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Milk...Brain Food?

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This devotee wants facts to back up what is commonly preached about milk.



Please also post your proof here as well as sending to Mayesvara dasa. We gotta stop these rascal "radical vegans".:P


Milk Does a Brain Good, But Where is the Evidence?


I am posting this inquiry with the hope that those who read it might be able to help provide information that supports the scientific benefits of milk consumption. As many of you probably already know, there is a huge VEGAN movement in the West and they are trying to disgrace the use of milk and it's bi-products for any type of food. Of course all of their reasons are based on speculative research and based on that the idea that we should not ever consume any cows milk is being propelled like a fad.


My understanding is that as a rule of thumb Srila Prabhupada advised we take no more then 1 cup of milk a day, and that particularly small children need to get cows milk for their brain cells to grow. (Some say adults also need it to develop their brain cells.) But is there any research that confirms this Vedic standard? Can the assembled devotees please forward to my email addresses provided below whatever material they may have on this subject. I am not trying to justify the horrendous Factory farming which is currently prevalent all over the West. I think we all agree that must come to an end. At this time I am simply looking for material that will check the VEGAN movement which is slowly becoming as eccentric and distasteful as the PETA organization, despite the good intentions of both these groups.
I think it is important we are well prepared to deal with the radical VEGANS by having sound arguments offset their extreme antics.
It is hard enough to get the average meat addicted individual to stop consuming innocent animals without giving them the impression that the only way to do so is to eat Shredded Wheat and Soy Milk!


I am also hoping someone might be able to tell me where the reference to the "Seven mothers" came from. Srila Prabhupada refers to them all the time in his lectures, (Birth Mother, Wife of the King, Brahman's Wife, Mother Cow, Mother Earth, One's Nurse or Nanny, Wife of the Guru) but nowhere in the folio could I find where he get this particular sutra from.


Hoping this meets you in good spirits and enthusiastically engaged in the service of Lord Krishna.


Your Servant,


Mayesvara dasa

American Vedic Association

Work: william.roberts @ navy.mil

(805) 640-0405 md @ jagannatha.com





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Dearest Mayesvara Dasa

yes ur right..

In Ancient time.. and also mentioned in Astang Sangrah it mentioned in slok..

Divanta cha pivaat Jalam, bhoojnantay cha pivait Paya !

Nishantay cha Pivait Dugdham Vaidyasya Kim Prayojanam!!!


As early morning alway best to take Fresh Normal water as much u can drink and after lunch the unclotted Curd to take and before sleeping little warm milk if person take wont have any kind of Problem and health will good and no need to go for doctor and vaidya at all..

and nice imformation u had provide me..

take care..

Haray krishna..


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But he is not asking for scriptural or cultural referrences he wants to know the science behind such claims. What exactly is in the milk that is so special as to provide benefits for the brain cells that is not available from any other food.


He wants to back up the devotee's claims with hard scientific information. So far it seems none is to be found.

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Milk Hypocrisy a Vegan Point


, there is a consistent argument that we have come up against over the years regarding Hare Krishna devotees drinking milk. And that argument is this, unless you Hare Krishna devotees produce your own milk at your own farms, then you Hare Krishna's are supporting the slaughter industry.


Why and how? By purchasing milk and its by-products from the supermarket or the store you Hare Krishna's also support the cow killing industry, as the calves are killed not long after their birth under the western dairy industry system.


Many vegans and vegetarians alike find it hypocritical that practically all of the ISKCON temples, restaurants etc, use milk and its products from the very system that Hare Krishna's condemn. They find a great flaw in our argument that because we offer the milk to Krishna, we are somehow exempt from the karma of the cow killing industry. And I have to say, personally I can hear what they are saying.
The fact is that rather than following Srila Prabhupada's instruction regarding milk production and farming, we have instead become engulfed and enamored by the demons philosophies.


Here in Australia back in the early eighties, ISKCON had a huge farm. From memory, the farm was around 27,000 hectares. It was equipped with everything including cool rooms, the biggest river system in Australia, and a two-story Italian mansion. This place could have produced enough milk for ISKCON worldwide, practically.


