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Red Cross - Bush Annihilation Of Iraq Ever-Worsening

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This is of course not helping a nation to again come to the level of making human existence possible but rather following the path of previous mass murderers.



11-04-2007 07/49

Iraq: An ever-worsening crisis




Geneva (ICRC) – In a report issued today in Geneva, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) expresses alarm about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Iraq and calls for urgent action to better protect civilians against the continuing violence.


The report entitled Civilians without protection – The ever-worsening crisis in Iraq deplores the daily acts of violence such as shootings, bombings, abductions, murders and military operations that directly target Iraqi civilians in clear violation of international humanitarian law and other applicable legal standards. While it argues that the current crisis directly or indirectly affects all Iraqis, the report focuses on the problems of vulnerable groups such as the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis forced to flee their homes and the families that host them.


The report documents the alarming state of Iraqi health-care facilities suffering critical shortages of staff and supplies. Many doctors, nurses and patients no longer dare to go to hospitals and clinics because they are targeted or threatened. The report also underlines that much of Iraq's vital water, sewage and electricity infrastructure is in a critical condition owing to lack of maintenance and because security constraints have impeded repair work.


"The suffering that Iraqi men, women and children are enduring today is unbearable and unacceptable. Their lives and dignity are continuously under threat," said the ICRC's director of operations, Pierre Krähenbühl. "The ICRC calls on all those who can influence the situation on the ground to act now to ensure that the lives of ordinary people are spared and protected. This is an obligation under international humanitarian law for both States and non-State actors."


Thanks to its close partnership with the Iraqi Red Crescent Society and its recognized status as a neutral and independent organization, the ICRC has been able to supply food and other items essential to the survival of tens of thousands of vulnerable Iraqis. It is currently providing monthly emergency aid for over 60,000 people, with the Iraqi Red Crescent handling the bulk of the distributions. Over the past year the ICRC has also delivered medical supplies sufficient to treat 3,000 war-wounded patients to hospitals across Iraq. ICRC delegates continue to visit thousands of detainees to monitor their situation and treatment and to help them and their families to stay in touch through family visits or by exchanging Red Cross messages.



For further information, please contact:

Dorothea Krimitsas, ICRC Geneva, tel +41 22 730 25 90 or +41 79 251 93 18

Nada Doumani, ICRC Iraq, tel +964 790 191 6927 or +962 777 399 614


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I have said it before and qwill repeat it. The sooner Mr. Bush has hispowers taken away, the better it is for the world & the U.S.A.



This is of course not helping a nation to again come to the level of making human existence possible but rather following the path of previous mass murderers.


11-04-2007 07/49


Geneva (ICRC) – In a report issued today in Geneva, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) expresses alarm about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Iraq and calls for urgent action to better protect civilians against the continuing violence.


The report entitled such as shootings, bombings, abductions, murders and military operations that directly target Iraqi civilians in clear violation of international humanitarian law and other applicable legal standards. While it argues that the current crisis directly or indirectly affects all Iraqis, the report focuses on the problems of vulnerable groups such as the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis forced to flee their homes and the families that host them.

The report documents the alarming state of Iraqi health-care facilities suffering critical shortages of staff and supplies. Many doctors, nurses and patients no longer dare to go to hospitals and clinics because they are targeted or threatened. The report also underlines that much of Iraq's vital water, sewage and electricity infrastructure is in a critical condition owing to lack of maintenance and because security constraints have impeded repair work.

"The suffering that Iraqi men, women and children are enduring today is unbearable and unacceptable. Their lives and dignity are continuously under threat," said the ICRC's director of operations, Pierre Krähenbühl. "The ICRC calls on all those who can influence the situation on the ground to act now to ensure that the lives of ordinary people are spared and protected. This is an obligation under international humanitarian law for both States and non-State actors."

Thanks to its close partnership with the Iraqi Red Crescent Society and its recognized status as a neutral and independent organization, the ICRC has been able to supply food and other items essential to the survival of tens of thousands of vulnerable Iraqis. It is currently providing monthly emergency aid for over 60,000 people, with the Iraqi Red Crescent handling the bulk of the distributions. Over the past year the ICRC has also delivered medical supplies sufficient to treat 3,000 war-wounded patients to hospitals across Iraq. ICRC delegates continue to visit thousands of detainees to monitor their situation and treatment and to help them and their families to stay in touch through family visits or by exchanging Red Cross messages.


