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just a bit of jammin fun here, followed by some slide


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hopefully, side two will be out soon. Thanx again, murali. hare krsna, mahaksadasa

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hopefully, side two will be out soon. Thanx again, murali. hare krsna, mahaksadasa


Is side 2 not there? I thought I'd uploaded the files from both sides. There were 6 from side 1 and 3 from side 2. On eSnips, they show up on two separate pages (in reverse order, since it displays more recent uploads at the top).


In any case, glad you're liking them!! I'm leaving a bit early to install a web-cam up at the Seva Ashram. It looks like live streaming on the web won't be practical (bandwidth issues), but I hope to be recording Sunday Feasts and festival programs and uploading video to Google Video (in addition to audio mp3s).


Thank you, all my friends here, for your encouragement and association!!


Jai Gurudev!!

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Anyone care to comment about how disappointment should never affect true friendship? How can we hate the revised editions and still love the editor? How can we hate the guru system but still accept the one supported by that system as guru?


Its my last project before I die, to get things right, to ask forgiveness from aLL those who have disappointed me and faced my graerror of sacrificing their friendship. It is my probl;em, not theirs, after all isnt that, what friends are for.



Most of the time we are disappointed because we expected too much from our friends. Never expect more from someone then you are willing to give yourself. It is a pretty universal rule.


It is far worse to disappoint others, then be disappointed by others.

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Its about knowing who is God and who is not. The very foundation of this science we discuss here. If we expect a fellow haspital patient full of the disease of materialism, also trying for a cure but with symptoms of such disease fully present, to be physician, then we may be disillusioned. But disillusionment cannot take place in one who is not in illusion in the first place.


Give me a break, and Ill try to give such breaks to my fellow diseased persons as well. I want God to forgive, but I pray that he does so to the extent that I can forgive as well.


Hare Krwsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Great point. We desire Krsna, which also means that to desire his devotee is also desiring Krsna, because the devotee is the paraphenalia of Krsna. Krsna, unlike us, is non-different from his paraphenalia.


So we desire a wife. If the wife is a devotee, this is non-different from krsna. We desire money to make elaborate feast for Krswna, this desire for money is desire for krsna. We desire friendship with devotees, this is desire for Krsna.


So, the response to your point is YES. But paraphenalia (rupa) of Krsna must be understood, as well as Nama, Lila, Guna, etc.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Out of curiosity...aren't all relations and longing for relations to be avoided except for desiring Krishna?




Last week there was a marriage at the Temple and Jaganatha dasa said later that he had finally met his soul mate. Is'n't Krishna as paramatma our only real soul mate? He is our real lover, friend and the destination for all our service? Marriages last only a life time and in most cases not even that. Sometimes an enermy from a previous life will take birth and masquerade as ones wife as revenge, or take birth as ones son or daughter and give one so much trouble. No, I told Jaganath that Krishna is your real soul mate and you both have to remind each other of that. He went off in a huff and hasn't spoke to me since.

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You are a good friend, indeed. Hopefully, soon, your friend will realize that you are right.


I agree with you; when people talk about "soul mates" in the mundane sense, I can't help laughing and pitying them (my own disease, no doubt).


In the mundane sense, there may be folks who are more naturally compatible with one another, but any two people can get along if they are humble and tolerant. Beyond the mundane, if the parties in a marriage are focussed on Sri Krishna, everything can be harmonized. When we are focussed on our own material enjoyment, there will be endless strife.



Last week there was a marriage at the Temple and Jaganatha dasa said later that he had finally met his soul mate. Is'n't Krishna as paramatma our only real soul mate? He is our real lover, friend and the destination for all our service? Marriages last only a life time and in most cases not even that. Sometimes an enermy from a previous life will take birth and masquerade as ones wife as revenge, or take birth as ones son or daughter and give one so much trouble. No, I told Jaganath that Krishna is your real soul mate and you both have to remind each other of that. He went off in a huff and hasn't spoke to me since.
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"No, I told Jaganath that Krishna is your real soul mate and you both have to remind each other of that. He went off in a huff and hasn't spoke to me since."


