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This Curse is on Me

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I certainly hope you don't consider my posts an 'extreme attack'. Somehow this has gotten off of a discussion regarding what should be revealed to a neophyte audience as determined by the advanced Vaisnavas and instead has broken into sectarian nonsense.



...instead has broken into sectarian nonsense



Thus in the devotional sphere just as in mundane spheres the Internet tears down walls.


It seems you are becoming defensive. We are trying to use the internet to "tear down walls". What walls? The wall of sectarianism. The idea that in the Information Age of Instant electronic communication the different maths or sects of Sri Saraswat Gaudiya Vaisnavism can continue to exist and preach to the public as if in a vacuum. Such a vacuum may have existed when the disciples of one guru never came into contact with the disciples of another guru some 100 miles apart. But those days are long over and were even over in the 1940s which is how long ago some of these disputes began. These sectarian disputes are draining the life blood out of Sri Saraswat Gaudiya Vaisnavism in this era and they are anachronistic. Things will only get better when this historical anachronism is resolved. I believe that the irony of the entire matter is that Srila B.V. Swami Prabhupada's model for ISKCON was in fact a more modern evolved system for spreading and maintaining a Krsna Concious society.

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I certainly hope you don't consider my posts an 'extreme attack'. Somehow this has gotten off of a discussion regarding what should be revealed to a neophyte audience as determined by the advanced Vaisnavas and instead has broken into sectarian nonsense.


There "gurus" and their followers who say that Prabhupada did not give us "everything". I have often wondered if they ever read the Sri Caitanya Caritamrta and Srila Prabhupada's purports. Even Krsna Book for that matter.

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It seems you are becoming defensive. We are trying to use the internet to "tear down walls". What walls? The wall of sectarianism. The idea that in the Information Age of Instant electronic communication the different maths or sects of Sri Saraswat Gaudiya Vaisnavism can continue to exist and preach to the public as if in a vacuum. Such a vacuum may have existed when the disciples of one guru never came into contact with the disciples of another guru some 100 miles apart. But those days are long over and were even over in the 1940s which is how long ago some of these disputes began. These sectarian disputes are draining the life blood out of Sri Saraswat Gaudiya Vaisnavism in this era and they are anachronistic. Things will only get better when this historical anachronism is resolved. I believe that the irony of the entire matter is that Srila B.V. Swami Prabhupada's model for ISKCON was in fact a more modern evolved system for spreading and maintaining a Krsna Concious society.


No, I'm not defensive. Defensive of what exactly? I have no real knowledge or position on all of this. How is it part of my devotional life? IMO it's not. But how we should approach sastra intrests me, and I'd rather discuss that. I was just saying I hope you didn't think I was in any sort of attack mode, 'extreme attack' as you said. If so, I should alter the way I'm communicating because that definitely wasn't my intention.

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Yes, and it wasn't Swami Maharaj that mistreated him when he rightly opposed it in Nabadwip.

Yes you are correct, your post is not really extreme. But you are required to take the postion of your math otherwise you are "unchaste". The followers of the other math are required to take their math's position. Your position is condemning towards Narayana Maharaja, but his position is not condemning towards Govinda Maharaja and he (Narayana Maharaja) desires that this conflict will be healed. The only true resolution is to understand that the conflict over Rathayatra in Navadvipa is a manifestion of a conflict over divine service which is going on in a higher realm. Inhabitants of the lower realm of kannisthas such as us cannot really understand these things so as B. V. Prabhupada has said it is dangerous for us to take sides between higher devotees in this regard. When one guru is called a sahajiya this makes the resolution impossible. Perhaps we should wonder if the only reason B.V. Prabhupada took sanyassa from B.P Kesava Maharaja was that Sridhar Maharaja was too close to his family? After all the sanyassa mantra gives entrance into radha-dasyam, so there might be a chance that it does matter from who one receives that mantram. Could it be that Sridhar Maharaja while giving another installment on the next level avoided certain topics based on the experience and adhikara of the audience at that time in the early and mid-eighties? Is Sridhar Maharaja dynamic or static? Also it was Sridhar Maharaja himself who said, "we cannot get everything from one guru". So even if we are chlidlike and prohibited from venturing outside of our father's property line, why are we imposing this on everyone? And then we are wondering why many of Prabhupada's and Sridhar Maharaja's disciples go elsewhere for devotional instruction? You say that you don't know much about ISKCON, but then what do you know of it's Prabhupada? Yet if it wasn't for Prabhupada you and I never would have heard of the Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math or Krsna Consciousness. Never in a billion lifetimes!

