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who can win in 08

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Haribol. I was going to respond to the liberal post and their trustworthiness, but l throw this out.


We dont need liberman or hillary, or any non-statesmen of either party. We do need a real unifier.


We need the more compassionate liberal platform.


We need a person for the people, not for the special interest corporations.


We need a person of impeccable character.


We need one who values family principles, not just spouts off about them.


We need one who can get votes from all points on the scale, from the fundamentalist christian to the secular humanist leftist.


Who fills the bill. Who cannot be defeated because of some horrible skeleton in the closet?


Who is a real Veteran who has compassion for the military folks on the deck plate level?


There is one person, who is above the frey, who is not power hungry, whose life is public service, whose very roots come from public service, electable, wonderful family presentation, whose wife would be the perfect first lady. (Scroll down)

















al gore





Go ahead, sling ya mud, but it dont stick. And itll take some convincing on our part to get him to try again, but without him, we just get corporate thugs who claim to be right or left, but are neither because they are purchased.



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Everyones got strings of skeletons in their closet Mahaksa

Unless they came from the other direction

Vaikuntha that is.

Unless you catch them before more rust sets in

condition souls bin trying one skeleton on after another

problem is they never fit comfortably

Aye we're all pirates of the ole 'death star' matey

We need a vaikuntha man or women or two

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I thought of running once, but what about my ol girlfriend that blew up the US Senate building? What about all them pics of me on stage at the rastafarian concerts with di bif spliff sticking out me mout, with my malcolm X hat on?


But we dont need perfection, just dedication and a knowledge about the american principle. We need a ksatriya, who are sometimes quite wild. We need a pilot for political life, not a guru for spiritual life, which we get elsewhere.



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I am pretty much convinced that the only thing that is going to clean this mess up is the Kalki-avatar and that is still a long ways off. Some leaders may end up being slightly better than others but mostly things will probably on balance continue to degrade more and more of course you never know with Krishna and anything is possible so don't give up hope.

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I thought of running once, but what about my ol girlfriend that blew up the US Senate building? What about all them pics of me on stage at the rastafarian concerts with di bif spliff sticking out me mout, with my malcolm X hat on?


But we dont need perfection, just dedication and a knowledge about the american principle. We need a ksatriya, who are sometimes quite wild. We need a pilot for political life, not a guru for spiritual life, which we get elsewhere.




Arnold Shwarzanegar was a move action hero maybe he can become a real life ksatriya who knows?

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I see no one on the horizen. I see bits and peices of a good leader in many If I could only pick a trait or position from each one I could make a good leader. But as that is impossible why think about it.


I know one thing in 08 the people will again get the president they deserve and that is a frightening thought.

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We'll be fighting in the streets

With our children at our feet

And the morals that they worship will be gone

And the men who spurred us on

Sit in judgement of all wrong

They decide and the shotgun sings the song


I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again


The change, it had to come

We knew it all along

We were liberated from the fold, that's all

And the world looks just the same

And history ain't changed

'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war


I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

No, no!


I'll move myself and my family aside

If we happen to be left half alive

I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky

For I know that the hypnotized never lie


Do ya?




There's nothing in the street

Looks any different to me

And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye

And the parting on the left

Is now the parting on the right

And the beards have all grown longer overnight


I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Don't get fooled again

No, no!




Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss

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but hes got major skeletons.


About arnie? He should be the impetus for the republicans to get off their fascist drive. Heres a man who got put there by a scam, but once he was in the seat, he actually is developing some statesmanship.


By statesmanship, im referring to the ability of HEARING the pleas of those who he represents. Maybe it is Maria's influence, from a family who is not free of scandal, however, never lost touch with the folks who make up this nation. Maybe its him, too, because he always plays to the fans. Whatever, it is refreshing to see a blend of conservatism with liberalism, which is what I like about Gore. This is what works best, and our examples are there in eisenhower and nixon, to a lesser degree. Nixon tried to play fascist, and had the folks in place, but his value was in the fact that he did what was necessary for PROGRESS. Funny, the Bush Regime is proud of overturning FDR's legacy, but they are really ruining Nixon's legacy, who established the environmental Protection Agency, got us out of Vietnam, and got us on the world stage.


It is funny how folks all have many sides, here Im saying something nice about nixon. I say nice things about Yasser, clinton, etc. I even had one (only one) nice thing to say about bush, early on.


Carter was the best we ever had, eisenhower was also very good for the country, and was a prophet to a large degree. And what did these two possess? EMPATHY for the american people. This is what we need to vote for, see under all the rhetoric and pledges to the HEART of the individual.


I never exhaled, thats my line for my skeletons.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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but hes got major skeletons.


