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Nityananda Poem

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First half written when I was 12, and second half written this year:




Nityananda Guru Tattva



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Came to this world as the son of Padmavati Devi

He gave this miserable Kali Yuga the light to see

That Gaurasundar Vishwambar is our real master

Let us start running to him, faster and faster


Hadai Pandit could not leave Nitai alone anywhere





He always took his beloved son with him everywhere

Their love grew and grew until their bodies melted together




Seeing this the happiness increased within the mother

But Nityananda’s parents couldn’t keep him for long

In came a sanyassi singing his heartbreaking song

Just like king Dasarath, his father felt the knife

And out of intense separation soon gave up his life

Nityananda prabhu toured all the holy places

And in each he found many interesting cases


But only until he met Madhavendra Puri did he feel grateful



Why, without Vaishnava association nothing is fruitful

A sudden inspiration told him to meet his brother

He was going to establish the samkirtan movement and none other

So Nitai set off to find his Lord on foot

And on the way he worked on people’s hearts, removing the soot

The meeting between the two Lords is indescribable

I can only relate what I am able

That day the most fortunate person was Nandanacharya

Otherwise why would this auspicious event take place in his griha?

Nitai’s Vyas Puja occurs in Srivas Angan

It was ecstatic with everyone glorifying Sri Radha Raman

The house of Srivas became a storehouse of ecstasy

And everyone could now understand the Lord’s supremacy

Then one day on the order of his Lord

He went to transcendentally bind the people with his “cord”

But Jagai and Madhai were filling him with dismay

They hated this Harinam movement and hit him with a pot made of clay

Then Vishwambar came as angry as fire

The Sudarsan came upon his fiery desire

Nityananda however interrupted

And by his desire the rogues became liberated

Such are the glories of Nityananda

His entire personality was filled with prema

The Vedas describe of his appearance and disappearance

However of his glories there is no clearance!

1/2 half


One day Lord Chaitanya called Lord Nityananda near

He said, “Come close dear Nitai, and carefully hear”

The smarta brahmanas are making the world chaos

To defeat them I have decided to take sannyasaLord Nityananda’s heart immediately broke

He knew the Lord was speaking no joke

He sent out the news to Saci, Gadadhara and Brahmananda

Not to forget Chandrasekhar and the amazing singer Mukunda

Lord Chaitanya became a sannyasi and got his ekadanda

Here in the Nityananda Charitamrita starts the Antya Khanda

Lord Nityananda broke his danda in three

The Lord was outwardly angry but continued to declare, “Nityananda is dear to me!”

At Raghava Pandit’s house did Nityananda have his grand bathing

In ecstacy the devotees were not aware of anything

Lord Nityananda was chanting “Haribol!” and around the room he was prancing

Lord Chaitanya secretly came just to witness his dancing

Some envious people decided to steal Lord Nityananda’s jewels

They came to Hiranya Pandit’s house at night with knives and many tools

By Nidra devi, Yogamaya and the demigods they were deceived

They were not successful in their original plan but Nityananda’s mercy they received

A brahmana had on Lord Nityananda some baseless thoughts

Lord Chaitanya’s advice he sought

The Lord made sure those doubts were dispelled

And then Lord Nityananda made sure all the brahmanas anarthas were at once expelled

The Subal of Krishna-lila was Gauridasa Pandita

And his brother was no other than Suryadasa Pandit

Lord Chaitanya had ordered Lord Nityananda to marry

And in following the Lord’s order Nityananda did not tarry

He married the first daughter of Suryadasa Pandit named Jahnava

One day he was being served prasadam by the second daughter, Vasudha

Her sari was slipping but she manifested two more arms to put it on her head

Seeing this Nityananda asked for her hand. “Take her!” Suryadasa said

The time came for Nityananda to leave

Krishna bhakti was fixed so no one was left to grieve

He went back to Ekachakra where he appeared and merged into Sri Banka Raya

No one could find him no matter how hard they did try

Such are the glories of Nityananda

His entire personality is filled with prema

The Vedas describe of his appearance and disappearance

However of his glories there is no clearance!






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Yeah, I know the format is all messed up but when I edit it nothing gets fixed it just gets worse.


Wow you have indeed absorbed quite a bit of CC. Just keep practising and with perseverance slowly you will perfect the art of poetry.:)


Keep us updated with more sweet nectarian pastimes of the Lord.


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Gaura Nitai


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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Thanks for all the encouragement.


I am not a great kavi or anything, I can barely write poetry at all. For this poem I recieved some sort of divine inspiration or something (yes, I am crazy). All of I sudden one day I just sat down at the computer and in less than 5 min wrote the first part out. Same thing happened with the second part. I felt Lord Nityananda was guiding me the whole way, otherwise I don't know how I could of written even such a simple piece of poetry.