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Perhaps we should wonder if the only reason B.V. Prabhupada took sanyassa from B.P Kesava Maharaja was that Sridhar Maharaja was too close to his family? After all the sanyassa mantra gives entrance into radha-dasyam, so there might be a chance that it does matter from who one receives that mantram.




This is hilarious


Don't you realize that B.P Kesava Maharaja took sannyasa from Sridhar Maharaja?


Narayana Maharaja got his sannyasa mantra from Kesava Maharaja, and Kesava Maharaja got sannyasa mantra from Sridhar Maharaja.

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Shakti-fan, the curse is on you and maybe me. You either "Know" or have heard too much from too many sources. Its really not about knowing every thing about everything. The simple devotees who just render menial service to their gurudeva are better situated me thinks. And Brajeshwara, one thing that Shakti-fan is definitely right about is that when you come to Audarya, Spiritual Forums, you are definitely outside the property line of your father, guru. It's a free for all out here. Every man, women and child for themselves or their guru etc etc.

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Perhaps we should wonder if the only reason B.V. Prabhupada took sanyassa from B.P Kesava Maharaja was that Sridhar Maharaja was too close to his family? After all the sanyassa mantra gives entrance into radha-dasyam, so there might be a chance that it does matter from who one receives that mantram.


Didn't you know Srila Prabhupada also approached Bhaktivilasa Tirtha Maharaja and asked for sannyasa? He did that before he went to Keshava Maharaja.


Maybe Srila Prabhupada was thinking that it is important who you get the mantra from. So he went to a Manjari so you can enter into radha-dasyam. Perhaps that is true.


After all, Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura said Bhaktivilasa Tirtha Maharaja is really "Bimala Manjari". He wrote this in a letter and you can see that letter if you go to Chaitanya Matha. Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura said that Bhaktivilasa Tirtha Maharaja is an eternal servant of his and that I (Bhaktisiddhanta, or Nayana Manjari) am always served by Bimala Manjari. He wrote that in a letter. Go and read it if you're interested in attaining Manjari bhava.


But somehow I think this "manjari mantra" theology coming from shakti-fan is dubioius.

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This is hilarious


Don't you realize that B.P Kesava Maharaja took sannyasa from Sridhar Maharaja?


Narayana Maharaja got his sannyasa mantra from Kesava Maharaja, and Kesava Maharaja got sannyasa mantra from Sridhar Maharaja.

Yes, you are correct. Sometimes we need a proof reader. I needed to explain that in my thesis. Yet still, B.V. Prabhupada was pushed towards taking the mantram from Kesava Maharaja. I was making the point that there may be a deeper reason for Prabhupada taking sanyassa from Kesava Maharaja. This doesn't mean that he wasn't very close to Sridhar Maharaja but rather he was very close to both. It is an historical fact that he was also very close to both Narayana Maharaja and Govinda Maharaja. There are those who claim that Prabhupada attended Navadvipa Rathayatra in the early '50s. At any rate he certainly brought the Rathayatra to the west and performed it as a child in Calcutta. Prabhupada was not entirely one with Sridhar Maharaja or Kesava Maharaja. Every pure devotee is a distinct individual. Yet is historically true that Sridhar Maharaja's and Kesava Maharaja's relationship became strained at least from the external viewpoint. I was just really trying to raise the point that Kesava Maharaja and Prabhupada may have had a very similar conception of Rathayatra which is distinct from Sridhar Maharaja's. How could they have not seen that the inhabitants of Vrndavana would not be distressed by seeing the

Ratha carts approaching for it would remind them of Akrura? Perhaps Sridhar Maharaja is not stating an objective fact but rather expressing a subjective internal mood. If it was an objective fact, how could both Kesava Maharaja and Prabhupada hold Rathayatra outside of Jagannatha Puri? When informed of Sridhar Maharaja's conception of this did they think that he was foolish. Some how I don't think so. Focusing on Rathayatra in Navadvipa (Vrndavana) for a moment, is it possible that in Kesava Maharaja's internal conception that when he sees the Ratha carts approaching he doesn't become fearful of Krsna being taken from Vrndavana but rather sees Krsna returning to Vrndavana? Are we only seeing that this is a question of siddhanta but rather it is relative to ones internal serving mood. And if this is true, is our squabbling over such an issue from the external viewpoint a sure sign of our mundanity? I don't think that my thoughtless ommission negates the entire premise.

