): …the seeds.

Prabhupāda: Yes, big, big seeds. That is also very digestive. If you make it powder, it acts like, what is called, pancreas.


Morning Walk Conversation

with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

June 16, 1975, Honolulu


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Diabetes is caused by eating more which is not digested.

I am not convinced of this. It is more complex then this. Some are born diabetic and are known as type 1. It can't be said that the baby ate too much.


Seeds of the jack fruit lower blood sugar? That is worth checking out. Are there other names for Jack Fruit?

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I don't know but in Bengali it is called echor. I don't think that really helped did it? Sorry.

I'm still searching but I know 100% that Prabhupada said in one lecture that the ayurveda remedy is two days fasting and the pancreas will start working again. There could be several degrees of damage though up to the point people need daily injections to remain alive, but this is our Western tamas, detecting symptoms so late that natural remedies don't work anymore.

Echor recipe, http://www.angithi.com/recipysite/RecipeDetail.asp?RecipeID=383

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I'm still searching but I know 100% that Prabhupada said in one lecture that the ayurveda remedy is two days fasting and the pancreas will start working again. There could be several degrees of damage though up to the point people need daily injections to remain alive, but this is our Western tamas, detecting symptoms so late that natural remedies don't work anymore.

Echor recipe, http://www.angithi.com/recipysite/RecipeDetail.asp?RecipeID=383


Sorry but this is overly simplistic. I wish it were true so then I wouldn't have to inject insulin twice a day. Never had diabetes as a kid but my mother developed it later on in her life and that happened to me. Can't discount genetics. I have been on a vegan diet for the better part of 36 years and avoided white four & rice and never bought refined sugar. Only around the temple did I sometimes blow my routine. Not overweight. No way I should have developed diabetes from rather good habits surrounding diet. Genetics tripped me up finnally.


The standard Indian diet is one that promotes diabetes. India has one of if not the highest rate of diabetes in the world. Very low Alzheimer rate though due to tumeric but that is another story.


I hope devotees are watching their blood sugar levels. I just read a story last week about a dasi who was suffering severley because of diabetic complications.

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Sorry but this is overly simplistic.

Presently diabetes is spreading out even among kids in epidemic dimension, which has nothing to do with genetics. Like cancer which has so many different causes, diabetes could be for example a by-product of GM-foods which is tricked into almost any food by now. GM corn starch and soybean lecithin are just two of the ingredients already found in 70% of the processed food supply, however, GM corn starch fed to mice, kills mice. In the EU they have already sanctioned GM corn and presently they're about to introduce GM potatoes in big style. Or take epidemic obesity among women in US. Nowhere in the world women had that problem.


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>Epidemic of Children are Getting Adult Diabetes<!-- #EndEditable -->


</td></tr><tr><td class="mTdContentBody"> </td> </tr><tr><td class="mTdContentBody"><!-- #BeginEditable "Body" -->

Type 2 diabetes, which was once called adult-onset diabetes because it rarely occurred before middle age, is affecting more and more children, some as young as six years.

Exact numbers are still being gathered, but many doctors say there is an epidemic of type 2 diabetes in youth. At the pediatric unit in one diabetes center, staff said they have seen a 10-fold rise in childhood Type 2 diabetes in the past decade. Complications from the illness include kidney failure, blindness, heart attacks and amputations.

Until recently, almost all diabetes in children was type 1, previously known as juvenile diabetes. Type 1 is caused by an immune system attack on insulin-making cells in the pancreas. Patients are then not able to make insulin, so they cannot convert sugar to energy.

In type 2 diabetes, which typically occurs beyond age 50 or 60, the body can still make insulin, just not enough.

Most children with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Doctors blame the increasing diabetes trend on unhealthy diets and inactivity. They also point out that many kids down several 20-ounce sodas sold in school vending machines each day, which can easily add 1,000 calories daily, all from sugar.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 15 percent of all U.S. children and teenagers, and close to 25 percent of black and Hispanic youth, are overweight.

