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I love those old men..

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Sripad B.G. Narasingha Maharaja eloquently represents the conception of our guru varga coming through Srila Sridhar Maharaja in this statement:

The measure of ones real devotion is taken from the negative feeling and not from the positive. The less you feel that you have devotion, then the more you actually have it. Or the more you feel that you have devotion, then the less you actually have it. One who thinks he is the lowest is actually the highest and one who thinks he is the highest is actually the lowest.

"I have no love or devotion to Krsna. I am so, unfortunate. If I had even a drop of pure love of Krsna I could not maintain my life in this mundane world for another moment." That should be the tenor of our thought.

The negative feelings of the devotee attract Krsna. In the negative sentiment we find that the devotee has become very meek and humble. Krsna finds this humility very relishable. And where we find the positive feeling, "Yes, I have real devotion" then the devotee becomes puffed up with false pride and Krsna is displeased.

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Sripad B.G. Narasingha Maharaja eloquently represents the conception of our guru varga coming through Srila Sridhar Maharaja in this statement:

The measure of ones real devotion is taken from the negative feeling and not from the positive. The less you feel that you have devotion, then the more you actually have it. Or the more you feel that you have devotion, then the less you actually have it. One who thinks he is the lowest is actually the highest and one who thinks he is the highest is actually the lowest.

"I have no love or devotion to Krsna. I am so, unfortunate. If I had even a drop of pure love of Krsna I could not maintain my life in this mundane world for another moment." That should be the tenor of our thought.

The negative feelings of the devotee attract Krsna. In the negative sentiment we find that the devotee has become very meek and humble. Krsna finds this humility very relishable. And where we find the positive feeling, "Yes, I have real devotion" then the devotee becomes puffed up with false pride and Krsna is displeased.


when I say love old man, I am not saying about Prema or anything great.

heck, I even love the old man who bags groceries are the supermarket. I just love old men and old woman.

i love old folks.

like they say; "you are only old once but young twice". old people are like children and we all love children too.

that is why we love old people.


I guess it is fortunate if the old man that somebody loves happens to be a pure devotee of Krishna?


it's just sentimental affection for old people.

it's not love of God.



don't get all philosphical and turn this in to some sort of deep dissertation on Bhava and Prema.

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DEEP THOUGHTS BY BEGGER: I loved Roy Rogers and Dale Evans when they were in their later years. Some times I think would have been cool if Roy Rogers would have spelled his name Raya instead of Roy. Maybe Roy is the Bengali-ization of Raya? Maybe Dale Evans was really D.D. Evans and they didn't really kill cows on their ranch. After all anything is possible! I have to admit I also loved Captain Kangaroo especially in Bob Keeshan's later years, when he was all grey. Mr. Greenjeans played by Hugh "Lumpy" Brannum was got better and better as the years went by. Kind of like Walter Brennen and Gabby Hayes. As far as all the current elderley Gaudiya Vaisnavas, certainly the ones from India who have been sannyasis for many, many years; heck what could they possibly know? Dude its just me and the books. I love old people too.

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