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Does killing small insects like mosquitoes causes sin in Kali Yuga?

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Hare Krishna,



Nowadays we are harmed by small insects like mosquitoes, cockroach,etc. Mosquitoes take our blood and cockroach destroy foods and other things. Small animals like rat also harm us. But do, killing this harmful insects and animals, causes sin. I am confused:confused: they causes harm to us and we cannot help us killing them. So do this causes sin in this Yoga by killing them?:confused:


If anyone have the answer please help......


And do any sriptures say anything about it?



Hare Krishna:pray:

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Hare Krsna,

In this material world there is a karmic reaction for every action we perform. In a conversation Srila Prabhupada discusses this topic here is his answer:


And again, when you cleanse this, you kill them -- you become implicated. You have killed. You have to suffer. They are disturbing; still, you cannot kill them. This is your position. But people are with Flit (a bug killer) killing thousands of mosquitoes and flies, becoming implicated.


Tamala Krsna: We shouldn't kill them. What about if they're biting you, right in the process of biting you?


Prabhupada: Hm?


Tamala Krsna: Supposing a mosquito is biting you and sucking the blood.


Prabhupada: Yes, when they bite, you can kill, according to laws of nature. But on the whole, you cannot kill.


Tamala Krsna: You cannot invent means...


Prabhupada: Therefore mosquito curtain.


Tamala Krsna: Prevention.


Prabhupada: Prevention is better than cure. They are meant for that purpose. God has made. So instead of killing them, you protect your... But if you are in the service of the Lord, you are not responsible.


Srila Prabhupada always emphasized respect for all living entities even the seemingly insignificant ones. WE are all part and parcel with Krsna.

In a SB 6.1.7 lecture Srila Prabhupada states:


So we are responsible. Even if we kill one mosquito, we are responsible. It is not man-made law, that "If you kill a human being, then you are punished, and if you kill another animal, you are not punished." This is man-made law, according to our convenience. "We have to eat the animal; therefore there is no punishment for animal killing." But God is for everyone the same. Every living entity is part and parcel of God. So they have been given an opportunity to undergo the punishment or enjoyment. You cannot disturb him. You cannot disturb him. Just like you are living in an apartment according to your position, but if I forcibly I ask you, "Go out of this apartment," then I will be punishable by the law. I have no right to get you out from that apartment. Similarly, every living entity by the laws of nature, all laws of nature, is imprisoned or allowed under certain apartment, either in the body of a tree or a human being or demigod or cat or dog. These are all ordained. So you cannot get out the living entity, soul, by force from that body. Then you will be punishable. The living entity is never killed, but you have no right to get him out from that body. That is sinful. If you argue that "What is the harm if I kill one animal, because it is said, na hanyate hanyamane sarire: [bg. 2.20] 'The living entity, soul, is never killed even after the annihilation of this body'?" that is all right. But you cannot force him. Just like if you get one person, by force, get out from his apartment -- he is not dying, of course, but still, it is criminal because you are forcing to go out of the apartment. So that is the law of nature. You cannot force anyone to get out of the body. Then you are punishable.


So my understanding is that if the insect or snake or what not is in the process of hurting you, according to the laws of nature you are allowed to protect yourself, but it is not reccomended to just kill out right. Prevention is best anyway, right?


Hope this answers your questions.:)

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But think of a house full of rats, cockroach, small insects and other harmful animals. These animals are destroying food, papers, clothes and other things. How can a person live there?:confused: How can we prevent us from that situation? We cannot kill them and now we cannot beat them and we cannot leave that house.


Please expain about the situation and say how can we prevent us from that situation?

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Hare Krsna,

I'm not sure. I guess you must do the needful to make the home livable if it is infested.


The best way to prevent these creatures from coming into the home is by practicing strict cleanliness. Keeping the floors washed and clean and not leaving any foodstuffs out in the open to tempt them. There are certain things available that repel rather than kill. For example, cedar wood protects clothing from moths and some other bugs.


I know there are many things available on the market today to aid in this sort of thing. Just do some research. I'm sure there are ways to be rid of the creatures without killing them. If not, then I guess the choice is to accept the reaction for killing them if you must do so.


Check out this website. ecomall. It has links to many "eco-friendly" websites for just about everything from pest control, clothing, home furishing and care, etc.



Hope this helps some:)

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Fine, you say me to clean the room. Then the house will be rid of it. But think that they are not killed and so they will increase in great number in the following days. And they can go to other houses and disturb or can come back again to the clean house:rolleyes: And eventually we may see groups of rats on roads too...........then what will we do other that killing them!!!:smash:


You are talking about medicine.....I have searched for it and have found many and most of them are for killing those such as medicine for killing cockroach.