Doctors note that kids with diabetes tend to be especially large for their age. Most also have a skin condition called acanthosis nigricans, dark patches around the neck and other skin folds, which is a sign of insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance in girls can lead to hormonal upset that results in facial hair, acne and ovarian cysts.

Further, many youths who do not yet have diabetes are at high-risk for developing the condition. According to doctors' estimates, for every child with type 2 diabetes, four or five others have metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X, which put that at high risk. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of obesity, insulin resistance, bad cholesterol counts, high triglycerides and high blood pressure.

Complications from type 2 diabetes in adults can often be reduced or prevented with medicines, weight loss and exercise. However, doctors are uncertain how children who start the disease in childhood rather than their 50s will fare. Many doctors predict that complications will emerge in early adulthood.

According to one study of 51 people with type 2 diabetes that had been diagnosed in childhood, the predictions are on target. Of the participants, who were mostly in their 20s and 30s, two had died on kidney dialysis, three others were on kidney dialysis, one had had a toe amputated and another had gone blind.

The CDC is planning to determine just how many young Americans have diabetes. Estimates start at 6,000, with 800 more to be diagnosed annually, 30 percent of them type 2.

The diabetes association recommends that children be tested for type 2 diabetes if they are overweight and have two other risk factors, such as a parent with the disease or signs of insulin resistance.

Some experts believe that refocusing the exercise and eating habits of the entire society is the only way to stop the epidemic, while others think an approach targeting overweight youngsters would be sufficient.


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The diabetes association recommends that children be tested for type 2 diabetes if they are overweight and have two other risk factors, *such as a parent with the disease or signs of insulin resistance.
*means genetic predisposition.


I never said genetics was the whole picture. People in the US have become obscenely fat in the 15 years. Everything has sugar in it and they are wolfing it down like hogs feasting on their morning stool.





You are welcome to believe diabetes can be cured by a two day fast if you like.

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Yes, why are Europeans so much healthier than Americans?


Are they? never been to Europe but Americans are bombarded with countless ads for junk food from the moment we are born. Hyno-vison has most people in a trance just walking around consuming all the tasty things they can find.


Maybe europeans have less exposure to this mind control garbage then we do.


Otrher than that no idea really.

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Genetic problem, well that again, blame God?


Why blame God? We get the genetic package (body) our karma dictates. And in that package sometimes there exists predetermined disease states. Sometimes our actions can set some disease off and sometimes it is there from birth or can't be halted.


To deny a genetic component makes no sense to me.

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Why blame God? We get the genetic package (body) our karma dictates. And in that package sometimes there exists predetermined disease states. Sometimes our actions can set some disease off and sometimes it is there from birth or can't be halted.


To deny a genetic component makes no sense to me.


good that this dictate of karma can be stopped. At least for the richer section, diabetes problem is SOLVED!



Advances in Diabetes Implantable insulin pumps | Insulin inhalers | Insulin Pill | New insulins | Pain Free Glucose Tests | Continuous Monitoring Device | Islet Cell Transplant | Gene Therapy | Diabetes Prevention Trial-Type 1 | The SHOW Trial-Type 2 | Vaccine

Twenty years ago when a person was diagnosed with diabetes, it meant early death often preceded by loss of limbs, blindness and kidney failure. These days are over. There have many new advances in knowledge, medication and in technology that have made it possible for people with diabetes to live long, productive lives. New developments are happening all of the time:


Implantable insulin pumps

Researchers are working hard to develop an implantable insulin pump that can measure blood sugar levels and deliver the exact amount of insulin needed. This would make it possible to mimic the action of natural insulin delivery.

Scientists are making progress with an implantable capsule that continuously produces insulin and releases it to the bloodstream. It contains insulin-secreting cells that borrow nutrients from the body to keep producing insulin indefinitely. The University of Illinois biomedical engineer developed the capsule with funding from the National Science Foundation. He presented his results at a recent meeting of the American Vacuum Society; they were also published in the November 2001 issue of Transactions in Biomedical Engineering.

