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Herb to prevent hair fall (in Vedas)

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Good night and happy new year !!!


I read about a herb in the Vedas (the Rig Veda I think) to prevent hair fall. But the name of this herb was in Sanskrit language as far as I can remember and I couldn't find someone to help me know which herb, where to find it, if that was real...


Does anyone know about that ??? can help me to decipher it ?


Thank you for your help,

Best Regards,



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Good night and happy new year !!!


I read about a herb in the Vedas (the Rig Veda I think) to prevent hair fall. But the name of this herb was in Sanskrit language as far as I can remember and I couldn't find someone to help me know which herb, where to find it, if that was real...


Does anyone know about that ??? can help me to decipher it ?


Thank you for your help,

Best Regards,



Could be Fenugreek, which is also a nice spice for all kind of salty preps.




Ayurvedic Natural Remedies To Stop Hair Loss




Ayurvedic natural remedies have been used for several thousands of years to treat all kinds of conditions including hair loss, by the Indians. Many of these traditional secrets are not documented but are only known through word of mouth.


Here are two Ayurvedic natural remedies to stop hair loss that you can try:

Option 1: Use sesame oil for a hair scalp massage for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off and shampoo if dFenugreek seeds pictureesired. You can find sesame oil in many supermarkets.


Option 2: Mix half a teaspoon of fenugreek powder with three-fourths cup of unsweetened coconut milk. Apply the paste onto the scalp of your head and massage gently. In India, fenugreek seeds are mixed with yogurt and used as a conditioner for hair. Fenugreek powder is available from the spice section of your local supermarket.

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Thank you very much Suchandra. I will try to find it.

But the herb described in the Veda also help to regrow hair, and must be drunk like tea I think. It is introduced like a magic plant... :(


Maybe I should find a scholar specialist in the Vedas & sanskrit language to know about this specific herb.



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Thank you very much Suchandra. I will try to find it.

But the herb described in the Veda also help to regrow hair, and must be drunk like tea I think. It is introduced like a magic plant... :(


Maybe I should find a scholar specialist in the Vedas & sanskrit language to know about this specific herb.



Although Vaishnavas don't mind so much about increasing strong growth of hair, Fenugreek also has a plant with leafs that can be used as tea:


Fenugreek Extract and Tea Benefits


Fenugreek is commonly found growing in Mediterranean regions of southern Europe, where both the seeds and leaves are used primarily as a culinary spice. The seeds of the fenugreek herb are an effective nutritional supplement and have also been used by herbalists for many centuries for the health benefits it provides.


Health Benefits of Fenugreek


The active constituents in fenugreek are alkaloids, lysine and L-tryptophan. It also contains steroidal saponins (diosgenin, yamogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogenin) and mucilaginous fiber which are believed to be responsible for many of the beneficial effects fenugreek exhibits.


The chemical compounds found in fenugreek have the ability to aid the digestive process. Consequently, when taken with meals it is believed that fenugreek is able to slow down the rate at which sugars are absorbed into the body, whereby regulating blood sugar levels. Additionally, studies indicate that 4-hydroxyisoleucine (an amino acid) found in fenugreek may induce or promote the production of insulin when blood sugar levels are elevated.


In studies of animals and humans with both diabetes and high cholesterol levels, fenugreek appeared not only to regulate blood sugar levels but also lower levels of harmful cholesterol. However, in studies of those who did not have diabetes, a similar effect was not reported.


As mentioned previously fenugreek contains a substantial amount of mucilaginous fiber. The mucilage found in fenugreek does not dissolve but instead swells when mixed with fluids. Since the body cannot digest the mucilage from fenugreek it is believed to be an effective laxative.


As an external application fenugreek may sooth irritated skin and relieve surface aches and pains.


Dosage and Administration


A common dosage for diabetes or cholesterol-lowering is 5 to 30 grams with each meal or 15 to 90 grams per day. As a tincture, 3 to 4 ml of fenugreek can be taken up to three times per day.