Instead (like the Costa Rica farm), Bhavananda, the local guru, and Balarama dasa, the then local authority, and their cheerleaders in their divine wisdom sold off the property. We don't know exactly what happened to the money from this property either, although we do know for a fact that Bhavananda and these men were living the high life at the time, driving expensive cars and completely wasting money on their selfish sense gratification.


So instead of doing things as requested by Srila Prabhupada, they have ruined everything. The $$$ bill for purchased milk products each year for the temples and the restaurants is enormous, so you can see the result of not doing as Srila Prabhupada requested.
It seems that slaughter industry milk has the opposite effect on the finer brain tissues, that's for sure. So perhaps the vegans have some valid points!


Kurma das (not the chef)



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Just read a Q & A from some nutionist that gave some good advice. She was asked if Rice milk is a good substitute for cow's milk is a child's diet.


She pointed out that rice milk in itself is not a good substitute because the developing brain needs plenty of fat for proper development. And also the protein content is poor.


She went on to say that it would not be a problem as long as fats proteins and calcium were made up for in other parts of the child's diet or if the rice milk were fortified to bring it up to an equivilant level as cow's milk. Fortied rice milk is already on the market or one could fortify it themselves.


So using other sources for the fats is easy enough and there is no need to rely on milk from unprotected cows to fill any such void but rice milk alone is not a proper substitute for cow's milk.


It is nice to know that those who choose not to feed their children milk from murdered cows can do so without negatively impacting their children's brain development.


Still looking for that special something that makes cow's milk so indespensable to us that we need to help murder mother cow to obtain it.

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I just read an article on cow's milk as brain food published by a most biased

source, the Canadian Dairy producers Association, and all they could come up with was the need for vitamin b-12. Here's the article http://www.dairygoodness.ca/en/health-professionals/dairy-nutrition/dairy-facts-and-fallacies/milk-as-brain


Surely b-12 is very important for everyone's health young and old but there is no nedd to acquire this from animal sources. Animals don't make b-12 bacteria in the animal bodies make b-12. These same bacteria make b-12 outside the animal body and the b-12 is harvested and sold as b-12 tablets which are very cheap.


Now for sure every vegan should be taking supplemental b-12. Those that do even once per week have far more b-12 in their bodies store house than any user of animal products. B-12 is a necessary additive to a babies diet if that baby is raised free from cow's milk and this is soooo easy to do.


If this is the best the dairy industry can do in proving cow's milk is vital for brain development then that strongly suggests to me they have no real basis for the claim.


I'll keep looking.

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What Spiritual Consequences Does Women Have To Face By Aborting Babies?

Well that is way off topic for this thread and a new one should be started.


But in brief it is not hard to picture a woman who aborts her fetus being placed in womb only to be aborted herself. Somehow the aborted fetus had the karma to be aborted.


Same with slaughtering cows for meat and many would say for milk. Let them enter the slaughterhouse in the future as a cow and be slaughtered for meat or enslaved for milk production and then slaughtered.



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I have seen some ware some scientist are saying that human digestion system can not digest any other milk. I don’t know whether it is correct. Any one have any idea on this.


No this is not correct. Goats milk for one can be digested by humans. I as one of many cannot digest cow's milk. It is extremely rich and biologically geared towards the growing calve. Each species milk is especially geared towards that species.


Maybe what they said was human digestive systems are meant for the milk from human mothers.

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, and that particularly small children need to get cows milk for their brain cells to grow.


This has been refuted and answered in post #5. It is the proper fat content that is necessary for the development of children's brain cells. Cow's milk has a high fat content but then it is hardly the only source for fat.


No need to take milk from unprotected cows shown in that argument.

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A) Karmi Science has said [unless this is a myth] that fish is good for the brain.


Does milk compare and parallel the nutriant values?


B) The Vegan ethos is correct and we must admit our fault. But, this must lead us to be outraged and speak-up, even if it does not correct the way things are being done in the Milk industry. Ekadasi fasts and the Vegan self-righteousness are still only a small percentage of voices.


C) As Theist states [and I agree 1,000%]: "...if anyone takes milk from unprotected cows then they are supporting the horrendous practices found in factory farming, plain and simple."