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Didn't you know Srila Prabhupada also approached Bhaktivilasa Tirtha Maharaja and asked for sannyasa? He did that before he went to Keshava Maharaja.


Maybe Srila Prabhupada was thinking that it is important who you get the mantra from. So he went to a Manjari so you can enter into radha-dasyam. Perhaps that is true.


After all, Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura said Bhaktivilasa Tirtha Maharaja is really "Bimala Manjari". He wrote this in a letter and you can see that letter if you go to Chaitanya Matha. Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura said that Bhaktivilasa Tirtha Maharaja is an eternal servant of his and that I (Bhaktisiddhanta, or Nayana Manjari) am always served by Bimala Manjari. He wrote that in a letter. Go and read it if you're interested in attaining Manjari bhava.


Here you adopt the theory and do a better job proving it than do I.



But somehow I think this "manjari mantra" theology coming from shakti-fan is dubioius.


Here you put me in the position of a closed minded individual who has accepted the theory on the level of a theology. By doing this you distance yourself from the theory so that no one will call you a sahajiya. It's similar to the early 1950's McCarthy era in the United States when to be called a Communist could ruin someones life. I think that they call it a witchhunt.

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Some people like to think that all the Acaryas see things in exactly the same way.


Puru always copy-pastes slabs of text from the scriptures saying that.


But that idea isn't the full story, not by a long measure.


When Srila Kaviraja Goswami told us Srivasa was minimizing the greatness of Vraja-lila and praising the greatness of Laxmidevi over the Vraja-gopis in CC Madhya 14.203, Kaviraja Goswami revealed to us that different devotees should be offered respect (sometimes from a distance) as they go on with their particular service. However he also taught us to recognize that there is diversity of sentiment in the spiritual lila.


What really causes a disturbance is when someone comes along and says "My Guru is the Greatest" and then expects everyone to join their group.


Devotees should realize it is wrong to assert that everyone should follow "My" Guru. Even if "My Guru" is Srila Prabhupada if you go about asserting that "My Guru" is the best it can cause aggravation .


Live and let live.

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I did not condemn Narayan Maharaj, I don't know much about it and don't look to know more about it either.


Then you should make sure that you don't read mine or anyone else's posts because don't know what kind of ideas or information you might come across. It that is the case then of what value are your replies to other person's posts? Beggar made a good point to you a little while back. Did you read it? Your outside your guru's (father's) property when your on a forum like this where there are devotees from various camps. Sometimes Audarya Fellowship, Spiritual Forums can be like "swimming with the sharks" but one must be open minded in some sense at least. Otherwise if everyone is completely set in their ideas, it becomes a static condition where various competing ideas only clash. A dynamic condition allows for some give and take communication. In that condition the thesis will naturally meet it anithesis and a synthesis will arise. In a sense this is a "college level" Krsna Consciousness debating (discussion) league. If one's faith in guru gauranga is young and fragile they could be in spiritual jeopardy in this and any other similar field. At any rate, be forewarned, this is not a place for everyone.

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Some people like to think that all the Acaryas see things in exactly the same way.


Puru always copy-pastes slabs of text from the scriptures saying that.


But that idea isn't the full story, not by a long measure.


When Srila Kaviraja Goswami told us Srivasa was minimizing the greatness of Vraja-lila and praising the greatness of Laxmidevi over the Vraja-gopis in CC Madhya 14.203, Kaviraja Goswami revealed to us that different devotees should be offered respect (sometimes from a distance) as they go on with their particular service. However he also taught us to recognize that there is diversity of sentiment in the spiritual lila.


What really causes a disturbance is when someone comes along and says "My Guru is the Greatest" and then expects everyone to join their group.


Devotees should realize it is wrong to assert that everyone should follow "My" Guru. Even if "My Guru" is Srila Prabhupada if you go about asserting that "My Guru" is the best it can cause aggravation .


