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Yet another request for translation, list

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I would love to have these words translated into Sanskrit.


I tried the Monier Williams dictionary but had limited success.

I would love to have these words translated and I included some potential translations for verification. I posted a more detailed message in the survey request thread. Thank you all!

Robert Lindeman, Phoenix Arizona USA




Love ? haryata


Peace ? bhayam


Beauty ? Rupa


Prosperity ? Radha


Courage ? Dhairya





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First of all, let me thank you for anwering the survey questions.

In the current post, I am giving translations in Roman script itself. Later, I will provide in Devanagari script (the script that is used when writing in Sanskrit):-


Inspiration: - Prerana


Love: - You have written haryata. But love in Sanskrit is Prema. Haryata is from root word harya, which means movement.


Peace: - You have written bhayam. But that means fear. Peace in Sanskrit is Shaanti.


Beauty: - Saundarya. You wrote rupa. Rupa means looks. It can be beautiful or ugly.


Prosperity: - Aishwarya. I can understand why you wrote Radha. Radha is Goddess. In the scriptures of Hinduism, She is often mentioned as the giver of prosperity. But still it will be wrong to say that proeperity in Sanskrit is Radha. As an analogy, there are many christians whose native language is English and they consider Jesus as God. It does not mean that God in English is Jesus.


Courage: - You are right. Dhairya means courage. But dhairya means patience also. In fact, it is more commonly used for patience than for courage. A more precise word would be saahas.


Integrity: - The word integrity is used to mean many things. Some meanings are dedication, ethics, sincerity, honesty, wholeness etc. Let me know what meaning you are talking about. Then I can provide the translation.


Harmony: - saamanvaya

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First of all thank you very much for your reply. Integrity in the sense that I will use it means: Whole and complete with nothing lacking. When something has integrity there is nothing missing. What about Harmony? I see there was a second opinion there. Once again thank you very much for your assistance I can now move forward with my project and am very excited to do so.


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samanvaya means succession or applicability not harmony.

samarasataa is the appropriate word.


By the Webmaster of:



You have written that samanvaya does not mean harmony. But I disagree. Let us break the word 'samanvaya' i.e. do sandhi vichchhed. Based on that, please explain why you think samanvaya does not mean harmony.

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You have written that samanvaya does not mean harmony. But I disagree. Let us break the word 'samanvaya' i.e. do sandhi vichchhed. Based on that, please explain why you think samanvaya does not mean harmony.

The root verb here is which belongs to 2nd conjugation parasmaipada. The meaning is to go. When prefix anu is added to a verb, it changes the meaning of the word to do it after. In this case to go after i.e. follow. Additionally, when the prefix sam is added, it chages the meaning of the verb to do that act properly. In this case, to follow somebody properly or succeed like succeesion of the prince to the throne after the king. so all taken together the meaning of samanvaya is to succeed or obey or apply.

Please also note many sanskrit words which are in use in many indian languages today have not retained their original meaning. e.g. dharma in any indian language means religion. But in Sanskrit, it is used to mean duty not religion.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

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drkpp and Avinash,


Both of you seem to be well-read and intelligent. Can you please suggest how one goes about learning sanskrit? Some easy to use tool, books, whatever. I've been searching forever. I can't attend classes because I don't have the time. thats why i want to learn this way. Some advice would be appreciated.

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do you think Aanandah is the best word for Joy?

and how about Zudhaata for Integrity?


Thank you very much once again.




Aanandah means happiness or better still, bliss. If this is what you mean by joy, then go for Aanandah.


Zudhaata? You mean that word pronounced as shuddhataa? That means purity. If you are looking for a word, which means "whole and complete and nothing lacking" as you mentioned in a previous post, then use Sanskrit word "Sampurntaa". It is abstract noun. The corresponding adjective is "Sampurn" or simply "purn". But integrity may mean other things as well. If you have some other meaning in mind, then let me know.


To drkpp, one sense in which people use harmony is in the sense of equal distribution of something. For example, if musical instruments make similar sounds, then we call that as harmony. If something is distributed equally among a group of people, that also is harmony.


But there is another meaning. When we say some people are living in harmony, it means that they are living in peace with love and respect for one another. This is the most commonly used meaning. I think rjlinde is using 'harmony' in this sense. While giving Sanskrit for harmony, we should keep this thing in mind.

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