About arnie? He should be the impetus for the republicans to get off their fascist drive. Heres a man who got put there by a scam, but once he was in the seat, he actually is developing some statesmanship.


By statesmanship, im referring to the ability of HEARING the pleas of those who he represents. Maybe it is Maria's influence, from a family who is not free of scandal, however, never lost touch with the folks who make up this nation. Maybe its him, too, because he always plays to the fans. Whatever, it is refreshing to see a blend of conservatism with liberalism, which is what I like about Gore. This is what works best, and our examples are there in eisenhower and nixon, to a lesser degree. Nixon tried to play fascist, and had the folks in place, but his value was in the fact that he did what was necessary for PROGRESS. Funny, the Bush Regime is proud of overturning FDR's legacy, but they are really ruining Nixon's legacy, who established the environmental Protection Agency, got us out of Vietnam, and got us on the world stage.


It is funny how folks all have many sides, here Im saying something nice about nixon. I say nice things about Yasser, clinton, etc. I even had one (only one) nice thing to say about bush, early on.


Carter was the best we ever had, eisenhower was also very good for the country, and was a prophet to a large degree. And what did these two possess? EMPATHY for the american people. This is what we need to vote for, see under all the rhetoric and pledges to the HEART of the individual.


I never exhaled, thats my line for my skeletons.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa



Closer To The Heart Lyrics


by Rush




And the men who hold high places

Must be the ones who start

To mold a new reality

Closer to the heart

Closer to the heart

The blacksmith and the artist

Reflect it in their art

They forge their creativity

Closer to the heart

Closer to the heart


Philosophers and ploughmen

Each must know his part

To sow a new mentality

Closer to the heart

Closer to the heart

You can be the captain

I will draw the chart

Sailing into destiny

Closer to the heart

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Believe it or not I don't personally hate Bill or Hillary Clinton. It just seems to me the press acted like their possible criminal activities were no big deal and liberals (especially feminist liberals) all over the place were willing to sacrifice their ideals just because they like the charisma of these two. The liberals lost a lot of credibility defending these two just as any Republicans who defend Bush are now losing credibility. That's my opinion anyway.

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especially after posting the geddy lee song, almost (but not quite) as good as the who. The music of rush is very fine, and quite canadian. Its the only group from the eighties that I still like, other than the ones that disbanded then (like the clash, police, midnight oil, et al).


Maybe its time to do another music group topic for such yakkin, if its not too much maya.




If one is bored, one might listen to "I know you're out there somewhere", by the moody blues.

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especially after posting the geddy lee song, almost (but not quite) as good as the who. The music of rush is very fine, and quite canadian. Its the only group from the eighties that I still like, other than the ones that disbanded then (like the clash, police, midnight oil, et al).


Maybe its time to do another music group topic for such yakkin, if its not too much maya.




If one is bored, one might listen to "I know you're out there somewhere", by the moody blues.



Yeah I really liked Midnight Oil and The Clash


It probably is maya but it seems like sometimes you can catch little glimpses of the greatness of Krishna even in mundane artistic genius. At least I like to think so anyway.

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Yeah I really liked Midnight Oil and The Clash


It probably is maya but it seems like sometimes you can catch little glimpses of the greatness of Krishna even in mundane artistic genius. At least I like to think so anyway.



Peter Garret the lead singer from the Oils is now quite a popular politician 'down under'. He decided to eventually try to make a difference after his conscience got the better of him. Any way even tho he's in there he's still finding it hard to shift many die hard attitudes, his main front is on the environment, and indiginous rights but progress is slow when you're in opposition. He's always been one of those outspoken intense characters.He's not afraid to tell it like it is. The younger gens love his clout, but the elders don't trust his rockstar credentials. I went to school with him way back before before.

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Whatever became of Mr. Garrett. He has been my hero concerning indigenous rights. You folks are lucky. Mr. Gore is also on the right track, his latest effort is quite profound. An alliance of real political leaders is the only hope for this planet.


The following is attributed to midnight oil.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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from "Kipu'ka" (Hole in di Fiyeh), mahaksadasa 1995


"Michael was not a racist, but he, like Anoina, was embarassed by the loss of a culture that he wanted to help preserve. So, in the middle of October of 1976, they boarded a plane for a trip to the Hanakapiae Coast. Kewela was also with child, her first, so, needless to say, her and Anoina became best of friends with similar interests. Anoina was to have her child the second week of January, and Kewela was just two weeks behind. Although Martin was not Hawaiian and had only been in the islands for a little more than a year, because he was the adopted brother of the Kahuna Kekela, Michael considered him Alii as well. According to legend, race did not determine whether one was eligible for refuge.