Last of all, think the situation when these animals will not be killed and they will increase in great numbers, then what will happen?:rolleyes:

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Hare krsna


Killing any living organism is always sin but it is true that sometimes we are forced to kill them Such as insects when we are harmed greatly..


Of course all scriptures will forbid us to kill organism. It is true that we suffer according to our karmas; and the pain we get from other organisms

is one of the three bighnas. Any way it is unbearable sometimes


So we start killing organisms those harm us... As shuvo told that there is many drugs to remove insects..which are used...and also why should we allow them to breed in great numbers....Any way I think killing those small organisms causes little sin and they can easily be removed by virtuous act


Moreover every day we kill so many micro organism bacteria for example with out knowing and even those causes sin.. these bacteria and viruses are mostly harmful and we donot say that we should keep them alive otherwise they may put threat to our lives.....

Any way if you destroy these little insects for your survival in extreme cases will cause little sin ..and i hope krsna will pardon you when you make prayers to him also can make prascitya by any virtuous act...


hare krsna

all glories to lord krsna.

chant and be happy..

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Guest guest

Nobody can kill none except will of God. Can you kill a soul? So who kills whom? If the God within asks you to kill something harmful then kill it. Ask Hari always before killing?

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Guest guest


Fine, you say me to clean the room. Then the house will be rid of it. But think that they are not killed and so they will increase in great number in the following days. And they can go to other houses and disturb or can come back again to the clean house:rolleyes: And eventually we may see groups of rats on roads too...........then what will we do other that killing them!!!:smash:


You are talking about medicine.....I have searched for it and have found many and most of them are for killing those such as medicine for killing cockroach.


Last of all, think the situation when these animals will not be killed and they will increase in great numbers, then what will happen?:rolleyes:




It is not sinning if you kill bugs out of duty. The house must be kept clean. I can only surmise that A.C. Swami preached this according to time, place, & circumstance. If anything, the bugs will go on to a higher life form.



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If the house is clean, you won't have problems with cockroaches and other bugs, rats etc.


We used to have a rat problem at our ashram, because leftover prasadam was put into a compost bin outside, and then eventually when we got rid of the compost bin, the rats had nothing to eat and would come into the ashram because of the smell. However, since the ashram was clean, the rats could find nothing to eat and never came back.


You can also get repellents that put out a smell that makes these sorts of bugs leave.

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  • 3 weeks later...


If the house is clean, you won't have problems with cockroaches and other bugs, rats etc.


We used to have a rat problem at our ashram, because leftover prasadam was put into a compost bin outside, and then eventually when we got rid of the compost bin, the rats had nothing to eat and would come into the ashram because of the smell. However, since the ashram was clean, the rats could find nothing to eat and never came back.


You can also get repellents that put out a smell that makes these sorts of bugs leave.



Hare Krishna,

But you see, when we start to clean, like cleaning one part of the house, then the cockroaches will start going to another part of the room if we don't kill them. And some may go to other houses disturbing them......So, should we let the cockroaches to disturb others? And if you clean your house, fine they have to stay somewhere....where will they stay? ----in roads,,,,---===a road full of rats and cockroaches. Will it be good then?

Think of a situation like that, and give me your suggesions.




Hare Krishna:pray:

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IMO, Just get them out of the house! Especially if you have deities in the house. Personally when it comes to cockroaches, I capture them, shout Hare Krishna and throw them outside.


I wouldn't be concerned about what they do out there, and if they disturb others, but don't take it on yourself to kill them if you can avoid it.


Of course if the house is infested, then you may have to take matters into your own hands, but otherwise do what you can to prevent the presence of bugs.

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IMO, Just get them out of the house! Especially if you have deities in the house. Personally when it comes to cockroaches, I capture them, shout Hare Krishna and throw them outside.


I wouldn't be concerned about what they do out there, and if they disturb others, but don't take it on yourself to kill them if you can avoid it.


Of course if the house is infested, then you may have to take matters into your own hands, but otherwise do what you can to prevent the presence of bugs.



Hare Krishna,

There are lot of cockroaches in my house which are destroying foods, books, papers. I cannot stop them doing this. I got medicine for killing them but not for stopping them for increasing. You say me to catch them..."how do I catch them"...They run so fast---and specially I am afraid of them. Now, I am confused of what do with them, They disturbs a lot.:smash:




Hare Krishna:pray:

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Sounds like the whole place is infested. If they are eating your books, this is the worst.


Personally i'd get in contact with an authority, explain the situation and ask what to do, perhaps suggesting to get an exterminator to come.

Otherwise, move house.

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Sounds like the whole place is infested. If they are eating your books, this is the worst.


Personally i'd get in contact with an authority, explain the situation and ask what to do, perhaps suggesting to get an exterminator to come.

Otherwise, move house.