Once we have a base from which to broadcast our 'upper-crust' opinion we must do it.


Alas, it may be that we don't upset the non-devotees because we just don't give a farthing for their destinies nor do we feel we can stop the jagguarnat of their mass bad karma--'Every man for himself' but, evariblely we find that we do all live to older and older ages still staying around to see the affects of our collective lack of concentrated Civic action.

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A) Karmi Science has said [unless this is a myth] that fish is good for the brain.


There is some validity to it. The type of oils that some fish have are good for brain neurons and some types of fish have a compound called DMAE with is a precursor to acetlycholine and AC is essential for brain function especially the memory.


But to many fish is a disgusting thing to eat and of course devotees won't touch it because it is unofferable.



B) The Vegan ethos is correct and we must admit our fault. But, this must lead us to be outraged and speak-up, even if it does not correct the way things are being done in the Milk industry. Ekadasi fasts and the Vegan self-righteousness are still only a small percentage of voices.


Absolutely bhaktajan. We must speak up for several reasons. One is that it the duty of someone who gains knowledge that will benefit others to share that knowledge with others. Even if we can't stop the whole process we can elp one other person besides ourselves from spiraling downward by taking part in these practices of cruelty. it's like in a ship wreck where a hundred people are dumped into the sea no one person can reach them all but we must all try to reach at least one other.


If we don't do that then we occur sins for neglecting our duty. The fact is we are told to just engage in our fight (duty) without considering victory or defeat and we leave the results up to Krsna. It's all about His instructions and pleasure. This is karma/bhakti yoga which is what separates the devotee's human/animal rights actions from the mundane efforts by various movements although superfically they may look the same.






C) As Theist states [and I agree 1,000%]: "...if anyone takes milk from unprotected cows then they are supporting the horrendous practices found in factory farming, plain and simple."


Once we have a base from which to broadcast our 'upper-crust' opinion we must do it.


Alas, it may be that we don't upset the non-devotees because we just don't give a farthing for their destinies nor do we feel we can stop the jagguarnat of their mass bad karma--'Every man for himself' but, evariblely we find that we do all live to older and older ages still staying around to see the affects of our collective lack of concentrated Civic action.


Yes we have to try. Look at Prabhupada's task that Krsna laid on him. "Preach Krishna consciousness in the West." :D yeah right? And what are the odds of that succeeding? One billion to one maybe. But that didn't stop him from engaging. It is not a mundane consideration we just need to act in the way that we know is in line with our Krsna conscious ideals.. in this case cow protection. Not anti milk drinking but anti unprotected cows.

"Armed with yoga O'Arjuna stand and fight".

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Writer Admires Vegans' Austerity


by Gaurav Mittal

Posted February 24, 2008

In regard to Mayesvara das's article Questions on Milk and Mothers: in the Vedic age, cows were properly taken care of, and calves were also properly fed milk; the rest of the milk was used by humans. Cows were like pets, and there was a relationship between the owner and the cows.

These days cows are seen as a source of both meat and milk, and the purpose is to exploit them for monetary gains. They are mentally traumatized, or at least they are not happy. Milk is homogenized, but rarely boiled before consumption, so the milk referred to in Vedic texts may be different from the milk we get in stores. Basically, what I am highlighting is that Vedic statements and cultural practices don't apply to current milk consumption. Therefore, it is inappropriate to quote Vedic texts or culture for current milk consumption.

Giving up milk reduces cruelty towards cows, but it may increase cruelty to our own body if we don't take a proper substitute for milk. Milk is an important source of protein and calcium, so vegans, who give up milk, need to make sure that they have sufficient protein and calcium. Also, soy milk has higher levels of plant estrogens, which might not be good for men.

We should respect the views of both vegans and lacto-vegetarians, who take milk products, and see the commonality between the two groups instead of trying to change others' views. I take milk, but I respect vegans. I also respect their austerity in being vegan. (I love paneer.)

My family has friends who are vegans and who raise their children as vegans. It seems to me very difficult to raise kids as vegans and to make sure that they get appropriate nutrients. So rather than trying to change them, I see them as being better than me in terms of leading austere lives. If I saw that they were not giving proper nutrients to their children, then I would surely intervene.