The capsule's developers have also overcome biocompatibility problems, which have been an obstacle to other implantable devices. Using microchip technology, they have succeeded in creating a capsule that won't be attacked and destroyed by the body's immune system.

Testing for long-term usage and determining the ideal dosage level are the next steps in the product's development. It is several years away from being available for general use.






Insulin inhalers

Although daily injections of insulin would still be needed, inhaled insulin is currently in clinical trials and may be headed for a fast track approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These inhalers are about the size of a flashlight and uses rapid-acting insulin. The sprayed insulin is inhaled into the mouth and coats the mouth, throat and tongue. The insulin passes quickly into the bloodstream.

Insulin Pill

The discovery of a new polymer that may allow development of an effective insulin pill was reported at a recent meeting of the American Chemical Society. When the polymer is used as a pill coating, it allows insulin to get into the bloodstream without being destroyed by the digestive system. So far it has only been tested in animals. Some experts question whether insulin in pill form will prove useful, since dosing is so critical and often variable.

New Insulins

In the past year, three new formulations of insulin have become available which have been designed to offer the advantages of simpler regimens and better glucose control for people whose diabetes must be treated with insulin. All are human insulin analogs derived from recombinant DNA technology. They are:


  • Glargine (from Aventis Co.) is a basal insulin, offering a more continuous activity with much less of a peak than NPH insulin. It can be used with a very-rapid-acting insulin such as lispro or aspart, and should provide a flatter basal amount of insulin. Until now this has only been possible with twice daily injections of ultralente or by the basal rate of an insulin pump. This approach tries to permit more normal mealtime patterns individualized to a person's own habits.
  • Aspart (from Novo Nordisk) is a very-rapid-acting insulin that can be injected 15 minutes prior to eating. Its fast action also allows more freedom in the timing of meals and the amount of food eaten.
  • A 75/25 lispro mixture is the first of the analog mixtures available (from Eli Lilly); it contains Lilly's very-rapid-acting lispro and a novel human insulin analog called NPL. It is designed for those who need better control after meals and want to use an insulin pen.






Pain Free Glucose Tests

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Amira Medical's new AtLast Blood Glucose System and it's now available for consumer use. The system allows patients to monitor their blood sugar without the pain of sticking their fingers to get blood samples.

The system is the first to contain both a lancing device and a blood glucose meter all in one. It uses a unique disposable test strip to obtain blood samples from the forearm, thigh or upper arm, areas that have fewer nerve endings so it doesn't hurt as much as a finger stick.

Continuous Monitoring Device

The Food and Drug Administration has approved a wristwatch-like device that provides more information for managing diabetes. It is intended for use along with, not as a replacement for, fingerstick blood tests to monitor glucose, in order to ensure accurate results.

The GlucoWatch Biographer extracts fluid through the skin by sending out tiny electric currents. The watch may be worn for 12 consecutive hours, producing 3 measurements every hour, even while asleep. An alarm will sound if blood glucose levels are detected to be dangerously low, or if a measurement was skipped, as can occur in the presence of excessive sweat.

The device is available only by prescription to detect trends and track patterns in glucose levels in adults age 18 and older. It is manufactured by Cygnus, Inc.






New Treatment

Islet Cell Transplant

A new islet cell transplant technique has shown promise in people with Type 1 Diabetes. Called the 'Edmonton' technique, the transplants have resulted in seven patients becoming insulin free for up to 14 months after treatment. Clinical trials are now underway at 10 national diabetes centers to see if the insulin reversal can be successful with more patients. The Edmonton technique uses islet cells (cells from the pancreas) from two or more donor pancreases. The cells are transplanted into a person with diabetes and then special medications are given to prevent rejection of the new cells. One difficulty with the transplants is that even though a person may become free of the need to take insulin, the medications to prevent rejection of new tissue must be taken for a lifetime. These medications have side effects.

Gene Therapy

Two recent reports describe research into gene therapy for different aspects of diabetes. These reports are in the forefront of what will no doubt be ongoing and exciting research arising from the decoding of the human genome.