Live and let live.

Yes, very true. But devotees will alway think that their guru is the best, ma guru jagat guru. Still some individuals are not in a frozen position and are at least willing to consider other poster's ideas. Some are not. Look at my reply to Brajeshwara Prabhu just posted.

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Then you should make sure that you don't read mine or anyone else's posts because don't know what kind of ideas or information you might come across. It that is the case then of what value are your replies to other person's posts? Beggar made a good point to you a little while back. Did you read it? Your outside your guru's (father's) property when your on a forum like this where there are devotees from various camps. Sometimes Audarya Fellowship, Spiritual Forums can be like "swimming with the sharks" but one must be open minded in some sense at least. Otherwise if everyone is completely set in their ideas, it becomes a static condition where various competing ideas only clash. A dynamic condition allows for some give and take communication. In that condition the thesis will naturally meet it anithesis and a synthesis will arise. In a sense this is a "college level" Krsna Consciousness debating (discussion) league. If one's faith in guru gauranga is young and fragile they could be in spiritual jeopardy in this and any other similar field. At any rate, be forewarned, this is not a place for everyone.


You misunderstand me. I don't wish to cause any offense to your guru, I don't wish to investigate every scandal or drama between the various Maths. This isn't why I'm here so I don't seek out that sort of discussion. I however can handle hearing about it no problem, go ahead and say what you will, enjoy yourself. If aparadha is commited hopefully I won't be part of it. To me that is the risk so I would rather tread lightly. I joined in the discussion in this thread because the subject was interesting, sadly it is no longer on topic but so it goes on the web. I'm all for give and take, but there is a point where maybe it's better not to say anything and pay your respects from a distance.

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Yes, very true. But devotees will alway think that their guru is the best, ma guru jagat guru. Still some individuals are not in a frozen position and are at least willing to consider other poster's ideas. Some are not. Look at my reply to Brajeshwara Prabhu just posted.


:rolleyes: Yes your mind is so open and mind is so closed. Such an enlightened stance to take! How generous!! I'll concur that I am low and bereft of understanding, but it would be wise to rethink your own position.

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What really causes a disturbance is when someone comes along and says "My Guru is the Greatest" and then expects everyone to join their group.


Devotees should realize it is wrong to assert that everyone should follow "My" Guru. Even if "My Guru" is Srila Prabhupada if you go about asserting that "My Guru" is the best it can cause aggravation .


Ditto with the "My Guru is Caitya Guru" camp. Guru is one. Guru is more dear to Krsna than His very Self. I have read that if one serves his Guru while offending other Gurus, it is compared to offering a flower to Krsna in the right hand and smiting Him with the left. All camps would be wise to be respectful, even if from a distance.

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Harmonizing Different Standards Among Gaudiya Maths (Excerpt)

Sripad Bhakti Alok Paramadvaiti Maharaja, disciple of Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja, Sannyasa disciple of Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Maharaja (also siksa guru), and siksa disciple of Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Maharaja.



With the translations of many books and songs for Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj's world-wide movement, the worship of Krishna gradually took on different variations. Who could forget the beautiful Govinda song composed by George Harrison which Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj introduced in his temples for the greetings of the deities. In addition, in Africa people celebrated the leading devotees as tribal chiefs, and in Brazil everybody brought their samba instruments to join in Lord Chaitanya's kirtan.

Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj's style of preaching in the West was very revolutionary; but his own guru's suggestions for preaching had not been any less revolutionary. To open ashrams for Vaisnava ladies was quite unique. Yet, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur had already spoken about their existence and necessity in Prema Pradip .

This quality of adaptation is not new to our sampradaya. Over the years, different branches of the Gaudiya Math have developed many styles of kirtan, artik, puja, and preaching techniques. Both Srila Narottam Das Thakur and Srila Syamananda Prabhu developed particular kirtan styles. Vaisnavas of different areas also chanted their bhajans in their respective languages, and the influence of their local cultures became noticeable. Manipuri Vaisnavas and Orissa Vaisnavas are examples of this.

