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Ever wonder what he is planning up there?

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:rolleyes: Technically, He is not up there in the sky, and by He , I mean God.


Still, philosophically speaking, It is an interesting question to ponder.

when you look back at your life, how far you have come just in this life, do you think you had any control over what had happened in the past? Was it all just planned out? the ups , the downs, or was it just you doing best in the circumstances that you were put in and somehow somethings worked out and others didn't?

What do you think? do you think once you say you surrender to Him , he has a plan for you. Or do you think he only plans it out only when you truly surrender to Him.?

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The modes of nature are meant to fix us up too. We put our hand in a flame, and it hurts. Then we won't do it again. So it was good that it hurt, otherwise we'd leave it in the flame until it was charcoal. It's all Krsna's mercy, no matter how bad it seems at the time.


But surrendering shifts us into another gear. A faster gear. We can skip getting burned by karma so many many times. It's like the picture on the cover of the Bhagavad-gita. When Krsna drives the chariot then success is assured; otherwise the horse senses drag us anywhere and everywhere, and we will end up getting burned.

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I don't know if I've ever posted these lyrics on the forum, but they seem appropriate for this topic:

Beautiful Play

Rough Demo:

<table bgcolor="#000000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><embed quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#000" width="328" height="94" src="http://res0.esnips.com/escentral/images/widgets/flash/esnips_player.swf" flashvars="theTheme=blue&autoPlay=no&theFile=http://www.esnips.com//nsdoc/9f9c1216-84d2-4b81-9e74-4cacb95ddb44&theName=Maitreya-Beautiful_Play-ROUGH&thePlayerURL=http://res0.esnips.com/escentral/images/widgets/flash/mp3WidgetPlayer.swf"></embed></td></tr><tr><td><table cellpadding="2" style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding-left:2px; color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none ; ; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold"><tr><td><a style="color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none " href="http://www.esnips.com/CreateWidgetAction.ns?type=0&objectid=9f9c1216-84d2-4b81-9e74-4cacb95ddb44"> Get this widget </a></td><td style="font-size:7px; font-weight:normal;">|</td><td align="center"><a align="center" style="color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none " href="http://www.esnips.com/doc/9f9c1216-84d2-4b81-9e74-4cacb95ddb44/Maitreya-Beautiful_Play-ROUGH/?widget=flash_player_esnips_blue"> Track details </a></td><td style="font-size:7px; font-weight:normal;">|</td><td><a align="center" style="color:#FF6600; text-decoration:none" href="http://www.esnips.com//adserver/?action=visit&cid=player_dna&url=/socialdna"> eSnips Social DNA </a></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>


by MM



Oh it's such a beautiful play

By far the best that I've seen to date

I loved the part where you got engaged

I loved the part where you got enraged


It's been surreal since the towers fell

A strange mixture of heaven and hell

And all the joys I could never tell

In the face of a thirty-foot swell


Who'd believe you were to lose your leg

Who'd believe she'd be the one to beg

Too many round holes for this square peg

Too many vows on which to renege


Oh it's such a beautiful play

And it gets better now every day

Somehow we've got to find a way

To say the things that we need to say


And as the cat gnaws on his rat [he really was, as I wrote this part]

I have nobody left to combat

And memories I'd strained to supress

Flood my mind as I start to regress


Apologies I could never speak

All the compassion that I used to seek

And as I slowly start to weep

For two dumb kids who got in too deep


What difference does it make if freedom's destroyed

When of judgment and good sense we are all devoid

Just be thankful you're gainfully employed

And take a deep breath when you get annoyed


Oh it's such a beautiful play

Perfect in every way

Keep the faith each and every day

Good things come to those that pray


What's the point of keeping yourself in seclusion

What's the point of hanging on to your delusion

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What's the point of keeping yourself in seclusion

What's the point of hanging on to your delusion


Just to clarify, lest I sound more preachy than I am: most of the songs I write are messages to myself--to my own mind. They are reminders of things I find to be important which I leave for myself.


Of course, some are mundane love songs (which can often also be taken as love songs to the Divine), and others, no doubt, are cries of desperation.

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:cool: How did Krsna convinced Radha that he could draw circles on her breasts? How did Krsna persuaded the damsels of Vraja to climb up the tree naked after bathing in the river Yamuna? In short, Krsna is always thinking of ways to trick his devotees into doing something out of the norm. He enjoys it yet what he`s trying to do to us is harmless. It`s different when Krsna tricked Putana into sucking her breasts. He took away her air-life in the end.
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