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HELP- cutting cords from Guru

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Dear devotees, please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and to all the pure vaisnava Acharayas.


I desperately need advice on how to cut the subtle cord between my Guru (who I have recently given up) and I. The spiritual connection has been broken but now I find that he has subtly corded me through the heart chakra so I can't be free of him. I can feel the cord going out through my back and into my heart chakra, and it is causing a slight pain/ache in the centre of my back, in the area behind my heart. I feel that because because the cord is from my back it is harder for me to cut. I have read several articles on the web about how to do meditation on cutting such cords but its not working; maybe I should keep doing them?


I fear that because this 'guru' is powerful in accumulated siddhis, it is not going to be easy for me to get rid of him. I asked him to get rid of it but he flatly denies it doing it. For some reason he refuses to let me go on the subtle level. Because the connection was so strong for so long I fear that my own feelings of affection and gratitude have not totally gone despite the subsequent bad things that happened in the latter part of my connection to my former guru, and that these feelings are feeding the strength of this subtle connection.


Please will someone give me some advice on how to cut the connection once and for all. I am 100% ready to say goodbye to this relationship and it is really dragging me down and stopping me from moving on in my life- something which I desperately need to do. Anyone may wonder why I gave up the guru, I will just say that he had severely fallen down and staying was starting to make me fall down as well, so I left.


Please can anyone give me the wisdom of their past experiences in cutting such a connection? Or any knowledge from the shastra of what I should do. I'm desperate for feedback, so please reply to this thread.



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Some spiritual teachers have said that it takes about 7 years for a psychic tube connection between people to end, or as long as it took for the relationship to form.


Some cultures say that we have these aka cords between all of us; some spiritual teachers called it the odic force. Is sticky like magnet. The attraction between people and things and objects.


Versus purely spiritual connection is called actinic force. Well anyways what can you do? One is just be aware if you accept this person as a teacher at one time then you put some love, trust, feelings into that person. So perhaps you have forever mixed bag reaction to their input in your life.


Like some people looked up to their parents, then as they got older they think their parents ruined their life, then older still they see well not so bad compared to Idi Amin or Pol Pot or mass murderer for a parent, then as they get even older they meet other people hear similar story or worse story and they appreciate: well could have been worse..or..at least I learn one good thing from this person.


Or some cultures say a bad teacher can give a good teaching. Like not qualified in realization or expert character or highly evolved ethical dealings put still pointed you in right direction.


So one thing is give it time. Also try some books like Spiritual Emergency and look up the stages of grief for the intellectual understanding. For the spiritual understanding many options, you may want to surround yourself with things that you know to be true and pure, such as mantras appropriate for general public that do not require initiation in your lineage.


Or some people so traumatized they just take a hiatus from everything for a while til they sort out up from down and get their bearings straight.


Just that person may be thinking of you and that is why you start thinking of them. So just do like mindful meditation, "So and so may be thinking of me at this moment because I am remembering so and so. I wish him/her well and

godspeed." Just be aware of when you think of them probably they are thinking of you. Just be mindful it may happen.


Then that person took up alot of your time, reach out for new people or throw yourself into deeper understanding of the scriptures, more immersion in the different limbs of bhakti or whatever your tradition is. Or take care to exercise more, eat properly. See people that you have not seen in a long time due to taking up so much time with guru.


Also some mantras as good like Nrsimha Kavaca mantra or some others are very good for protection. Probably has CD or online recording; I think even the links to this website have CDs of special mantras for crisis periods in our life. Remember that our connection is with God above all and a guru is supposed to just be the one introduce you to God, like a priest at a marriage is not supposed to marry the lady himself.


There are so many nice temples, Deities, bhajans online and even support groups and books for crisis. Avail yourself and this is good mantra also when you find yourself freaking out about the past and worried for the future: "I am all right, right now." Or in other traditions they say, "This too shall pass."