  • Scientists have identified a gene called SHIP2 that appears to regulate insulin. Such findings make SHIP2 a potential gene therapy target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes aimed at improving the individual’s insulin regulation.
  • A protein that blocks the overgrowth of blood vessels in the eye is being studied as possible gene therapy for diabetic retinopathy. A recent study showed that treatment with the protein, called pigment epithelium-derived factor, or PEDF, prevented excessive new blood vessel formation in an animal model of retinopathy. It may also be used to treat macular degeneration.

As scientists identify specific genes whose absence or improper functioning are associated with specific conditions, more possibilities for gene therapy are offered – for diabetes as well as all disease.







"Vaccine" against Diabetes on the Horizon

Scientists have developed the world's first drug that stops the destruction of pancreatic beta cells in humans. It thereby offers the possibility of preventing type 1 diabetes in people at high risk and of halting its progress in people newly diagnosed with it.

Israeli scientists have worked on this agent for more than a decade. To date, 200 patients in Israel, England, Hungary, Bulgaria and Germany have been successfully treated. Results published in a recent issue of The Lancet showed that three injections of the compound given within six months of diagnosis of type 1 diabetes successfully arrested the progression of the disease in newly diagnosed patients. After treatment, these patients produced insulin and required fewer insulin injections. They did not experience any harmful or major side effects. While this data looks promising, additional studies are under way to confirm its effectiveness and safety.

The drug is a peptide, a type of protein. By modifying a fragment of the protein, the developers created a drug that can selectively block the activity of immune cells that attack the pancreas. It thus deactivates the cells that attack the pancreas without interfering with the rest of the body’s immune system.

The company that will manufacture the vaccine, Peptor Ltd., expects to apply to the FDA for approval in 2004.






full article:


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Can Cinnamon Help Lower Blood Glucose and Cholesterol?

The Effects of Cinnamon in Type 2 Diabetes


By Debra Manzella, R.N., About.com

Updated: November 17, 2006

About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board


<q>aboutcinnamonsticks.jpg</q><cite>photo by Spencer Ritenour</cite>

<!--gc--> There has been a lot of talk these days about cinnamon. According to some studies, cinnamon may improve blood glucose and cholesterol levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. The results of a study from 2003 in Pakistan showed lower levels of fasting glucose, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol after 40 days with levels continuing to drop for 20 days after that.

The study was made up of 60 people with Type 2 diabetes who were divided into 6 groups of 10. Three groups received cinnamon in the form of capsules totaling 1, 3 or 6 grams of cinnamon a day. The other three groups received placebo capsules. The capsules were taken three times a day, after meals. All three levels of cinnamon showed results, leading researchers to believe that as little as 1 gram a day of cinnamon may benefit people who have Type 2.

There has been some debate in this country on whether "true" cinnamon was used for the study. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are two types of cinnamon sold in the United States; cinnamomum zeylanicum nees or cinnamomum cassia (L.) blume. Most of the cinnamon sold in our grocery stores is cinnamomum cassia. The Pakistani study does list cinnamomum cassia as the cinnamon that was used.

Richard A. Anderson, Ph.D., CNS, of the the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center (BHNRC), is one of the original researchers in the Pakistan study. The BHNRC is under the United States Department of Agricuture (USDA). From results of his continued study of the components of cinnamon and their effect on blood glucose and cholesterol, he states,


  • "We have also shown that the active components of cinnamon are found in the water-soluble portion of cinnamon and are not present in cinnamon oil, which is largely fat-soluble. In addition to ground cinnamon consumed directly, one can also make a cinnamon tea and let the solids settle to the bottom or use cinnamon sticks, which make for a nice clear tea. Cinnamon can also be added to orange juice, oatmeal, coffee before brewing, salads, meats etc. The active components are not destroyed by heat."

Based on these studies, it seems that cinnamon may lower blood glucose, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in people with Type 2 diabetes. The fact that studies so far have involved a small amount of people and have not yet explored the long term benefits of cinnamon, would lead to the conclusion that there may not be enough evidence gathered yet, to support cinnamon as a major player against Type 2. But adding more cinnamon to already healthy lifestyle changes probably wouldn't hurt either.