Michael's first speaking engagement in Kauai, at the Lihui Community Center, was on the evening of their arrival. Martin and Anoina played a specially selected Kekela song to begin the lecture. The song was not recorded nor performed by Holy Smoke, yet the song had special meaning to both families as it dealt with procreation. Kekela's lyrics were in Hawaiian, but the translation was prayerful and serious.



Shine, Oh Sun, on the vital force within Mother

The caretaker and educator of the culture.

You showed our ancestors to this Holy Land,

And Honor is due You by carrying Your dynasty.



Michael then spoke to the thirty attendees of the event on the subject of racism. "Perhaps you noticed my haole friend playing the music as his wife sung the Kahuna's Prayers to the Sun. This is not a contradiction of the philosophy nor is it a reason for concern to those fighting for indigenous peoples' rights. The ancient petroglyphs prophesize a time when the people of the entire world live as one. Our concerns are not for just those who have taken their birth in indigenous families, the Navajo, the Maori, the Alii or the Lakota. The reason we fight is for the glory of God, who created the European and the Japanese as well. We fight their actions, not their bodily status. As we speak, the pahala, the mystic reed that built our huts when we reached these uninhabited shores, is being destroyed in favor of concrete retirement condominiums. Those represented by the political appointee who heads the commission established to guarantee autonomy are, by design, addicted to the bribery of those who would betray us. While we smile and hula, their cameras clicking, we kill ourselves with Pepsi and Spam, rejecting the coconut and breadfruit our forefathers brought to this land on their outriggers.


We do not declare war on them, as the last queen, Liliuokalani, knew the meaning of the petroglyphs, and welcomed the idea of all races living united. But when they bomb the ancestrial heiau of the Queen, as they continue to do on Kahoolawe, we must not tolerate. I promise, in front of the Hololulu Advertiser reporters in this room, that I will soon visit the Queen's heiau."


Giving three lectures during their two week camping vacation on Kauai, Michael spoke of how the Hawaiian Kahunas, when approached by so-called European "holy men", the missionairies, would give them, for free, a valley for their purposes "from ridge to ridge, from mauka (mountaintop) to makai (ocean shore)", not expecting the immediate fence to be erected for the exclusion of the Hawaiian. He spoke of Captain Cook's crew, who were welcomed as golden gods, who destroyed one half the nation's population in seven months from discovery to his death at the battle of Kealakukua Bay. The embrace of Mother Hawaii was treated like the embrace of a whore, abused and molested by the one-two punch of the missionary land barons and the whalers. His last lecture was a round table discussion, with Anoina's description of her lyrics about education. The point she made was to resist the formal system's attempt to drive ridgin English out of the youth early, denying yet another cultural asset of indigeneous people the world over. She read her poem to the delight of all, as the humor and satire underscored a main problem, denial of human rights.



I no go yer skool

You may li dat I fool

You no know di rule

You Hate me race, you break me face

So I no go yer skool



Michael ended the discussion lashing out against those who profess superiority due to their race, reminding them that their ancestors, too, sought refuge on the islands they settled. He stated that all battles should be waged in peace and directed to all who did not know the meaning of "Aloha". He then translated aloha as a spiritual recognition between all peoples, respecting dignity, humanity, and connection with Divinity."


(Author's note: The fictional Michael is created herein as a tribute to the very real and very dead George Helm, hawaiian rights activist.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

i am surprised that arnold turned out as he did. i figure some of it is maria's doing, but arnold is no dummy either.

hmmm, i always liked jerry brown. had a good jesuit education. but he can't win, wanting rich folks to pay same tax rate as working stiffs.

i liked carter when he was running, but he said he would legalize ganja, instead we now have thousands of people in slave labor fac...er...excuse me, the correctional system, for just possesing it. some of these folks were using it for medicinal purposes.

and where was gore when clinton let the chinese have U.S. computer technology? anyway, whoever wins, still have to deal with disease, old age and death, maybe just at an increased rate ha ha. kbd

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i am surprised that arnold turned out as he did. i figure some of it is maria's doing, but arnold is no dummy either.

hmmm, i always liked jerry brown. had a good jesuit education. but he can't win, wanting rich folks to pay same tax rate as working stiffs.

i liked carter when he was running, but he said he would legalize ganja, instead we now have thousands of people in slave labor fac...er...excuse me, the correctional system, for just possesing it. some of these folks were using it for medicinal purposes.

and where was gore when clinton let the chinese have U.S. computer technology? anyway, whoever wins, still have to deal with disease, old age and death, maybe just at an increased rate ha ha. kbd



Well said kbdas. :)

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