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how to activate first chakra

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Dear Badday,


I am assuming that you know that before activating second chakra or anty other chakra first must be activated. Chakras can only be activated in the sequence. If your root chakra is not activated no other chakra can be activated as the energy to activate any chakra comes from the mula the root - and that is why it is called the root.


Once you activate the root the reat of the chakras are relatevely easy. You need to only direct the kundalini energy to the respective centres and stablise there the kundalini power will automatically activate those centres.


The techniques of directing to and stabilising in of the kundalini in various chakras are all essentially same - Dharana. You need to mentally think of required centre and fix your attention unwavering on that center for long enough time. You can use the centre's pictorial discription for this Dharana exercise. Visualisu the petals of the centres in the appropriate colour and the appropriate letter inscribed on them and the like.


When you mentally conscentrate in any centres - or even any part of the body - with single focused attention for long, the energy surges to that place. This is the basic technique. This technique is enough to activate different centres.


However for different yogic centre different hatayoga Krias are available. - you can learn them from Hata yoga texts, if you are interested in them. ( they are physical exercises in nature along with pranayama - in any case they are not self sufficient with out the mental technique. However they could facilitate the process along with the mental technique.)



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Hello there....



it's really great that Human is getting spiritual these days than in the past days....



books can be a help to acquire knowledge on Kundalini...but activation demands Ur determination....can U remain celibate ???


Well, i don't mean that house holders can not activate it....only the speed decreases ....up to the 40%........efficiency really matters ....!!!



We need a Guru who,even if our Kundalini travels in wrong ways, can lead it to the right path...can guide us on it....


such Guru is nearly impossible to find...



Well, still we can experience it through meditations and Yogas....


Keep it up mate

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  • 5 weeks later...


Yes, I've found SIR SWAMI SHIVANANDA KUNDALINI YOGA to be a very useful book!


try also



Swami Satyananda Saraswati



pm me if you want link to this book


man i got so many books , but im just so lazy to study:)

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  • 3 months later...

After going through all the conversations of "passionate freak", i found it quiet impressive. He had got good knowledge as such towards kundalini and chakras. I believe in sharing knowledge and thoughts. I can see that the same is been done by him/her for every one which is inturn a good thing which would certainly help people from not getting into misleading / misguidance. Some day we would surely fall into a discussion with respect to certain things which exits, can be felt but can't be prooved due to certain reasons.


thanks once again "passionate freak" may god bless you. keep going.

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  • 5 months later...


It's hard to tell what fits to you. But, the bast way to activate mooladhara chakra is, that you first activate ajna chakra (names for ajna chakra are also: 7th chakra, guru chakra, third eye, command center, gyana chakshu, triveni, wisdom eye and Shivas eye). Ayna and mooladhara chakra are somehow connected, that meens, that when you activating ajna chakra, mooladhara chakra is activating too. Why it is good that you first activate ajna chakra? Because you will understand what is happening in you. Very good techniqu is trataka and jala neti kriya. Sure there are others, but these are tehchniqus that are very strong and resoults can be achived and seen very quickly!


And, when ajna is activated, your progres will be much qickly with other chakras!


Ajna is center where intuition and wisdom are developed. Concentration become much higher and so on.


i also practised meditation on ajna chakra n trataka i got my kundalini awakened for a short period of time but now i fear to do it bcoz it can lead to any insane thing if not dun properly without a guru :)

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You can also see this site. swamij dot com


Gives very good information about YOG, KUNDALINI and the way to start the basics. Kundalini Jagran is way ahead its long way. First you need to understand yourself very well and turn on the right path. Its a complete change. Its to go deep inside you.



