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Amazing Experience!

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Dear Devotees,


Something amazing happened. While meditating, I silently chanted the mahamantra, and suddenly, I saw some golden lights, all the while feeling some upward pull on top of the head. They were so beautiful, but lasted not more than one minute.


I'd love see this again, or at least experience more visions/lights/colors, provided they have some spiritual significance. Can experienced devotees shed some light on this? I am new to all this, and this experience is really exciting.



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Dear Devotees,


Something amazing happened. While meditating, I silently chanted the mahamantra, and suddenly, I saw some golden lights, all the while feeling some upward pull on top of the head. They were so beautiful, but lasted not more than one minute.


I'd love see this again, or at least experience more visions/lights/colors, provided they have some spiritual significance. Can experienced devotees shed some light on this? I am new to all this, and this experience is really exciting.




I would suggest not to get too concerned about it. I would suggest to continue with your sadhana and in time everything will be revealed.

Hare Krishna.

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Once some devotee saw a pink light around the prasadam that Srila Prabhupada served out. He asked Srila Prabhupada, "What is this? Why is there a pink light coming out of the food?" Srila Prabhupada said, "Just eat. This is prasadam, it is Krishna's mercy." Krishna's mercy can manifest in many ways, so don't be surprised. Hope this helps.

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Well I don't presume to know the exact significance/meaning of the event. However, based on my own experiences and information that has been revealed to me, I'll try to shed some light on it. Feel free to disagree, of course.


By chanting the names of the Lord you invited Him into your life. A combination of your meditational focus and His divine grace made you vibrate at a higher level. This allowed you to take a brief glimpse into the higher realms and thus you saw things that ordinary people do not see (golden lights). You also activated your crown chakra, which explains the upward pull you felt on the top of your head.


These type of experiences are good. Many humans are stuck in a materialist type of consciousness. But now that you have experienced what you described above, you know that the materialist view only gives an incomplete picture of reality.


Because these experiences are wonderful it is natural for you to desire more. However, it is best, in my view, to simply Love the Lord and surrender to Him. If it is good for more experiences to be given to you, they will be given to you (don't worry). But to seek out these experiences selfishly is not the way to go. (I only mention this because it is easy to get caught up in the selfish route, though I am not suggesting that you are caught in it.)


Ultimately, the Lord will transform you by His Grace if you surrender to Him.



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The last time I went on a long steady period of chanting, I would regularly see circular shapes in a beautiful purple shade when my eyes were closed...very cool.


I think in the early days someone reported a similar experience to Srila Prabhupada and he said "just keep chanting and it will go away". He was cautioning against getting attached to such phenomena.


Mind you, tackleberry, I'm not trying to make a joke of or down play your experience...it was a blessing and I'd be thrilled to have one like it.

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Next time try this (it must come from the heart):


Reading these verses elicited considerable thought on my part, and some realizations:


I am a hardcore materialist with a dilettante's interest in spiritual subjects.


This board is for sincere and advanced Vaisnavas, and I really don't belong posting here. Maybe drop in from time to time and read, but not raise my foolish voice.


So, with those thoughts in mind, I take leave, offering all of you respectful obeisances, asking all for forgivenesss for any offenses I have committed, and wishing all of you the best in your spiritual and material lives.

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No brother, we are all the same. One is not higher or lower from what they do. We are higher and lower from how close we are to Supreme Reality. You wanting to becoem spiritual is the very first step. We ahve all taken this step at one point. SOme take it and drop back down and start gaain. Its thi "want". This is what Bhagwan likes in one. Its this love He requires from us. I see that love in your words for Him.


Hsve msn?

Please do add me and we can talk some more.


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Reading these verses elicited considerable thought on my part, and some realizations:


I am a hardcore materialist with a dilettante's interest in spiritual subjects.


This board is for sincere and advanced Vaisnavas, and I really don't belong posting here. Maybe drop in from time to time and read, but not raise my foolish voice.


So, with those thoughts in mind, I take leave, offering all of you respectful obeisances, asking all for forgivenesss for any offenses I have committed, and wishing all of you the best in your spiritual and material lives.

It will be my loss if we lose someone so humble, sincere and honest. That humility is our actual position.