Can't say that I blame him. That was a very hurtful thing to say considering the timing. Couldn't you of said "I am glad for your happiness" and then say something about it when you were actually discussing the religion and the beliefs? No, I don't think this shows you as a good friend. It would be like some Christian coming to a funeral and saying "you do know he is going to hell right?".

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Maybe the timing was poor, but friends don't let friends drink and drive.


Despite many folks believing that one should "let kids be kids", to me, that does not include allowing my kids to wallow in sentimental illusions. They are capable of comprehending many "advanced" philosophical points more readily than somebody who has been through 30 years of mundane conditioning in this body.


"Soul-mate" sentimentalism is pure bull-dooky. The sooner folks get over it, the better for them.



"No, I told Jaganath that Krishna is your real soul mate and you both have to remind each other of that. He went off in a huff and hasn't spoke to me since."


Can't say that I blame him. That was a very hurtful thing to say considering the timing. Couldn't you of said "I am glad for your happiness" and then say something about it when you were actually discussing the religion and the beliefs? No, I don't think this shows you as a good friend. It would be like some Christian coming to a funeral and saying "you do know he is going to hell right?".

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Superficial friends will try to ensure that nothing disturbs the friendship.


*True* friends will tell you that you've got food on your face when nobody else has the courage to do so.



Can't say that I blame him. That was a very hurtful thing to say considering the timing. Couldn't you of said "I am glad for your happiness" and then say something about it when you were actually discussing the religion and the beliefs? No, I don't think this shows you as a good friend. It would be like some Christian coming to a funeral and saying "you do know he is going to hell right?".
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Being a jerk means that one has not abandoned all varieties of religion and simply surrendered to krsna. This is the very threshhold of Krsna Consciousness, that we quit being jerks, period. All our preceptors insist that we give up jerkdom in favor of spreading this non-religion yoga.


However, a friend is just that, he will not patronize nor condescend, pander to or other wise kiss okole. When Arjuna was recounting to king yudhisthira the quality of the rasa of friendship with Krsna, he had concern that there was no awe and reverence. Friends have the freedom to both teach and be taught by the other party to the friendship. So, if we insult, this is normal, and yes, we can be jerks, but the foundation of friendship is far beyond any little such ripple.


I agree that I have no attraction at all for any such movement that rejects Gods N IN FAVOR OF God, because God includes His Own, this is why the great preceptors insist that we respect all and expect none in return, this is how it is. All that other "we are saved, your a karmi in maya" is the religion we abandon, if we follow.


Do you follow?


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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True friendship transcends social etiquette, doesn't it? I don't have many such friends, but there are a few whose words I consider to be coming directly from some Divine Source. I consider these friends to be my *betters*, my "ever well-wishers". I am certain to the core of my being that they would never wish me any harm.


If I am offended by what they say, then I feel I must examine myself for the defect that is causing this feeling of offense.


If you (rsrowland) have never known such friendship, then I am truly sorry. This has nothing (and everything) to do with Krishna Consciousness.



Being a jerk means that one has not abandoned all varieties of religion and simply surrendered to krsna. This is the very threshhold of Krsna Consciousness, that we quit being jerks, period. All our preceptors insist that we give up jerkdom in favor of spreading this non-religion yoga.


However, a friend is just that, he will not patronize nor condescend, pander to or other wise kiss okole. When Arjuna was recounting to king yudhisthira the quality of the rasa of friendship with Krsna, he had concern that there was no awe and reverence. Friends have the freedom to both teach and be taught by the other party to the friendship. So, if we insult, this is normal, and yes, we can be jerks, but the foundation of friendship is far beyond any little such ripple.


I agree that I have no attraction at all for any such movement that rejects Gods N IN FAVOR OF God, because God includes His Own, this is why the great preceptors insist that we respect all and expect none in return, this is how it is. All that other "we are saved, your a karmi in maya" is the religion we abandon, if we follow.


Do you follow?


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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