For further information, please contact:

Dorothea Krimitsas, ICRC Geneva, tel +41 22 730 25 90 or +41 79 251 93 18

Nada Doumani, ICRC Iraq, tel +964 790 191 6927 or +962 777 399 614


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Unfortunately, in this age, the solution is always worse than the problem. The Bautistas are always replaced by Castros, Shahs are always replaced by Ayatollahs, Saddam brutal treatment of the opposition is replaced by AbuGrab and Gitmo torture by the fascists who have killed for christ much too often.


So, game boy gets ousted. By whom? Hillary? Obama? Oil money is oil money, no matter who they place in front of stupid people.


Srila Prabhupada one time summed it up for me, sorry, I dont have (nor need) the exact quote. He stated that the trouble with modern democracy is that fools elect the biggest fool to represent their foolish interest. And we see it, the SUVs dropping off the protesters in front of the federal building, the righteous hipsters with their livelihood ties into their mutual funds that go to Rockwell and General Dynamics.


The only one who made sense is Eisenhower, who turns out to be quite a prophet. If his golf game was only so good.


Haribol, I want him gone, too, but his think tank, his puppet masters, are at work manipulating the liberal government of 2008. Ever wonder why howard hughes gave equal portions to both kennedy and nixon, why the union and the corporation get equal shares and give equal shares? Because half of this country cancells the other half, 51% vs 49%.


I want bush gone, but this means wanting all my neighbors gone, too. They put him there, the church with their innocent flock put him there, the gun-owners (who, BTW, lost all their precious constitution in the process) put him there. God, guns, and gays are the issues that put him there.


Democracy, oh well, fools electing big fools to lead them in their foolishness.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Unfortunately, in this age, the solution is always worse than the problem. The Bautistas are always replaced by Castros, Shahs are always replaced by Ayatollahs, Saddam brutal treatment of the opposition is replaced by AbuGrab and Gitmo torture by the fascists who have killed for christ much too often.


It would be too easy to argue with that assumption. Stalin was not replaced with an even more evil monster, for example.


The most important thing is to see evil for what it is. We may not be able to stop it, but at least we will not be a part of it.


Far too many devotees sing praises of demonic leaders and thus become implicated in the demonic acts.

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Far too many devotees sing praises of demonic leaders and thus become implicated in the demonic acts.


This is of course right, nobody speaks up against for example the cheating with paper money. Prabhupada says, without paper money they couldnt pay for all these wars, but still nobody says anything:


..You have no experience. I have got experience. Or some of the

Indians who are present… In 1942, the government created artificial

famine, artificial famine. The government began to purchase. The

poli… That time, the war was going on. So Mr. Churchill’s policy was

that “Keep the people in scarcity, and they will, they’ll voluntarily

come and become soldiers.” That was the policy. “You have no

money. So…, and the another venue is opened. Yes, you become a

soldier. You get so much money.” People, out of poverty, would go

there. That was the policy. So this policy was executed that

government began to purchase rice and, I mean to say, commodities

which are daily necessities. And… Any price, any price they can

offer. Because the currency in their hand. They can print the so-

called papers, hundred dollars, and pay you. And you becomes

satisfied: “Oh, I have got hundred dollars.” But it is a piece of paper.

The cheating is from the government. Why the people will not learn

how to cheat?

So this is going on. This is called demonic. Demon means for their

own sense satisfaction, they are prepared to do anything wrong. Just

like this Kamsa. Kamsa, the elder brother of Kṛṣṇa’s mother, and as

soon as he heard an omen from the sky that “You rascal Kamsa, you

are taking your brother and sis…, brother-in-law and sister in your

chariot to their home in their marriage ceremony, but you rascal do

not know this sister’s son will kill you.” “Oh, my sister’s son will kill

me?” Immediately caught up sister: “Finish my sister.” Vasudeva saw.

“What nonsense you are doing? You are such a big king. And your

sister, younger sister, and she is married in this auspicious moment.

Why you are killing?” “No, she is the cause of my death.” Then, “Your

sister is not the cause of your death. Her son. That’s all right. But I

promise, all the sons will be delivered to you.” Because it is the

husband’s duty to give protection. So someway or other, he saved

the situation.

So this is the demon. He did not consider that “Here is my poor,

younger sister. She’s just now married. In jubilation she’s going at

her husband’s home. How auspicious ceremony.” And he was

personally driving the chariot. But as soon as he heard that “Oh,

there is danger from my sister,” he did not care anything, no

relationship, no ceremony, no auspicity, nothing. This is demon.

