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Found 8 results

  1. Dear Sirjee, Pl. let me know the effect for above conjuction in 11th house. Name: Rakesh Place: Baghpat, (Uttar Pradesh) DOB: 3rd September 1976 TOB: 12:10 PM Pl. also tell me about my Mars Mahadasha. I will be very greatly thankful to all of you.
  2. These are the birth details of a friend of mine. He was in a relationship with a girl for some time and they broke up. Now he is been pressured by his parents to marry another girl. He very depressed. Can someone please look at these details and say if he's having Rahu mahadasha or any other problems with his horoscope? birth date 16 th February 1981 at 4.46 am in Colombo Sri Lanka
  3. i have joined my fathers medicines manufacturing business in 2008 and till now i am not able to make an significant improvement in that and also after my coming the business have not improved so plz can anyone tell me what are the prospects of having a good business in future and when i will be able to make good money from this and also any remedy i can so to make the business going good. My DOB: 10th October 1986 TOB: 20:32 hrs/8:32 pm POB: jalandhar, Punjab, India Thanks. Sazzy
  4. Hello friends, I'm new to this forum and found very interesting articles over site tour. I'm an Hindu Indian currently living in Cebu Philippines, my wife is christian and we are expecting her to give birth to my baby in few months. The issue is, there is no Indian temple in this province though i found something those are related to Sikh/Punjabi temple & satsang ghar, so in this situation how would i decide the name for my baby or in other word the process of NAMKARAN and also would like to pray for my baby by taking my baby to Hindu temple so baby would be blessed by god. Can anybody give guidance on how to decide for baby's name and the prayer i have to make so my baby will be blessed. One more alternative my wife gave me is to have baby baptize but i think it will change the religion of baby and also it would mention Roman Catholic in birth certificate which i don't want. I know i'm not a priest but if there is no other option then i have make research or study the horoscope and ensure the first letter for my baby's name. Please give me your suggestion & ideas on this matter, Your assistance will be highly appreciated. Thanks in Advance
  5. Hi. Can you tell me if it's ok for me to wear emerald, pearl and sapphire (all together) as a necklace? I've been told that emerald brings wisdom, sapphire brings inner peace and pearl is for good luck. Is this true? My DOB: nov 25th 1995 Time: 10am Place: Hanoi, Vietnam Which stones are most compatible with me? Please help! TIA!
  6. 29,467 downloads

    The book titled "How to Judge a Horoscope by B.V. Raman: Volume 2" in English in PDF format.
  7. 39,199 downloads

    The book titled "How to Judge a Horoscope by B.V. Raman: Volume 1" in English in PDF format.
  8. Dear learned astrologers, I am Swati born on 18th April 1982 at Calcutta on 00:15am (midnight). My nakshatra is Sravana. I came to know that I am right now undergoing Ashtama Sani. Please let me know when I will get a good job and when will I conceive. Thanks a lot. Swati
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