The soul's craving for love of God is her constitutional right, but in the external world everything changes to some degree. Even deity styles, temple constructions, styles of Vaisnava book publishing, festivals, and prasadam recipes change. While visiting different Gaudiya Maths, I noticed that they chanted different songs for their morning worship, and that the artik was also carried out with subtle variation. Some had the guru-parampara on the altar starting from the right side, some started from the left; some had a picture of Vamsidas Babaji Maharaj, some did not. Once I witnessed my sannyas guru, Srila Sridhar Maharaj, eat a piece of pizza out of love for his Western lady disciple. All in all, I understood that we are only interested in the essence. Neophyte devotees have the tendency to think that something can only be done in one particular way but, in truth, an empowered preacher may make adjustments according to time, place, and circumstance.

Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupad states that all bona fide spiritual masters teach the same essence of Krishna Consciousness even though the details may change. If the essence is present in a preaching mission and there is no deviation in the siddhanta, the details of delivering that essence should be happily accepted. This may not always be easy to understand. When I first heard of Straight-edge hard-core music for Krishna I was horrified by the idea. Then, when I met young people who were totally convinced of Vaisnavism due to their contacts with this music scene, I recognized my narrow-mindedness in this regard. Today, many Vaisnava rock groups have affiliated with our temples and help bring many souls closer to the Holy Name of Krishna.

We have to judge things by their results. We cannot expect all devotees of the Lord to act in the same way. Krishna loves variety. If, however, He is displeased with some adjustment made in a mission, it will come to be known soon or later. As long as we do not forget the essence of Krishna Consciousness, all differences can be harmonized with a generous mind. In this way, we will see that Lord Chaitanya's plan is really for the whole world; and we will not be surprised of all the new variations that arise as Krishna conquers the hearts of people around the world.

Brihat Kirtan

Harmonizing the devotional community could be compared to harmonizing a large kirtan. An inspirational kirtan requires the cooperation of many different types of devotees under proper guidance and conception. It is the responsibility of spiritual authorities with vision to arrange the kirtan with everyone's benefit in mind. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur states that the more advanced devotees should lead the kirtan so that everyone may benefit. A devotee should not lead a kirtan simply to satisfy his ambitious, passionate nature, ignoring more qualified devotees. Fancy mirdanga playing with excessively loud beats that drown out the chanting and call too much attention to the player are also to be avoided. The instruments used are meant to support the chanting of the Holy Names: the focus and center of any kirtan being the Name of Krishna. The yuga dharma is coming together to glorify Krishna through his Names and the Name should be the prominent vibration supported by all other vibrations.

Life in a community, like a kirtan, requires constant harmonization and protection. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupad used to hold meetings in which disciples who did not appreciate each other had to say something good about the other person. Srila Sridhar Maharaj also taught us that it is simply a waste of time to go adjust the environment - to adjust everything and everyone around ourselves. Time is better spent 'oiling our own machine' or working on our own Krishna Consciousness. Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj changed forever the lifes of countless Westerners by his personal example.

The Title Prabhupad

In my experience in the Gaudiya Math I have often come across mixed feelings with respect to Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj being called Prabhupad by his disciples in front of his godbrothers, or, on the other hand, the not calling him Prabhupad by his godbrothers. Overall, I believe the topic of who can be called Prabhupad and when one can be called by that name can be harmonized quite easily.

We all know that the title Srila Prabhupad has been given to great acharyas in our sampradaya in the past. (Even other caste Goswamis use it for their gurus.) Every spiritual master is also considered a great acharya by his disciples and, as a representative of his guru's line, he is no more or less than other spiritual masters. Whatever name or title a spiritual master accepts to be called by his disciples is really of no business to his godbrothers. But, as godbrothers, they also have a valid name for him. This sentiment is understandable in that it would bring about equal confusion for each of us if one of our godbrothers began being called the very same name which we are accustomed to use for our guru. It is for this reason that Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj's godbrothers call him Swami Maharaj to this day. Since this book is meant for all members of the Gaudiya Math family, we have also used his original sannyas name.

It should be understood that it is never a mistake to call one's guru by the name one has learned, but in front of the guru's godbrothers it is the proper etiquette to call him by the name known by his godbrothers. The disciple should also learn not to feel disturbed or upset when his guru's godbrother call his guru by their private brotherly name. Sometimes a godbrother may make an exception to encourage the disciples of his godbrother, or he may have accepted his godbrother as his siksa guru and thus also call him his guru name. Such a behavior, however, should not be expected. Nor should we be surprised if other great Vaisnavas do not consider our guru to have the same exclusive importance as we do.

