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What happens after death?

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Do we pass through a judgement process? Do we go to heaven/hell to enjoy/suffer the "fruits" of our actions? What happens to devotees? Do they also go through a judgement process when they are placed in good families to continue their spiritual development?


Just heard that there're more than 60,000 monkeys living in Vrindavan. Looks like lots of people take birth as monkeys these days.:rolleyes:

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Do we pass through a judgement process? Do we go to heaven/hell to enjoy/suffer the "fruits" of our actions? What happens to devotees? Do they also go through a judgement process when they are placed in good families to continue their spiritual development?


sometimes a judgement before Yamaraja is described in the vedic literature, but not always. even most regular devotees go through the heaven and hell type of destinations. you have to be very pure to bypass all that. only later (for next human birth) devotees may be placed in families of suci and srimat type people (pious or wealthy).

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Do we pass through a judgement process? Do we go to heaven/hell to enjoy/suffer the "fruits" of our actions? What happens to devotees? Do they also go through a judgement process when they are placed in good families to continue their spiritual development?


I prefer the idea of examination or accessment rather than judgment. It is my belief that after the soul leaves the body there are others on the other side that guide the soul through an examination of the life just lived and then guides that soul into the next birth appropiate.


The word judgment just brings up this picture of courtroom drama in my mind and I don't think that is an accurate portrayal of what happens.


Any advancement a spiritualist makes is carried over to his next birth and he takes up from there to make further progress. Sometimes there is a vacation given on some heavenly abode in between births.

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You discover is the lie. There is no death, this is an illusion created by those who think that the biological form is all that there is to define life. So, as we hover, watching those left behind deal with that rotting corpse, we have some decisions to make, and they are not very easily accomplished, because the gross elements have left us, leaving only mind, intellect, and what is left of the false ego. Then we see the guide, the light, and the dogs, which door do we take?


My recommendation is to treat the light like the fires of hell, for in that light is cessation of existance, a real death. The guides will lead one away from the dogs, but according to how one has lived, the dogs may be disguised as guides.


So, best case scenario, is dont wait. Time. Time. Time. Not ours to waste.


PS The above is what i have seen when I died three times this time around (NDEs). Not presented as absolute truth, but close, because Lord Yama was there. Helping me, not giving me to his hungry hobgoblins (those cute lil guys, I want that job when I grow up.)



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PS The above is what i have seen when I died three times this time around (NDEs). Not presented as absolute truth, but close, because Lord Yama was there. Helping me, not giving me to his hungry hobgoblins (those cute lil guys, I want that job when I grow up.)




You are kidding right?

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I don't buy the whole I died and came back deal. When you don't even have any control over your finances, you expect me to believe you have control over death?


Control? Who said anything about control? A near death experience is just what it sounds like.


I don't expect you to accept anything nor do I care if you do or not.

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I don't buy the whole I died and came back deal. When you don't even have any control over your finances, you expect me to believe you have control over death?


I have plenty of control over my finances, and yes - I have lived on this earth many times before. As to control over death, or rather over your destination after death, it is similar to control over your finances:


work hard, work smart, dont waste your time or money, and you will get to enjoy the fruit of your efforts in due course of time.

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I have plenty of control over my finances, and yes - I have lived on this earth many times before. As to control over death, or rather over your destination after death, it is similar to control over your finances:


work hard, work smart, dont waste your time or money, and you will get to enjoy the fruit of your efforts in due course of time.


But don`t ever forget to chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra when you have only a minute to live!

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Mission: Krishna Consciousness

"There are many universities, especially in the United States, and

many departments of knowledge, but they are not discussing these

points. Where is the department for this knowledge that we find given

by Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-gita? When I spoke before students and some

faculty members at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the

first question raised was: "Where is the technological department

which is investigating the difference between a dead man and a living

man?" When a man dies, something is lost. Where is the technology to

replace it? Why don't scientists try to solve this problem? Because

this is a very difficult subject matter, they set it aside and busily

engage in the technology of eating, sleeping, mating and defending.

However, Vedic literatures inform us that this is animal technology.

Animals are also trying their best to eat well, to have an enjoyable

sex life, to sleep peacefully, and to defend themselves. What then is

the difference between man's knowledge and animal's knowledge? The

fact is that man's knowledge should be developed to explore that

difference between a living man and a dead man, a living body and a

dead body. That spiritual knowledge was imparted by Krsna to Arjuna in

the beginning of Bhagavad-gita. Being a friend of Krsna's, Arjuna was

a very intelligent man, but his knowledge, as all men's, was limited.

Krsna spoke, however, of subject matters which were beyond Arjuna's

finite knowledge. These subjects are called adhoksaja because our

direct perception by which we acquire material knowledge fails to

approach them. For example, we have many powerful microscopes to see

what we cannot see with our limited vision, but there is no microscope

that can show us the soul within the body. Nevertheless, the soul is

there." ~ Krsna Consciousness, The Matchless Gift, Ch 1 - Spiritual

Knowledge Through Krsna

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