Srila Prabhupada is no ordinary preacher. His words reach everyone at their own level; a man off the street and the sannyasi both derive perfection from every word. Once we've started falling in love there is no way to stop the process. Soon enough, my dear friend Sanatan, you will be transformed by that love as it continues to swell. Not even your mind can defeat you.

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Dear Devotees,


Something amazing happened. While meditating, I silently chanted the mahamantra, and suddenly, I saw some golden lights, all the while feeling some upward pull on top of the head. They were so beautiful, but lasted not more than one minute.


I'd love see this again, or at least experience more visions/lights/colors, provided they have some spiritual significance. Can experienced devotees shed some light on this? I am new to all this, and this experience is really exciting.




Every time that I hear someone showing his experience I get very happy, but I don't know if it is a good choice to tell them...


Anyway I will tell one experience I had before


I was asleep and dreaming. I saw in front of me a stone altar and from it I saw a golden light going out and suddenly was Lord Krsna with four hands glowing a golden light to all directions, When I saw him I felt ecstasy immediately, I felt that He was embracing me with his eyes he is very beautiful I was crying full of bliss and thinking I am too fallen to have this mercy... also I felt that all my body was awakening, I mean I felt that my body was expanding to all directions and my mind and heart "dissapeared"


He was sitting with a crossed leg, yellow dress, his body was like the colour of the sky and his face like this picture almost identical:





Jay Hare Krsna!!!

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daas k daas, cbrahma, gHari: Your words are pure nectar. Thank you.

Self pity…a thoroughly unworthy emotion. And, on unfortunate occasions, I neglect to count my many blessings, and fall into it.

Please forgive me for that. But I do feel old and very tired of the struggle. My life now is clean, aware, and pleasant…maybe that’s what I need to be satisfied with, accepting the happiness and distress as they come, and die when it’s my time.

This is a good board. I joined here because of all the Vaisnava/ISKCON/Hare Krsna/Spiritual boards I’ve visited out here on the net, this one has the most mature, intelligent, and interesting membership and association, and virtually none of the chronic whining and offensive dialogue found on many of the others. I’m definitely not dropping away.

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hare krishna !

i am a mother of 2yr old girl.i get to meditate when my

daughter sleeps. on one such day i began to meditate

after 15 min of doing my daughter cry disturbed me

i wanted to go to her but i didn't feel my complete body

i felt my self but not my body and didn't want to loose that

feeling at all but i had to.....

That experience changed my perception of reality !

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Visions of Lights in Meditation


Various kinds of lights manifest during meditation owing to concentration. In the beginning, a bright, white light, the size of a pin's point will appear in the forehead in Trikuti which corresponds tentatively to the Ajna Chakra of the astral body. When the eyes are closed, you will notice different colored lights such as white, yellow, red, smoky, blue, green, mixed color, flashes like lightning, like fire, burning charcoal, fire-flies, the moon, the sun and stars. These lights appear in the mental space, Chidakasha. These are all Tanmatric lights.

Each Tanmatra has its own specific color. Prithvi (earth) Tanmatra has a yellow light; Apas (water) Tanmatra has a white light; Agni (fire) Tanmatra has a red light; Vayu (air) Tanmatra has a smoky light; and Akasha (ether) Tanmatra has a blue light. Yellow and white lights are very commonly seen. Red and blue lights are rarely noticeable. Frequently there is a combination of white and yellow lights. In the beginning, small balls of white light float about before your eyes. When you first observe this, be assured that the mind is be coming more steady and that you are progressing in concentration.

After some months the size of the light will increase and you will see a full blaze of white light, bigger than the sun. In the beginning these lights are not steady. They come and disappear immediately. They flash out from above the forehead and from the sides. They cause peculiar sensations of extreme joy and happiness and there is an intense desire for a vision of these lights. When you have steady and systematic practice for two or three hours of meditation at a stretch, these lights appear more frequently and remain steadily for a long time.


One whose food is moderate, whose anger has been controlled, who has given up all attachment with society, who has subdued his passions, who has overcome all pairs of opposites (Dvandvas) and who has given up his egoism, gets a vision of a triangular light during meditation.

Sometimes during meditation you will see a brilliant dazzling light. You will find it difficult to gaze at this light. You will be compelled to withdraw your mental vision of this light. This dazzling light is the light emanating from the Sushumna.


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