Only if such a standard can be introduced will missions and leaders be able to freely associate with respect and a strong sentiment of Unity in Diversity. I think that is what all of us really aspire for. After the physical departure of even the most powerful acharyas in the world, the Vaisnava world is the only hope for disciples to happily continue in separation from their guru. This is my understanding of proper Vaisnava etiquette regarding names of gurus; and it is my heartfelt wish that we can all create a VVRS-WVA environment where the non offensive Vaisnavas will share with each other and help to protect each other's preaching efforts and successes.

Every acharya will always be seen in the light of the contribution he gave to the sampradaya. There is no need to demonstrate the importance of our gurus by attaching numbers of exclusive titles and glorification to his name. On the other hand, if some disciples feel comfortable by glorifying their guru with many titles, we should be generous enough to accept that. However, let me ask you a question. Why is nobody anxious to attach many titles to Narada Muni or Sukadev Goswami when they speak about them? I fear that as long as we make the names an issue of contempt, we are not really in contact with the substance.

Divine Reconciliation

Vaisnavas of the world unite for an increased effort to save the conditioned souls from their karmic reactions. Let us all create the loving network which will properly exhibit the dignity of the supreme Lord Sri Krishna and all his empowered beloved sons and daughters. The Visva Vaisnava Raj Sabha - World Vaisnava Association is the perfect forum through which we can all associate within the plan of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore, let us join together at meetings, Melas, and festivals of the VVRS-WVA. Let us share our preaching accomplishments and encourage each other by hearing from each other. When Srila Sukadev Goswami spoke, all the sages of India came to listen. It is well known that the lord conveys his blessings through his devotees. Thus, we need each other's association. Taking a straw between my lips I fall at your feet and beg you not to deprive all of us of your holy association.

If we can present the world with the religious culture of the Vedic tradition and a new strength of Unity in Diversity, we will all sing and dance with increased happiness. Strong, independent acharyas and Vaisnava missions will all stand up for the one truth of Love Supreme. They will do so not to control each other, but to exhibit the glories of this living tradition which continuously grows as more and more people with Vaisnava faith work to carry on the sacred tradition of the guru parampara. Additional facilities such as the Internet allow for Vaisnavas to communicate with each other all over the world. It also allows for the accessibility of information on Vaisnava missions and their literature for the majority of households in the world.

Whatever differences may have existed in the past are instrumental in the growth of our transcendental understandings. Broadmindedness and Vaisnava love, beyond the limits of one mission or another, is a symptom of an advanced Vaisnava. It will not always be easy, and some problems will not be resolved in a day, but this is not important. The effort is the glory in itself which protects us from any failure.

All true Vaisnavas are members of this sanga. No formalities are required to be a part of it. But, if we want this forum to be more effective, it will take many qualified Vaisnavas to invest a lot of energy and ideas. All volunteers should try to meet and gather further strength and ideas to make all Vaisnavas happy. In this way the Vaisnava world will further enhance the Golden age of the spiritual renaissance begun by Lord Sri Chaitanya in this age of Kali.

Again, I beg to be forgiven for the omissions and possible mistakes made in this presentation. Time has been short and we want to offer this publication to you in the year of the 100 birthday of Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Maharaj, the President of the VVRS-WVA. All Glories to him and to all the living disciples of Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur. They have done a marvelous job to help this sanga come together and have blessed us with their association and encouragement. They, and all the Vaisnavas make living in this world bearable. We fall at their feet and pray for causeless blessings. Let the glorious kirtan of the Gaudiya Math branches embrace the world, so that the jivas may discover real Love.


Full Article: http://www.vrindavan.org/English/Books/GM/GMIV.html

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When all these minimal differences are noted between the acaryas, there is no need to start drawing comparisons in terms of mundane perceptions. When I need stability concerning views of this type, the non-controversies, I consult Sriman Bhaktialoka Paramadwaiti Swami, for stability, for getting a grip on what is meant by the tree of many branches, by what is meant by unity in diversity.


Thanks for reprinting his article here. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


PS His views on these topics are very compatible with the actual "non-sectarian" status of Krsna Consciousness, absolute requirement of Sri Chaitanya, the Goswamis, on down the line. I highly recommend studying his nicely presented compositions.

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