Demon means for his self-interest, he can do anything nons…,

nonsense. That is demon. And demigod means he’ll consider thrice

before doing anything. Just like Arjuna. Arjuna was insulted in so

many ways by the other party, his cousin-brothers. His kingdom was

taken. They were sent to forest for thirteen years. His wife was

insulted. So many things. But still, he was considering, “Whether I

shall kill my kinsmen? The other side, they’re all my brothers,

nephews, brother-in-law. Whether I shall fight and kill them? Kṛṣṇa,

I don’t wish to kill them. Let them enjoy.” This is demigod, In spite of

the other party, aggressor in so many ways, he was thinking. And

here you see Kamsa, simply for the news that in future his sister’s

son will kill him, immediately he was prepared to kill his sister. And

in the marriage ceremony. This is the distinction between demigod

and demon. Just try to understand. A demon has no consideration.

SB 1.3.28 3rd October 1972 Los Angeles


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Haribol, well said, sri suchandra. Heres a good story for you.


25 years ago, I was living in a sort of communal setting, a chunk of acerage co-owned by a few families. Naturally, they were my peers, a bunch of idealistic lefties. We were kinda on the outs (which anyone who ever lived in a communal setting knows is quite natural). One brother objected to my livlihood, making subtle accusations that I was spoiled due to the fact that my occupation involving national security aboard Trident Submarines was hypocritical considering my known posture on US occupation policy (yes, we have occupied everyone, we have bases everywhere. If this is fair, where is the great britain of france military base on our soil?).


Well, I had to come up with an answer, so I fully admitted my complicity, taking full blame for being controlled by demoniac forces of the material world. I fully admitted my weakness due to needs of the material form (food, shelter, lie dat).


However, as all the readers of this forum know, I got my licks in, I had the last word. He just so happened to be a wood stove installer and log home designer. And he just installed a great system at great profit for a friend of mine, who just so happened to be a captain of one of the crews of a Trident Submarine, a person who, theoretically, holds potential of having the future of the world at his fingertips (meaning, if all hell broke loose and the sub lost contact during a crisis, this dude was the supreme authority with an arsenel of weaponry that could bring many whole nations simultaneously to their knees).


So, in my usual charming manner, I stated to me bredren, "hey mon, you stay hypocrite yerself. Why you may dat demon so comfortable? You say you hate di system, yet you serve the henchman opf the syustem with rapt attention, so you can have food and roof, just like me. Bottom line, you touch di green papah, you blow the orphan away just like Mai Lai, you cash di check, di ground turns deeper red, mon".


He understood. Us individuals live because we have to. We took birth under control of many things, the mind, and the social and natural forces. This is why the king MUST take on the combined karma of those he dominates, this is how it is set up. It may be hypocritical, but our hypocracy is the sin of the king. Not that we dont have great feelings, we do, but slaves have only feelings. Get back to work, or die.


To be free of implications, dont quit your government job just to go work at the health food store, there is no freedom there, "ka-ching, ka-ching", the coin rattle is the rattle and hum of the great killing machine. Freedom by your own effort means hermitage, renunciation, vows of silence, fasting, avadhuta-ism. Then you end up under the control of the prison or mental health systems, so thats no answer either.


The disciple anxiously says to Srila Prabhupada after being told of the inevitability of thermo-nuclear warfare, "What do we do, what do we do?" Srila Prabhupada responds, "Chant Hare Krsna, and your life will be sublime."


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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230 people killed yesterday alone in Iraq, in 4 explosions. It's just getting worse. I doubt Geroge Bush has a clue what to do next.


By the way Mahaksa prabhu, I agree with your points. Who replaces him? Another cow eater, likely

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The disciple anxiously says to Srila Prabhupada after being told of the inevitability of thermo-nuclear warfare, "What do we do, what do we do?" Srila Prabhupada responds, "Chant Hare Krsna, and your life will be sublime."


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


Haribol Mahaksa prabhu, well just found an animation about a nuclear bomb - it doesnt really works efficiently.

This animation depicts a proposed weapon with a one megaton yield.

The funding for this weapon was cut in 2005 defense appropriations.

However, the United States still has a B61-11 nuclear 'bunker buster'

in its arsenal which has a 400 kiloton yield, which could still cause

hundreds of thousands of deaths and spread radiation to other countries.

Union of Concerned Scientists:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=700 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>

Nuclear Animation






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Thats what these demoniac weapons do. And they are in the hands of many aswattama's too, those who cannot control neither their actions of anger nor the weapons they hold.


Tragic. I thought it was the goal of the worldwide community to rid the world of the terrorists who hold the world hostage because of their possession and willing use of weapons of mass destruction. It should at least be the goal of our own congress, our own polulation, but their (US Administration presently holding the weapons) terrorism works, they have the population controlled fully terrorized.