Another good thing is comedy, sometime really manipulative people never allowed us to laugh and by laughing you can reclaim your power. Even one saint The Bliss-Permeated Mother said that pure laughter is very healing and is a type of connection to the Divine. Aum Tat Sat.

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You have to fill your heart with something higher and more powerful than what your guru has deposited in your heart.


If you don't fill your heart with something positive,then the psychic power he has over you will continue.


Re-invent yourself.

Go higher and deeper by filling your heart with Krishna bhakti.


When your heart is full of Krishna bhakti through the process of chanting the Holy Name of Krishna, then the psyhic chains to your previous guru will be broken.

Don't let your mind dwell on the past.

Move forward on the path of divine love of Godhead.


Fill your heart with love for God and you will be free.

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Hare Krsna. Guruvani gives very important information here. There is no void, and there is no happiness in being an empty cup.


When Srila Prabhupada began his movement in the west, his disciples were also trying to cut the cords of their attachments, and these attachments to opulence, sensual pleasure, etc, were very strong. However, despite some protests to the contrary, he did not come here with intention of making folks give up all they held dear. He knew that to prescribe restrictions were useless, and made people miserable, the exact opposite of what people were striving for. Therefore, he gave us the positive program of hearing and chanting the names of the Supreme Lord. The restrictions that are also a part of the sadhana bhakti process come later when a certain purifying process takes place, when a certain fullness because of the positive "sravanam, kirtanam, visnu smaranam" fills ones heart. The restrictions and the giving up of things is referred to in this movement as a "gradual process", and are actually (the regulative principles) a term of entering initiated relationship between guru and spiritual master.


You did not mention your "guru's" line, bnut this does not really matter. He may have been one to grant siddhis or a rascal phony guru, it does not matter. What matters is your happiness, and this can be obtained by engaging in the practice of hearing and chanting the Holy Names of the Supreme Lord. You dont neeed to, as a prerequisite, break all ties to what you are used to.


I have used this "empty cup" example. An empty cup is suicidal, useless, morose, depressed. Everyone needs to feel full. So, we have a process (sadhana bhakti) that displaces whateven one has in their cupos. We dont need to empty our cups to allow bhakti in, because bhakti is the more predominant substance. When bhakti enters, even a dram disinfects whatever poison we carry around. The more pure substance enters stays, and whatever poison is there becomes diluted, until the cup begins to clear, ultimately leaving only the pure substance of love of God.


The key is that we do not engage in some kind of self deprivation, we are not self floggers, we do not do austerity just to torture ourselves. Some systems do, but these systems are actually all linked to black arts, etc. Our positive, albeit gradual, process insists that we always be a full cup, having faith that a purification is taking place even in hard times. My guru maharaja, Srila Prabhupada, used the "jaundice" analogy. The cure for jaundice is rock candy, and it is very bitter at first. We see the results that indicate healing by noticing the sweetness. This may seem as an austerity, but there is no harm from it in any way. There is no cost, there is no need for exorcism from past vampires still wanting to suck your blood. Sriman gHari has also nicely advised that the simple rememberance, hearing about, and uttering "Nitai Gauranga" is an exorcism of the greatest effect.


Anyway, stay here and try to associate with these fine internet teachers. You can see that were are quite normal in that we argue and yell at each other, and seem to be quite mundane, but one and all are full cups, and one and all engage in various degrees in the process of sadhana bhakti, so a certain purification is taking place.


Good fortune to you, hare krsna, ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa

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Dear devotees, please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and to all the pure vaisnava Acharayas.


I desperately need advice on how to cut the subtle cord between my Guru (who I have recently given up) .


just taste a superior nectar

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Dear devotees, please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and to all the pure vaisnava Acharayas.


I desperately need advice on how to cut the subtle cord between my Guru (who I have recently given up) and I. The spiritual connection has been broken but now I find that he has subtly corded me through the heart chakra so I can't be free of him.




just take and proove a superior taste

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Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond. Reading your posts have really helped me. I hope the Lord will help me get away from this person for good.