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Please use my NONI which is meant only for diabetes and is called Dianon please refer to my earlier link 3000 year old fruit concentrate for all disease.


I'll look into it. I am considering Noni for my elevated blood pressure and if it lowers blood sugar also then great.

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if it lowers blood sugar also then great.

Many patients considered for example to use alternative sweeteners like aspartame.

Now the Hawaii Senate passed a resolution to explore the need to ban aspartame:


"Whereas, the Ramazzini Studies by the European Foundation for Oncology in Italy conducted exhaustive studies over three years with thousands of rats, and proved aspartame to be multipotential carcinogen, thus confirming the United States Food and Drug Administration's original findings; and


Whereas, the United States Food and Drug Administration admitted that aspartame caused cancer over two decades ago when the Administration's toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, told Congress at least one of Searle's studies has established beyond any reasonable doubt that aspartame is capable of inducing brain tumors in experimental animals and that this predisposition of it is of extremely high significance.In view of these indications that the cancer causing potential of aspartame is a matter that had been established way beyond any reasonable doubt, one can ask: What is the reason for the apparent refusal by the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act?"


Hawaii Senate Resolution

On Aspartame

From Betty Martini and Stephen Fox


The Hawaii Senate Resolution will ask the FDA Commissioner to rescind Aspartame's approval; the House Resolution will form a kind of task force to report back to the legislature before the 2009 session.


This Hawaii Senate Resolution is the strongest legislative document ever put forth regarding Aspartame...




Hawaii Senate Resolution on Aspartame by Senator Chun Oakland,

House Resolution by Rep. Josh Green, M.D.



Text of Senate Resolution


There is now a Hawaii Senate Resolution (entire text follows below) which requests the Department of Health and National Academy of Sciences to review existing reports and studies related to aspartame, by funding source. It resolves that given the enormous amount of evidence that has been compiled concerning the neurodegenerative harm it can cause, that the US Food and Drug Administration is requested to rescind approval of aspartame immediately on a phase-out basis over six months to one year. This resolution is carried by Hawaii Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland. "We are very pleased to note that this is the strongest legislative document concerning aspartame ever presented anywhere in the world," according to legislative activist Stephen Fox of New Mexico, who helped to write the Resolution, in conjunction with Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible International.


On March 12, another resolution, HCR132, introduced by Rep Josh Green, M.D., Chairman of the House Committee on Health, was approved by its first committee (Health) and moves on to the next (Consumer Protection and Commerce). This would set up a work group to explore the need to ban or improve labeling containing aspartame. It was again opposed by Dr. Chiyome Fukino, M.D., Director of the Health Department, an appointee of Republican Governor Linda Lingle, who opposed the House Bill to ban aspartame on the flawed basis of an Ajinomoto-funded review study; Ajinomoto is the world's largest manufacturer of Aspartame, and another proven neurotoxic food additive, Monosodium Glutamate. Betty Martini, D. Hum, sent Dr. Fukino a detailed rebuttal to this study, showing the links to Ajinomoto, and flawed industry research. Dr. Fukino's opposition today, March 12, was opposed by Rep. Green, M.D., the only physician in the entire Hawaii Legislature, in view of him having "deferred" a prior bill to ban aspartame outright, by statute. This was a pleasant surprise.


Here is the rebuttal to the Ajinomoto Study, written by Mark Gold, Founder, Aspartame Toxicity Information Center, New Hampshire: <http: www.holisticmed.com="" aspartame="" burdock="">http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/burdock/.


This flawed Ajinomoto-funded report, which has been touted far and wide by aspartame manufacturers and corporate hacks and lobbyists, shows how far the world's largest aspartame manufacturer will go to deceive the public.



