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Hearing Voices

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I know I have asked this question in the past But there are new people and I would like to get others opinions on this issue.

I hear the voice of my former Buddhist Lama and his wife.. They try with all there might to make me think that I am some monstrous pervert and that my only hope is to be their slave. Being their slave means.. They tell me how to do EVERYTHING.. When to brush my teeth, when to wake up, Whether I should drink a drink.. They butt into all that I do and dare to call it help. Its extremely annoying.. I can do these remedial tasks on my own. its down right insulting. I know that I'm not a monstrous pervert.. I do less than the average male college student in the US. And they dare call me the pervert.. Everytime I find a woman attractive they try to make me think that the reason why I find them attractive is because I want to have sex with them. I know damn well that is not the case. I cannot be humble to these voices.. I will not be their slave.


I need to get rid of them.. I am Diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and I am considered a recovered schizophrenic.. I can live my life on my own with little to no help from the Mental Health center.. However my suffering is still there. I just manage it better than most Schizos. If anyone can give me a suggestion that would be GREATLY appreciated. I am so sick of dealing with these voices.

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The best thing is to lock them out by creating a spiritual atmosphere around you. The primary thing is to chant and read Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Just touching that book will causes the voices to go. Try it next time they come, pick up Bhagavad Gita and feel the effect on the voices. Recite verse 11:36 of Bhagavad Gita and call out "Keshava". Arjuna tells us there that the demons run when they hear the name of Keshava.


Also learn to apply tilak (sacred markings) on 12 parts of your body to protect yourself. And try to stay very clean and rise early in the morning to stay in the mode of sattva (goodness).

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...I am Diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and I am considered a recovered schizophrenic.. I can live my life on my own with little to no help from the Mental Health center.. However my suffering is still there.


If your suffering is still there, the health center should not consider you as recovered. You may still require some medical assistance to come back to normal. Check with them.


The key is to discredit the voices. Talk back to them and tell them you will not listen to them as you attach no value to their words. You should attach no value to what they say as they are not real. That will be most effective in making their presence weaker and if you persist, they will disappear or at least reduce to tolerable levels.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I know I have asked this question in the past But there are new people and I would like to get others opinions on this issue.

I hear the voice of my former Buddhist Lama and his wife.. Everytime I find a woman attractive they try to make me think that the reason why I find them attractive is because I want to have sex with them. I know damn well that is not the case. I cannot be humble to these voices.. I will not be their slave.


I need to get rid of them.. I am Diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and I am considered a recovered schizophrenic.. I can live my life on my own with little to no help from the Mental Health center.. However my suffering is still there. I just manage it better than most Schizos. If anyone can give me a suggestion that would be GREATLY appreciated. I am so sick of dealing with these voices.


In Buddhism, when one dies, he or she is in state of Limbo (up to 30 days or so, unless something powerful hold him/her down), and get reborn in a new existence.


Therefore, it is very unlikely that it is the late Buddhist Llama and his wife is the one bugging you. Well, if you must know some Supernatural Explaination, I could say that "some entities" could choose weak individuals (no offence attended) in state of Mind and Spirit to disturb and control.


If you want psychological explaination, then I could say your sexual urge is getting better of you. :deal:


Sexual Urges are normal for all humans and you are experiencing such urge. My guess is that another side of you felt disgust with such urge, created your own "Spiritual teacher" in form of the Llama (and his wife? I don't think Buddhist monks supposed to marry) which make you feel disgust with yourself.

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My former Buddhist Lama is still alive.. I converted to Hinduism and so now he is my former teacher.


I had past life regression done and one of my lives around the 1800's was a Teenager who had Down Syndrome.. His Dad encouraged him into perverted acts with animals and other sick idea's. My past life was later Hung in front of an angry Mob because He molested small children (Not knowing it was wrong untill the day of his Hanging) So I agree with you somewhat. His Death imprinted a strong impression on my psyche.. So I know why I have voices condemning me for sexual urges that are not present.. It's the reaction in my subconscious mind of the Down Syndrome understanding of what brought him to death. So I hear the suffering cries of my past life. So if I even so much innocently looking at a child my past life interacts.


What I cant figure out is why am I persecuted by the voices of spiritual leaders. I have been thinking about doing another regression but its so damn expensive.


What I really need is how do I get rid of said sufferings.

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There is no need of getting panicked. As and when you ever happen to visit India especially Delhi, do come to my residence for two or three days for one to two hour session for learning nature based meditation from me. If you practice the same every morning and evening daily for half an hour, you should get rid of the voices coming from your teacher. Once you get self-realized through the process of kundalini awakening, and also practice the same on a regular basis, no external force can harm you due to the protective arm of your teacher. Meditation is taught at my residence free of cost.

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There is no need of getting panicked. As and when you ever happen to visit India especially Delhi, do come to my residence for two or three days for one to two hour session for learning nature based meditation from me. If you practice the same every morning and evening daily for half an hour, you should get rid of the voices coming from your teacher. Once you get self-realized through the process of kundalini awakening, and also practice the same on a regular basis, no external force can harm you due to the protective arm of your teacher. Meditation is taught at my residence free of cost.


Is it at all possible you could teach me thru eMail or something?

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