Fenugreek tea is prepared by soaking 500 mg of the seed in about 5 ounces of cold water for at least 3 hours. The seeds are then strained out of the liquid before drinking the tea, which can be heated or ingested cold.


For topical use, an application is made by mixing 50,000 mg (50 grams) of fenugreek seed powder with up to about one quart of hot water and letting the mixture stand until it makes a thick gel. A soft cloth is then covered with the gel and applied to an aching or injured area of skin surface.


Supporting Literature


<small>Bordia A, Verma SK, Srivastava KC. Effect of ginger and fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum L) on blood lipids, blood sugar, and platelet aggregation in patients with coronary artery disease. Prostagland Leukotrienes Essential Fatty Acids 1997;56:379-384.

Ribes G, Sauvaire Y, Da Costa C, et al. Antidiabetic effects of subfractions from fenugreek seeds in diabetic dogs. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1986;182:159-165.

Sharma RD, Rao NS, Raghuram TC. Effect of fenugreek seeds on blood glucose and serum lipids in type I diabetes. Eur. Clinic Nutrition 1990;44:301-305.

source: http://www.nutrasanus.com/fenugreek.html


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Do you now the cause of you hair loss? Male pattern baldness is genetic and passes down on the mothers side. For those that are in this situation you will need something that stops the conversion of testeoterone(T) into dihydrotetosterone (DHT). The scalp contains many receptors for DHT. It is DHT that sets off the hair loss in the scalp.There are commercial products that either block the enzyme that causes the converstion of T to DHT or blocks the receptor site in the scalp from accepting the DHT.


There may be herbs that can help you. One may be Saw Palmetto Berries that prevents the conversion in the prostate gland. It may help for the scalp as well.


But if this is the source of the problem then you should investigate along these lines for any herbs.

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Thanks for your answers.

Yes, that's right Vaishnavas don't need Fenugreek... that's a good point... :P


Well, I think on my mother's side I'm a little bit subject to hair loss so I believe it is genetic also (my grandfather and uncles had hair loss). But I don't loose that much hair, just a little. As a matter of fact, I have tried many products and none of them work. I would have liked to find this herb in the Vedas just to try it and see... today there's no real remedy for hair loss, it is a big lack in the medecine field.


For my conceptions of things (besides the hereditary aspect and the stressful occurences of life which scientists put forward), I believe that the hair fall has a simple explanation. I am questionning hair specialists here. I believe that maybe the hair fall is due to the fact that the hair don't regrow, and not to the fact that the hair is falling (1 hair is falling and regrowing and falling etc... 25 times in a life time). The remedy problem maybe resides in the fact that doctors try to find a way to prevent hair fall and not a way to encourage hair fall. Because by encouraging hair fall, they would set the machine (hair gland) to work again maybe and make this process of falling-regrowing-falling-regrowing,... start all over again... well, that's an idea I have. I would like to know what you guys are thinking, or if a hair specialist can give me his opinion... a Shaivaite maybe ;)


The hair falls naturally... why want to stop it from falling ? Maybe that by creating these products to push the hair to fall, we will have hair which will regrow and will regrow... and the hair fall will be cured !

Everybody is waiting for this product, maybe the Hindus can create it and they will convert the world to Hinduism héhé ;) . I have a feeling that this mysterious herb in the veda is not anodine and is something important.


Thank you, good day.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have heard that coconut oil and eating a lot of coconut will give your hair strength and fullness.


Oh also black sesame seeds taken three spoons a day are very very helpful. Black sesame seeds are high in fiber, protein and vitamin e. The lattar provides for clear and younger skin, stronger hair, and a nice shiny coat.


I'm actually trying the sesame seed thing for a month now because school stress is causing hair loss...so heard this suggestion from an elderly aunty and an trying it. Will let you know in three months if it works lol


Jai Shri Krishna

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