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There's a reason why Ganesha guards the door to the muladhara.. Any conscious kundalini practice is helped with his worship.. .. There are few spiritual teachers on the planet who are prepared to spend 24/7 teaching aspirants.. if one finds one they are lucky.. Before kundalini practice, one should be firmly established in their lifestyle, sattwic diet, sattwic activity..one should understand the technique of prayanama in case the solar or lunar channel get unbalanced in the awakening.. one should not lead a social lifestyle because it causes too much disturbance, one should limit cause of disturbance in all forms... .. penance and abstinence in sex is required if you have an attachment to it, but if you are married you don't have to abstain utterly if it is not a weakness or attachment. one should be firm about their ishta deva who is to be worshipped during the kundalini practice.. one should be very disciplined in their lifestyle and practice and try to acquire more knowledge on the subject as they are practicing.. kundalini awakening is not the be all and end all to spiritual liberation.. it helps one realise the omniprescence of god fully rather than just speculating on it.. but there is work to do after it is awakened ie. after it has risen fully to the crown chakra to achieve samadhi.. one can see it as a helpful achievement on the spiritual path.. if one is not serious on the spiritual path and wants to awaken the chakra just for its material benefits then one should not practice any type of kundalini awakening because it can lead to wrong attachment, and it is unlikely to raise very high anyway. even if one raises the kundalini that does not indicate mastery over any particular chakra.. that is a deep work in progress that has to continue regardless of samadhi experiences or not.. sincere devotion to one's deity will take care of the kundalini, so one does not need to obssess about that.. one should focus on god before anything else.

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Sahaja Yoga Online Meditation (KUNDALINI)



Hindi online realization program.

It gives us an immense pleasure to announce that this Saturday on 30th May 2009 8:00 IST the online self realization program will be conducted in Hindi. It is requested , may we try to invite and involve as many new people as possible to attend this unique programme on their computers especially designed to cater to the needs of the seeker who would like to enjoy it in Hindi version.

Let us ensure and try to help explore maximum participation for this program. This is the first ever 'Public program' being conducted in Hindi on the internet. On its success, encouraging response and feedback further efforts can be initiated in this direction.

The program approximately covers around 45 minutes. It includes introduction to Sahaja Yoga by Mother .Also covers a few clippings from 'Ramayana' TV serial by Ramanad Sagar to illustrate the essence of initiation of Self Realization process to the new seekers who desires it.


Therefore, it is requested to our global family members of Sahaja Yoga , friends and others desirous of receiving their Self Realization may like to join this program on this Saturday (30 May '09) 8 am.IST.

http://www.sahajayo gameditation. tv

Sahaja Yoga

\" You just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It's all built in within you. Allow it to work out." -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ............ ........for more details visit : http://www.sahajayo ga.org

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you'd better look for the Guru first who can guide you on the path.

first you gotta be determined...

the simplest of all is practice Kundalini Yoga, which is rarely available in easily available Gurus... this is the tough path pal...i'm too practicing the Kundalini Yoga...


first be dermined why ??? when??? what does it worth??? what you can do for it???


the first of all the rules is Celibacy, can U do it ...then jump over.Just don't let yourself into the revery. Be prepared to renounce the bad things in you deep rooted....




keep on hitting here.... i'm here... and i can guide you to the real person who has awakened the Sahashrara Chakra and can relate anyone to this...


so do u know a person who has awakened the sahasrar chakra can u pls tell me i m in search of a guru my email is coolsurprise@live.com pls help me

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try also



Swami Satyananda Saraswati



pm me if you want link to this book


man i got so many books , but im just so lazy to study:)

sorry i cant pm u... i m new member tell me which books u hav i will like to know them n i want the link to kundalini tantra by swami satyananda saraswati my email is coolsurprise@live.com

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try also



Swami Satyananda Saraswati



pm me if you want link to this book


man i got so many books , but im just so lazy to study:)


also this book by swami muktananda THE PLAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS is very nice i m searching 4 it

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  • 3 weeks later...



With due respect it's you who seems ignorant; please refer to the book 'Kundalini Tantra' by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. He clearly explains the reason why the third eye needs to be activated before activating other chakras.




If you dunno the facts then why the heck you people keep on posting shit like this? This is a vulnerable subject.


But if you are to say that one is to meditate on third eye to activate any Chakra then okay if not and hitting like you seem, then you are a dumb.


sorry for all the harsh words but it was needed.

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  • 4 weeks later...


i also practised meditation on ajna chakra n trataka i got my kundalini awakened for a short period of time but now i fear to do it bcoz it can lead to any insane thing if not dun properly without a guru :)

Hi, u r right. nowadays everybody is talking about kundalini awakening. does everybody really know the meaning of it. it takes many many years of tough sadana, after what a yogi can awaken kundalini. it is very dangerous to practice it without leading a satvwik life. one can really really go mad. so please take care.

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