Hare Krishna,



Yes, I have to do something...as they are disturbing a lot. And thank-you for your reply.:)



Hare Krishna.........:pray:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


when i was 10 i was playing around with my dog and she was realy old and was gonnah die anyday soon

and i was getting a little whilde

and i was swinging the bat and i got her in her head


she dident die

she was in pain

and in a cople of days she died

is that a sin?


cause im like crying

because i love god and i wanna live with him not suffer

and im sorry ofr doing that

i just wanna live in peace

i wasnt thinking

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  • 2 months later...

Hare Krsna,


Interesting thoughts...


But we must not forget that we (humans) are taking over land once occupied by insects/animals to build unnecessary lavish homes/golf courses etc.. They have every right to be on this land..

The Human race just goes on destroying without any thought/respect for other living beings on this planet...


Hare Krsna

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I won't kill even a tiny bug unnecessarily...pick them up, carry them outside.


But, for aggressive and unsanitary insects, it's us or them... roaches and are carriers of disease and in certain climates are impossible to control with any measures short of exterminating them. Same with mosquitoes and houseflies...disease carriers. Wasps and fire ants...painful stings can and do cause allergic reactions and death.


I put my own and my family's health above the lives of bugs...it's common sense.

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I won't kill even a tiny bug unnecessarily...pick them up, carry them outside.


But, for aggressive and unsanitary insects, it's us or them... roaches and are carriers of disease and in certain climates are impossible to control with any measures short of exterminating them. Same with mosquitoes and houseflies...disease carriers. Wasps and fire ants...painful stings can and do cause allergic reactions and death.


I put my own and my family's health above the lives of bugs...it's common sense.


How do you know that ants or small insects are not killed when you walk? Do you look everywhere and watch your every steps that any body is not getting killed whatever small it could be? It is impossible such a life when you are not sitting and only meditating in a seclude location like yogis allowed ant hills on their body. That is not possible in this Kali yuga.


In this Kali yuga everybody is sudra, one is better sudra and other is not so good. But all are sudras and only working hard like sudra to maintain body.

So only chant and be happy. Follow those 4 Pillars led down by Prabhupada which is 4 legs of the holly cow and body is only chanting of Hare Krsna.


That is the 5 aspect of Hare Krsna movement only chanting. That will be the celestial cow and fetch milk to you in heaven with association of Krsna.


So follow those 5 primary principles, No Intoxication, No Meat eating, No Illicit Sex , No gambling and constantly chanting Hare Krsna.

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How do you know that ants or small insects are not killed when you walk? Do you look everywhere and watch your every steps that any body is not getting killed whatever small it could be? It is impossible such a life when you are not sitting and only meditating in a seclude location like yogis allowed ant hills on their body. That is not possible in this Kali yuga.


I'm careful where I step, yes. As far as microorganisms, that can't be helped.



In this Kali yuga everybody is sudra, one is better sudra and other is not so good. But all are sudras and only working hard like sudra to maintain body.

So only chant and be happy. Follow those 4 Pillars led down by Prabhupada which is 4 legs of the holly cow and body is only chanting of Hare Krsna.


That is the 5 aspect of Hare Krsna movement only chanting. That will be the celestial cow and fetch milk to you in heaven with association of Krsna.


So follow those 5 primary principles, No Intoxication, No Meat eating, No Illicit Sex , No gambling and constantly chanting Hare Krsna.


I'm familiar with all of this philosophy...What's your point?

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I'm careful where I step, yes. As far as microorganisms, that can't be helped.

I'm familiar with all of this philosophy...What's your point?


My point is that there is still something you can not help. But Prabhupada can help you to get milk in Heaven if you sincerely follow instructions given by Prabhupada about celestial cow and adhere preaching what Prabhupada preached whom ever you see, whom ever you meet.

Is it clear to you?

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My point is that there is still something you can not help. But Prabhupada can help you to get milk in Heaven if you sincerely follow instructions given by Prabhupada about celestial cow and adhere preaching what Prabhupada preached whom ever you see, whom ever you meet.

Is it clear to you?


You're saying that in material life there are certain circumstances we cannot change, but if Srila Prabhupada's instructions are sincerely followed, our spiritual life will develop....correct?


If so, that's very clear.


We have to live our lives practically and spiritually.

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You're saying that in material life there are certain circumstances we cannot change, but if Srila Prabhupada's instructions are sincerely followed, our spiritual life will develop....correct?


If so, that's very clear.


We have to live our lives practically and spiritually.


Again this word practically means some what material in nature. Can you define what is practically.


"We have to live our lives spiritually" following the instructions given by Prabhupada is what I mean.


If you want to drink milk you have to love your cow and serve that cow always. If cow dies there is no milk and there is no sound of flute of the cowherd boy Krsna. Then how can you play with Krsna? So protecting your cow is the first practical and spiritual duty to you. You are living your material life which is temporary and any time can happen anything to you. So what practically you can do for it?


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