These days I feel that a serious problem is that many gurus are only madhyam (medium level) vaishnavas, so it is inevitable that they fall down evetunally especially when they deal so intimately with their female disciples. Then there is the issue of forcing yourself to believe that the guru is 'as good as God' and you ignore the warning signs until its too late. The amount of trust and mental intimacy I gave to the guru now leaves me feeling disgusted and defiled at such a core level. I can't believe I had to dragged into this.


Thank you all so much for your well wishes, I so need them. The psychic cords in my back are still there and paining me but I'm just going to try my best to try and be a devotee and hope and pray that the Lord will release me from this bondage if/when He feels me worthy of His mercy. I met this guru in an effort to solve one problem, and now I have left *him* with a worse problem! I can understand now that there's no running away from your karma, no matter how hard you try. It is better to just chant the Holy Names and endure than to prematurely throw yourself into the power of some 'guru'.


I pray that Lord Nityananda will help all orphaned souls. Nitai, Nitai, Nitai, Nitai-Gauranga..#

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Dear devotees, please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and to all the pure vaisnava Acharayas.


I desperately need advice on how to cut the subtle cord between my Guru (who I have recently given up) and I. The spiritual connection has been broken but now I find that he has subtly corded me through the heart chakra so I can't be free of him. I can feel the cord going out through my back and into my heart chakra, and it is causing a slight pain/ache in the centre of my back, in the area behind my heart. I feel that because because the cord is from my back it is harder for me to cut. I have read several articles on the web about how to do meditation on cutting such cords but its not working; maybe I should keep doing them?


I fear that because this 'guru' is powerful in accumulated siddhis, it is not going to be easy for me to get rid of him. I asked him to get rid of it but he flatly denies it doing it. For some reason he refuses to let me go on the subtle level. Because the connection was so strong for so long I fear that my own feelings of affection and gratitude have not totally gone despite the subsequent bad things that happened in the latter part of my connection to my former guru, and that these feelings are feeding the strength of this subtle connection.


Please will someone give me some advice on how to cut the connection once and for all. I am 100% ready to say goodbye to this relationship and it is really dragging me down and stopping me from moving on in my life- something which I desperately need to do. Anyone may wonder why I gave up the guru, I will just say that he had severely fallen down and staying was starting to make me fall down as well, so I left.


Please can anyone give me the wisdom of their past experiences in cutting such a connection? Or any knowledge from the shastra of what I should do. I'm desperate for feedback, so please reply to this thread.




Are you sure that there is an actual spiritual connection between you and your former guru? If your former guru denies it, then perhaps it's just all in your mind. Unless of course, there's something tangible other than slight pain in your back that leads you to think this.

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It is not a spiritual connection- it is subtle. I can feel it like tubes going out from my aura and when it actually happened I psyically jolted as my aura was being forcibally violated. Most disturbingly I have gotten images and emotions from him and even had a moment where I felt I was in his body as I had unconsciously taken up a cross-legged sitting position which he often uses. These subtle cords are so hard to break; I have read that when they're attached to the heart chakra they're especially difficult to break. I've no doubt that this subtle connection exists; so much has been communicated through it which I will not discuss here.

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It is not a spiritual connection- it is subtle. I can feel it like tubes going out from my aura and when it actually happened I psyically jolted as my aura was being forcibally violated. Most disturbingly I have gotten images and emotions from him and even had a moment where I felt I was in his body as I had unconsciously taken up a cross-legged sitting position which he often uses. These subtle cords are so hard to break; I have read that when they're attached to the heart chakra they're especially difficult to break. I've no doubt that this subtle connection exists; so much has been communicated through it which I will not discuss here.


The only thing I know of that is effective enough to clear out your subtle contaminations that are causing this problem is chanting the Maha-mantra : Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare...............but you need to get this mantra from the lips of a living Vaishnava..... it doesn't have to be any personal guru.