However, today, there is no doubt that Ajinomoto's Board of Directors as well as the Board of Directors of Coca Cola, Pepsi, Wrigley's Gum, and Merisant (manufacturer of Equal) extremely worried about these late-breaking developments in Hawaii, which should also encourage consumer protection activists all over the world to contact their legislators and parliamentarians, asking them to introduce similar legislation and Resolutions. We cordially thank Senator Chun Oakland and Representative Josh Green, M.D., for advancing our consumer protection initiative as far as they have.


For more information, please contact Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland at 808-586- 6130; fax 808-586-6131 e-mail <senchunoakland@capitol.hawaii.gov>senchunoakland@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Representative Josh Green, M.D. 808-586-9605; fax 808-586-9608 From the Big Island, toll free 974-4000 + 69605 <repgreen@capitol.hawaii.gov>repgreen@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Text of Senate Resolution


Requesting the Department of Health and the National Academy of Sciences to review existing reports and studies related to Aspartame, and Requesting the United States Food and Drug Administration to Rescind Approval for United States Markets, carried by Hawaii Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland


Whereas, aspartame was originally developed as a drug to treat peptic ulcers; and Whereas, manufacturers state that aspartame is made up of forty per cent aspartic acid, fifty percent phenylalanine, and ten per cent methanol; and


Whereas, aspartic acid is a nonessential amino acid that is used by the body to initiate apoptosis or cell death in aging cells, and that excess aspartic acid from aspartame consumption causes apoptosis in health cells that can destroy healthy tissue, especially in the brain; and


Whereas, phenylalanine is an essential amino acid found naturally in protein but when isolated becomes neurotoxic, lowers the seizure threshold, depletes serotonin triggering psychiatric and behavioral problems, and interacts with depressants and other drugs; and


Whereas, methanol is a severe metabolic poison classified as a narcotic that converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, and can embalm living tissue and damage DNA; and


Whereas, aspartame metabolites include formaldehyde, a "class A" carcinogen, diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent, and formic acid, and


Whereas, in 1974, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved aspartame as an artificial sweetener, but asked its manufacturer Searle to hold back from selling it on the market until further tests could be made with regards to its safety; and


Whereas, scientific data revealed that there was a problem with aspartame safety date and the United States Food and Drug Administration withdrew its approval; and


Whereas, in 1975, the United States Food and Drug Administration initiated an investigation into Searle's laboratory practices and discovered fraud in scientific experiments as well as manipulated data giving favorable results proving aspartame to be safe; and


Whereas, the results of this investigation are included in what is called "The Bressler Report" by Jerome Bressler; and Whereas, in 1980, Dr. John Olney submitted scientific data to a United States Food and Drug Administration Public Board of Inquiry showing that aspartic acid, the excitotoxic ingredient in aspartame, caused holes in the brains of mice; and


Whereas, Dr. John Olney stated that it warranted special emphasis that excitotoxins act by an acute but silent mechanism, requiring only a single exposure for CVO neurons to be quietly destroyed, that clearly Searle failed to establish the safety of their product, aspartame, for use in children's food, and that all age comparative data support the following conclusions: (1) orally administered excitotoxins destroy CVO neurons at any age; (2) immature animals are most vulnerable; and (3) the toxic threshold increases only gradually between birth and adulthood; and


Whereas, in 1980, the Public Board of Inquiry unanimously voted against aspartame approval, but was overruled by a new United States Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, against the advice of Food and Drug Administration scientific personnel and advisers; and Whereas, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved aspartame use in sodas, despite the fact that the National Soft Drink Association argued vehemently against aspartame in these quotes from their protest:


(1) "The present record does not contain date which demonstrate that the use of APM in soft drinks will not result in the adulteration of the beverages under Section 402(a)(3) of the FDC Act 21 U.S.S. 342 (a)(3), which provides that a food is adulterated if it contains, in whole or in part, "a decomposed substance or it is otherwise unfit for food");



(2) "An important decomposition product of aspartame, aspartic acid, cannot be detected at all using TLC";



(3)"G.D. Searle and Company has not demonstrated to a reasonable certainty that the use of aspartame in soft drinks, without quantitative limitations, will not adversely affect human health as a result of the changes such use is likely to cause in brain chemistry and under certain reasonably anticipated conditions of use"; and