I used to watch these type war-game animations as part of my occupation. Ive actulaly heard justifications for doing this type of genocide by top ranking military officials (as opposed to the foolish jargon of the working class rednik who never thinks of consequence of wishing all muslims were turned to glass). Except the movies were not depicting the mideast target and the fallout over warlord afghanis. The movies I saw were Seattle, with fallout covering the Rocky Mountains, and even Canada. Bring it home, folks, it is not a desert you want to go to glass, this is aswattama-ville, where Lord Brahma had to convene his congress of demigods to get Krsna to stop the weapons released by the son of Drona.


This is the context of Srila Prabhupadas prediction, that fools will control weapons they cannot control.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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230 people killed yesterday alone in Iraq, in 4 explosions. It's just getting worse. I doubt Geroge Bush has a clue what to do next.


By the way Mahaksa prabhu, I agree with your points. Who replaces him? Another cow eater, likely


Devotees have no practical program or practical ideology to take over the society in the material sense. It took national socialists in Germany less than 20 years to become a major power in that country, and less than 30 years to fully take over. Bolsheviks in Russia also ascended to power in less than 20 years. After 40 years we are just a very minor religious movement few people take seriously, with lots of internal problems hampering our growth.


A little humility in self-analysis goes a long way...

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Dear Lowborn prabhu,


Interesting and different perspective you have there. Considering our Vaisnava tradition and the emphasis on humility, surrender and non-violence in every sense, do you think it's possible at all for devotees to make a major impact such as the national socialists & Bolsheviks?



Devotees have no practical program or practical ideology to take over the society in the material sense. It took national socialists in Germany less than 20 years to become a major power in that country, and less than 30 years to fully take over. Bolsheviks in Russia also ascended to power in less than 20 years. After 40 years we are just a very minor religious movement few people take seriously, with lots of internal problems hampering our growth.


A little humility in self-analysis goes a long way...

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Dear Lowborn prabhu,


Interesting and different perspective you have there. Considering our Vaisnava tradition and the emphasis on humility, surrender and non-violence in every sense, do you think it's possible at all for devotees to make a major impact such as the national socialists & Bolsheviks?


My post was in part ironic. We have a major tendency to criticize others and demand all kinds of high standards from world leaders, religionists, etc. yet we ourselves very much fail to deliver practical solutions to the world and even fail the high standards we demand of others in our own society. As a movement, we are simply passing post-dated checks when it comes to the practical and social aspects of Krsna-consciousness. We are not solving our own social problems, let alone helping the rest of the world solve theirs.


Do I believe we could make a major impact on the world in a very short time (2-3 decades)? Absolutely... but we will not, because we dont have what it takes in terms of vision, leadership, self-sacrifice, and above all: PRACTICALITY. Even people who speak of introducing varnashrama-dharma are generally clueless as to it's most basic practical mechanisms, let alone being practical in it's implementation.


As to humility, surrender, and non-violence... I think Srila Prabhupada was far more "militant" than his American ex-dopehead hippie followers ever imagined. Yet it does not mean that we need to follow a truly militant path in order to have a major impact on the world - nowadays this is hardly advisable or even required. With the internet for example, we could reach millions of people in a matter of days with our ideas. But we must have vision and ideas that truly appeal to people instead of the same old paradigms that worked with the hippies in 1960's.

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Good post. I agree.


I cannot speak for others but at least in my case, there is a lot of complaceny. If I could overcome that, I might be able to contribute something towards Krishna Consciousness.



My post was in part ironic. We have a major tendency to criticize others and demand all kinds of high standards from world leaders, religionists, etc. yet we ourselves very much fail to deliver practical solutions to the world and even fail the high standards we demand of others in our own society. As a movement, we are simply passing post-dated checks when it comes to the practical and social aspects of Krsna-consciousness. We are not solving our own social problems, let alone helping the rest of the world solve theirs.


Do I believe we could make a major impact on the world in a very short time (2-3 decades)? Absolutely... but we will not, because we dont have what it takes in terms of vision, leadership, self-sacrifice, and above all: PRACTICALITY. Even people who speak of introducing varnashrama-dharma are generally clueless as to it's most basic practical mechanisms, let alone being practical in it's implementation.


As to humility, surrender, and non-violence... I think Srila Prabhupada was far more "militant" than his American ex-dopehead hippie followers ever imagined. Yet it does not mean that we need to follow a truly militant path in order to have a major impact on the world - nowadays this is hardly advisable or even required. With the internet for example, we could reach millions of people in a matter of days with our ideas. But we must have vision and ideas that truly appeal to people instead of the same old paradigms that worked with the hippies in 1960's.

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