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Thanks so much for this beautiful poem Indulekhadasi, it is so full of meaning. Already when reading the first stave I realized that I have to learn so much. For example the meaning of "Visvambhara", I had to google and found this:


"Before accepting sannyasa (the renounced order), Lord Caitanya was known as Visvambhara. The word visvambhara refers to one who maintains the entire universe and who leads all living entities. This maintainer and leader appeared as Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya to give humanity these sublime teachings. Lord Caitanya is the ideal teacher of life’s prime necessities. He is the most munificent bestower of love of Krishna. He is the complete reservoir of all mercies and good fortune. As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Mahabharata and the Upanisads, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Himself, and He is worshipable by everyone in this age of disagreement. Everyone can join in His sankirtana movement. No previous qualification is necessary. just by following His teachings, anyone can become a perfect human being. If one is fortunate enough to be attracted by His features, one is sure to be successful in one’s life mission. In other words, those who are interested in attaining spiritual existence can be easily relieved from the clutches of maya by the grace of Lord Caitanya. These teachings presented in this book are nondifferent from the Lord."


Teachings of Lord Caitanya

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Thanks so much for this beautiful poem Indulekhadasi, it is so full of meaning. Already when reading the first stave I realized that I have to learn so much. For example the meaning of "Visvambhara", I had to google and found this:


"Before accepting sannyasa (the renounced order), Lord Caitanya was known as Visvambhara. The word visvambhara refers to one who maintains the entire universe and who leads all living entities. This maintainer and leader appeared as Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya to give humanity these sublime teachings. Lord Caitanya is the ideal teacher of life’s prime necessities. He is the most munificent bestower of love of Krishna. He is the complete reservoir of all mercies and good fortune. As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Mahabharata and the Upanisads, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Himself, and He is worshipable by everyone in this age of disagreement. Everyone can join in His sankirtana movement. No previous qualification is necessary. just by following His teachings, anyone can become a perfect human being. If one is fortunate enough to be attracted by His features, one is sure to be successful in one’s life mission. In other words, those who are interested in attaining spiritual existence can be easily relieved from the clutches of maya by the grace of Lord Caitanya. These teachings presented in this book are nondifferent from the Lord."


Teachings of Lord Caitanya

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Thank you for the beautiful quote from TLC!

As for the first stanza of this poem I tried to show in this how Nityananda is Guru Tattva. He is the one who quides us to the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu and therefore he is such an important guru for us all.

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Yesterday was Nityananda's Appearance day. Unfortunately I didn't get time to write on Audarya.

I just wanted to say: Happy Nityananda prabhu Appearance day, everyone! JAI NITAI!

parama karuna panhu dui jana nitai gaurachandra!

Nice thoughts about Lord Nityananda by Bhakta Igor prabhu, posted, 23 February 2008.


Nityananda Gauranga Hare Krsna


picture: www.simply-nitaai.com/<wbr>aggregator?page=49

Naam is everything. We are so fortunate to be here. It is special mercy. All our material connections will vanish, this body will be destroyed. Our connections with relatives will become history. We may think that this situation is permanent but this is just dance of Maya. This life is short, and our only wealth is Naam, our only treasure is drop of faith in Lord Nityananda. We may be sinners and unfit for devotional service, but somehow or other Lord Nitaai gave us this opportunity to be here. We are most fortunate persons in universe. Do you realize that? If you are shouting – Nitaai Naam you are most fortunate persons. This body will perish. Our family members will abandon us or we will abandon them in time of death. What will be out ticket then? Our hope? Vaisnava sanga – association of devotees and drop of faith in Nitaai and Gaura Naam. Nothing else. We are all most fallen in this age, but we are most fortunate in the same moment. We got highest, rarest opportunity to chant Nitaai and Gaura Naam and to personally associate with Supreme Lord. This is rarest and unique opportunity. We may have many troubles, that is nature of material energy. It is not possible to find peace by material arrangements. We can find what we are looking for only on spiritual level. This highest realm of ultimate devotion and love is attainable only via Nitaai and Gaura Naam. We should be happy that we got this rarest opportunity in whole creation to chant Nityananda and Gauranga Naam! We should dance in great joy because we are no longer belonging to this material world! Lord Nitaai is our Protector and we are His property! We are imperfect. We are sinfull and most fallen but we have drop of faith in His Holy Name! That is our fortune! That is our wealth. Dhana mora nityananda radha krsna sri charana sei mora abharana. This body will vanish and death will come. We can not abandon that. Today I am thinking about that, how fortunate we are. We all may have many imperfections but we are together on highest highway toward pure devotion – Nitaai and Gaura Naam are our treasure and goal. I have got small realization that all of you, my dear friends and members of this sanga are most advanced – devotees who are chanting Nitaai and Gaura Naam! How rare is that! How fortunate we are! Nityananda Gauranga Hare Krsna! All glories to Swami Gaurangapada, who is ocean of mercy! I am most fallen but my good fortune is to have association of your lotus feet. Someday, only due this association via this forum I will become more serious and abandon material desires and chant Nitaai and Gaura Naam with sincerety.

I just wanted to share these thoughts with you. Forgive me on my sentimental approach. All glories to all Nitaai-Gaura Naam devotees!

Hoping to someday become your servant,


Nityananda Gauranga Hare Krsna

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BTW, I gave a lecture last week at the temple about Lord Nityananda and Ekachakra dhama. Everyone went wild just because I am so young. Then today I gave lecture at the other center we have in our state. It was supposed to be the same lecture, but I varied it a little and added some more information.


Please bless me so one day I become a devotee of Lord Nityananda and I will actually be qualified to give lectures about Him (I am not qualified now, but I was asked to do it, so what could I do?).

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