(4) "Specifically, Searle has not met its burdens under section 409.to demonstrate that aspartame is safe and functional for use in soft drinks. Collectively, the extensive deficiencies in the stability studies conducted by Searle to demonstrate that aspartame and its degradation products are safe in soft drinks intended to be sold in the United States, render those studies inadequate and unreliable." Senate Congressional Record, May 7, 1985, S5507- 5511: and


Whereas, the United States Food and Drug Administration has compiled a list of ninety-two symptoms attributed to aspartame consumption including four types of seizures, coma, and death; and


Whereas, the Ramazzini Studies by the European Foundation for Oncology in Italy conducted exhaustive studies over three years with thousands of rats, and proved aspartame to be multipotential carcinogen, thus confirming the United States Food and Drug Administration's original findings; and


Whereas, the United States Food and Drug Administration admitted that aspartame caused cancer over two decades ago when the Administration's toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, told Congress at least one of Searle's studies "has established beyond any reasonable doubt that aspartame is capable of inducing brain tumors in experimental animals and that this predisposition of it is of extremely high significance.In view of these indications that the cancer causing potential of aspartame is a matter that had been established way beyond any reasonable doubt, one can ask: What is the reason for the apparent refusal by the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act?



Given the cancer causing potential of aspartame, how would the FDA justify its position that it views a certain amount of aspartame as constituting an allowable daily intake or "safe" level of it? Is that position in effect not equivalent to setting a 'tolerance' for this food additive and thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA itself elects to violate the law, who is left to protect the health of the public?" Congressional Record, August 1, 1985, SID835: 131: and


Whereas , aspartame is linked to sudden death, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and many neurodegenerative diseases, as cited in may medical texts, most notably: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by H.J. Roberts, M.D., and Excitotoxins: the Taste that Kills, By Russell Blaylock, M.D., and


Whereas, on November 3, 1987, Dr. Louis Elsas told Congress: "I am a pediatrician, a Professor of Pediatrics at Emory and Have spent twenty-five years in the biomedical sciences, trying to prevent mental retardation and birth defect caused by excess phenylalanine,and therein lies my basic concern, that aspartame is in fact a well known neurotoxin and teratogen which, in some as yet undefined dose, will irreversibly in the developing child or fetal brain, produce adverse effects:' and


Whereas, there are tens of thousands of case histories and anecdotal accounts from victims of aspartame poisoning who have come forward to make their case histories known; now, therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Department of Health is requested to create, within their existing budget, an evidentiary repository accessible to the public for patients and physicians to submit of the next year their cases involving victims of aspartame poisoning; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Health is requested to report to the Legislature on the status of the evidentiary repository during periodic interim meetings with the Chairs of the Hawaii State Senate Committees on Health and Human Services and Public Housing, the House of Representatives Committees on Health and Human Services and Housing, and the state Attorney General; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health is requested to review all existing reports, studies, experiments, and related literature on aspartame, including clinical studies, differentiating each study by its funding source, and submit a report to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the 2008 Regular Session; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Nation Academy of Sciences is requested to review all existing reports, studies, experiments, and related literature on aspartame, including clinical studies, differentiating each study by its funding source, and that, if funding is required to undertake this extended evaluation, that the appropriate funding be sought from various foundations and from Congress; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that given the enormous amount of evidence that has been compiled concerning the neurodegenerative harm it can cause, that the United States Food and Drug Administration is requested to rescind approval of aspartame immediately on a phase-out basis over six months to one year; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the members of Hawaii's Congressional Delegation, the Commissioner of the Untied States Food and Drug Administration, the Executive Director of the National Academy of Sciences, the Director of Health, the Director of Human Services, the Attorney General, and the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.</repgreen@capitol.hawaii.gov></senchunoakland@capitol.hawaii.gov></http:>

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What is Gymnema?