My question to Mayesvara prabhu: why would he want to change Vegans and PETA? Why not work with them and respect their views?





Vegans want to persuade milk drinkers that they are still involved in the cow slaughter trade. This is about cow protection and not the nutritional values of milk. Meat is also very nutrient dense but that is no excuse to kill a cow.


That said vegans do need to take the advice offered by Gaurav Mittal. It is a side issue however.


Mr. Mittal is still consuming milk. Let's hope he gets it from protected cows.


I do appreciate his attitude towards vegans. The only milk drinking vegetarians I have ever encountered that get openly hostile to vegans are the Hare Krsna's. Who else feels so emotionally attached to milk drinking? No one I know.


My belief is that the idea of someone else trying to persuade them to go farther in cow protection really rubs a raw nerve with them because they thought that was their territory. I have had numerous occasions of Hare Krsna's becoming hostile to me personally over the years. I even had one of the leaders in Vrndavana call me a "traitor" because I don't use animal products. Sheesh...how shrill. Talk about too much estrogen.

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So which fats are needed by humans for brain function. Here's one,CLA, and unfortunately cow's milk does not contain any.

A Quantum Leap in Holistic Nutrition with Bio-Algae Concentrates

by Roland Thomas, BSc, ND, of Quantum Leap Wellness

Certainly the Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA) content is another important factor. As I mentioned previously, the human brain is around 80% fat. Nerve tissues in the brain need "healthy" fats in order to function properly, and GLA is one of the healthiest fats you can consume. That's why human breast milk contains high quantities of GLA. In fact, breast milk is the #1 source of GLA on the planet, and spirulina as in Bio-Algae Concentrates is #2.

Breast milk contains GLA because infant humans need to quickly build brain mass in order to boost their chances of survival. A bigger, better brain allows a child to more quickly comprehend language, social interactions, environmental cues, interpret sensory input, and so on. So mother's milk provides precisely the nutrients needed by infants to help them survive.

Cow's milk, on the other hand, is designed to help baby cows survive. That has a lot less to do with brain function and a lot more to do with helping grow a baby cow to several hundred pounds and enabling it to run more quickly. Cow's milk, not surprisingly, has virtually no GLA. Baby cow brains simply aren't as important to their survival as the brains of human infants.

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Calcium good for more than strong bones

USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education), June, 2005


When memories are made and learning occurs, the connections between brain cells change. Scientists know that an influx of calcium is critical to this process. A theoretical model developed by a research team from Brown University, Providence, R.I., shows that cells' ability to fine-tune this calcium flow not only sparks changes in synapses, but allows cells to maintain a working state of equilibrium.


Luk Chong Yeung, a neuroscience research associate, and her colleagues have come up with a concept that hinges on calcium control. Certain receptors, which act like gates, allow calcium to rush into brain cells that receive memory-making information. Once inside these cells, calcium sets off chemical reactions that change the connections between neurons, or synapses. That malleability, known as synaptic plasticity, is believed to be the fundamental basis of memory, learning, and brain development.


Yeung has demonstrated that the control of these receptors not only makes synapses stronger or weaker, but stabilizes them--without interfering with the richness of the cellular response to signals sent from neighboring cells. "The beauty of the brain is that it is plastic and robust at the same time," Yeung explains. "If the model is verified experimentally, we've solved an important piece of the puzzle of how these seemingly antagonistic properties can and, in fact, must coexist in the cell."





Milk calcium is best


Sufficient milk calcium in the diet promotes optimum bone mass


New scientific evidence clearly points to milk as the best source of calcium in the human diet, promoting optimum bone density and building up resistance to a number of serious health problems in later life.



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Writer Admires Vegans' Austerity


by Gaurav Mittal



This prabhuji was my Sunday School teacher when I was 5! I learned my first two Bhagavad Gita verses from him! Yada yada hi dharmasya, and janma karma ca me divyam!


Yeah, yeah I know. I am really off topic but I got all excited and couldn't control my tounge (I meant fingers, lol).

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