Severe austerities help.

Chanting OM is also powerful.


Your own weakness is the only problem.

You need a link with a powerful spiritual sage who can help you cut these ropes of mental attachment to this person.

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You have to fill your heart with something higher and more powerful than what your guru has deposited in your heart.


If you don't fill your heart with something positive,then the psychic power he has over you will continue.


Re-invent yourself.

Go higher and deeper by filling your heart with Krishna bhakti.


When your heart is full of Krishna bhakti through the process of chanting the Holy Name of Krishna, then the psychic chains to your previous guru will be broken.

Don't let your mind dwell on the past.

Move forward on the path of divine love of Godhead.


Fill your heart with love for God and you will be free.

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Cara I know who you are talking about - Mr Better Homes and Gardens


Truly, he has no siddhis.


He is all hot air and fog. The only thing he has going for him is the tribe of deluded followers who believe in him. Like Hitler, he controls people by fear. In Hitler's case he had an army with weapons to back him up but Mr.Prabhufraud has no real power at all. He only has a bunch of totally stupid followers. He is like the Emporer who people are afraid to tell "You aren't wearing any clothes". When people have darshan of him and his wife they think they are seeing someone divine but this Mr Prabhufraud's mentality is totally mundane.

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These are some cure-alls to mitigate difficult situations according to Vedic Jyotish: three forms of dana [charity]


KANYA DAANA - donate clothes, food and/ or money to children. Traditionally the recipient was a female below the age of puberty and the ideal time was on a Thursday or a Friday.


VIDYA DAANA - give free education to someone. Today this would include donate books, supporting someone's education, tuition, scholarships, etc.


ANNA DAANA - donate food to the needy



In Vedic astrology there is the concept of Vimsottari Dasha periods. Sometimes we go through a really rough time. There are different Vedic remedies for these situations prescribed by the rsis. A really good Vedic astrologer can look at your chart and tell you what mantras to do to remedy the influence of maleific planets that influenced your getting into such a situation in the first place. Then you can buy a CD or find online even for free sometimes the mantras of protection like the Narasimha Kavaca Mantra or the Narayana Kavaca Mantra or the Mrtunjaya Mantra.




Some traditions believe that chanting advanced mantras like the HK maha-mantra speeds up your karma if you are a really pure person. And it can be kind of scary what happens to you when you take it upon yourself to speed up your karma faster than it would have normally unfolded on its own.


If a person is enjoying wealth and opposite sex, going to the movies and watching TV as their primary sadhana plus chanting a little HK on the side they are going to get one type of a purification. On the other hand someone following every single thing that the traditional gurus from India said to do, including but not limited to AC Bhaktivedanta Swami, then it gets kind of scary how fast your karma speeds up due to the extreme purification.




If you are sincerely following all of the principles and no maya at all you can develop the type of sensitivity that you are mentioning to people trying to control and manipulate you without a doubt. Getting into these unsavory situations could be the result of speeding up your karma. In fact they talk about this in ashrams and temples, not at the Sunday Feast of course, but when the really serious people are hanging out one on one.


Therefore if you are a really pure person then think about doing some of the cure-all daanas recommended in this post. Because the HK mantra will give you pure love of Godhead. And it is really scary to get on the fast track to pure love of Godhead when you thought all you were doing was going to get nicer facillities for material enjoyment. It's scary to have so much purification come so quickly like one bad acid trip after another such as you describe.



That is why in some traditions they recommend to go slowly and you can smooth out the ride by some of the things mentioned herein. Also that is why some traditions recommend things like don't be in a hurry and maybe you don't even need a guru in this lifetime, because of these really spooky situations that you are describing. Some traditions feel that just reading the books and following the precepts of your tradition is enough especially in this age of Kali, unless you have the astro chart to be a monastic.

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