Gymnema Sylvestre is a plant that grows in the tropical forests of central and southern India and in parts of Africa. Herbalists in India have used the leaves of this long, slender plant as a treatment for diabetes for more than 2,000 years. The Hindu word "gumar," which means "sugar destroyer," describes the primary use of the herb in traditional Indian medicine. So strong is this herb that powered gymnema root has also been used to treat snake bites, constipation, stomach complaints, water retention, and liver disease. Doctors in India note that Gymnema Sylvestre is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and in food additives against obesity and caries. Gymnema is also reported to have anti-allergic, antiviral, lipid lowering, and other beneficial effects. Today, gymnema sylvestre is also known as gymnema, gurmar, gurmabooti, periploca of the woods, and meshasringi (ram's horn).

Gymnema sylvestre has only recently been introduced in Europe and the United States. However, extracts of this plant are widely used in Australian, Japananese, Vietnamese and Indian folk medicine.


I have used this herb. What it does is makes it impossible for ine to taste the sweetness of sugar. First time I took it I went to the store and bought some vegan cookies. When I went to devour them I couldn't taste and sweetness and it was like just eatting cook flour. Really horrible.


It also blocks the body's absorbtion of sugar helping in that way.

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there is guraneteed cure of Daibeties in Ayurveda .. and many effective herbal plants and also Ayurvedic drugs thre in ayurveda and but the main point to be focused in dabeties is that A person who is suffering from tihs disorder he need to take LIver tablets as precaution along with any meidicne or treatment.. in Ayurveda there are many drugs that useful for diabeties and from those herbs i had prepared the special compound that have miracle result and already many patient are getting cured from that compound and i had sended to mostly many part of world.. and that is very cheap hardly 300ruppes for one months in dollor 7$ along with Livomap tablets for one months 60 cost 120 ruppes hardly 3 dolllar so whole treament for one month cost only 10 $.. the formula contains in that compound is..

Jambu fal.



arjun chal






and many more..

all those mix together to form on compound that my self prepared.. and i the dose of the compund is 1tea spoon or 6gm before lunch and dinner and 2-2 tablets of liver after lunch and dinner and i m sure a person will got result in one months minimum 20%-30% in one months..

And if person sugar lever in body is much heigher than other medicine is there is prepred from gold ras.. and its little bit expensive.. it cost 3000ruppes for one months.. or 60$ the preparation contains:-

swarn basant kusmakar ras

basant malti ras

Swarn Purnachandra ras

akeek pisti

Prawal pisti

Abrak bhasam

mukta shukti pisti



1-1 dose or puria twice a day before lunch and dinner with Cream, Butter and after lunch and dinner take 2-2 tablets of Liver talbets.. or for liver tablets Maharsihi Ayurveda products is very good..

in this compound i m taking the gurantee that if any one have sugar lever more than 200 can be cure in 2-3days to normal..

for any one want to know more details and not getting the avialablity of thos good quality of herbs and all those gold ras i can manage and i m sure it will cost less from market and the medicine will be in ur door step i will manage to send the parcel..


adwait tripathi

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Supplementation with Chromium Picolinate: Therapeutic for Diabetes and Pre-Diabetic

on Monday, May 06 @ 00:00:00 CDT

Supplementation with a form of the trace mineral chromium called chromium picolinate is prudent nutritional therapy for your patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes.

image.gif To give you an overview of why I say this, most of the studies involving supplemental chromium for type II diabetes have shown positive results of one type or another. However, when chromium picolinate, which is the most bioavailable form, has been used, all of the studies have yielded positive results (in blood sugar, blood insulin and/or blood lipid [cholesterol and triglyceride] readings).

One of these studies, a 1997 study involving 180 type II diabetes patients in China, is a classic: it documented “spectacular” results in diabetes patients who took 500 mcg chromium picolinate twice daily. After four months, nearly all of the diabetes patients no longer had traditional signs of diabetes. Their blood sugar and insulin levels dropped to near normal—something that medications could not achieve. Even more importantly, the “gold standard” diagnostic measure of diabetes—blood levels of hemoglobin A1c (sugar-damaged proteins that age cells)—also dropped to normal.[ii]


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